Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 26 - Rumors alliance

Jenom is dead.

It hung before the throne ascension ceremony, and the emperor failed to complete it within a minute.

This is far beyond the expectation of his wife Tiffany. Tiffany’s original plan was to let Jenom take the throne first, and after he got the throne, he would let him die … so her son Ford, To be right, inherit everything from Jenom.

But he didn’t die, just before he succeeded to the throne, he just hanged like that.

Tiffany was fooled. In fact, the combined poison prepared by Zhou Ming could be fatal when taken continuously for 4 to 5 days. Jenom died on the sixth day, indicating that his body is still very resistant to toxicity.

Fortunately, Zhou Ming’s ultimate goal was achieved-he killed the so-called “new emperor” before the new emperor’s enthronement ceremony began.

Removed the biggest threat.

Completed the most critical first step.

The entire emperor was suddenly in chaos.

Three days later, the cause of Jerome ’s death was also investigated. It was caused by taking too much tiger wolf medicine. As for the murderer who poisoned Jenom, he was quickly locked in the “imperial capital of Canary” Jade Yali. Quickly delivered, a glass of poisonous wine was poured, and the canary of Jade Yali was so sweet and soothing.

Jennome’s true cause of death has thus covered the past.

And the most important thing for the entire empire now is not the shameful cause of death of Jenom, but the candidate of the new emperor. Who should it be?

Since Jerome ’s son-in-law is the only one with Ford Jr., there are mainly two suitable new royals.

Noctis (Zhou Ming), 12 years old.

Ford, 10 years old.

Because of the position of Queen Mother Janet, she is still on the side of her favorite son Jenom … even if this son is dead, the old man ’s eccentricity will not change.

Empress Dowager Janette, still standing on the side of her little grandson, intends to help Little Ford come to power.

So Empress Dowager Janet became Zhou Ming’s second target.


Continue poisoning?

of course not.


Spreading rumors wildly in the imperial capital.

Of course, this kind of rumor is not a low-level rumor, but a high-level rumor.

In other words, on the basis of facts, the rumor through artistic processing makes it an approximate true legend.

What fact?

When Empress Dowager Janette was young, she had a deep love affair with a young noble named “Hawkins”.

This love affair was a tragedy that happened to Janette. She fell in love with a noble named “Hawkins” at a wild hunting party. They loved each other deeply, and even reached the point of eloping … But this love affair is not destined to have a good result. First, Janet’s elopement was discovered by the family, and she was immediately placed under house arrest.

Second, Janet had a marriage contract, her fiance was the prince of the empire, the future emperor of the empire, and the Lucis family did not allow her to do anything to ruin the reputation of the family.

In order to forcibly dismantle the pair of loved young people, the young nobleman named Hawkins was broken into a corner where he could not be found.

So this can also explain why, after his eldest son Alexandre, contrary to his own will, insisted on marrying a woman with a low title, Jianite was so angry and opposed, after all, she was also young Encountered such a thing, why she and her beloved can only be separated by the family alive, and his son Alexandre, but can overcome many obstacles, lovers eventually become dependents?

The old lady was dissatisfied, she was extremely unhappy, and she tried every means to block it.

Of course, there are also factors for the old lady to protect the interests of the Lucis family.

But this experience of the old lady when she was young just happened to be a place where Zhou Ming used to make articles and make crazy rumors.

Zhou Ming specially wrote a wonderful script, gorgeous words, and weeping content, mainly about the story of how the old lady and the young noble named “Hawkins” met each other when they were young.

It tells the tragic story of meeting each other in the flower field, meeting each other in the forest, falling in love after going through a series of stories, and finally experiencing the failure of elopement and forced separation by the family.

Such stories, in the eyes of modern people like Zhou Ming, are described by the two words “old-fashioned”. In the plane of “Blue Moon”, there are countless similar stories, which are not so fresh.

