Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 55 - Quarrel

What Zhou Ming said is “now young, consider getting married after the age of 30”, in the ear of the old king, there is no difference from refusing to marry the Lucis family.

The old king was difficult to accept.

It is even more impossible to swallow!

He wants to make trouble.

He wants to give Noctis a little color!

So after leaving the palace, the angry old prince immediately took a series of actions to make things happen.

There was an uproar in the imperial capital!

Of course, at the beginning, the old prince had not gone to extremes, and there was still a trace of reason in his mind.

He just pulled all the nobles of the lords of the empire to his palace, and told them about the emperor’s remorse.

Hearing the story of the old king, the nobles were all taken aback, and then filled with indignation, one by one.

“What? How can your emperor do this? How can it not be said?”

“Think about getting married after the age of thirty? What about those who are not married after the age of thirty? If my grandson dares to do this, I will break his leg!” Said one nobleman.

“In the matter of marriage, His Majesty the Emperor actually does not have the power to make decisions. His parents are gone, but he still has a grandmother. The Empress Dowager has the power to arrange for him to finish his marriage as soon as possible.

One of the old king ’s sons shook his head and said, “Sister, her health has been getting worse recently, and may not have many days, and she seems to want to understand something. He would n’t preside over the marriage for Noctis. “

“How about Rubus, he is the patriarch of the royal family, the patriarch of His Majesty the Emperor, can’t he preside over the marriage for Noctis?”

“It’s unlikely, Rubus has a bad relationship with our nobles. He hopes that this marriage will be too late, how can it be promoted?”

From these perspectives, Noctis does have the power to make decisions on marriage.

“But … we got married after the age of thirty, wasn’t this playing our nobles? Noktis had no sincerity to unite our nobles!”

“Yes, Noctis, like his father, wanted to ignore us nobles!”

“No! The little boy is even more serious than his father. He not only wants to regret his marriage, he also wants to humiliate us!”

The old prince inserted and punched his fist **** the table: “I must give the boy a lesson and warning until he admits his mistake and immediately marries my family Elsa!”

“But … Noctis is not his father. This kid has a lot of power in his hands. He is a hundred times stronger than his father. He is not so easy to deal with.” An aristocrat said with concern.


The old king smashed the table and said, “No matter how hard his wings are, I can interrupt him! My Lucis family is by no means the object of his underestimation and humiliation. I want to let the boy know what is true. the power of!”

“Lao Wang Jue, do you mean …” An aristocrat was horrified, wouldn’t the Lao Wang Ju … want to take violence?

“Old Lord, this should be careful! If you get to that point, you will only lose both sides!” A nobleman said nervously.

“I will give the kid a last chance. If he continues to do his own thing, don’t blame me for being rude!”

The old prince was not a stupid man. He used violence to fight against the royal family. Since the two sides were equal in strength, they would indeed lose both sides if the war broke out. They would even lose the gains and cause the empire to fall into chaos. This is not a wise practice. Ripped the face.

He did not call for so many nobles, not to plan wars, but invited them to write a concert together, and set up ventilation in advance. In the early dynasty of tomorrow, the old king will take the nobles to the crowd, demanding the emperor Noktis, the most So soon marry Elsa as the queen, and do not want to delay for a moment!


Early morning the next day.

“Your Majesty, you are the ruler of the world and the role model of the people of the world. How can you say nothing without faith?”

“Your Majesty, stop playing indulgently, marriage at the age of sixteen is just right, you can honor the promise of the” Golden House Tibetan Beauty “!”

“Your Majesty, you got married earlier and gave birth to heirs earlier. It is also good for the stability of the empire. The empire needs a queen!”

“Your Majesty, the nobility is also the pillar of the empire. If you do not value the nobility and humiliate the nobility! This empire may not be stable.”

Under the leadership of the old king, when faced with the advice of hundreds of nobles, severe warnings, and the voice demanding that he marry Elsa immediately.

Zhou Ming suddenly felt his head wide.

“Stop, the nobles are a little quiet, please be quiet.”

