Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 29 - Rule by doing nothing

In fact, the old prince had always looked down on that Jenom, and he despised the greedy and lustful man inwardly.

However, for the benefit of the Lucis family, once Jenom really took the throne, the two married, the old prince would still agree.

So after hearing that Jenom hung up, Elsa was the happiest person. She didn’t have to marry an old man who made her sick.

And when Zhou Ming appeared in front of her and the family found her a marriage partner, Elsa still resisted a little bit, but it was much better than before … this little Zheng Tai who was two years younger than her In appearance, Elsa still looks pretty good.

But I did not expect that the boy in front of him was young, but his mouth was terrible. Some sweet words made her coquettish heart beat, and the marriage arranged by the family, her mentality changed from a little resistance to Acquiesced obedience.

What about Zhou Ming?

What is the idea in his heart?

In fact, he didn’t want to promise any marriage, and he didn’t want to get entangled with any woman anymore. He had planned to exchange some benefits in exchange for the support of the Lucis family.

It’s just that the old fox deserves to be an old fox. He ate Zhou Ming’s death at once, letting him immediately understand that his previous plans were not as seamless as he thought.

Facing the “marriage” rope that the old fox took the initiative, he could only stretch his head.

Of course, this does not mean that Zhou Ming accepted his fate.

He is still young, still struggling for a few years, perhaps, he can avoid the fate of being stuck.

In this way, after winning the support of the Lucis family.

Above the court, Zhou Ming’s weight of speech finally grew a lot. On some major issues, he could also express his opinions, put forward his own opinions, and even give some eye-catching suggestions to the ministers. Compliment.

So what’s next?

Zhou Ming, what is his plan?

He first investigated and learned about the challenges and problems facing the empire in his hands.

After a thorough investigation, Zhou Ming summarized three major issues:

One, financial tension, empty treasury, has been unable to make ends meet for thirty consecutive years, and now the remaining funds in the treasury are only enough to maintain the normal operation of the empire for three years. Embarrassing situation.

Two, the merger of private land has intensified, the division between nobles and civilians has intensified. Out of twilight.

Three, the extravagant wind of the nobility prevails, and there is a lot of beggars on the bottom. There are countless begging people in the bottom of the winter. In winter, there are countless people who freeze to death and starve. This imperial pill.

However, after analyzing the system, it is speculated that this empire has at least 500 years of national games and will not die in a short time.

“Why do you say that, system?” Zhou Ming asked.

“One, this empire is on a complete floating island, there is no hidden danger of foreign invasion, and it is in a unified state. It can mobilize a lot of resources for suppressing the rebellion, and because there are a large number of feudal lords in the empire, it is very active in suppressing the rebellion. , So the rebellion is difficult to succeed. “

“Feudal lord? I have to thank you for reminding me of this. With these feudal lords, my emperor is more worried.” Zhou Ming didn’t have a good air.

“In addition, the high-end power in this empire is basically in the hands of the nobility. With these high-end powers to suppress it, those low-level resistance forces can hardly set off any waves.” The system said.

“High-end power?”

Zhou Ming shook his head: “This is also true. In the high-energy plane, the resistance of the people at the bottom is indeed the ant in front of the elephant, which is generally taken away by cutting the leek.”

But this also means that Zhou Ming does not need to solve the above problems, can he sit back and relax?

of course not.

Choosing to ignore is not his style.

Among the three problems, he must at least come up with a way to solve one of them.

Zhou Ming’s focus was naturally on solving the “financial tension” problem.

On this subject, he held several DPRK meetings specifically to discuss solutions.

“To increase taxes, we can only increase taxes to farmers, and increase the tax on one mu of land from 10% to 11%, so that the treasury can increase 5 million gold tower shields every year, basically making up for the shortfall.”

“Yes, just add a little tax, farmers can’t add much burden.”

“The 10% tax is indeed not high. I heard that in many nobles’ territories, farmers have to pay half of the harvest. In contrast, Wang Ling District does not charge anything to increase taxes?”

In the palace, most of the nobles tend to pay a little tax to the farmers in the Wangling area.

Let me explain here that the so-called king territory refers to the area under the jurisdiction of the emperor, with the establishment of prefectures and counties, and the dispatch of officials to manage it, a bit like the ancient Z-state society.

