Urban Sims

Chapter 71 - discovery

From the beautiful and noble bird with a clear, high-pitched sound, like the legendary “Phoenix” bird.

Zhou Ming knew immediately that this is a brand-new land that no one has ever stepped on, living with him in the past, with a completely different new continent!

The soaring Ural Snow Mountain has isolated a complete continent geographically. Even if the two continents are tightly glued together, the two continents have their own independent ecological environments and have experienced hundreds of millions of species. Evolution, the difference and change produced are even greater than the difference between Asia and America floating on two spheres on the earth, separated by vast oceans.

In the western continent, because the crustal plates are relatively strong and the overall structure is relatively stable, there are many flat landforms such as plains, grasslands, forests and swamps. In addition, the Ural Snow Mountain has blocked the invasion of the eastern monsoon to a certain extent. The overall climate is relatively comfortable and mild. There are not many types of large animals and plants, and the most common ones are about thousands.

In the eastern continent, the crustal plate structure is fragile, and many ground surfaces are fragmented. In addition to some flat terrain on the western continent, there are countless volcanoes, mountains, hills, deserts, basins and other complex landforms on this continent. Many areas, even A complex of multiple landforms.

There are also karst landforms formed by the dissolution of underground dissolution water on limestone, which is also very common in this continent.

Therefore, on this continent with countless kinds of topography and landforms, the types of animals and plants that grow actively can hardly be counted.

Zhou Ming, who wanted to find several resources that he wanted, soon gained a great deal.

Going down the mountain from that pass, I only walked east for less than a hundred kilometers. On the side of an underground magma river flowing with flaming lava, Zhou Ming found the sulfur he dreamed of finding-a quantity that was sufficient for decades. as long as.

Walked down the plateau with higher altitude, and then went eastward into the grassland and forest zone at low and middle altitude. A large number of new discoveries every day made Zhou Ming happy.

Countless towering thick trees, some can be used as spices, some can be made of high-end furniture, some have medicinal value, some fruit on the tree, delicious and nutritious, can be eaten directly.

Countless large and small animals, some can provide meat, some can provide fur, some can be domesticated and raised, and act as livestock mounts.

Countless mineral resources on the surface, some of the exposed surface is very easy to mine, some are of high grade and do not need to be selected, and some are extremely beautiful, which can be called rare treasures.

But these trees, animals, and mineral resources did not stop Zhou Ming from stopping, even for a short stay of one to two days. He even let the expedition members throw away the pieces they found on the road. Huge dog head gold and a few glamorous gems-these things are too bulky, and will affect the speed of the subsequent expeditions.

Entered a low-altitude plain and meandered down a long river, and the people traveled thousands of kilometers to the east, and found countless more valuable animal and plant resources and mineral resources.

Some of these resources, although not required, have potential value that cannot be underestimated.

If there is a kind of watermelon-like fruit that grows on vines, the giant watermelon grows like the space watermelon on the earth. Each one weighs hundreds of pounds and kills one, enough for dozens of people to eat.

If there is a bunch of grape fruit growing on the tree, it is hanging on the tree in bunches, similar to the grapes on the earth, but it is bigger and sweeter. One grape vine can bear hundreds of bunches.

If there is a plant similar to sugarcane, the diameter is thicker than that of an adult arm, and it is seven or eight meters tall. It is harder to chew, but the juice inside is unprecedentedly sweet.

There are also some wild rice-like crops and bamboo-like plants that are of great help to the agriculture and construction furniture industry. Once introduced into the western continent, it will inevitably bring huge changes to people’s diet structure and living environment.

In the end, Zhou Ming still got a small amount of seeds of giant watermelon, vine and wild rice and put it in his backpack. As for the hard-to-carry plants such as sugar cane and bamboo, he temporarily gave up.

In addition to plants, Zhou Ming also found a lot of valuable livestock resources, such as a huge bison, which is very scary, larger than a car, but has a very gentle personality, and does not actively attack non-threatening creatures. I knew that I would bury my head and eat all kinds of grass. Obviously, it is a good object for domestication into domestic cattle.

There are also fast-moving electric traps. The wild horses that run faster in the forest than leopards, and the smaller but very smart wild donkeys, wild deer, wild sheep, wild boars, wild dogs and other animals all have good potential for tame and captivity.

Of course, there are also some large carnivorous animals with strong aggressiveness, such as tigers with fangs in their mouths, ferocious lions with a length of three meters, crocodiles in the water and some giant pythons, etc., for the expedition team members , Always brings a greater life threat.

However, because everyone carried a sharp and not easy to rust alloy sword, these aggressive carnivorous beasts could not get benefits in front of them. The only time they were more dangerous was the siege of hundreds of wolves. It was only a few players who suffered a skin trauma.

