Urban Sims

Chapter 79th Church Response

Bringing Elena and Otto back to Glen Collar, the hardest hit, of course, was wife Fanny. Fortunately, when she was about 30 years old, she finally became pregnant and soon gave birth to an eight-pound heavy Boy, mother and son are expensive, and the countess’s position is finally settled down. Moreover, people will always be mature, especially women, who have a son and regard him as the center of gravity of her whole life. What she wants to do at this time is not to compete with the flat wife Teng concubine destined for her husband, but It is to train his own children to become the best and most righteous successor of the Burns family.

After more than ten years.

Mastered Zhou Ming, an earl lord and half of the Iron Fort Kingdom, based on these lands and the resources under the lands, he embarked on a road of violent farming, continuous foreign wars, and crazy expansion.

First, the Duke of Milton in the western part of the Iron Fort Kingdom was eliminated with little effort, and he controlled the entire territory of the original Iron Fort Kingdom. After digesting for two more years, a large amount of shallow oil was mined in the black marsh in the Western Front. After fractionation, Some of the secondary raw materials fractionated, some can be used as fuel for high-power steam engines, some can be used as kerosene lamps, horse lantern lamp oil, and can be laid on the “highway” asphalt, can be made into bright candles paraffin-petroleum The value extended by the chemical industry is not weaker than the huge profits brought by the three industries of coal, steel and rail.

Three years later.

Bandit Jero successively took three groups of mercenaries and a large number of slaves to use all the black gunpowder in Zhou Ming’s stocks, and finally built a convenient passage in the Dafeng Pass of the Ural Snow Mountain, which was just ten kilometers long. The “S” -shaped trench communicated that in order to build this passage, the number of deaths paid was twice as many as the number of slave workers who died during the construction of the plateau corridor that transported wooden rails for 100 kilometers. It can be said that each meter is long Below the trench communication, there was a worker’s body lying.

After opening up the trench communication channel, Zhou Ming, where sulfur and saltpeter are constantly coming in, naturally did not want this passage to the new continent, and it was placed under the eyelids of the Tongshan Kingdom every day, causing it to spy on coveting.

In addition to mass production of muskets and guns, a large amount of copper is needed. At this time, the Kingdom of Copper Mountain will not be destroyed. When will it be destroyed?

Zhou Ming was a hundred thousand commander. With lightning tactics, it took less than two years to control the Copper Mountain Kingdom with 47 ears, all in his own hands.

There is a large amount of copper, and it takes less than a year to get close to the guard as a foundation. Zhou Ming trained a pure firearmed force with a number of 10,000, and took a few small kingdoms around to practice their hands. In the battle, all of them were defeated with single-digit casualties, and then bombarded the city walls with artillery, and several surrounding kingdoms fell to each other.

At this time, Zhou Ming saw on the [World Map] that, excluding the New World, he had controlled a huge territory with an area of ​​more than 5 million square kilometers and controlled more than 30 million people. His achievements were not inferior to those of Alexander the Great. How many.


Zhou Ming is not satisfied with this, because after the death of Alexander the Great, the empire he built quickly fell apart, and there are some hidden dangers in the vast territory he controls.

For example, the seven counts who started a business together with him, the dozen or so small country with wagging tails around them, and the backward lords ’sub-enclosure. Free flow, destruction of local trade routes, interception of passing mercenaries and traveling merchants, want to engage in closed doors, and set themselves aside.

After pinching down batches of clown-leaping clowns, Zhou Ming discovered at this time that with the continuous expansion of interests, various internal contradictions caused by uneven distribution of interests, different personal pursuits, and different ways of thinking are no longer It can be solved by making the profit cake bigger, designing a new ascending channel, and inducing influence.

For example, the seven counts who have been working closely with Zhou Ming in these years have fulfilled their promises and indeed gave each count to a middle-sized kingdom with more than 20 counts, and each count was given 200 Ten thousand gold business alliance dividends.

It stands to reason that the seven counts should all be very satisfied and willing to accept, but no one has enough heart. Seeing Zhou Ming’s hands include 36 count counts in the Iron Fort United States, 47 count counts in the Copper Mountain United States, and dozens of surroundings After the land was added up, there were more than 120 ears of land, there were inexhaustible coal mines, endless copper mines, inexhaustible oil and other resources. When Zhou Ming brought in more than 50 million gold coins, how did the seven counts whose respective kingdoms could not keep up with the odds, how balanced?

As for Zhou Ming ’s dividends of 2 million gold coins per year … Although there are many, but this is only a small part of what they deserve. Compared to their potential losses, it is really worthless.

Under the grievances accumulated over the years, after one of the seven counts, after the death of his son, the newborn calf boy, in the name of the long-dead elders of the United States Council of Elders, actively joined together in the Council of Elders, Proposed a proposal to impeach the chairman, wanting to oust Zhou Ming, and then divide the interests of the two United States and the Free Business Association-this idea is very good, but this proposal, in addition to his own vote in favor, the other six counts (In fact, it should be said to be the king, but it is more convenient to call it this way), all expressed their support verbally, and then voted to abstain.