In the Aurunian Empire, the area of ​​King Neighbourhood accounted for about one-third, with a population of 1.5 billion, accounting for about half of the total population. Among them, there were a large number of self-cultivated farmers and free people.

The other two-thirds belonged to the territories that were subdivided to the noble lords, and were called “lord areas.”

Seeing now that Zhou Ming intends to solve the problem of financial tension, the nobles who spoke first advocated that the key to solving the problem should be placed above the tax increase for farmers in the “Wangling District”.

This of course aroused the dissatisfaction and opposition of the “Royal Guardians”.

“Why increase taxes to the peasants in the Wang Ling area instead of allowing the lords to increase the tribute to the royal family?”

“Yeah, why put all the pressure on our farmer’s head? You lords, don’t you need to bear a little?”

“Know that the king’s territory only accounts for one-third of the empire, but feeds half of the empire’s population. The nobles have doubled their land, and we have to increase taxes for our farmers?”

“No, we don’t agree.”

Above the Chaoyin, the royalists and the nobles quarreled violently, and even almost started to move.

On the issue of money, no one wants to cut the flesh and bleed the blood, and that faction ca n’t give way.

While Zhou Ming’s head grew larger, he also immediately understood that the main internal contradictions in the empire were the contradictions between the “Royal Kings” and the “Nobles”.

Moreover, on the issue of interest, neither group is easy to provoke, it is difficult to compromise, and it is difficult for both parties to reach a consensus.

Then what should be done?

How to solve the problem of financial tension?

It is impossible for Zhou Ming to agree to increase taxes on farmers, saying that it is to increase by 1%, but when it comes to the lower-level officials, I am afraid that they will increase by 3%, 5% or even higher, directly demanding the old lives of farmers.

What about the increase in business tax? Is it okay to collect taxes from the merchants?

Zhou Ming also had this idea, but it quickly dismissed. The so-called government and business integration, the merchants’ backstage are nobles, dare to reach out to the merchants, isn’t it just to trouble the nobles, the nobles don’t blame it.

Therefore, if open source fails, then choose to reduce expenditure, spend less money, and adopt inaction.

How can you rule by doing nothing?

One, reduce the number of celebrations.

Zhou Ming knew that as the capital of empire’s first good, in order to celebrate various festivals, the imperial capital held more than ten large-scale celebrations every year, and each celebration would cost 500,000 to 500,000 gold tower shields. The annual expenditure is nearly 5 million.

Thinking of such a huge cost, Zhou Ming cut it directly in half, and the rest of the celebrations required frugal handling, so ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ can save about 2 million Jinta Shield expenditures a year.

Two, reduce the number of servants in the palace.

Because the number of maids, handymen, eunuchs, housekeepers and concubines in the palace is more than 10,000, only Zhou Ming is the target of the service. This is too extravagant and wasteful. Zhou Ming also directly halved and laid off more than 5000 people, although it cost A large severance payment was made, but the annual savings of the Royal Palace were also around 2 million gold tower shields.

Three, disarmament.

A large number of reductions belong to the army in the royal sequence.

Reducing the total number of the Royal Army of 3 million to 1.5 million … This encountered huge resistance and also spent a lot of energy on Zhou Ming, but after doing the ideological work of all the generals of the military, after overcoming the many resistances, the disarmament work , Successfully implemented.

Of course, although the number has been cut in half, Zhou Ming ’s military expenditure of 10 million gold tower shields has not been reduced in a word, and he even promised that it will increase in the future, turning the 1.5 million soldiers left after the reduction into equipment. Better, more maneuverable, and more elite … The overall combat effectiveness will remain basically unchanged.

However, after the reduction, the number has been reduced by half, which means that the logistics support has been reduced by half, the consumption of food materials has been reduced by half, and the annual maintenance cost savings are still more than 1 million gold tower shields.

Even after seeing the Royal Corps, after the reduction, the treasury’s burden was significantly reduced, and the combat power has skyrocketed. The old lord Fred Lucius, actually moved the disarmament mind, but due to various difficulties, it is difficult to overcome , And ended in failure.

In this way, after three “halvings”, the financial tension problem was greatly alleviated, and the shortfall was successfully closed, and Zhou Ming was slightly relieved.

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