Urban Sims

v2 Chapter 44 - Yuan Hao Su Wen

Twenty-eight years in heaven, August 7.

To the east of Haiping County, a fleet advancing in a straight line raised its sails, followed the sea breeze and waves, and headed eastward at a relatively high speed of ten knots.

The sea breeze is blowing, standing on the highest deck platform of the flagship, a man holding a brass telescope in his hand, looking at the vast sea, looking at the nine giant ships behind, and the “Tianhong” at the foot, The billowing black smoke from the top chimney couldn’t help feeling: “It took only seventeen years to build such a fleet. The world’s technological level is actually not low.”

Zhou Ming thought, if he did n’t go to Wenyuan Academy to study, he did n’t go to the calendar, and he did n’t go to the emperor, he put all his time and energy for nearly ten years on the climbing of the technology tree. The fleet will not only be expanded tenfold in size, but can also be equipped with [steam engines].

Because, in the development of science and technology in this world, there are too many advantages: a unified and peaceful environment, a freely mobile population, inventions accumulated over thousands of years of civilization development, countless excellent skills handed down by skilled craftsmen, and under the imperial examination system , A large base of high-quality talents, coupled with incomparable natural resources … Under the premise that no elements are lacking, wanting to ignite the spark of industrial civilization in this era is almost a matter of breaking through several layers of window paper.

In this world, it took Zhou Ming only ten years to obtain a copy of the scientific and technological achievements that it takes thirty years to accumulate a copy of The Dispute of the Lord.

Even, Zhou Ming had a hunch: if he put most of his energy on planting science and technology in the later period, in 50 years, he is entirely possible to let the world enter the era of steam and semi-electrification, iron armored warships, rapid-fire machine guns, diesel locomotives , Radio telegraphs, and even radio stations can be developed and invented … as long as Zhou Ming has enough scientific research talents and scientists in hand, according to the research direction and principle model he provides, these technological products will certainly be realized quickly.

But to put it this way, the things that Zhou Ming spent a lot of time to do seem to be superfluous, which is a waste of time.

This is not the case. The things that Zhou Ming does are actually of great value. For example, there are nearly 2,000 outlets all over the world in the Zhou Dynasty, and the establishment of nearly 2,000 outlets. Using the pigeon system, you can do it in the “Zihua Collection” in one and a half months In this era, Zihua Bookstore, which published the same article, was like a BUG.

As long as Zihua Bookstore is not regarded as a nail by the supreme ruler, and he does not want to pull it off, all the efforts he has made and the fame he has built up have no place to use.

However, the current Zihua Bookstore is only operating content products related to literature, and has not yet involved other things. Once Zhou Ming launched the second phase of the “Zihua Bookstore Plan”, it caused shocks in the intellectual and ruling classes. Bounce, I am afraid it will exceed his imagination.

But this time has not yet come. Now Zhou Ming’s main goal and energy are still on the colonization of immigrant colonies in Penglai Xiandao.

Also, remove a few blocking stones that are in front of the colonization plan and do not self-restraint and actively seek death!

Qizhou Island, a sharp corner at the southernmost point.

A small port with an area of ​​less than 500 acres, even with a half-moon shaped bay, was under siege by a dense army.

On the sea outside the port, hundreds of warships of various sizes were laid with three layers of blockade lines.

The land on the north side of the port has continuous camps, dense banners, and tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. It operates siege weapons and continues to attack. It shouts to kill the sky and night.

The garrison in the port fortress is only 800 people.

“These Gaoji sticks have been under siege for two months. Why is the siege momentum so fierce? Such a small piece of land is really worth tens of thousands of deaths?”

Tian Zhiqing, the guard general responsible for the guarding of Weihai Port, is a young man in his twenties. He is frowning at this time. It is difficult to understand whether the heads of these Gaoji sticks are filled with stones Just thinking hard, not crushing bones, never looking back?

“Commander, there is not much ammunition left in the fort, and the brethren have also killed and injured more than fifty people. According to this situation, the brethren can persist for up to three days. Said worriedly.

“The reinforcements will definitely arrive. The pigeons have sent the news the day before yesterday, and the support fleet has already set off. The reinforcements will definitely arrive in these two days!”

“Ship, a big ship! Reinforcement, our reinforcements are here!”

Tian Zhiqing’s appeasement had just finished, and the soldier standing on the observation platform and observing with a telescope suddenly shouted with excitement.

“it is good!”

Everyone cheered.

On the sea.

In the middle of the Gaoji national naval fleet, there is a tall flag, a flagship deck with a length of ten feet, a forty-year-old gentleman middle-aged general, wearing a three-hat hat, a white robe, hand-held saber, eyes burning Staring at the port in front, I felt more and more confident.

It has been a siege for two months. This castle should be able to break through in a few days, because this castle has recently fired weaker and weaker, a horrible thick tubular weapon that can bomb dozens of people , Hasn’t erupted for many days. The frequency of the thin tube weapons used by the defenders in the castle has also dropped a lot.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the amount of black powder is not much, on the other hand, those tube weapons are used too often, and there will be a blasting accident. To reduce the amount of black powder, you can use it with confidence.

This will reduce the lethality of that weapon …

Middle-aged general, why do you know so much?

Because he is a famous Gao Ji, Yuan Hao Su Wen, he was born into a famous family of Gao Ji, he began to lead the army at the age of sixteen, when he was twenty, he led the army alone, and once fought 300,000 Zhou Guojun in five battles. Defeat, retreat for hundreds of miles, and at the age of 22, he became General Marshal of Gao Jiguo, leading 200,000 troops, and fought against the fourth invading Dazhou army for half a year.

