Urban Sims

v2 Chapter 53 - Overseas countries

After shooting a series of major events such as killing Guigu five elders, annihilating the Tufan and Turkic coalition forces, and deterring Empress Wu Luo, Zhou Ming took 20,000 Tianjia Musketeers and stayed in Yinzhou to wait. The reaction came to 20,000 horses, a total of more than 40,000 people. After a little explanation of the situation, the mighty legionary once again moved eastward and went to Qingzhou.

Looking at Zhou Ming’s hands, an elite army equipped with magic weapons and some literary celebrities suddenly emerged, and at the same time they were very excited, and they were very puzzled: “Brother Zi Hua held such a heavenly soldier, why not sweep away China and enter Master Artifact, what about Wu Mei?

Several celebrities, with a little splash of ink, wrote several brilliant “discussing Wu Xingwen”, Zhou Ming was named “General of China”, and condemned the empress who had changed the name of Da Zhou Kingdom to “Datang” Wu Luo, they believe that with the 20,000 soldiers in Zhou Ming’s hands, it takes only three months to destroy this fake Tang.

There are also several celebrities who are good at looking at each other, and said in public that on Zhou Ming ’s head, they saw a true dragon spirit, saying that he had the “Nine Heavens True Dragon’s Fate”, he should adapt The people of the times rise up and let them, such celebrities, also be able to banish ministers and ministers, and be the heroes of the dragon …

Zhou Ming didn’t bother to dismiss all kinds of words, he just took the throne, what about the new dynasty? It’s just another 300-year dynasty, and he can’t jump out of the dynasty cycle. He just became an emperor, but it only brought the risk of genocide to future generations.

Only the undefeated foundation of the lasting millennium is his worthwhile direction.

“This … what is the foundation of the millennium, the Xia dynasty, the longest in the country, but it lasted only 800 years. The millennium … is impossible, absolutely impossible!”

One person categorically denied it and thought that Mr. Zihua’s idea was too unreliable. He was just joking and talking.

“How is it impossible? Let’s listen to my ideas, and you know it’s impossible …”

Zhou Ming brought together the hundreds of most famous celebrities and put forward his “Constitutional Monarchy”, “Equality and Democracy”, “Separation of Three Powers”, “Parliamentary Administration”, “Congressional Elections”, “Term System, Establishment After the concept of “rule by law”, these celebrities were dumbfounded, and they struggled to sleep through the night, thinking about the feasibility of these systems.

In the process of in-depth discussion, some people also pointed out a few core questions, such as “Is the monarch willing to hand over most of the rights? To be a” virtual monarch “whose symbolic significance is greater than the actual meaning?”, “How to organize the party “How does the Congress vote? How does the Parliament work?” And “How to supervise in place, fully implement the rule of law, achieve equality before the law, and the prince committed the same crime as the common people” and so on, Zhou Ming made one by one. Answer in detail.

In addition, in order to allow these scholars to have a more comprehensive and clear understanding of the so-called constitutional monarchy, Zhou Ming also asked people to distribute to them a book he wrote about “Constitutional Monarchy” with more than half a million words. Going on, for a period of time, almost everyone was reading this book, discussing it day and night, and finally came to a conclusion:

Unless such an enlightened monarch appears, he can abandon some insurmountable powers and selfishness in human nature and implement this constitutional monarchy system smoothly for fifty years to form an unbreakable political system before he can break the dynasty. The law of the cycle establishes the undefeated foundation of the so-called “millennium”.

Moreover, there are two necessary prerequisites, clearly placed there:

The first premise is that such an enlightened monarch appears; second, there must be such a test field to test this system.

If both premises are not met, everything is just a false guess …

It was at this time that Zhou Ming took out a map in front of these scribes and exploded his hidden cards for a long time. In front of this map, he said that his Haipingtian family had led dozens of Qingzhou family clan, In the past 20 years, hundreds of islands have been developed in the fairyland of Na Penglai. It now occupies more than one million square kilometers of land and has a population of more than 5 million people. It is now preparing to establish an overseas United Nations and is also exploring What kind of system should be used to govern this new country …

Hearing the news, the scholars in the tent all had their eyes widened, as if they had known him for the first time, and they all felt very strange.

Some people were speechless for a long time, but their expressions became extremely excited; others smiled bitterly, pointing at Zhou Ming and cursing: “Brother Zihua, we are so hard to hide!”

After a while, all the scholars in the account were trembling, all showed their ingenuity and wisdom, made plans and brainstorming. On the 78-day march back to Qingzhou, they proposed tens of thousands of articles to establish a constitutional monarchy. There are constructive opinions and suggestions … These 78 days are called “78 days of constitutionalism” in the documentary of later generations, and historians highly appraise that these 78 days are short and bring institutional progress to human civilization. It is more than 7,800 years.

Two years later, June 7th.

Penglai fairy field, central island.

