Urban Sims

v2 Chapter 32 - Though far away

After the sky was bright.

Outside the city, in the enemy formation.

A right hem sheepskin apparel, half-length sleeves on his left arm, a forty-something, a thick black pie face with a few braids on his head, riding on the plateau warhorse, watching the army The messy wreckage of siege equipment at the rear of the array was completely unexpected, but it took only five or six days for the Dazhou reinforcements to come over.

This was three days ahead of the earliest arrival time of the reinforcements he expected!

“Su Lie, I underestimate you, you are really powerful!”

Looking at the veteran with tall white hair and tall standing in the city, Ren Zanqin couldn’t help feeling, but it was the God of War of the Zhou Dynasty. Although he is a veteran of more than seventy, his military is still so veteran.


His eyes were cold, and his mouth muttered: “Do you think I will give up this way ?! This time, I brought 130,000 soldiers and horses, in order to take down this stone city, within five days, our army If there are 20,000 casualties, even if there are tens of thousands of casualties, the Tufan Stone City will be taken back from you! “

Thirty years later, since the loss of the strategic point of Stone City, the Western Regions, Tufan has been suppressed by Da Zhou, and its influence has been firmly confined to this plateau area, unable to expand externally, and due to vomiting The west and south sides of Fan are surrounded by high mountains, the Gobi desert in the north, and the rich land in the east are controlled by Da Zhou. From a geo-strategic point of view, Da Zhou has almost become the only direction for the expansion of Tufan. .

Da Zhou has never regarded Tufan as a “friendly neighbor”. Even though the two countries and their relatives have had several times, over the years, in various directions on the border between the two countries, Da Zhou has launched many active offensives and built hundreds of strategies. The main point is almost completely cut off Tufan’s illusion of wanting to cut off the flesh and blood from Da Zhou.

Of course, Tufan is not willing to live forever, living in the cold and desolate snow mountain plateau, staying at home and developing honestly, warm land, rich city, gorgeous humanities … The upper class nobles of Tufan country envy and envy, Who doesn’t want to enjoy it?

In addition, the Zhou people could not survive on the plateau. The Zhou army was unable to fight the plateau, and it was almost invincible. Even if it lost seven draws and two wins in the war between the two countries, it was only the loss of some soldiers and slaves. Even after the huge victory over the big week, any war risks and losses are worth bearing!



“Kill one Zhouren, immediately get rid of slave status, kill two Zhouren, reward one slave and one female slave, and be promoted to ten commanders!”

“Kill the Guangzhou people and grab the Western Regions!”

After the Da Zhou reinforcements entered the Stone Town, the Tufan army’s offensive did not diminish. On the contrary, among the army of 80% of the soldiers who were all slaves, many rewards were given, and the Tufan army with morale increased sharply. Seeing the slaves of hope , A very terrible fighting power broke out.

The small stone city, under the attack of twenty times the enemy’s army, like the small reef in the violent wind and waves, has the risk of being crushed into powder at any time …


“Destroy the enemy!”

“Stone, the stone has run out, is there any stone in the arsenal?”

“Someone has climbed up here and can’t stop it!”

“Kill!”, “Ah!”, “Ah …”

The head of the stone city, the female walls, the masonry, and the steps, were stained with countless blood stains, screaming one after another, climbing up the stairs, and the Tufan soldiers who climbed to the head of the city had a fierce melee with the defenders.

Because fighting in the low-oxygen area of ​​the plateau, and the five-day march that had been carried out before, the exhausted Zhou Bing could only exert about half of the combat power, and after the defensive equipment such as stones, crossbows, and fire oil were used up in the city, only The Tufan soldiers standing at the head of the city, holding a scimitar in their hands, faced with grief and madness, and constantly climbing up the city wall, hacked down.

The fighting was extremely fierce. The soldiers of the two countries were intrepid and fearless. They fought together, their arms stabbed into each other ’s bodies, their red eyes were hugged together, they pinched each other ’s necks, digging their flesh and blood, and they both screamed and rolled down the city walls. Scenes are happening everywhere.

