Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 118 - How to promote

Create momentum?

In a huge territory, how to maximize the momentum, in the shortest time, to gain fame, so that almost everyone knows you?

This is a problem!

The problem of very high technical content.

Because the distance of information dissemination, the degree of repercussions and the residence time of heat are mainly determined by three factors:

One, the intensity of the information itself, is it really big?

If the information is full of short and trivial things from the parents, I am afraid that the appeal is very limited, and it is not easy to be ignored by people who do not reach the level of “Best Power”.

If the information says that the world war broke out, everyone must be involved in a terrible war. This “populous” degree is extremely terrifying, and the spread rate is alarming. After all, it is related to everyone’s life.

Two, is the tool for disseminating information underdeveloped?

If the development of science and technology is lagging behind, people are mainly relying on word of mouth, fast horses to deliver messages, and the fastest is the “flying pigeon book”. This kind of communication efficiency is probably very low. It is a misinterpretation of the original meaning, which leads to information distortion and a limited propagation distance.

If there are radio transmission towers, relay satellites, and optical fibers to transmit large-capacity data in a world with advanced technology, under this hardware condition, the information propagation speed is extremely fast and the reality is high, although some misunderstandings may occur And processing, but in general, it is still much better than the era of backward communication technology, and in this era, the speed of light is as fast as the speed of information transmission.

Three, information does not have a large topicality, how long can people discuss and follow?

If it’s just some entertainment gossip information, focus on reporting the celebrity’s crotch, at first it must be very hot and topical, people talk about it, in a short time, will maintain a high degree of attention, but for a long time By the way, there are more similar gossips, and people will feel bored … But sadly, this type of gossip information often has strong vitality, spreads explosively, and arouses some people’s continued attention.

If it is military, technological, and political information, it is very important for every individual. People need to pay attention to it in time and speculate about its impact on themselves, but … This kind of meaningful information not only has a small audience, but also needs certain Wisdom understanding is also easy to drown in massive, highly topical gossip news, so it seems less important, and finally drowns in the torrent of information … after all, this kind of information is really not very grounded and difficult to understand by most people.

As for the length of attention, there will be people who pay attention for a long time, but the groups concerned are relatively high-end and niche, and cannot be discussed by the public unless …

The topic becomes the end of the world tomorrow, how will you deal with it?

The request of Captain Quaker is that within three months, the protagonist team will be announced to all corners of the Xuanqing plane and all forces are known!

Three months?

To advertise, to get the name out completely?


I am afraid it is very difficult, right?

You must know that this plane directly exceeds one light-year. In just three months, even light can only spread within half a light-year. Now the captain wants to spread the information faster than light. Is it known to all forces?

How to do it?

Is it possible?

The possibilities are there.

There are two main reasons:

First, the technology of the Xuanqing Plane is very developed. Not only do the people have radio wave transmission and reception equipment, countless radio stations and TV programs, but also all the mountain gates have an item called “Xuanqing Communication Stone”. The communication speed is very fast, more than 20 times the speed of light, and the communication efficiency is very high.

Second, there are two strong players in the protagonist team who can practice the power of space and time. They can control the spaceship “Hero” flying faster than the speed of light. With the exaggerated speed of the “Hero”, the protagonist team can bring it With the information, go from the end of the Xuanqing plane to the farthest end, and then spread the information.

Therefore, for the protagonist squad, distance can’t be the limit of their great momentum.

But the core question is: how to expand the influence of the protagonist team under the premise that the hardware facilities are fully equipped, and successfully pay attention to all forces?

about this issue.

Everyone started a discussion.

“First of all, we must make a big news, grab everyone’s attention, and immediately let people pay attention to our protagonist team!” Tang Ting said.

“Big news? What is big news?”

“I think it would be a big news to publish the news of our visitors from other planes and come to visit.”

“Yes, because the distance is too far, most planes rarely communicate with other planes, including the indigenous people of this plane. They have n’t seen them in a long time. Outsiders like us (similar to the aliens’ saying) ), We are here, they will be very curious, and then very concerned. “

“It really attracts a lot of attention, but I think that once more than a certain period of time, as the heat of the topic subsides, we” outsiders “will become less curious. It is estimated that it will not be long before the heat will drop, gradually. Be concerned, the timeliness will not be very long. “

“Repeatedly propagating a thing for a long time, no matter how high the topicality, the heat will quickly decay, so we must create a series of hotspots to keep the topic going, even drive a trend, and make the wave of this trend more and more The height and wavelength are getting longer and longer, and the impact range covers the entire Xuanqing plane … In short, promoting this kind of thing is by no means a one-shot deal. “

Zhou Ming inserted and said his views.

Everyone nodded their heads ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ agreed with him.

But the question is coming again: How can they continuously create more eye-catching hot spots based on a hot spot?

Zhou Ming also said: “In this plane, there are technological products such as radios, TVs, and movies. We can produce some cultural and entertainment content for these three devices.”

“For example, on the radio, we can make some music, let the radio station spread it, and insert some chats or promote our intentions in the music.”

“For TV, we can create some news programs that specialize in anecdotes of other planes, attract people ’s attention, and make them interested. They can even engage in some interactions, hold several press conferences or concerts, and so on.”

“For movies, you can make some movies or popular science programs, promote our culture, expand our influence, increase our attractiveness, etc …”

“In short, this is a cultural propaganda war. The better the content we provide, the greater the influence.”

Zhou Ming said.

Tang Ting felt that his head was about to explode. He shook his head and said, “This is broadcasting, making TV shows, and making movies … Why is it so troublesome? We are so busy with some manpower? Why not? Open the halo to the door of each sect door, and open the door to the mountain, directly indicating the intention, is this not better? “

“Yeah, Tang Ting is right. Originally a very simple thing, why should it be so complicated?” Some people agreed with Tang Ting’s point of view.

Captain Quaker also said: “This is really too much trouble. We will not stay in this plane for a long time. We will leave at most in two or three years. It is better to fight quickly.”

Zhou Ming shook his head, giving his explanation and reason.

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