Urban Sims

v3 Chapter 13 - Slaughter in front of heaven

After winning easily, Zhou Ming, who returned to his hometown, faced tens of thousands of fellow folks off the field, and did not publish his long speech, only a few words:

“To be honest,” The Hunger Games “is not much challenging for me. It is only a little more troublesome than mine mining, but I do not recommend others to do this kind of experiment. Your probability of success does not exceed 1% … … If I have that ability, maybe one day in the future, I will be in heaven to help you open the door to heaven, and I will not take your money. ”

Mother Hongyan was not as sad as last time this time. When Zhou Ming set off again, he only said something that shocked him: “Child, go, my mother’s most proud thing in life is the birth of you. This son, what mom ca n’t do for you, mom just wants you to be safe … “

Zhou Ming nodded, the greatest and selfless in this world can only be maternal love.

On a transport plane flying west.

Sitting by the window, looking at the blue sea below, Zhou Ming, who is playing with the “money” in his hands, sometimes tossed the money high, and sometimes blew his mouth to blow. Several soldiers looked at the money from time to time, staring at the money, all with weird faces. There were two soldiers, their expressions were like constipation, and they repeatedly stopped talking.

Including the middle-aged captain sitting opposite Zhou Ming, the same is true, with a serious look and a gloomy look.

“Captain Lu, how many pieces of money do you have in your hand?” The last time the money fell in his hand and put it back in his pocket, Zhou Ming suddenly asked.

The middle-aged captain froze for a moment, and looked at Zhou Ming with a profound look, avoiding his gaze a little, and said with a haha: “Of course, the more the better …”

“Oh, how much money is there for Captain Lu?”

“Haha, today’s weather is very nice …”

Facing Zhou Ming’s questioning, the middle-aged captain simply turned his head away and ignored it.

The same is true of other soldiers, burying their heads to do their own things, or dozing off with a gun.

In front of the gate of heaven.

The four engine nozzles turned vertically and the transport plane landed smoothly.

The cabin door opened, Zhou Ming got off the plane, took what Captain Lu handed to him, and then made a request to Captain Lu:

“Captain Lu, it’s not far from the gate of heaven. Can you send me to the gate?” The **** soldiers have guns in their hands. If they have the protection of these soldiers, no matter how many attackers, they will just take the initiative to die. .

The middle-aged captain shook his head, turned and walked on the aisle: “We have other tasks, we will return soon.”

“What if I give you the money? Will you give it away?”

Zhou Ming suddenly stopped him.

The middle-aged captain clenched his fists suddenly, his body stiffened, and still did not look back, biting the syllable with his teeth and saying, “No!”

After he finished speaking, he took his steps and led the soldiers into the cabin. When the cabin door was slowly closed, Zhou Ming vaguely heard that there was a sound from the cabin.

A strong wind blew him back two steps. After the transport plane took off, he had put his hands on his waist and Zhou Ming. After the transport plane in the sky disappeared, he suddenly pulled out two darts and headed in the opposite direction to the Heaven Gate And ran quickly.

Seeing this scene, the 18 attackers hiding in the surrounding woods were taken aback, and were even stunned.

This situation, they have never encountered.

“Stop the kid and kill him!”

After two or three seconds, someone still reacted. He held a wooden stick in his hand, rushed out of the bush, chased under his feet, and shouted in his mouth.

Hearing the sound, the other attackers reacted and rushed out, forming a large encircling circle, and surrounded Zhou Ming.

However, at this time, Zhou Ming had sprinted to the edge of the encircling circle. After seeing the oncoming two interceptors, the speed was slightly paused, his arm slammed violently, and the two darts shot from the pole were poked in The body of two interceptors.



The flesh darts brought pain and slowed the two interceptors. The poison on the darts caused them to scream and fell to the ground after a few seconds. Die.

Zhou Ming broke through the encirclement and entered a sparse pine forest.

The remaining 16 attackers are still hotly pursued.

Zhou Ming’s running speed is very fast, but the height of one meter seven or eight, under the chasing of some long-legged attackers, the speed does not have an advantage. The distance is not pulled apart, but the two tall and thin men are chased closer Seeing that it could not be thrown away, Zhou Ming slowed down again, pulled out two poison darts from his waist, and flicked the two tall and thin men behind him, because the other party was only catching up and did not dodge in time. , And turned into two bodies.

Four people were damaged in an instant, and the remaining attackers dared not chase any more, slowed down, and searched in groups of multiple people.

They did not expect that the newcomers who came today seemed to know that there was an ambush here, and they even prepared poison darts for them. The weapons in their hands were mostly wooden sticks and stones, and there were only four or five daggers. Long-range weapons, in the face of foul weapons such as poison darts, can only choose to increase the distance.

Zhou Ming, who ran to a safe area, recovered his heartbeat and breathing, and smiled at the corner of his mouth to avoid the most dangerous siege. Next, it was time to enter his “hunting” time.

He has prepared a total of 24 poison darts. The highly toxic smeared is a special geocentric mineral. It can kill a few micrograms, and the attack speed is fast, and the effect will be effective within five seconds.

There are also two alloy daggers, which are also placed in the waist. The middle-aged captain knew that he had brought two knives on the plane, so he kept him for a while, and got off the transport plane before returning the knife to him … This is The souvenirs of Zhou Ming ’s hometown, no matter how good heavens are, one cannot forget his hometown. This is human nature.

But food and water are gone. Zhou Ming, who ate a compressed nutritious meal on the plane and drank a large bottle of water, knew that if he also proposed to bring some food on his body, it would probably cause a middle-aged captain Doubt.

