Urban Sims

Chapter 74 - Go out

The next two years.

Zhou Ming entered a busy state.

On the one hand, for the watermelon, grapes, rice, corn, breadfruit, cotton, rubber and other nearly 100 plant seeds that he brought from the New World, he personally led people to open up a test field. After the spring, the seeds of these plants Part of it is planted in the ground.

On the other hand, on the basis of the original weapons and iron-making workshops in the Grand Collegiate Workshop, Zhou Ming increased resources and scientific research, and made great progress in about half a year.

Like the Iron and Steel Workshop, Zhou Ming designed a new steel-making blast furnace with a height of 5 meters, a chamber of more than 10 cubic meters, a safe, efficient, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, based on the engineering drawings of the [junior steel plant] in his mind The furnace produces 50 tons of steel at a speed to produce low-carbon steel with high strength and good toughness. Such a blast furnace has a steel output of almost one year, which is almost the same as that of the entire Iron Fort Kingdom.

Such as various weapon workshops, Zhou Ming built a new water-rich place in the upper reaches of the river melted from the snowy mountains of the Grand Collar with the efforts of high-quality steel and excellent craftsmen based on the engineering drawings of the [junior industrial machine tools] Several weapon workshops, these weapon workshops, use various types of industrial machines driven by hydraulic power, such as punches, drilling machines, cutting machines, boring machines, etc.-relying on these high-precision, uniform force, smooth control of machine tools, various types of production Sword armor, the output has been greatly improved, not to mention the quality has also been improved in several levels.

There are also [Steam Engine] and [FireWire Gun].

The principle of these two things is not complicated. Zhou Ming developed it with artisans several years ago, but the poor air tightness and lubricity have kept the efficiency of the steam engine low, making it difficult to promote its practical use. As for the matchlock gun, Zhou Ming, who is seriously deficient in gunpowder (he saves two or three tons a year), only allowed the craftsman to build more than ten shots and put them there. Occasionally, he took them out when he went hunting.

But this time, after returning from the new continent, Zhou Ming, with full confidence, decided to increase his investment and strive to produce hundreds of steam engines and tens of thousands of matchlock guns within three to five years. Initially entered the era of steam roar and line up shot.

Industry and agriculture, Zhou Ming is hurrying to implement his various plans, but it is not the focus of all his work.

In the past two years, Zhou Ming’s most of his work focused on one thing.

Train your troops and prepare for war!

The Iron Fort Kingdom has been fighting for the civil war for more than a year. It has occupied the eastern part of the Iron Fort Kingdom, with the support of Prince Lawrence, supported by 20 counts, and the uncle, Duke Milton, occupying the west with 16 counts. There are tens of thousands of casualties.

In this civil war, Prince Lawrence in the east is undoubtedly dominant. His succession to the throne is unquestionable, and he supports the 20 counts of the Earl. He has mastered most of the iron ore resources of the Iron Fort Kingdom, and his population is almost The Duke of Milton in the west was twice as much as his supporters, with more money, more people, and more soldiers, and there was no reason not to beat the group of “poor guys.”

Yes, similar to the “North-South Battle” of the Kingdom of Warris, the upper level of the Iron Fort Kingdom is divided into two factions according to the distribution of iron ore resources in the east and west: the west “poor guy” in the eyes of the east “, And the east” iron man “in the eyes of the west, the two factions are not good to each other, and in the noble council, they often talk and fight.

But the “poor guys” on the west side are indeed poor. They are not as rich as money, people, or soldiers. They are not as good as the “iron guys” in the east who have countless iron mines. On the one hand, so much of the kingdom ’s work is done by the “poor guys”, and the “iron guys” stand by and give a sneer from time to time. How can the “poor guys” bear it?

Therefore, the Duke of Milton, who learned that the wise and wise, wanted to fight for the throne of the Iron Fortress from the young, ignorant, arrogant and arrogant and often humiliating the “poor” prince. The “poor men” who were bullied to the edge of the outbreak, without hesitation, collectively supported the Duke of Milton and played the banner of rebellion of “Queen Yin unruly, Lawrence is not the son of the King”. The group of “iron guys” beat back and down, occupying more than a dozen iron mines. Not to mention, the king’s iron castle that was nearly 50 meters high and the wall was made of millions of iron ingots. City, to fall down.

If the reinforcements of the “Tieluo” arrived in time, the iron castle city of Wangdu, known as “never fell”, could really fall into the hands of the “poor” who had never seen the world.

Lawrence, who had just been on the throne a few days ago, was furious. He just wanted to peel and cramp the “poor guys” who provoked his kingly power, and crush them into pieces.

Therefore, after struggling to repel the “poor man’s” offensive, Lawrence personally took the army and killed the blood on the “poor man’s” territory.

Was killed so hard, the eyes of both factions were red, and the situation naturally continued to die.

Uh …

Like all gloating, the more joyful Zhou Ming stands out from the situation, the more time he spends to train his soldiers and horses, and the more the two warring parties appear to be weak or succeeding, they send out transportation. The caravan of weapons, at a more favorable price, sends a timely rain to the disadvantaged party, and then can exchange the population or iron ingots when the two parties have insufficient payment capacity …

Relying on these speculative tricks, Zhou Ming weakened his opponent’s strength while also strengthening his teeth.

