Urban Sims

Chapter 81 - Kneel down in front of my crown!

After the Battle of Baishan, he fought countless victories in his life. This time, Zhou Ming, who could almost say that he was overturning in the gutter, found his opponents, except for the army that was as many as the dead and natural disasters every year after the “heresy crusade” was issued. The crusade against one’s own church, as well as within the Kingdom of Steel Duo, the noble class who lacked the concept of overhaul and still had feudalism in their minds.

These nobles, no matter how many rewards and favors they have given them, once they were sealed up, the landlord ’s old-fashioned old-fashioned concept of conservatism made them extremely sensitive and conservative about everything in their territory. They would rather spend a lifetime in a closed paradise than let others move the grass and trees on his territory.


Must be thoroughly reformed!

Therefore, after pacifying all the rebellions in the country, Zhou Ming spent almost three years, almost adopting general cleansing methods, implemented centralization, regained control of all lords over territories and territories, changed the lord system to the county system, and converted the nobility The rule of parliament was changed to civilian rule, the establishment of professional military academies, the admission of middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers were allowed, the monopoly of military nobles on the army was broken, the modern defense force system and the retirement system of officials were established, and universal education for all … The Kingdom of Steel Duo has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the course of these changes, 90% of the aristocratic class who were cut or decapitated or exiled in the Kingdom of Steel Duo looked at the tragic situation of the noble class in the surrounding kingdom. The **** of the nobility is full of vigilance and fear. Although the dozens of neighboring countries on the surface are still subject to obedience, in private, they have moved closer to the Holy Church Alliance, fearing that such reforms will also occur within their kingdom.

In order to eliminate “heretics”, the church at this time spent billions of gold coins, mobilized hundreds of kingdoms, launched thirteen large-scale campaigns in the past two decades, recruited nearly 20 million troops, and fought thousands of battles. , There is almost no victory (the battle of Baishan can still be seen in the past, but the 1.6 million: 300,000 battle loss ratio is really ugly), and with more than half of the casualties, and the king killed hundreds of battles, his call Power and prestige, in a long and tragic defeat, the consumption has fallen to the bottom, and the church assets accumulated for thousands of years have also been spilt. There are few responders since the church issued a heretical crusade.

Therefore, after the Battle of Baishan, at the Holy See conference, he issued an appeal to hundreds of kings, asking him to give him another 2 million troops, the Grand Marshal Franstein who had annihilated the Kingdom of Steel Duo in one fell swoop and found that those indifference at the Holy See conference Hundreds of kings are incomparable, and none of them expressed their intention to continue to give money and produce things.

After all, after all the brave men died in battle, in front of firearms and cannons, after the enthusiasm faded in their brains, they found that there are hundreds of kings who are only so gods. The tens of thousands of breech rifles and hundreds of powerful and terrible cannons seized on the battlefield, how to distribute them, these baby artifacts are so terrifying, they want to get a batch back to their respective kingdoms to study, But there are many monks and few porridge, hundreds of kings are robbing, they have to fight desperately …

Uh …

Several years later.

The Kingdom of Steel Duo, the capital city of Oss (the former capital of the King of Copper Mountain, beside the meteorite lake, Oss, which means ‘pearl’).

Occupy a large area, all paved with stone slabs, there are a few square kilometers of parade ground, a large lineup of military formations is arrayed here.

On the review platform with a height of 100 meters, the guests who were invited to participate in the military parade before the expedition took a deep breath after seeing the army formation below.

But I saw a large parade in Wutuo, there were 100,000 ant-like soldiers with firearms; there were tens of thousands of horses with broad beans and big nostrils, and there were tens of thousands of giant heads with two brass on their backs. Artillery, monsters with long tails swinging from time to time.


Ten thousand heads are 10 meters long, weighing 5 tons, and can support 1-2 tons of adult Kodo beasts!

This giant kodo beast, shaped like a rhinoceros, with a horn on its head and a broad sword on its back, as early as during the expedition in the New World, Zhou Ming became very concerned when he saw them for the first time. It exists in the kingdom of many indigenous peoples, and like the cattle and horses in the western mainland, it is extremely common and numerous.

