Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 72 - Novice

Soon, the five-day free trial period for the novices of each function of the Xiaozhi system has just passed.

Early on the sixth day.

Sarosa felt something was wrong.

And extremely difficult to adapt.

APP [One-click cultivation] has no effect. The magic unit that was meditation last night was only 35 … There were between 45 and 50 units a few days ago.

APP [Tiandao Forum] is difficult to log in. The system prompts: The five-day trial period has passed. Only users with more than 100,000 points can enter normally.

APP [Map Navigation] can be used, but the navigation range is limited to within 50 miles.

As for the [Virtual Combat] he has used the most in recent days, the system prompts that he needs to pay 500 points per day to use this function, and the current user ’s point balance is 0.

There are a lot of other functions, and Sarosa found that most of them can no longer be used.

He panicked and immediately found Atlam and asked him why:

“Brother, what’s going on? The Xiaozhi system in my brain suddenly became unusable, and many functions couldn’t be used!”

“Why can’t you use it?” Atlam asked.

“It prompts me to pay points, or at least 100,000 points, what are the points?”

“Without points, the Xiaozhi system can’t be used. It’s normal. Your novice trial period has passed. You have to find a way to earn some points … I used to get the same when I first got the Xiaozhi system. . “

Atlam explained it, telling Salosa what points are, and their widespread use.

Finally, it extends to the essence of the problem: how to get points.

Sarosa asked anxiously: “Brother, how can I get points? I don’t have any points now. I want to get a lot of points. I want to continue to use most of the functions of the Xiaozhi system!”

“Don’t worry, I know the way to earn points, that is to complete the task and get points rewards!”

“However, because you are a junior member, there is only one task you can receive. That is to bring in users and increase the number of users of the Xiaozhi system!”

“As long as you can bring in a user, the system will reward you with 500,000 points, allowing you to have points for consumption and re-use various payment functions.”

“Not only that, you did not bring a user, this user will become your” offline user “, if the offline user also helps to develop users, if he adds a user, you will also get a reward, And the reward you get is half of what the offline users get. “

“And the offline users of the offline users, the users who have developed, as your offline users, he will also get half of the rewards of the offline users, you will be half of the half, and you can get four points. One of the points rewards, in turn … “

Atlam patiently and meticulously explained Sarosa the rules for earning points.

“It turns out this way …”

Sarosa nodded: “If this is the case, this task is too simple, the Xiaozhi system is so easy to use, will that fool refuse it?”

He didn’t even think it was a task, because it wasn’t difficult at all. On the contrary, this kind of pie-like good thing in the sky, if anyone refused, it means that there must be a problem with that person’s head!

“Xiao Sa, don’t think of things as simple as you think, this is a pie in the sky, but others will feel that there are traps in it, and generally will not immediately agree to use the Xiaozhi system.”

Atlam shook his head. If it was so simple and easy to develop users, he would not be in this duke’s palace, nor in Salosa, and it took almost half a month.

After all, the key to success for MLM and other things is to establish absolute trust between two strangers … and this requires a process.

Sarosa, unconcerned, waved:

“Among my father’s princes, there is a magic netwalker, brother, we go to him, I want to develop him into my downline!”

The characters mentioned by Sarosa refer to the Viscount Mocado led by Viscount Chillon. They, who are also magic net walkers, have known each other for many years, and the Dominican continent also covers an area of ​​more than 180 million square kilometers. Although the population exceeds 5 billion, the number of magic net walkers is only about 3,000.

The number of magic net walkers is so scarce, and the circle of friends between each other is naturally relatively small, but considering the factors of the guild and the need for information exchange, it is still relatively frequent among colleagues who are close to each other.

For example, Mocado visits the Duke ’s Palace twice a year to meet Master Sarosa.

“Okay, let me take you to the Mocado you said, and strive to develop him into a member.”

Atlam nodded.

Then he ran to a wood outside the city and rode his magic bike over to the Duke ’s Palace.

Sarosa persuaded his family to say that he would go out for a long time, and he would come back at night, and he would not go away.

