Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 50 - Infection plan

As Zhou Ming ’s various construction plans continue to be implemented with great fanfare, the movements of manufacturing are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more people are affected. He wants to keep some secrets from leaking out, and it will become more and more difficult .

Especially in the territory of the Aulunian Empire, the thousands of magic net walkers belonging to the Blue Handicraft Association are always a variable, and the secret of this empire may be discovered at any time.

Without solving these magic webwalkers who do not belong to one side, Zhou Ming will always be bound and unable to let go of his hands and feet.

How to deal with it?

Is it all killed?

Shook his head.

If you do this, thousands of soul strings are broken, and there is a “vacuum” in the territory of the Aurunian Empire where the blue gesture power disappears. No matter how stupid Carlos Nari will soon find some Duan Mi, then Send someone to investigate.

The best solution is to try to digest and absorb these thousands of magic net walkers and integrate them into their own hands.

How to integrate and absorb?

Although Zhou Ming is an emperor, he also has some domineering qualities, but he is still not so powerful.

Previously only for the purpose of conquering Xiute and other four people, Zhou Ming spent a lot of effort. Now it is an extremely complicated project to quickly conquer thousands.

However, this time Zhou Ming thought of a brilliant plan that could quickly achieve the conquest of most of the 1,000 magic webwalkers … excluding variables.

Of course, there will certainly be a small number of people who withstand the temptation, have high integrity, and will not easily surrender. These few people, first cut off the soul string, and then shut down or kill, completely seeing Zhou Ming’s threat level. Evaluation … In short, we have to do everything in one net, and not miss one.

So what is the specific solution?

What did Zhou Ming tell Picker to do?

“Infection Plan”!

The thing to be done by Picker is to return to the Blue Hand Guild (located in the branch of the Aulunian Empire), return to his original circle of friends, contact with his former colleagues and friends, and then start his Amway push Wide tour.

What to promote?

Naturally, it is to promote intelligent and convenient, versatile functions, can bring great help and convenience-intelligent magic network management system.

This system is packaged into an APP form, which can be downloaded into the mind of every magic webwalker-as long as the magic webwalker agrees to accept the download package sent by others.

The intelligent magic network management system provides many powerful functions.

For example, map navigation, the map of the entire blue moon plane, it can give you a rough navigation, and in the territory of the Aulun Empire, the navigation accuracy can reach ten meters.

For example, a life assistant can bring a lot of help to your daily life.

The combat assistant can provide you with a lot of help during the battle … but the application needs to be used for a fee.

Tool assistant, there are [Carpenter’s crash], [Craftsman master], [Brick making], [Cement making] and other tool skills … These skills also need to be paid for.

There are also some chat services, news bulletins, weather forecasts, calculators and other application services, and most of them can be downloaded for free.

Seeing this, I am afraid that some people have already noticed some signs, knowing what Zhou Ming is doing.

Yes, if the “magic network” in the energy layer is regarded as a “network” that can transmit not only energy but also information, Zhou Ming’s “intelligent magic network management system” is undoubtedly an operating system.

This set of operating system, the server side is located in the magic network, reserves a lot of knowledge and information, and provides various powerful computing services.

The client is the “soul” of every magic webwalker, and uses a variety of applications developed based on soul programming to provide users with various convenient services.

In the end, an advanced, soul-data-based new online world was built … and almost no difference from the real online society.

And the routines used by Zhou Ming are the same as some Internet gangsters have done now. They are first promoted for free, and then … naturally, they are exhausted and harvested.

The “Infection Plan” is roughly composed of three parts.

The first step is the Amway promotion stage.

Picker, who was tasked with promotion, returned to the guild and immediately pulled a few close friends, found a restaurant, and ordered a table of dishes. When the atmosphere was similar, Picker looked mysterious Said: “Several brothers, I have something good to introduce to you, and I guarantee you like …”

“What? Is it a beautiful woman?” A friend’s eyes glowed.

“Ten times better than a beauty!” Pickle said.

“Ten times, aren’t they ten beautiful women? Brother, you’re so interesting!” The friend’s eyes lit up.

“Eslow, why are there only beautiful women in your eyes?” Picton was speechless.

“Piquel, except for the beauty, there is nothing in this world that can attract me.”