If it weren’t for the Great Week God of War Su Lie, a strange soldier besieged the capital of King Gaoji and forced down King Gaoji. Otherwise, he would not fall into an incognito deep mountain and live in shame for 24 years.

It was only recently that the new king looked at the grass cottage and invited him out of the mountains.

I just didn’t expect that as soon as he came out of the mountain, he received such a seemingly easy, but in fact extremely difficult task.

Especially those weapons that had never been seen before and were terrifying, Yuan Hao Su Wen saw it for the first time and was so shocked that he almost wanted to re-enter hermit and escape from this unrecognizable world, making him feel completely different from the world of the original world.

However, the psychological qualities of the famous generals are still far more than the average mediocre generation. After seeing the garrison in the port, there are only a few hundred people. Yuan Hao and Su Wen quickly adjusted their mentality and turned their brains to the full. This army came up with a response.

After paying the cost of tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, Yuan Hao and Su Wen finally found the most effective response, that is, to “stubbornly encircle and consume exhaustion.” When the army’s ammunition is exhausted, it will be wiped out again!

In addition, Yuan Hao Su Wen did everything possible to kill two soldiers inside the fortress, seize the kind of tubular weapon on his body, and several gunpowders and bullets, and immediately took someone to study the principle of this weapon’s killing. The ecstasy is infinite, because this weapon is not very complicated. As long as you know the formula of this black powder, similar to a weapon, Gao Jiguo can also manufacture it.

As long as the quality of the tubular weapons produced is similar to those used by these defenders, Gao Jiguo can also conquer all nations!

By that time, the powerful Great Week will also die in Gaoji, and the Great Gaoji State will occupy all the territory and become the largest country in the universe!

He Yuan Hao Su Wen, will also be ashamed, stepping on the horse Zhou Zhouzhongzhou, ascended the dragon seat of God!

Of course, the premise of all is to capture the port castle in front and eliminate … No, try to capture the defenders inside the castle as much as possible, and torture the black powder formula!

“Dear warriors, the Great Gaoji Kingdom is the world’s largest country! There is no city that we cannot capture, no land that we cannot conquer in this world! Our ancestors ruled this world, and as his children Can rule this world! “

Yuan Hao and Su Wen stood on the bow of the ship and cheered. The soldiers who heard his inspirational words on the deck were all excited, bloody, and cheering together.

“Long live Gao Ji, Gao Ji is invincible!”

Infected, the soldiers on the hundreds of ships beside him also cheered together.

The cheers were so loud that they overshadowed the waves and frightened the schools of fish like thunder, invincible in the world.


“Boom! Boom!”

“Boom boom boom!”

A burst of rumbling sounded suddenly, and the cheer was instantly lowered.

Yuan Hao Su Wen, still immersed in cheers, was shocked, and then heard the violent explosion of “Bang Bang Bang Bang!” Weak girl, screaming from the hull, there is a risk of cracking and entering the water at any time.

“what happened?”

Holding the railing, Yuan Hao Su Wen, who finally stood firm, turned his head to look back and spouted a spit of blood!

What did he see?

Ten giant warships like a hill!

The smallest one is twice as large as the flagship I used.

These warships were lined up in a line to meet the enemy from the side, making a loud noise and blazing fire.

Looking closely, after the white smoke disappeared, he saw that dozens of large-caliber tubular weapons were installed on each giant ship, bombarded constantly, his own ship was shot, and it was broken or burned Soaring into the sky, the thick smoke billowed to our soldiers, howling and falling into the water.

He couldn’t counterattack, because the weapons used by his own ships were mostly crossbows and arrows, and the range was too close, which was less than one-tenth of the opponent’s tubular weapons.

At this time, naval battle scenes, such as hungry wolves rushed into the flock of sheep, slammed, slaughtered, and fled in vain.

“Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!”

Yuan Hao Su Wen vomited blood to give orders, ran into the cabin, struck the oarsman with a whip, and told them to hurry!

“The enemy general must be on that big ship, catch up with it, and sink it!”

Holding a telescope, Zhou Ming, who had been observing the enemy on the sea, saw the fleeing ship and issued a chase order.

“Boom boom boom!”

The steam-powered Tianhong quickly caught up with the big ship. The artillery carried out only two rounds of bombardment. The big ship slowly leaked and sank.

After sinking the ship, the soldiers on the ship also caught a special captive. Because the captive could speak business, Zhou Ming asked someone to pick him up and ask him what his name was, but the other party dragged his face. Fart, saying that his identity is noble, we must first know the name of Zhou Ming.

Zhou Ming reported his name.

“It turned out to be Mr. Zihua from the famous Zhen Zhou. UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com. Mr. Jiu Yang ’s name! I ’m Yuan Hao Su Wen. I did n’t expect to meet Mr. Zihua here. Fortunately! Fortunately! The ground was close to Tao.

“You are Yuan Hao Su Wen?”

Zhou Ming talked with him for a while, and suddenly remembered what the old General Su Lie once said to him: “The world’s famous general, can enter the top three, be courageous and tenacious, and be a strong enemy of Zhou.” In the future, it will become a big problem in the future.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Ming suspended the politeness and said to him: “Mr. Su Wen, you are a hero. Heroes have a hero’s death method. I have a kind of execution method called” artillery execution “. When executed, Put the person in the mouth of the artillery, burst instantly, crushed bones, without pain, just take care of your vigorous life … “

“Tian Zihua, when I was famous in the world, you were still wet! You dare to kill me? Are you worthy to kill me? Let me go, let me go …”


A loud noise ended the noise of this famous star.

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