Most of the expedition team ’s downsizing was inadvertently bitten by various insecure poisonous snakes, centipedes, ants, spiders and other poisonous insects. After poisoning the two players, Zhou Ming asked everyone to wear a suit The protective clothing with extremely fine mesh can only be opened in the place where no poisonous insects gather.

After walking along the river to the east for more than three months, after walking to a swamp filled with seemingly black stumps, in fact it was the edge of a swamp where countless crocodiles were active. March towards the south of this continent.

Walked south for more than a thousand kilometers. A pyramid-shaped building with a height of 100 meters and a unique shape, obviously belonging to intelligent civilization, was presented in front of Zhou Ming and others.

There is someone on this new continent!

A group of indigenous people with yellow skin, dark eyes, brown hair, flat face, and high nose bridge.

These indigenous people have a naked upper body, a few circles of white cloth wrapped around their lower bodies, oil paint on their faces, a bird feather hat crown on their heads, mostly wooden spears and stone weapons, and some indigenous hands. Holding a bow and arrow with rough craftsmanship, or a bamboo tube to blow arrows, and using poisoned arrows and poison needles, the lethality of the personnel’s prey should not be underestimated.

Looking at these Mucha villages and domed grass houses inhabited by these indigenous people, Zhou Ming estimated that the level of civilization development of these indigenous people should be at the end of the Stone Age, but has not yet entered the Bronze Age.

However, there was a discovery that made Zhou Ming feel a little strange at first. In this indigenous village, except for some indigenous women who care for livestock, they are busy with their work. Other male indigenous people seem to be doing nothing, or they lie there and comfortably bask in the sun. Or, playing a wooden target game with a blown arrow, carrying tools and weapons, going hunting outside or working in the field very rarely.

Lunch time was up. When Zhou Ming saw the “lunch” that the indigenous people had at noon, they almost jumped up excitedly.

Corn is very thick and long, as long as it can eat enough corn.

There are also sweet potatoes, which are rich in sugar and starch. They are huge and weigh a dozen pounds. At least three or four indigenous people need to eat one to finish.

There is also a breadfruit that looks like bread. It is about the size of a hamburger. How it tastes is Zhou Ming. I do n’t know how it tastes. If you look at the abominable taste of the indigenous people, the taste will not be worse.

In order to observe what the father plants of these three foods looked like, Zhou Ming took a few people and quietly followed behind an indigenous woman who was picking fruits, and took a look at their food gathering place.


Yellow plants with stalks more than three meters tall have grown six gigantic corns.

From the barren slopes, the sweet potatoes dug out are each the size of a football.

There are also breadfruit trees that are more than ten meters high with a crown like a canopy. At least tens of thousands of breadfruits are borne on the prosperous branches.

With a second glance, Zhou Ming accidentally swept to the side of the piece of bread forest, the isolated one was more than six meters high, and the branches grew out of a bloated “white cloud” plant, Zhou Ming couldn’t help but say: “God , UU reading www.uukanshu.com, would n’t you just hang out for these indigenous people? “

It turned out that this tree with blossoming “white clouds” was a “cotton tree” that magnified more than ten times the plant that could grow cotton in the image of Zhou Ming.

Each cotton tree has pure white “cotton” as large as cotton candy. There are hundreds of flowers on a tree, enough to weave several clothes.

Corn, sweet potato, breadfruit tree, cotton tree, Zhou Ming found four crops with great strategic value at one time, and envy and envy for these indigenous people, these indigenous people must be illegitimate children left by God, otherwise how could it be so lucky , Enjoy the VIP treatment that he can’t compare with even open the plug-in.

Collecting the seeds of these four plants secretly at night, Zhou Ming took the expedition and continued to walk south for more than a thousand kilometers, and actually walked into an indigenous empire. This indigenous empire is fighting against the giant savages in the west. These The giant savages are all like Tarzan, the adult body is more than three meters, the skin is thick and thick, the strength is amazing, and the population seems to be quite large.

As a result, in a battle between 5,000 indigenous people and 300 giant savages, the thin indigenous people won the victory. The giant savages tribe suffered heavy losses and fled in embarrassment.

It turned out that the key for the indigenous people to win the war was because they tamed a giant mount named “Kodo Beast” by Zhou Ming. “Kodo Beast” is a herbivorous animal shaped like a large rhinoceros. More than 10 meters long and weighing more than five tons, the back spine is like a broad sword. The spine on both sides can support a large amount of cargo. Because the limbs are short, the Kodo can transport many things, but it can’t go too fast … … but if it is used for a charge, the sharp sharp corner of the Kodo beast’s head will be a sharp weapon for the charge.

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