Moreover, unlike the cattle and horses of the fetal animals, the Kodo is an oviparous animal left over from the ancient biological era. The female Kodo can produce 5-8 Kodo eggs every year during the reproductive period, but these eggs are hatched. It is long and the hatching rate is not high. It is good to be able to hatch one or two in a nest.

Before opening up the trench communication in the mouth of the Ural Snow Mountain Dafeng Pass, although Zhou Ming wanted to send several expeditions to the Aboriginal Kingdom to get a group of Kodo eggs, but the conditions were not mature at that time, tens of thousands of kilometers away As well as the cold environment of the Snow Mountain Plateau, the incubation period is as long as 8 months. Kodoo eggs that are easily frozen to death at low temperatures are also dead eggs when they are shipped.

Therefore, Zhou Ming, who sent many caravans and successfully established business relations with the Aboriginal Kingdom until the trench communication channel was opened up for many years Eggs, using the constant temperature incubator technology, the hatching success rate is close to 60% of Kodo eggs. After hatching the cubs, they have been carefully reared for more than ten years. Only then have these tens of thousands of marauding giant beasts.

On the review stage.

“Your Majesty, can you stop participating in this expedition? You are all in your 70s. Expeditions in thousands of miles, in case your body has a little accident, what can the kingdom do?”

Alice ’s son Alan perseveredly persuaded that this child has a weak personality, and filial piety is indeed the most sincere of a dozen sons. Among the sons present, he was the only one who dare to say “in case of an accident” Unlucky words.

“Yes, Your Majesty Father, you should send a powerful general in the past. General Eric has a rich battle line. He has fought you for decades and sent him to the expedition church to capture the Temple of Holy Light.”

Finni’s son Alexander, a proposal made, has received many approvals.

Zhou Ming smiled slightly, staring at the military formation below, stroking his thick white bearded beard: “Yeah, I am over 70 years old, and I have spent more than half of my life time. The war, leaving the title of an emperor, I am afraid that I can only die in bed. Instead of this, let me burn the scenery once again in this faint year! “

This generous and eloquent words sent the sons into contemplation.

Finally, Zhou Ming took the scepter and stepped forward, facing the Pang Ran formation under the review stage, raised the scepter in his hand, and shouted:

“Loyal and brave soldiers, expedition with your emperor! Step over the mountains together, cross the plains together, capture the miracles together, stand at the top of the high temple together, and see the sea to the west!”

“Long live His Majesty the King!”

“Long live His Majesty the King !!”

“Long live His Majesty the King !!!”

Looked at His Majesty the King on the review stage and 100,000 soldiers under the parade ground, shouting their arms and screaming fanatically.

Uh …

After taking the oath, Zhou Ming took 100,000 of the most elite conquering legions, planned the route according to the [World Map], and headed towards the majestic building on the west coast of the pole-the church ruling center, the Temple of Holy Light And go.

A long journey of tens of thousands of kilometers, through hundreds of countries, to lay down hundreds of cities that dared to resist, and adopted a strategy of warfare. In just ten months, Zhou Ming’s conquered legion hit the temple of Holy Light. Less than 300 kilometers away.

The church leaders panicked and desperately asked for help from neighboring kingdoms, but they came all the way to conquer all the kingdoms. There have been rumors of countless kingdoms about this conquering legion “tapping everything, smashing everything”, “having countless **** monsters”, “devil! Impossible!” Conquer the devil! “Under the rumors that are somewhat exaggerated but close to the facts, the surrounding kingdoms dare to send troops to die.

Reluctantly, the high-level church had no choice but to desperately send the only Templar Knights with 100,000 people at the bottom of the box as the bottom of the box. I hope this one is composed of martial arts knights, extremely pious to the Father, and equipped The extremely elite Knights can, under the blessing of the Father, defeat the devil army that dares to provoke the church.

However, when the 100,000 Knights of the Knights Templar, in a wave of ground shaking, at the end of the horizon, after seeing the true face of the Devil ’s Legion, the Legion of 100,000 collectively rioted, some Templar Knights with perseverance At this moment, the firm belief in the Father almost collapsed and shook, and the idea of ​​running around turned around.

