Urban Sims

v3 Chapter 22 - Poor reception

In the mid-afternoon, when there were fewer guests in the Gujia Hotel, Du Qihui carried his hands on his back, half-headed, like a lion patrolling his territory, and stepped into the Gujia Hotel.

Finding the best place to sit down, took a piece of paper from his pocket, wiped the table with disgust, and wiped it several times before Du Qihui rested his elbow on the table with his index finger. The table said: “Waiter, the menu is there, I want to order!”

“Sorry, this gentleman, we don’t welcome you, please go out!”

After a busy noon, Gu Naihui, who finally had time to sit down and rest for a while, came over with frost on her face, pointing at the door and chasing people straight away.

“It turned out to be Xiaohui.”

Du Qihui looked up at her, then shook his head: “Such an adult, niece, you still don’t understand politeness. Originally, after this shop was bought by me, I intend to let you stay and continue to be in this shop. Waiter … Now it seems that I should still hire a courteous waiter so as not to drive away the guests. “

“Go! Du Qihui, if you don’t go, we will blow you out!”

Gu Naihui’s Qiqiao’s Qiqiao smoke, Dujia restaurant business only a few days, this Du Qihui has a win-win situation, dare to say to buy Gujia restaurant?

Dreaming in the daytime, I do n’t know if the sky is thick!

Gu Naifeng on the side walked with the strong and came to know that this guest came to find the fault and kicked the museum. They left and right, standing on both sides of him, reached out and made a “please” gesture, meaning to tell him to leave .

“Is the young people so rude now? I am a distinguished customer, a customer who spends money! I have enough credit points to come here to eat, and how do you entertain guests?”

Du Qihui looked displeased, knocking on the table again and again, expressing his dissatisfaction and protest.

“Are guests coming again?”

Zhou Ming, who was about to untie his waist apron after he was busy in the kitchen, saw a scene in the hall. The hands of the unbuttoned apron stopped and asked at the kitchen door.

“He is not a guest. He is the Du boss of the Du Hotel opposite. Leave him alone. He wants to learn the cooking skills in our restaurant.”

Gu Naihui said to him, knocking Du Qihui who heard the words again and knocked on the table: “Niece, why can’t you say a good word in your mouth, what is stealing learning craftsmanship? We have smart kitchen robots and high technology! Learn to steal your third-rate cooking skills? Do you have robot skills? Don’t open it anymore, but you can’t fight me! This shop is my Du Qihui sooner or later. “

Du Qihui has been coveting the Gujia Hotel for a long time, and has long wanted to get his own hands, because this store occupies a larger area, the internal layout is more reasonable, and is located on the higher west side, with good light and ventilation. In the feng shui treasures where wealth and wealth gather, the Du family has always believed that the business of the Du family restaurant is not as good as that of the Gu family restaurant. It is because of the loss of wealth and luck. It is naturally at a disadvantage, so it has only been suppressed for decades.

Relying on the intelligent kitchen robot, the Du family has finally regained its decline and occupied the advantage, but this Gu hotel is still dead and still so strong, hoping that it will not fall.

Is it really necessary to use that trick, and then reduce the price by 10%?

“Get out! You get me out!”

Gu Naihui was furious, and wanted to slap the old face with a smug and steady victory.

“I just sit here and don’t leave! I’m a customer who consumes, customers are money, do you receive guests like this? Don’t move me, I’m not in good health, if there is any damage to you, I’ll find a lawyer to sue you! “

Du Qihui played a rogue, and said that he wanted to find a lawyer. There are indeed people like lawyers in this world. He likes to help others in lawsuits. The laws in this world are also strange. He can sue others just by finding a reason. As long as you can afford the lawyer’s fee, a trivial matter can get hundreds of thousands of credit points … so the grandmother fell down and don’t help, she will really err on you millions.


Gu Naihui’s face was already angry.

“What do you want for guests? Naifeng gave him the menu and asked the guests to order.”

Zhou Ming said at this time that although the guest’s motive for coming over to dinner was impure, if he really had the skill to taste a dish, he would know the recipe and the recipe. Du Family Restaurant could not be the second millennium.

And what he said in a sentence makes sense. Guests are money, and any guest, as long as he enters the door to consume, can bring profits.

“It’s still the young man who is sensible, no wonder he can be a chef …”

Gu Naihui glanced at Zhou Ming with dissatisfaction, and saw that his head was lifted, and her eyes meant to tell her to step aside. She suddenly sighed, sitting on a stool, her head twisted to the side, and no longer looked at him.

“Scrambled eggs with leeks, shredded pork with green peppers, shredded pork with fish flavor … How have I never heard of these dishes?”

After I got the menu, I looked at the names of many unfamiliar dishes in the menu. Many of them were the first time he had heard them. It sounded fresh, and the pictures on the dishes were also very attractive. The home robot handles pretty, but it’s also pleasing to the eye.

“Order mushroom greens, scrambled eggs with leeks, shredded green peppers, shredded pork, eggplant, shredded pork, braised pork … and what a dry pot is, let ’s take a dry pot of cabbage and dry pot, in the case of soup, this sauerkraut The fish looks pretty good. Order another sauerkraut fish. “

Turning the menu from front to back, Du Qihui ordered more than a dozen dishes.

“Have you ordered so many dishes, have you finished?” Gu Naihui couldn’t help but turn around and said, screaming in his heart: With so many dishes, I’m not afraid to kill you!

“I have money, I am happy!”

Du Qihui’s lightly fluttering words turned her anger over her head again and turned her back to him.