I’m going to heaven soon. What are you doing with so many things?

The same is true of those who came to the gate of heaven before. When they thought of going to heaven to enjoy it, there were very few people who carried weapons and self-defense except for the money.

As for food and water … if any, those attackers would not drink human blood and eat human flesh.

But in front of Zhou Ming who had made full preparations, the 18 attackers, as long as he did not come up, surrounded him, and then he was ready to end the hunting in a short time.

Hidden in a bush, after more than three hours of rest, it was dusky evening.





The four screams were issued one after another in a relatively short period of time. Under Zhou Ming ’s active sneak attack, the four attackers who searched for the team also entered the arms of death after being hit with poison darts.

The number of attackers dropped to 10.

All the rest of the people panicked, and gathered together to discuss the countermeasures urgently.

“This kid is a wicked man. We have to go together to get rid of him!”

“But we can’t catch up with this kid. He still has poison dart in his hand, and he will die if he hits him.”

“Wait! There is no food on this new kid. In this enclosed area, except for the tree is grass, he doesn’t know that there is water. When he is hungry and his strength is not enough, his death will come!” In addition to his muscles, Han also has a rather intelligent mind.

“He killed 8 of us, this guy, I must eat his meat!” The woman in red bit her teeth and said with hate.

“Uh, eight people died, isn’t the remaining money just enough for us to share? Let’s divide the money and go to heaven now.” A white-haired man’s words shocked everyone.

Someone immediately agreed: “Money is enough. Killing the kid is just one more money. If it is difficult to kill him, be careful to kill him. It would be better to go to heaven in advance.”

“Yes, I’m already tired of human flesh. I want to go to heaven and try some fresh tricks.”

“The poison dart in the boy’s hand is too sinister. If we kill him at the very beginning … ah!”

Before he finished speaking, the man screamed, and a poison dart was inserted into his chest.

“That kid is here!”

“Poof!” Another dart fell.

“Hurry up and rush to kill the boy … ah!” A poison dart was inserted around the man’s neck.

In a moment of kung fu, there were only ten people left.

The remaining seven people began to flee desperately, from the original hunter to a panic-escaped prey, they wanted to kill their opponents who attacked them, but in the dark night, except for some blurry and moving figures, the kid was , Not found at all.

Night warfare is precisely Zhou Ming’s long term. Because he has lived in the ground with insufficient light for a long time, his night vision ability is much stronger than normal people, and he is one-to-many. Teammates, just Zhou Ming didn’t expect that the remaining few guys even counseled and fled, and he could only search one by one. In the dark night, he made a cry of screams.

It was dawn, killing only the last two attackers: the two-meter strong man and the woman in red, who were blocked at the gate of heaven. The woman in red was stabbed seriously, and after the two-meter strong man kicked several ribs, he put the dagger against his neck.

Zhou Ming rummaged through their chests and found that, like other attackers killed by him, he didn’t carry any money.

“Have you hidden your money there? Tell me, I can’t kill you.”


The blood-filled two-meter big man laughed loudly, suddenly holding the dagger with his hand, his head up, and a sharp, sharp dagger inserted deeply into his throat.


Zhou Ming placed the target of torture on the woman in red and kicked her: “Tell me that the money is hidden there? I can share it with you.”

“You can’t find it, you can’t find it, ha ha ha!”

The woman in red smiled with a smile on her face, and suddenly shouted. She just picked up a dagger from the ground and inserted it into her heart.


Another ruthless person!

Zhou Ming, too late to stop, thumped the ground hard. 18 people were killed by him, but there was no whereabouts of money. Although the enclosed area was small, he was asked to dig the ground three feet to find it Years may not be found.

“You can only learn these guys, block them at the gate of heaven, and grab some money from the newcomers.”

So, after carelessly disposing of those corpses (throw in the pit and buried), Zhou Ming was also hiding in the sparse pine forest nearby, waiting for the arrival of prey.

This is three days.

A total of three transport planes landed. The first two ships were all high-level management personnel from the ground floor in suits, leather, and big belly. Unexpectedly, Zhou Ming, these managers, after getting off the transport plane, really took out a A piece of money was handed to the captain of the escort, and under the **** of a group of soldiers, two pieces of money were put in the keyhole of the heaven gate, and then the gate was opened.

On the third day, a man with all kinds of tattoos on his body finally twisted his neck and walked down from the transport plane. He hummed with a relaxed tune and walked to the gate of heaven. With joy, he put money into the keyhole .

“It takes two dollars to enter the area 52. Please invest one more. If you do not invest within 10 seconds, the previous money will be spit out.”

The voice from the gate made the tattooed big man feel awkward for a few seconds. During the agitation, there was a sudden pain in his back. UU reading www.uukanshu.com quickly made him fall into endless darkness.

After killing the unlucky egg with a poison dart, Zhou Ming got the money that was spit out from the gate, and then took out the one on his body, a total of two, and put it into the keyhole at once.

Zhou Ming is about to go to the paradise area. Apart from chewing leaves and grass roots, he has not dripped water in the past three days, and his body is extremely dehydrated. He will not find a place to replenish water.

“Kaka Kaka ~”

In the sound of mechanical friction, the silver gate in front of him began to slide to both sides, opening in half, and a gap of one meter wide was opened in front of him.

“One person is allowed to enter the 52 area. Please pass by, and the gate will be closed after five seconds.”

Zhou Ming no longer hesitated, raised his legs and strode in.

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