After all, if the teeth are not hard and the strength is not strong, it is like a snake swallowing an elephant. Even if the snake swallows the elephant into the belly, the belly is not enough. It is difficult to digest or survive.

Therefore, in two years, Zhou Ming created a huge army with nearly 20,000 troops.

This army of nearly 20,000 people mainly consists of four aspects.

One, the standing military force of the Grand Collar, including 10 knights, expanded to 150 princes, and in order to facilitate the management of the nearly 100,000 permanent or floating population of the Grand Collar in the later period, Zhou Ming had to be in the “college” Below, a “leader” class, which mainly recruits urban freelancers and does not allocate land, but is given a generous salary, is led by leaders, recruits 1,500 people, and is included in the “nearly Guards “.

The other two were established in the name of the security patrol, including the father-in-law Baron Sean, Baron Howard, Baron Romon, and Bardo, the new Lord Baron Irving. The knights and leaders of these territories are organized together to establish a security patrol in the name of maintaining security and defending against thieves.

This patrol team, with the exception of the Grand collar, has a total of 42 knights and 420 leaders. After imitating the Grand collar system, it also expanded a “leader” class and recruited 4,200 leaders. To the “Territory Army”.

Three, after the establishment of the Mercenary Trade Union, Zhou Ming formed a mercenary regiment (‘Commercial Corps’) whose main business is armed **** merchandise. After more than three years of development, the number of businesses and the scope of business have continued to expand The number of members of the business group has increased to 10,000 from the initial 5,000. After many expansions and absorption of elite strength, from the 10,000 people, after several layers of screening, Zhou Ming picked out 5,000 people. , Incorporated into the “Commercial Allied Forces”.

Fourth, Zhou Ming issued a recruitment mission in the mercenary union, recruited from various countries through various channels, those “mercenary” teams that existed specifically for war, and from those recruited mercenary teams, Zhou Ming chose some reputation A good mercenary team with good obedience and strong combat effectiveness hired heavily, and promised to provide excellent armor, costing millions of gold coins, and finally created a “employment with a certain combat effectiveness of 8,000 people Army “came out.

These four types of army, there are “territorial army” who do not completely obey their own, there is a certain organized but uneven “commercial allies”, and there is a “mercenary” who has a certain combat power but only recognizes that money cannot withstand greater casualties …

Zhou Ming’s only army that can be reused, can guarantee absolute loyalty, and can entrust all his life to his life, is only the “close guard” that he built by himself.

The number of is only 1,660.

Therefore, before the arrival of the era of hot weapons waiting in line to kill, in order to improve the winning rate of war, Zhou Ming provided good salary treatment, provided excellent armoured weapons and equipment, and before launching the war, the “territory army” and “business alliance” The “military” and “mercenary” military forces have conducted military training that is not strict but has also achieved significant results for more than a year. With all kinds of means, Zhou Ming finally has a military that can withstand a war. power.

This military force, Zhou Ming called it “conquered legion.”

Soon after, the third year after the Civil War broke out in the Iron Fort Kingdom, among the neighboring countries of the Iron Fort Kingdom, the stronger Copper Mountain Kingdom could n’t help but start by sending a large army of more than 30,000 people to enter The East Mirror of the Iron Fort Kingdom ran away to a rich territory of iron ore.

Seems to have triggered a chain reaction. After watching the operation of the Tongshan Kingdom, several other small countries that had long been on the border of Chen Bing moved forward, lest they would fall behind.

Even the Kingdom of Arrino, with only six counts, put together a military force of 3,000 people. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com joined this feast.

On the side of the Kingdom of Warris, the fast horses running from the capital of the city of Wards sent the king’s conscription order to the kingdom’s territories through the hands of heralds.

Uh …

Grand Collar Castle.

On the floating terrace of the tall city wall, a group of lords in expensive costumes leaned against the wall stack and looked at the sword.

“The king sent an edict requesting that the army in the north go to the king to gather, and within seven days, all deprived of the title and territory.” Holding a note in his hand, an earl read the words above.

“Isn’t His Majesty the Kings, what are we going to do?” An Earl complained.

“If you don’t go, you can help Herian lay down more land to the south, and we don’t have the share of us Yankees.”

Ooooo ~

A melodious horn sounded.

“Masters, Earl, the army has completed the review, and the military parade begins.” Baron Conner, who was standing by the side, reminded.

Everyone’s spirit was shocked, and then they heard a sound of neat steps and even made the castle tremble slightly.

People gathered close to the wall stack and looked down. On the flat grass below the castle, I saw a memorable picture forever.

Several silver cavalry phalanxes, shuttle shuttle advances, dozens of black and bright leader phalanx phalanxes, such as ant colonies, hundreds of colorful, high and low mercenary mercenary phalanxes, stepping neatly The pace, like individual pieces of tofu, slowly moved south on the flat ground.

Breeze practice, flags spread, armor bright, steel spears shining, like a rainbow!

Cerma stands on a soil slope, holding Ge and standing beside the formations of the army. Under the sun, a silver armor knight, like the arrogance of the sky, releases a bright light.

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