“Okay, you all listen to me. When I finish talking, you will all feel great!”

Picker went straight to the topic, and spent more than an hour, introducing various aspects of “Intelligent Magic Web Management System”, and stunned a few friends.

Two hours later, with the idea of ​​giving it a try, five of Picker’s friends all downloaded the “Smart Magic Web Management System” and tried it for a while.

This trial resulted in five loyal users.

Picker received a reward of 50,000 points.

And shortly afterwards, five of Picker’s friends became his “offline”, helping Picker to develop users and speeding up the promotion of the “Intelligent Magic Network Management System”.

According to the reward rules, a user who is in the next level of Picker will get 10,000 points for each new user added during the promotion process, and his previous level of Picker , Will also increase 5000 bonus points.

If it is the next level of the next level user, it has developed a level one user. Among the four level users, the lower level user gets 10,000 points reward, the lower level user gets 5000, and Picker takes 2500 … follow Rule of halving grading.

Even so, it is much more efficient to develop a way to promote offline to help promote it, one by one.

In order to earn points rewards, Picker’s subordinates are also more motivated to continue to make peace around them.

There is even such a joke-like story, where two magic net walkers who are enemies of each other meet unexpectedly in the wild, and the two eyes are red, and they kill each other if they do not agree. However, because one of them downloaded the “Xiaozhi (Intelligent Magic Network Management System)”, with the help of the system, this man defeated his opponent with a greater advantage, and the hatred between the two finally came to an end.

“Hahaha, XXX, I won, you are finally dying in my hands!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let’s do it!” The man lying on the floor was also a man, not afraid of death at all.

“Die!” He was about to put an end to his enemy with a sword.

But the tip of the sword reached his heart, and he suddenly stopped.

“Do it, give me a good time!”

“Wait a moment, I ask you, have you downloaded Xiaozhi?”

“?????” The enemy’s face was covered with black question marks, and his brain was in a down state.

“In this way, you help me download a little wisdom, and I will kill you again when I get the point reward.”

“Are you sick?” The enemy opened his eyes wide as if he saw a neuropathy.

In the end, the man on the ground was finally succeeded in being ambitious, and the winning man did not kill him, but let him go and made him an offline player.

As such, with this kind of “MLM” -like promotion method, it only took less than 1 month, and almost all of the magic net walkers belonging to the Blue Hand Guild in the Aulun Empire fell into extinction. Most of them became users of the “Xiaozhi” system.

The coverage of users is close to 100%, and the “Infection Plan” has successfully reached the second step-

Engage members.

The users who just downloaded the “Xiaozhi” system and used it are only the most common users.

Ordinary users do n’t enjoy many free services. Various skills and knowledge such as “life”, “battle”, and “tools” are expensive to purchase. Many people buy for 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days. Purchase-This is also the reason why many new users ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ so desperately earn points.

Taking into account the real needs of ordinary users, “Xiaozhi” recently launched an event called “Large Member Upgrade Event”.

The specific content is: as long as you nod your head, as long as you check “I agree” on the “Relocation Agreement”, you can upgrade from a regular member to a “big member” without paying any price.

After being upgraded to a big member, dozens of preferential benefits introduced by the system simply let the population flow.

For example, more than a dozen commonly used APP application software, from paid use to free use.

Another example is that the prices of various types of paid skills have fallen sharply, and the average price reduction has exceeded half.

There is also a new “magic warehouse” in the system. If you upload the magic unit, the system will no longer charge 1/3 of the tax. As many units as you deposit, it will retain as many units as possible, without deducting your taxes.

This is equivalent to your strength increased by a third out of thin air!

“I agree!”

“I agree!”

After the launch of the system’s “Large Member Upgrade Activity”, in the face of a large number of visible benefits, there was little hesitation. 99.99% of ordinary members checked “I agree” and were promoted to become big members.

Then the connection point between their soul string and the magic net quickly moved and moved to the “small site” delineated by Zhou Ming.

In this way, the second step of the “Infection Plan” was a great success and successfully entered the third step.

In the third step, the real veil of Xiaozhi’s system is finally about to be lifted, revealing its true face of incomparable scheming, insidiousness and incomparably amazing.

All users will instantly realize that they have boarded a thief ship that cannot go.

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