Soon, there was a sound of “banging and banging” in the kitchen, something that Du Qihui didn’t expect. Within three minutes, a plate of fried mushrooms and vegetables was steaming and was put in front of him by Zhang Peizhen.

This dish of mushrooms and green vegetables is crystal clear, like the jade of nature. It looks like a natural creation, with a light but very attractive aroma, which makes people unable to resist the throat knot and swallow.

Holding the fork for dinner, insert it into the white jade-like root of a green vegetable, and slowly put it into the mouth. The leaves of the green vegetable just touch the tip of the tongue slightly. Through the taste cells, a special taste signal is passed into the brain. At that time, Du Qihui’s face slightly changed. He and he had never tasted this taste.

The whole vegetable was put in the mouth, the teeth chewed twice, and the sound of a click sounded from the green stalk that burst out of the juice with a bite. It was crisp and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness unique to the green vegetables.

Great, this tastes great!

And the mushrooms in the dish are very slippery and tender, and they feel like a lover, so people can’t stop.

Good, good, good!

Only one mushroom and green cabbage basically conquered Du Qihui’s tongue, making him stop talking and eating.

The second dish of scrambled eggs with leeks was served, and before serving, the rich scent of leeks attracted Du Qihui ’s nose, and the strong scent signal transmitted by the olfactory cells into the brain caused his attention to shift from mushroom greens. To the scrambled eggs with leeks.

“Isn’t leeks chopped into minced vegetables and used as spices for noodle soup? Just copy a large plate like this, can you taste it?”

However, smelling the rich fragrance of leeks, he picked a few leeks with a fork, put them in his mouth, and then stayed there instantly.

Fresh, the ultimate fresh.

Incense, filled with incense throughout the brain.

Delicious, so delicious!

And the egg in the leek is like a bite on a fluffy pastry, and then it is a more extreme umami, which is scattered in various cells of the brain. He has eaten countless fried eggs for the first time. Such an egg.

Third, fish-flavored pork, what about fish? Where is the fish? There are shredded meat, there are fungus, celery, shredded carrots, shredded potatoes, some are mixed, but the taste is still quite good.

Within half an hour, the dishes came up one by one, whether it was a new-style stir-fried dish, or a kind of dry pot that burned a ball of alcoholic cotton. Every dish gave Du Qihui a different taste experience, from good to novelty and worry , Very worried, until the last bowl of sauerkraut fish served, just tasted half a mouthful of thick and delicious fish soup, the impact shock that has never been experienced in taste, finally let him admit a fact:

The dishes in the Gu’s restaurant are really better than those in his restaurant.

That young man’s cooking skills really surpassed the intelligent kitchen robot.

He did not want to admit this, and he could not accept it in his heart, but his tongue and brain would not deceive himself. If the dishes of the two restaurants were placed in front of him at the same time, he would definitely say that the dishes of the Dujia restaurant were delicious, but the stomach It would be said, come in and order more Gujia restaurant, they are delicious.

His mood was very frustrating. The Dujia Hotel was about to lose. The four generations struggled hard. The four generations accumulated bit by bit, and finally saw the dawn of victory, but now they were blocked by a young chef.

I can not be reconciled!

I must find a way to win everything back!

Du Qihui was roaring in his heart, and his brain began to think about countermeasures. Suddenly, after remembering an incident a few days ago, his brain flashed, the table was no longer eaten, and he went straight to the young chef and said it. A word that surprised everyone in the house:

“Boy, go to my Dujia restaurant, I will give you the best treatment, give you shares and shares, and do it with me! The Gujia restaurant wanted to hurt you before, did you forget? Do n’t stay here again, We are strong cooperation, you cook, I make money, make a fortune together! Young man, go, tidy up and tidy up, go with me now! “

After he finished, he took Zhou Ming’s hand and pulled it out of the door.


A scream of more than 180 decibels sounded, but Gu Naihui on the side rushed over quickly, grabbing Zhou Ming’s other hand, and Du Qihui hysterically shouted, “You old dog, immediately Get out of here, he is from the Gu family, and he is not allowed to hit him with any ideas! “

Gu Naihui panicked, her expression extremely flustered. She just admired Du Qihui ’s taste of dishes and showed a constipated expression from time to time. She did not expect that this old dog dared to dig in the face of the Gu family in anxiety The roots of the family, who want to **** the Gu family, promised such favorable conditions that they wanted to defeat the Gu family.

It’s too much!

It’s so annoying!

“Old stuff, you are not welcome here, get out of here!”

Gu Naifeng took action directly, no longer respects the virtues of respecting the elderly and caring for the young, and dragged Du Qihui’s arm ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ directly towed out.

“Boy, think about it, think about it, Dujia Hotel, you are always welcome to join!”

Du Qihui, who was dragged out of the house, was getting smaller and smaller, but still clear and audible.

Zhou Ming waved his hand at him and said, “Boss Du, the reception is not good. Welcome to visit next time.”

After talking, it was found that Gu Naihui, Gu Dawei, Zhang Peizhen and others were all looking at themselves, with tension and panic, and they also loomed into an encircling circle.

Zhou Ming smiled slightly and pointed to himself: “I’m watching what I’m doing. I haven’t eaten lunch yet. Let me help you make lunch.” After that, I turned and walked into the kitchen again.

“Hoo ~”

A sigh of relief came out of the three populations at the same time.

At the dining table not far away, Gu Naihui’s face changed with a full table of leftovers, and he rushed towards the door, saying: “The old dog has not given money yet!”

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