Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 62 - rescue

“Unexpectedly, the purpose of the Guild’s search for self-connected people was not to cultivate them, but to kill them!”

Looking at the scene where the video in her head was playing, Elias was taken aback, her face unbelievable.

At first she thought it was a serious and upright President Carlos Sari, and immediately became a devil who murdered the lives of others.

The whole blue hand guild, the image of the bright and magnificent shore in her heart, completely collapsed at this moment!

For the first time, she felt that certain practices of the blue hand were too inhumane and disappointed her.

“The immediate priority now is to rescue the kid from Conan, not to let him suffer all the time.”

Shute said that he did not want to comment on the various practices of the guild. Anyway, in his impression, the various management systems of the guild are very strict, sometimes to an unreasonable level, and the punishment for the wrong members is also very strict. The forbidden ground in the back of the headquarters is a place of exile for many wrong members.

In the impression of Shute, there are two friends who, because they made a mistake that is not a big mistake, were locked in the Houshan Forbidden Area and have never seen them again since then.

It now appears that his two friends must be fierce.

“How should we save Conan? The guild’s rear mountain guards are tightly guarded, and there are many masters. It is difficult to sneak in. If it is discovered by a warlock above the legendary level, the probability of survival of the rescuers is very low.” Elias said.

“Your Majesty, can you pull Conan’s soul string back into the unpolluted magic string? Let him recover his strength and escape from the cave. We will go to the forbidden area to respond, which is better than breaking into the forbidden area to rescue The difficulty is much lower, and the probability of saving Conan is also higher. “

Shute said to Zhou Ming.

“I can do it by pulling back the soul string, but for the sake of safety, it is still necessary to send people to sneak into the forbidden area. We can’t expect Conan to rescue himself. He is just a level 1 magic net walker.”

“However, I also know the meaning of the two of you. I have also prepared a set of action plans here, and arranged a squad of about 20 people to form a rescue team and went to the blue hand headquarters to rescue Conan.”

Zhou Ming said that Huette, Elias and his wife went to the headquarters of the Blue Hand and completed the mission to the guild. They did not stay for a few days and immediately returned to the Orunia Empire. The family was happy together Together.

Now that Conan had an accident and was in an extremely dangerous environment, the couple was also taken aback. They did not expect that the Guild would do such a thing for the self-connected people. Zhou Ming ’s “conspiracy” speculation was confirmed. Now I have to consider rescuing Conan.

Therefore, the Huts and his wife who are familiar with the situation of the blue hand must lead the team to return to the main continent once to rescue Conan.

Zhou Ming also knew their concerns and said:

“Relax, Shut, the rescue plan I prepared has a high probability of success, and it is basically unlikely to be discovered by the guards, and your couple only needs to go alone, and Elias will stay here to take care of your little ones. Cage, Shut, who leads the rescue team, does n’t have to perform the most dangerous missions. If an accident occurs and rescue Conan fails, you can also give up the rescue. I will think of another way. “

Hear this.

The Suters couldn’t help but look awkward, and their faces turned red.

But Zhou Ming understands them very well. Once people have a family, they tend to be conservative. Once they have children, they become timid, seek stability in everything, try to avoid accidents, and even become afraid of things … even if they have Is a very famous adventurer.

Therefore, the couple, Zhou Ming, intends to send only Shute to go. The safety plan he has formulated is also very high, and the probability of accidents is very small.

“Your Majesty, let me go with Shute. Conan brought me to the headquarters in person. I have to bring him back completely.”

Elias said a little remorsefully.

“No, you can stay in the empire with peace of mind. This task doesn’t require you both to go.” Zhou Ming waved his hand.

Shute also said: “Eliyas, you can still take care of your children at home, rescue Conan, I am enough to go alone.”

The two advised each.

Elias still felt uncomfortable and said she must go.

Zhou Ming had to take out his rescue plan and explain to the two people why the rescue operation was very low-risk.

Because he was based on the forbidden area of ​​the Houshan headquarters, the geological structure is all the characteristics of a solid stone mountain, and he came up with a wonderful rescue method.

Dig the tunnel.

Dig an underground tunnel from the ground to the cave where Conan is held, and rescue him through the tunnel.

But there will definitely be doubts about digging tunnels under the rocky mountain. Isn’t this brain sick? How much movement that has to be made, the patrol personnel do not find it strange!

It won’t make much noise.

Tool skill [brick making], making stone bricks in rocky landforms, will not emit smoke and heat, and the movement is very small.

The iron chain iron handcuffs tied to Conan’s hands and feet can also be plasticized with the tool skill [Iron Making], and the iron handcuffs can be opened directly without violent destruction.

So with the help of many tool skills, it is easy to rescue a living person from a tightly guarded forbidden area.

After seeing Zhou Ming’s rescue plan, Shute’s eyes were even brighter, and he repeatedly praised:

“Miao, it is really wonderful. With this kind of plan to rescue, it is impossible for the blue hand to think, the movement is also small, and the probability of discovery is indeed very low!”

He said with emotion: “I did not expect that the tool skills can still be used in this way, I am really eye-opening!”

Zhou Ming glanced at him and said, “You don’t really think that [brick making] can only be used to make bricks?”

“Hey ~”

Suter smiled awkwardly: “When I was working on the construction site, I really didn’t think about it. Tool skills can also be used in this way. Now it seems that as long as they are used well, tool skills are more effective than combat skills!”

Elias nodded his head with his hand: “You, always say you are smart, you know to kill, kill, kill a brick for a few months on the construction site and don’t know how to use it.”

“Yes, yes, my wife said yes.”

In front of Zhou Ming ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The two people spread a handful of dog food.

In this way, the rescue plan was finalized.

Three days later.

As a captain, Shute, with 20 capable staff, boarded the faster “Speeding Rocket” and went to the main continent.

After flying for only half a month, the Speeding Rocket arrived near the headquarters of the Blue Hand Guild and immediately launched a rescue operation.

Everything is going very smoothly.

Using [brick making] to dig, within half a month, the tunnel penetrated into the cave where Konan is located.

Hardly any patrol personnel noticed that Conan was rescued.

The situation went smoothly.

It was precisely because of this that Conan, who had been suffering for more than a month, did not intend to leave immediately.

He wants to retaliate, he wants to let the Guild of Tortured Blue Hands know that he is powerful!

He intends to put a super big trick!

After hearing Conan’s plan, Shut was taken aback, feeling dumbfounded.

Conan, the boy, actually wanted to release all the “purifiers” in the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.

Unleash the 20 or so “devil heads” deep inside the forbidden ground!

“Conan don’t make a fuss, you can just be saved, don’t get out of the way!” Shute advised.

“No! If you don’t agree, I won’t go with you!” Conan sat down on the stone bed, and wouldn’t leave.

Shute can only ask Zhou Ming to ask him what he should do, or should he stop Konan’s mischief?

Zhou Ming replied: “It’s better to do what Conan said, on the one hand let him breathe; on the other hand also give a hand to the blue hand to let them understand that the destructive power of the red power, in the end How big can it be. “

“Okay, Your Majesty!”

Xiu nodded.

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