Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 65 - Full horsepower

In terms of age, Zhou Ming now, but in his early 18s, has been in this world for only six years.

In just a few years, he has released several big moves in a row.

It is even more difficult to stop now, and has made a huge plan, brewing a terrifying move.

what’s the plan?

Of course, it is a comprehensive external expansion plan!

Zhou Ming intends to expand his territory and prepare to conquer the star sea.


It is actually conquering the sea of ​​stars, each copy comes to this set, can it be a little new?

In fact, Zhou Ming’s statement may not be appropriate, but this time the target of his conquest is not the resources and territory of other countries, nor the large-scale military conquest in the traditional sense.

This time, the object he wants to conquer is only one kind of people-the magic net walker who has mastered the high-end power.

As long as all the demon webwalkers can be taken down, the strength of his guild “blue light” is strengthened. In a sense, this blue moon plane is equivalent to being conquered by Zhou Ming.

And the method of conquest adopted is not a routine killing and war, but another way-to pull the head and engage in MLM.

The specific operation is basically the same as the routine used to get the local blue hand branch in the Aulun Empire: using the members ’endless desire for points, they ca n’t get rid of them step by step, they can only sink deeper and deeper. .

Finally betray the blue hand and join the blue light!

After the vast majority of the magic webwalkers of the entire plane were added to the blue light, the so-called “star sea” was naturally held in Zhou Ming’s hands.

Therefore, this plan, Zhou Ming called it “MLM Conquer the World” plan.

According to the exaggerated efficiency of MLM, Zhou Ming estimates that once this plan is fully implemented, his speed of conquering the world will be faster than that of war, and its efficiency will be exaggerated.

It may be at most ten years or so, the plane of the blue moon can be owned by Zhou Ming.

No matter how bad the farming storms are, it is impossible to beat this.

However, in the specific operation process, in order to be safe, Zhou Ming still adopted a certain strategy.

Combining the characteristics of the blue moon plane, the main continent accounted for 30%, and the floating islands accounted for 70%, and he formulated a strategy of “floating islands first, then continents”.

That is, first take down the tens of millions of floating islands next to the main continent, continue to win over members and accumulate strength.

Then take down the location of the blue hand guild base camp-the main continent, send countless teams to powerful MLM, and chew this hard bone!

So in the first phase of the “MLM Conquer the World” plan, Zhou Ming’s focus was placed on the tens of millions of floating islands.

The specific winning process is also called “simple and rude”, that is, with the Aurunian Empire as the center, pick out the 100 largest floating islands with a large number of magic net walkers from the surrounding floating islands and send one High-speed floating boats passed … Each floating boat was seated with 10 “MLMs”, landed, and then began their “pulling MLM journey”.

After winning the 100 large floating islands, the number of users of Xiaozhi system is expected to increase by a hundredfold. Each large floating island can draw 100 people, form 10 MLM teams, and go to the 10 largest floating islands in the vicinity. Start the “People’s MLM Tour”.

In this way, with 100 as the base, as long as five times multiplied by 10, the development of five batches of off-line, you can win 10 million floating islands.

Assuming that each round of MLM takes one year, it only takes about five years. Zhou Ming ’s first stage plan can be completed … Of course, this efficiency must be in the “fast and convenient transportation”, “blue hand The Guild is unable to stop “under these two ideal premises.

In order to have these two premises, Zhou Ming must lead people to full horsepower to do one thing-

Build a floating boat!

Build a huge number of floating boats.

Some of these floating boats should be used as “vehicles” for various MLM teams for rapid flight. At least one million or more should be built in number … mainly small floating boats.

The other part of the large floating boat needs to cover the armor, install the main gun of the bow, and turn it into a floating battleship, forming a branch of mobile floating fleet.

The purpose of the formation of these mobile floating fleets is to prevent the Blue Hand Guild from discovering the situation and taking tough action, sending a large number of elites to take the floating boat to eliminate the blue light members on the floating islands.

The mobile floating fleet will prevent this from happening, and will patrol along the edge of the main continent. Once the blue hand sends forces to intervene, the mobile floating fleet will destroy all their floating boats and wipe out all interference forces. .

Therefore, Zhou Ming intends to form 10 mobile floating fleets, each of which includes 100 large floating battleships, for a total of 1,000 floating battleships.

Plus those 1 million small floating boats.

It is foreseeable that in the next five years, the shipbuilding industry of the Aulunian Empire will be extremely busy. It is expected that about 1 billion imperial citizens will enter the various factories to work and become glorious “working class”.

But to guide the 1 billion imperial citizens from the original status of peasants, small workshop owners, handicraftsmen, etc. to the working class, in addition to providing a sufficiently attractive remuneration, Zhou Ming also had to change their mindset so that they would not Keeping up with the past, letting them be willing to go outside and train them to become qualified workers can participate in industrial collaboration activities.

It’s just this kind of difficulty, not so high.

When necessary, Zhou Ming also plans to recruit qualified workers from the neighboring floating islands.

Or, send a large number of senior technicians to set up shipyards on other floating islands to share the heavy construction tasks.

In short, Zhou Ming hopes that within five years or so, before the Blue Hand Guild can make an effective response, an unexpected “blitzkrieg” will be fought to fight against the Blue Hand!

After taking down all the floating islands, in the second phase of the plan ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Zhou Ming spent another three to five years to fully launch the offensive, take the main continent, and kill the blue hand!

Huh ~

This is not quite right. Why did it take only five years to win the ten million floating islands that accounted for 70% of the land area.

Now it takes more than 3 years to win the main continent that only occupies 30% of the land area?

Is this a bit wrong, as it takes more than 3 years? One or two years is enough?

Shook his head.

One or two years is definitely not enough.

Although the area of ​​the main continent is not large, it is the center of prosperity. A large number of resources are concentrated. About 70% of the magic net walkers are concentrated on the main continent.

In contrast, the tens of millions of floating islands around the main continent, a bit like the stars next to the sun, belong to the “barren and barren” land.

Moreover, the strong hand of the main continent is like a cloud. After tens of millions of years of operation, the blue gestures are intertwined, and the inner class is extremely solidified. The blue light in Zhou Ming ’s hands penetrates without any problem, but he wants to defeat it If the internal force alone is not enough, you have to rely on huge external force to give it a fatal blow.

Therefore, although the “MLM Conquer the World” plan is good, if you really want to completely conquer this plane, you still have to use a tragic war to win this world.

In this way, after the strategic strategy plan is worked out.

Zhou Ming, while dispatching troops, sent a large number of tasks on the Xiaozhi system for members of the guild to actively receive.

On the other hand, manpower, materials, technology, etc., also mobilized a lot of resources, vigorously develop the empire’s shipbuilding industry, and produce a large number of floating boats.

In short, after the plan was officially launched, the entire Aurunian Empire, like a fully wound machine, ran at full speed and ran at full speed.

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