Soon after, under the blow of Zhou Ming’s 50,000 army, after cutting off the head of the newborn calf boy, the seven counts became six counts.

By virtue of overwhelming force, Zhou Ming established absolute authority in this huge territory, but what he wore on his head was still only one obtained by huge bribery of Cardinal Thomas of the Northeast Diocese of the Church The crown (small size, with three-legged Phnom Penh, worn by the king of a small country), and the land he controlled, and the number of small countries surrendered to him in the surroundings, is enough for him to be crowned emperor (the emperor is a higher level than the king, can be said to be a king King), but the church only gave him a small crown?

Not only that, as the site continued to expand and quickly entered the era of the semi-industrial capital tide, the site controlled by Zhou Ming was not only extremely powerful in terms of military strength, but also economically, but also because of the free business alliance, mercenary unions, and all-round The existence and development of the rail transit network is at least 50 years ahead of the hundreds of kingdoms in the west, not to mention that after the mass production of the “steam engine” came out, Zhou Ming ’s site was a small Earl ’s economic leader. The amount is stronger than a kingdom in the west.

Therefore, in the economic and trade exchanges with hundreds of kingdoms and churches in the west, Zhou Ming’s site has been in a state of huge “overrun” all the year round.

For example, the furniture, ceramics, white paper, ironware, weapons, perfume, cotton cloth, tea, cigarettes and other products produced on the Zhouming site are far more than the quality, quantity, variety category, or price value. They are far more than the hundreds of kingdoms in the west. Commodities produced in the church territory are more cost-effective.

In the face of the impact of these tide-like industrial commodities, and a tobacco product called “Fu Shou Gao”, it began to be popular when nobles and high-level church leaders in various kingdoms, some people of insight in the church, through the past ten years The statistics of the economic and trade data reached a very shocking conclusion:

If the church continues to explode with 5 million, 10 million, 20 million, 50 million, …, 100 million, and 120 million gold coins per year, the church ’s gold and silver reserves will be completely depleted for at least another 30 years, and finally No money is available.

And the tithe levied by the church from that free trade union is only a bit of production on the land. The commercial tax and mining tax are not involved. The agricultural products collected from the land alone are not enough to buy a few top Patons. porcelain.

Therefore, after the final report was presented to the Supreme Pope, Pope Centauro I attached great importance to it, and after some consultations, decided to limit the amount of commercial inflows of the Free Business Alliance, and to levy commercial taxes and mines on that free business alliance. The tax and commercial tax are set at 30%, and the mine tax is set at 20%, and it is set slightly higher. The gold coins that have flowed into that area over the years are recovered.

This was naturally categorically rejected by Zhou Ming! Originally he wanted to find Pope Santara for the crown, but the other party refused to say it. He was also asked to stop infringing on neighboring countries and spit out the occupied land. Now, he has to levy 30% commercial tax and 20% on him. Mine tax?

Really take him as a fat sheep arbitrarily slaughtered?

If you do n’t pay, you wo n’t pay a penny of business tax or mining tax.

The war of real swords and real guns did not start immediately, but the trade war initiated by the church did indeed cost the Liberal Business Alliance a heavy loss.

After the border blockade was implemented by many countries in the west, a large number of goods of the Free Business Association could not be sold by UU reading www.uukanshu.com. The trade war only took one year, and the Free Business Alliance lost hundreds of millions of gold coins.

On the other hand, I learned that the inland areas where the Free Merchants Union lacked salt, and the sinister church issued a salt ban to severely restrict the inflow of salt. Within half a year, the price of salt on Zhouming ’s site skyrocketed by a thousand times. , Extremely lacking.

At this time, Zhou Ming had to send a large number of people on one side to go to the plateau of the New World to find several plateau salt lakes as a source of salt emergency.

On the other hand, he had to tear his face and expel all the priests who still support the Pope faction in the territory, and then draw another ambitious priest. Zhou Ming conducted an in-depth discussion with him and revised some of the teachings of the Father ’s Church. , Founded a Protestant church, and according to Zhou Ming ’s request, reduced the tithe tax to one-fifteenth tax. The church loved labor and changed to paid labor, which greatly reduced the burden of believers, plus some revised Protestants The doctrine is indeed more grounded. For a time, the believers converted to Protestantism, and they rejoiced.

“Here! These heretics who should go to hell, crumple them, kill them! All kingdoms, all believers, all armies go against them, the word of the Father cannot be tampered with, the dignity of the gods cannot be blasphemy, the believer of the Father Men, the lambs of the world, do n’t hesitate, pick up the sword, now pick up the sword, and kill the heretics made by the devil! ”

Heresy crusade!

In the history of thousands of years since the church was founded, only three releases have been made, which has brought about three population extinctions, the disappearance of two large religions, and the collapse of multiple giant empires, just because of a few doctrines. Modified, it becomes intolerable heresy, it must be put to death heresy!

The **** and tragic thirty-year war officially began.

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