“Kodo Beast, attack!”

With a command, the ten-headed Kodo Beast slowly moving forward, after approaching the Templars’ formation less than a kilometer, the short brass gun on the back of the Kodo Beast Ridge opened fire first “Boom”, under the bombardment of nearly 20,000 bronze cannons, countless rain-like cannons fell into the Knights Templar. Those thickly armoured, gleaming Templar knights were like snow in the boiling water. Melted a large piece.

“Cavalry charge!”


Even with the fear of being shy to speak, out of the piety of the Father and the glory of the knights, the knights of the Knights Templar were still brave to charge, but these people with horses and armor weigh no more than one ton The knight in front of the Koto Beast with a total weight of nearly eight tons after wearing a war armor and a copper gun, but the sharp collision angle of the armor covered by the Kodo Beast lightly bumped like a paper paste In general, after penetrating a few people, there will be no spray.

Coupled with the musketeers and artillerymen on the back of the Kodo beast, the firearms were continuously bombarded, and the battle ended like a slaughter in only two hours. Traces of the existence of the Knights Templar.

Uh …

A few days later.

In the coach’s account.

“Franstein, my old friend, didn’t think we would meet in this way?”

Looking at Franstein standing in front of himself in a rope-tied posture, Zhou Ming couldn’t help but smiled. Unexpectedly, he sent a messenger and sent a letter with two conditions to the hands of the top church, but two Days later, Franstein, who was **** by several believers, was escorted to him.

“Bah! Vile villain, if you want to kill me, kill now! Why should you be here in a pretentious manner? I only hate the group of incompetent people who are not looking at me. I will no longer be given a chance, otherwise–“

Franstein spit out, scolded resentfully, and gave Zhou Ming a fierce look.

Zhou Ming shook his head: “It’s useless to give you ten more chances, but it’s amazing to be able to do this step. Go to my Steel Duo King … No, it will be the Steel Duo Empire immediately. Go to my Steel Duo Empire. Well … it’s a pity to kill you like this. “

Franstein in front of him was in his early fifties, a look of depression. Obviously, after the battle of Baishan, which almost became the name of his generation, ended up, he was hidden in the snow and could not be reused. He lost it. The stage to show his talent and the opportunity to continue to fight with Zhou Ming.

“Go to your empire?”

Franstein was stunned. Some wondered that the old opponent not only did not kill himself, but also expressed a solicitation.

Thought again, when UU read the book www.uukanshu.com, when he first entered the barracks, he saw the group of monsters that scared him to despair, and instantly cooled the ambition of the ice. Hearing this sentence, it seemed to start to thaw again.

Yes, he longed for victory. He lost countless battles and dreamed of victory. Although he couldn’t fight this great monarch, he stood in the monarch’s camp and counted together. But the victory came seems to be very good.

Uh …

Temple of Holy Light.

In the splendid cathedral, the coronation of the throne began.

The new Pope San Mano III trembled tremblingly, embroidering a nine-footed gold rim, surrounded by emerald agate, and a lotus-shaped arched gold rim embroidered with a crown of shimmering colored gemstones, gently worn on top of Zhou Ming’s head Then, he handed the golden scepter to Zhou Ming.

“Kneel in front of my crown.”

After making a gesture of blessing by the Father, Pope San Mano III was just about to say, “This is the divine power given to you by the Father. You should follow the Father’s teaching and benefit the world in the name of God …” When the emperor had to follow the words, there was such a word in his ear.

“Kneel in front of my crown!”

When he was stunned, this thunderous sound shuddered, and he looked up, a compelling eye filled with supreme majesty and endless oppression, like a nightmare, deeply imprinted in his mind, he Can’t help but soften his knees, kneeling on the ground with one knee.

One day later, this man who had just taken over as Pope, was assassinated by several fanatics in the toilet, no one had mercy in the Temple of Holy Light.

And the rhetoric that shook the world, from the king who was called “conquering the emperor” by the descendants, said that the time when the imperial power was higher than the **** power, officially announced the coming …

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