In a city of 100,000 square kilometers in the south of a medium-sized island and a moon-shaped bay, a city built in five years and covering an area of ​​five square kilometers. Looking down on the sky, there are many white buildings with giant domes. This day, in Under the witness of tens of thousands of election representatives sent by 66 families and 100,000 citizens of the capital, His Majesty the Emperor Wen, who has just turned 40, with a crown on his head, holding the Constitution, walks in the rain of flowers and the cheers of the sky. On the rostrum in front of the steps of the parliament building, an important event was announced forever:

“From today on, our nation of overseas unions has been formally established!”

“Overseas cultural country, the purpose of its establishment is to establish a prosperous world of equality and freedom for everyone! The constitution of the monarchy, rule the country according to law, everyone abide by the laws and regulations, everyone is civilized and ceremonial … work together to make this overseas country a virtuous state Become a nation of Datong, become a nation that everyone yearns for, and forever! “

“My Tian Zihua hereby swears: I will take the lead to abide by the laws and regulations of the country, and will never do anything for the sake of selfishness; I would like to make a lifelong intellectual contribution to protect the peace and well-being of the people of the country. The five million subjects of the country, the blue lines of the road, continue to develop, and the sixty-six stars and stripes of the country will be raised across the endless islands to rule the endless wilderness! Zihua is willing to work together with the subjects of the country, love the family and patriotic, everyone makes Contribution, everyone does not forget their original intentions, making the country more beautiful and making the country longevity! “

“Wu Tian Zihua, willing to encourage each other!”

Poppy poppy!

The audience was warm and applauded like a torrent of rain.

On the other side of the continent, sitting on the throne, Wu Zuo, whose country name is “Tang”, in recent years, on the one hand, he has also closely followed the latest trends of overseas cultural countries, and has been vigilant and always on guard; on the other hand, he has leveled the domestic After all the rebellions, Wu Luo also began to display her political ambitions and did some practical things.

For example, she appointed talents from the underworld, rewarded farmers and mulberry, reformed local government, established a reporting system, set up reporting boxes across the country, and wiped out a large number of corrupt officials who have vainly committed laws. Various measures have established a good reputation in the hearts of the people at the bottom.

Even so, in recent years, the riots and rebellions in Datang have continued, and there are countless family members who are not convinced of her, saying that she is out of order and reverses yin and yang! The rooster Si Chen, the world can not tolerate! Then in series behind them, prepare armor and conspiracy to rebel, but they were all seen by Wu Luo’s intelligence forces, and then the soldiers suppressed the situation and wiped out the genocide!

Wu Zuo, who has no weakness in the family, has not only killed Li Zhouzong’s family, but also wiped out the three families of Zhao Jun Li, Fan Yang Lu, and Longxi Li, and has a place among the six surnames and eight families. Every millennial family raised tens of thousands of heads every time they raised a butcher knife. Those small and medium-sized families didn’t know how many were slaughtered by Wu Luo.

Seeing this extremely tragic scene, in the overseas cultural countries, some family heads persuaded Zhou Ming to intervene, saying that Wu Luo could not be allowed to slaughter the family like this again, and must send troops to stop her!

Zhou Ming shook his head and refused to send troops to rescue them, because these families were not really good birds. They were the most powerful ones in merging the land and squeezing the lower people. Wu Zuo killed them, which is equivalent to cleaning up the cancer on the body of the country. Cells have eased class conflicts, and it is the poor people at the bottom who benefit most.

However, when Wu Luo pointed the butcher knife at the Guangling Tian family in the name of “suspected involvement in the Xu Jingye rebellion and secretly funded the rebels,” Zhou Ming could n’t do it and led a landing fleet with five Thousands of elite musketeers landed in Yangzhou and exploded with multiple rounds of firearms. After defeating the imperial army, they rescued the Guanglingtian family who had been besieged by the imperial army for half a month and the clan had been more than half injured.

To save the Guangling Tian family, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not the heart of Zhou Ming ’s Bodhisattva, nor is it based on the homology of the Guangling Tian family and the Haiping Tian family. It seems that it should be rescued. Zhou Ming is not so boring, in fact because His father, Tian Feng, was seriously ill and was in bed. When he reached the end of his life, he finally hoped to return to the Tian family ancestral pedigree, pleading with Zhou Ming to bring back the ancestral pedigree.

So, from the disappointed patriarch Tian Kuang, after not much effort to get back all the ancestral brand genealogy, Zhou Ming boarded the Clippers, the first time, brought these ancestor brand genealogy to his father Tian Feng.

Climbing up from the bed, Wei Wei walked to the front of these ancestral pedigrees, and touched the yellowing title page of the pedigree with his hand. His father, Tian Feng, burst into tears and knelt in front of the ancestry:

“Legends and ancestors! Dishonored Sun Tianfeng, brought your spirits back! Your spirits in heaven can be rested! The descendants of the Tian family will no longer blame me as an incompetent sinner!”

Two days later, his father Tian Feng passed away safely at the age of fifty-nine. In commemoration of his achievements, Zhou Ming took his painstaking efforts to manage the Tian family industry in the genealogy credits book, and “retrieved for the Tian family The eleven words of “Ancestral Brand Genealogy” are enough for him to be remembered forever by future generations …

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