He waved his hands again and again, indicating that the nobles were quiet, but he shouted a dozen words and waited for more than five minutes until his face became very ugly.

The hall was finally quiet.

“Is it interesting?”

“Is it interesting?”

Zhou Ming looked at the old prince and said: “Old prince, you talk about a small private matter that actually broke into Chaotang, and it is well known all over the world. Do you mean it?”

Feel Zhou Ming’s angry words.

The old prince did not mind at all, raised his head and said: “The emperor has no personal affairs. The emperor’s small private affairs are the great things of the empire and the great things of the world! As a loyal empire of the empire, I have to take the lead to supervise your majesty.

“Yes, the emperor is selfless, and small things are big things!” A large number of nobles echoed.

“Don’t talk so many people together! Say one by one!”

Zhou Ming shouted, then pointed to a minister in the queue on the left and said, “Sir Gogoriz, my parents have died, my grandmother is seriously ill, and there is no one to blame. Is this a matter of marriage? The call? “

“Your Majesty.” Gogolitz, known as one of the four great flatters, said without thinking.

“Good! For marriage, since I can make my own decision, I don’t want to get married too early, but I want to get married later. Is there any problem?” Zhou Ming asked again.

“There is no problem at all, Your Majesty.” Gogoliz said.

“Okay! But if you look at these nobles, you actually interfere with my freedom and ask me to get married immediately, forcing me to do things that I don’t want to do. Do you say they are a bit excessive?”

“Your Majesty, it’s not just a little too much, it’s very, very much!” Gogoliz said.

“I refused these excessive demands directly, is there no problem?”

“No problem …”

Before Gogolitz finished, a cane hit him, and the old prince actually hit someone.

He knocked several big bags on Gogoliz’s head, and scolded in his mouth: “You **** bullfucker, I knock you to death!”

“What are you doing, Lord Lucius?”

“Above Chaotang, how can you despise Tianwei, old lord?

“Stop it, old lord, stop me!”

These ministers were unhappy and stopped drinking. Although Gogoriz was an unskilled flatterer, most courtiers were extremely ashamed of him. He usually went away and did not want to go with him. After all, Leeds is a minister.

How can the noble faction beating at will?

So a few powerful ministers joined forces to pull the old king.

In the hall, the two factions quarreled fiercely.

The focus of the debate is still at what age the emperor should be married … This is the core of the contradiction.

The view of the aristocratic faction is: the sooner the emperor should get married, the better, and it is best to be married immediately, not to be over 18 years old, and it is difficult to accept after the age of 30 ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the ministers in the ministerial faction, most They all agree with the views of the aristocracy, but because of the deep contradictions between the two factions, this time, the ministers stood on the side of the emperor, throwing up a lot of wonderful views and saying a lot of annoying words.

“Since His Majesty has the power to decide when he will get married, whether His Majesty chooses to marry at the age of 20, at the age of 30, or at the age of 50 is the power of His Majesty, and others cannot interfere. We should respect the power of His Majesty. “

“What’s wrong with getting married at the age of 30? When he was young, he looked ugly and his family was poor. He didn’t have any objects at the age of 34, but since he became an official, he married one wife and three concubines in one go. At 35, he had his first son. … Chen thinks it’s okay to get married later. “

“It ’s actually not good to get married early. When a minister has grandchildren, he has been in contact with men and women since he was 12 years old. He enjoys it every day, he is exhausted and he does n’t know how to control himself. He also buys a lot of tiger and wolf medicine. He died early, without leaving a man and a half. “

“The minister felt that His Majesty’s considerations were wise. Now that the empire’s careers are flourishing, the people are also looking forward to a healthy and long-lived king who will bring them long-term happiness. The monarch, the great cause has not been completed, and it was early damaged on the word “color”. Now the emperor has a clear understanding of the harm of “color”. This is not a bad thing for the stability of Jiangshan. “

“Yes, Your Majesty is young, but always very opinionated and far-sighted. It is your nobles, who are short-sighted and only look at the small profits in front of you, or even ruin the good situation. You should be ashamed of your nonsense!”

Hear these words.

The old king was shaking and his face flushed, almost vomiting blood!

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