But with the powerful and magnificent writing of storytellers, the love story that happened to the old lady after the affection of the excellent actors of the “Evening Opera Company” of the first-class opera company of the Imperial City became the stage opera “Broken Lovers” Because of the beautiful production of the show’s scenes, the intriguing music, and the superb performance of the actors, once the show was launched, it caused a sensation in the imperial capital, and the venue was hot and full of seats.

Many viewers came with anticipation, and then weeping away.

Then desperately to the surrounding Amway, as well as many unsatisfied audience, carried out two brushes, three brushes, or even five brushes, six brushes and seven brushes.

Within half a month, at least 800,000 viewers in the Imperial Capital watched the show “Broken Lovers” in the theater.

At least 3 million people know the plot of this drama, and 8 million people have heard the name of this drama.

The propaganda effect that Zhou Ming wants to achieve is basically achieved. He has a rumor receiving and spreading population base of millions of people.

Of course, the play “Broken Lovers” by Zhou Ming made it clear that there are no problems, no rumors, and people can’t find any problems, just a slightly old-fashioned opera.

But then, what Zhou Ming released can be called “rumors”.

Because after his “Broken Lovers”, he also wrote one.

‘S name is “The Return of Hawkins”, which talks about Hawkins whose leg was broken. After all the hardships and difficulties, he returned to the imperial capital from the place of exile, returned to the side of “Janilite”, and then with Jani A series of stories happened between Litt.

Because it is, these stories can only be described in one word: Huang.

Very yellow!

In the scene alone, there are more than a dozen places such as boudoirs, toilets, restaurants, bathhouses, palace gardens, private houses, temples and churches.

There are dozens of movement postures, and illustrations are elaborately made.

Coupled with powerful and splendid writing, vivid descriptions, and extremely exquisite illustrations, no matter who you are, this book is in your hand, as long as you appreciate it for 5 minutes, if this person is not hard, Zhou Ming and his surname!

In reality, it was about the third year after the old lady became queen, she called Hawkins back to her by various means and kept him for almost a year … even the once handsome guy changed Became a vicissitudes middle-aged with lame sloppy legs.

It was during this year that the old lady became pregnant again and gave birth to her second son, Jenom.

Therefore, Zhou Ming can create a work based on these real events: “The Return of Hawkins” …… This is the body of the rumor.

So what is the purpose of Zhou Ming’s rumor?

Of course, it is to let the public generally believe that the dead emperor Jenom, his biological father, is not the first emperor Barissa, but a wild seed born by Hawkins and the old lady.

Once this rumor is known to everyone in the world, even if the old lady is covered in mouth, it can’t be explained!

All members of the royal family of Orunia ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ also cannot allow a descendant of the wild species to occupy the highest throne and secretly cut off the inheritance of the royal family.

So when the book “The Return of Hawkins” sold under half a million copies underground, and there were rumors and discussions in the entire Imperial City, there was only one way to wash the innocence before the old lady and Ford. , Beat the rumors!

any solution?

Drop a bone to recognize your relatives!

That is, excavate the tomb of the first emperor, take out a spine, and then put a few drops of blood on Zhou Ming and Xiao Ford. If the blood melts into the spine, it proves to be the blood of the orthodox royal family.

If it is incompatible, it must be a wild seed!

So at the meeting, in the face of this identification proposal put forward by the patriarch, the old lady’s face changed wildly and suddenly stood up!

She pointed at the royal patriarch Rubest and said angrily: “What do you mean?”

“Dare you question my loyalty to the emperor?”

“How dare you blaspheme his holy body and open his coffin and take his bones so that he will not rest?”

“Shy! Shy ~~”

The old lady shivered in anger.

The royal patriarch Rubster said lightly: “There are many rumors in the outside world, and there are rumors everywhere. The empire is very unstable. If you don’t stop the rumors in time, I am afraid that there will be chaos in the world!”

“What’s more, this matter is of great importance, and is related to the orthodox of the royal family. For the sake of stability, it has to be checked! If the emperor first knows, he will support us to do so!”

“His Empress Dowager, if you don’t have ghosts in your heart, don’t be ashamed of the king, why should you be so excited?



Faced with Lubster’s aggressive words, the old lady’s face was pale and almost fainted.

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