The uppermost stone wall of the city wall.

“36, 37, 38 … 57, 58, 59 … 70!”

A young man in a white robe and leather armour, holding a five-stone longbow and firing arrows, hitting the enemy’s key points within a hundred steps. The arrows were mostly middle and high-level generals and strong warriors in the enemy army. Each arrow runs through one of the eyes, ears, mouth, and heart, killing him instantly.

“Good shot!”

The archery of the young man drew applause.

“20, 21, 22 … 31, old, can’t pull, can’t compare to you young people.”

Blushing and panting, the old general threw the hard bow in his hand to the guard’s hand. He was still not convinced, but when he saw the young man next to him, he had achieved more than double his record and was exhausted. The old general had to sigh and grow old.

At another glance, there are more and more enemy troops flooding the city, and there is a tendency to dominate. The old general frowned, and immediately ordered: “Order the second defender to defend the city, the first defender Withdraw! The reserve team lifted the wounded down! “

There are nearly 5,000 defenders in the Stone Town. The old general divided them into three defenders and a reserve team. The three defenders took turns to rest and defend. The reserve team was responsible for treating the wounded, firing and cooking, moving weapons, etc. At the last minute of work, the reserve team had to take up weapons, walk to the city, and fight the enemy to the last moment.

“Kill, drive down Tufan Barbarian!”

After the second defensive team rushed to the head of the city, the defensive force with strong support quickly occupied a clear advantage, and the Tufan barbarians who boarded the city head were killed, and some Tufan barbarians were even forced. He desperately jumped down the tens of meters high city wall and fell to pieces.

“Haha, this is eighty-seven!”

In the middle of the squadron, a black tower man holding a huge mace with big spikes, blood stained on his face, grinning with a big mouth, and a big pound of stick in his hand, but he was waving slowly, every time he went down. With a knock, the weapons and enemies in front of them were broken or broken. In front of the Black Tower, no one could resist the second stick. He sometimes swept the big stick in a semicircle, and several people spit blood and flew out.

After clearing all the enemies on the city wall, the Black Tower Dahan found that there was a broken female wall, and the enemy was still emerging. He rushed to the crack in three or two steps, one stick at a time, when he killed more than 20 spit warriors No one dared to stand up anymore and had to retreat in haste.

“Oh oh ~”

There was a cheer on the city head.

“A true warrior too! This person is on the battlefield, enough to win the flag, and what is the name of this person? Like Li, Li?”

The old general applauded! Looking back hard, I found that I had forgotten the name of the big man who had lifted the stone lock in front of him. At first, he thought that this man was just more powerful, and there was nothing special about it. In the battle of city defense, he was so eye-catching, even as long as he was alone, he could hold a wall of twenty feet.

“Old General, his name is Li Dazui, and the amount of food is so large that he can eat fifty people in one meal. We all call him Dazui.”

Zhou Ming introduced the old general.

“Meals for fifty people?”

The old general was taken aback, and his eyes widened: “When the young man was young, he could only eat up to twenty people, known as the jade noodle little king … fifty people, the legendary overlord Xiangyu, but So? Big mouth, big mouth Li, that mouth is really not small … “

Looking at the big stick that was carried by the soldiers, standing in the middle of the soldiers, standing in the big mouth of Li, who was smirking. The old general was most impressed. It was really his iconic big mouth.

Turning his head again, he looked at Zhou Ming, a middle-aged man with a gentle look, and recalled his performance of shooting nearly a hundred enemies in a row … I can’t see through this world anymore. I thought to myself: It seems that I am really old. This world will belong to these young people sooner or later.

After the difficult battle of defending the city on the first day, the Tufan army outside the city did not mean to withdraw at all, but increased the scale and intensity of the siege, regardless of day and night, launched a five-wave crazy attack .

The biggest wave of offense, Ren Zanqin dispatched all the elites who could be dispatched, a full 30,000! Breaking through the three easiest directions, killing a whole day and night, close to breaking the city many times, but these more than 30,000 people, until the loss of less than one third, the Tufan army, still unable to take the seat, the city The garrison may have left a remnant of less than a thousand people.