So in the eyes of Duke Robert and others who were not at ease, the two of them got on the motorcycle and went to the Viscount Chillen at a flying speed.

After reaching the Viscount Qilun.

After searching for a circle, the two met on the mound of farmland and saw the Viscount Mocado who was instructing the farmer to work.

“Viscount Mocado!”

Sarosa quickly jumped off the motorcycle, trot to Mocado, and said, “Viscount Mocado, this is Sarosa, I came to find you.”

“Oh, Master Sarosa, how come you come to my small place?” Mocado was a little surprised, what did Master Sarosa do to come to him?

“This is the case. I have something to do with you. I want to develop you into a member named” Little Zhi System “. I invite you to join this system.”

Sarosa said directly, and when he met, he stated his purpose.

“What? The system? What?” Mocado froze, what did Master Sarosa say?

Behind Atlam shook his head, there was no Sarosha who knew the trick at all. Even if he exaggerated the Xiaozhi system, the possibility of Mocado joining was zero.

This is also the case. In the next two hours or so, despite letting Sarosa blow the gods of Xiaozhi’s system, he was boring and dry, and Mocado was still confused, I did n’t know what he was talking about. .

Especially when I hear key messages such as “a thing downloaded into your head”, “a system smarter than living people”, “there are many useful tools”.

Mocado was taken aback!

“What? Do you want to put a living person in my head?”

“He still has many tools?”

“Then I can live?”

Mocado shook his head again and again: “No, I don’t need any more, Master Sarosa, don’t play tricks with me anymore. It’s spring time. I’m busy here. You should go back.”

“It’s not like you said, it’s not about putting living people in your head, you got it wrong!”

Sarosa stomped anxiously and spent a lot of time explaining.

But Mocado’s interest was not at all. Instead, he kept staring at his face, watching the farmers in the field plowing.

In the end, I was really annoyed by Sarosa, Mocado said helplessly: “Master Sarosa, do n’t bother me anymore. I owe your family 5 million fighting pearls. I will give you back this year. You Do n’t mess up again. “

Mocado smoothly shifted the topic to the debt issue.

“5 million fighting pearls, why do you owe my dad so much money?” Sarosa asked strangely, he didn’t know about the incident.

Mocado introduced his family’s loan sharks, saying that his current thoughts are all on making money, and he has no intention to reorganize the small wisdom system. Please don’t bother him.

“What? In two years ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Wandou Pearl has become 5 million buckets, doubled 100 times in two years, why is my dad so black-hearted?” Sarosa was stunned, he was listening for the first time In this kind of thing, it was his father who did it.

“Xiao Sa, it’s better to talk to your father. You need to pay back the debt and help Mocado solve the debt problem. In exchange, Mocado promises to download the Xiaozhi system and become your offline member. You ask Ask Viscount Mocado, so he does not agree? “

Atlam on the side, at the right time in Salosa’s ear, whispered a suggestion.

Sarosa’s eyes lit up and excitedly said: “This method is good!”

He immediately pulled Mocado aside and offered an exchange condition of “debt-free, membership”, asking if he could agree.

“Okay, I agree, I can agree!”

Mocado, overwhelmed by huge debts, readily agreed that as long as the debts were waived, he was willing to immediately become a member of the Xiaozhi system.

“Okay, I’m going to get the IOU now, and I will come to you tomorrow!”

Sarosa jumped onto the magic motorcycle and returned to the Duke’s Palace with Atlam.

In the evening, there was a quarrel with his father, Duke Robert, but he succeeded in getting the unsalted Salosa. He set off again the next morning, and came to the Viscount Chillen.

“Mocado, this is an IOU, here you are!”

When the extremely excited Sarosa, with great excitement, handed two owed notes to Mocado, looking forward to getting a reward of 500,000 points.

Mocado handed the debt back.

I apologized and said: “I’m sorry, Master Salosa, I had already dropped that small wisdom system last night and became a member of others.”


Sarosa was taken aback!

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