Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 136 - Final copy

“Do not believe?”

“Did you write this letter?”

With that said, a suspended light sphere appeared in Zhou Ming’s hands, emitting a strong white light. The diameter of the light sphere was not as large as a cup, but the person whose brightness had been stabbed could not open his eyes.


Looking at the suspended light ball in his hand, Su Yuxiang’s head obviously short-circuited.

“I can brighten it a little more.”

Zhou Ming then increased the diameter of the light ball by a circle, and the brightness in the room was significantly improved by another level.

Su Yuxiang blocked his eyes with his hand and said buzzingly: “Okay, don’t take any more photos, I can’t open my eyes at all, and quickly withdraw!”


Zhou Ming retracted the ball of light, and the dazzling white light in the room finally disappeared.

“Do you believe it now? The sun in the sky is really my husband’s brightening.”

Zhou Ming stressed again.

“But … no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to brighten the entire sun? The sun is more than 300,000 times larger than the earth. Do you have such a great ability?”

The woman asked in disbelief.


Zhou Ming pondered for a moment and thought for a while, “I’m afraid I have to tell you some things until now.”

His tone increased: “Actually, your husband is a handsome and handsome, low-key and restrained, and omnipotent … God.”

After talking, the woman’s willow waist upstairs in his right hand, only force, put her into the chest, said in her ear: “Hold tight!”

Next second.

Dizzy, the star shifted.

The two seemed to have entered a space-time tunnel.

Waiting for the return of God.

Su Yuxiang vigorously opened her cherry mouth.

In the blink of an eye, she was at a foot full of potholes, with brilliant stars above her head, not far in front, and half a blue planet.

She subconsciously came up with a scream, because in this environment, she was either killed by strong sunlight or the body fluid evaporated, and the imbalance of internal and external pressure caused an explosion to die.

But she didn’t die. Instead, she was free to breathe just like she was at home, because a ten-meter diameter centered on her husband was covered by a transparent mask.

“Do you know where this is?” The man’s inquiry sounded in his ear.

“Moon … the moon.” Su Yuxiang said a term with some difficulty.

“Now, you will no longer doubt what your husband said? Should you believe your husband?” Zhou Ming asked again.

Su Yuxiang nodded dumbly.

“How is it? The scenery here is very good? In addition, Ms. Su Yuxiang, as a god’s wife, do you have any thoughts and want to publish it?” Zhou Ming asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, his look changed, and the smile on his face turned into unspeakable pain.

But it was a jade hand, which was put on the soft meat around his waist and twisted hard.

“Don’t dare to pretend to be outside, specifically pretend to be in front of the old lady? The old lady doesn’t eat your set!”

Su Yuxiang, who knew the man’s routine earlier, responded with a heavy twist.

“Loose your hand, my wife and wife let go, I’m wrong. I won’t dare to force it again next time!” Zhou Ming showed a bitter gourd face.


Su Yuxiang let go of her hand proudly, and when she thought of something, she stretched her jade hand over the soft meat on the waist of the man and asked with a threatening tone: “Hey, didn’t you forget the old rules? You repeat it again, what is it? “

The woman put her ears together.

“I teach you, don’t ask.”

Zhou Ming answered promptly and cleverly.

“Hey, it’s about the same.”

Su Yuxiang closed his hands with satisfaction, and then admired the nearby scenery again. He took dozens of photos with his mobile phone. At the end, he spread his arms and looked forward like a little girl: “In the future, I can also Become a powerful god! Haha! “

Zhou Ming on the side, holding hands and grinning helplessly, this lady-in-law, whose heart is bigger than the sky, seems to be something, as long as it happened in front of her, she can quickly accept it, not going to the bottom, and interested Things, her only requirement is to learn quickly.

In this way, beside Zhou Ming, there was an additional student who learned the “Power of Holy Light” from him, and his wife.

Real world life.

It is relaxed and warm, without any pressure, his wife and children are all around, and the work can be left to others to take care of. He has a lot of time to enjoy this happy and warm life.

Some people may think that this is a bit bland, it seems like boiled water, but Zhou Ming does not think so, but feels full of fun.

He doesn’t need to go outside to pretend to hit his face, step on people wantonly, sometimes it is really uncomfortable, pretend to be in front of his wife, show his hands in front of the child, entertain himself, appreciate the surprised and surprised expression of his family, and it will undoubtedly be cool. No way.

Of course, due to too many routines, the probability of he pretending to fail and be pinched is increasing, almost 100%, but he still likes to do it. After all, how lonely and indifferent is the indifferent life. Humor adjustment.

Even though, in the eyes of many people, it is not humor, it is simply stupid.

so what? He is such a quirky personality, the so-called mature old personality of the old monster, he really can not learn, no fun, nor is it called life.


After relaxing in reality for three or four months.

The system in my mind had to issue a urge: “Host, please stop playing, and there is a final copy, waiting for you to go to the strategy, and quickly put your energy into the business.”

The last copy?

Why is there a so-called copy after “Infinite Magic Web”?

Zhou Ming has already cleared eight copies, why is it still endless?


The total number of copies of the Sims system is nine, “Infinite Magic Net” is the penultimate, and there is the last ultimate copy, waiting for Zhou Ming to go to the Raiders.

The name of this ultimate copy is called “Star Ocean” (yes, a very common name). It is the copy with the largest map area, the most energy system, the most complex structure, and the most difficult strategy in all copies.

Therefore, this copy is the ultimate challenge before Zhou Ming.

However, in the face of the copy of “The Sea of ​​Stars”, Zhou Ming is not like the other great men who are full of pride and ambition in their chests shouting “My journey is the sea of ​​stars” ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ “The Sea”, Zhou Ming’s consideration is to take a rest, take a good breath, and wait for the state of all aspects to come back, and his heart is aroused with ji feelings. The ultimate copy.

After all, the copy of “The Sea of ​​Stars” is really too big. From the map area alone, it is several times larger than the real universe where Zhou Ming is!

There are countless kinds of power systems!

There are also countless secondary planes (low-dimensional planes).

And the extraordinary power of countless hands breaking the galaxy.

Even the copy of Infinite Demonnet, which has just been cleared, and the last copy of “Ling Yuan Continent”, they are two low-level subplanes in this copy of “Star Ocean”, and there is a nested inclusion relationship.

Therefore, the workload of clearing the copy of “Star Ocean” can almost be described as “infinite”.

Zhou Ming was a little scared. How could this “Star Ocean” be conquered?

With such a huge amount of engineering, how could he manage it alone?

However, just when he was a little discouraged, the system told him a very amazing secret.

“The host, such a huge copy, you alone, of course, it is impossible to complete, the system also takes this into account.”

“Actually, the host is not the only person selected by the system. In the giant copy of” Star Ocean “, there are as many as 100,000 companions.”

“If there are 100,000 system binders who will attack this copy together, the workload of each host will be greatly reduced and the burden will be greatly reduced.”

“This is called human tactics.”

Hear that.

Zhou Ming was taken aback.

There are as many as 100,000 hosts like him?


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