Early morning on the fifth day.

The craftsman was ordered to repair more than 20 trebuchets, and pointed at the crumbling city gate tower. His eyes were **** and his face was crazy. When he saw that the city gate was completely collapsed, he raised the whip again and launched it. The last wave of attack.

At this time, General Su had to gather all the defensive forces in the city, and stood with the soldiers of less than a thousand people, standing on the ruins of the city gate, holding the soldiers, and fighting with the tens of thousands of Tufan barbarians who rushed in. .

“Kill kill!”

Standing in the middle of the queue, Zhou Ming, after using all his arrows, took a silver gun and joined the ranks of the melee. In the military formation, the silver gun was like electricity, and there were **** flowers, one after another. Name is not yet close to his enemies. He covers his neck with a shocking blood hole and falls … He no longer counts how many enemies he has killed. At this moment, like everyone, he has only one thought, that is, to kill! Kill all the enemies who are close to you, until there is no one in front of you.

In the face of an enemy army that is ten times as self-defeating, and Zhou Ming, who feels that his body strength is gradually lacking, there is no trace of fear in his heart that fear is impossible, but when he sees a silver-haired, **** old general on the side, He shouted and forgot to kill the enemy, the fear in Zhou Ming’s heart disappeared completely, and accelerated the efficiency of harvesting life in his hand!

Secret Road: The enemies I have killed in these few days have passed 500. Today, I will kill another 500.

Fortunately, Li Dazui, who was stupid and ignorant, knew what his mission was. He was right next to Zhou Ming, and in his hand, the sword of more than eighty kilograms was slashed and chopped to death. , Scared no one dared to get close, once the situation is not good, he will immediately kill a **** road, and take the “boss” out of the battlefield.

“Beep ~ beep ~ beep ~”



Suddenly a clear horn came from the north, and a fierce shout of killing.

It turned out that when the remnants of the Stone City were approaching the limit, and almost unable to resist, more than 40,000 Ganzhou troops finally arrived, and after the UU reading book www.uukanshu.coom attack horn sounded, first five thousand soldiers, all destroyed Tufan The army ’s grain and grass camp, followed by 35,000 troops, are divided into three paths, such as three sharp knives, and they are attacked into the turbulent formation of the Tufan Chinese Army, which has a turbulent formation and less than 30,000. .

“Zhou Guo’s reinforcements are here!”


“Run away!”

Nearly 10,000 Tufan troops besieging the Stone City saw that Zhou Guo’s reinforcements were coming, and they were frightened.

The old general seized this opportunity, with less than six hundred troops in the city, went out of the city to chase down five miles, and forced to land more than 5,000 enemy troops.

“Those who perpetrate me are great prestige, although they are far away!”

Standing on the top of a hill, I saw that I had escaped a few miles away, and I could only see a remnant army of Lenzinqin in the background of the fleeing fleeing. There was a sigh of relief in my chest. Unfortunately, Zhou Ming, who did not catch the enemy’s head, only Can make a roar against those far away backs.

“Those who perpetrate me are great prestige, although they are far away!”

This roar, the dozens of Zhou Bing beside him, also followed the roar.

“Those who perverted me as big as Zhou Tianwei, even if they were far away!”

“Those who perverted me as big as Zhou Tianwei, although they would be far off !!”

On the broad battlefield, the words resounded loudly, and the screams became louder and more uniform, like roaring tigers, shaking the valley, echoing ups and downs, spreading out dozens of miles away.

Hearing this, more than 20,000 vomiting prisoners of war, terrified and trembling, fell to the ground and fled Renzanchin ten miles away, spitting out blood, and almost planted it from the horseback.

In the Battle of the Stone City, Da Zhou won the victory of beating and killing 60,000 Tufan and 20,000 captives at the cost of more than 8,000 people killed. The defeat that was accepted was hidden in the snow after the return of the dynasty. Ten years later, it was reactivated and became a great threat to Da Zhou.

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