Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 75 - Get it

Sarosa went home.

Moreover, I stayed for more than half a month after I came back, and I did n’t go to run outside … Now the entire Dominica continent, all the magic net walkers have basically been won, and they have all become members of the Xiaozhi system. No matter how you run outside, you can’t pull off the line.

So Sarosa returned home and accepted the second task issued by the system: take the port of Nier.

After the outbreak of the “gold fever”, after more than half a year of preparation, the city of Niye now has millions of regular army soldiers, adventurers and all kinds of people eager for gold, gathered in this port city.

The shipyard in the south of Niye, after more than half a year of overtime work, has also produced thousands of floating boats, carrying 500 people in each floating boat, and a wave can transport 500,000 people to the Orunian Empire. To start the journey of gold looting.

In a few days, the Expeditionary Fleet will set off, so they must hurry up and take action.

What action?

Get the Expeditionary Fleet and win the Starwind Kingdom!

The dream of getting rich and expanding by King Hao Tisi of the Kingdom of Starwinds was destroyed before the expedition of the fleet he had high hopes for.

Even, the kingdom of Hortis, who was under the blow of the 200,000 elite army of the Duke of Robert, was tragically fallen, and it was King Hortis himself who was about to be hung up by Robert.

Not bad!

This rebellion, Duke Robert has been preparing for two decades!

The time he wanted to find was that after the expeditionary fleet left, he raised his troops and rebelled, and the army directed at the king capital to sit on the throne he had coveted for a long time.

However, after the Atelier and other magic net walkers gathered in his Duke’s palace, the plan of the Duke Robert had to be adjusted slightly.

After some discussion, the two sides conducted a division of labor.

Atlam led 3000 Demonstriders to the city of Niye to solve the million troops gathered there.

Duke Robert led his 200,000 army, went straight to the king capital, and killed King Hattis!

In this way, the soldiers are divided into two ways and each accomplishes their respective tasks.

After listening to this plan, Duke Robert nodded, and the guards guarding the king capital now have less than 30,000 left. In the face of his 200,000 army, within a month, the king can be said to be broken!

He secretly excited: “After a month, I, Robert, will be able to take the throne of the king! Hahahaha!”

As for the 3000 magic net walkers led by Atlam, Robert is still not convinced, but for their combat effectiveness, it is still relatively safe. The one million troops in the port, facing the 3000 magic net walkers, are estimated There are many evils, either death or surrender.

After all, the magic netwalkers of the entire Dominican continent have gathered here, and all the top strongmen have come here. To win a million-strong army, he does not need him to worry too much.

So after the action started!

The two forces that split the soldiers into two ways have opened their terrifying fangs.

First of all, on the side of Atlam, he took 3,000 magic net walkers, took a few medium-sized floating boats, and took a day to reach the city of Niye.

Then it took another two days to solve the millions of troops gathered here!

Kill 100,000 people!

More than 900,000 forced landings!

And all the surrenders all rushed into the shipyard, and they were organized as shipyard employees to contribute to the construction of the floating boat in the Aulun Empire.

So it took only three days in total. Atlam and them solved the million troops in a clean and beautiful way and added a large shipyard to the Aulun Empire.

What about the Duke Roberts?

How is his progress?

His 200,000 elite army is still on his way to the king capital.

It took 7 days to reach the periphery of Wangdu.

Then began to build engineering equipment, vigorously siege.

The fierce siege battle lasted for more than half a month, and the Duke Robert suffered heavy losses with more than 40,000 casualties.

As for the Wangdu in the circle, there is still no sign of winning.

How is this going?

Why is Wang Du so hard to beat?

It turned out that Duke Robert seriously overestimated his own strength and underestimated the war potential in the hands of the king.

It is a fact that there are less than 30,000 remaining in the Imperial Guards guarding the king capital, but do n’t forget that there are many human resources available in the king capital with a population of more than 500,000.

For example, there are as many as 20-30 thousand private guards from various families.

For example, the civilians in the king capital, carrying dozens of boxes of treasure, can also bring in hundreds of thousands of people on the street.

All these forces and manpower are added together, and there are as many as 200,000 people defending the king capital.

In this comparison, the strength of the Duke Roberts is not obvious, and even the basic conditions of “double attack” have not been met.

In addition to the extremely tragic siege warfare, the siege party often has to pay a greater price, so after only half a month of fighting, Robert’s army is a bit unbearable.

In addition, there are always some master warlocks in the king capital. These people burned barracks and grass in the night and engaged in assassination activities. They often made Robert’s army uncomfortable and difficult to get a rest.

Duke Robert himself was almost killed by an assassin once.

In addition, as the time of the siege increased, the army of Qin kings sent by lords from all over the world increased, making it more and more difficult for Robert to parry.

The longer the time, the more unfavorable the situation is for Robert.

The shadow of failure, shrouded in his army … some soldiers started out, and started a little in the middle of the night.

By this time, Robert could no longer stand his own shelf, and quickly wrote to send someone to Atlam for help, and in the letter he said very sincerely:

“Dear Mr. Atlam, 300 Demonwalker, as long as you support my 300 Demonwalker, I will be able to win this kingdom! And I guarantee that the Guild behind you will be willing to work for your Guild, never betray!”

When I saw this letter.

Atlam haha ​​smiled and said: “I said earlier, even if King Hortis lost a million troops, Robert would not be able to usurp success. With only 200,000 troops, he wanted to win a kingdom. . “

“If we don’t take action and wait for the Duke of Robert, only the death of the deceased, let alone take the throne.”

However, since Robert lowered his stance for help, Atlam did not delay, he immediately asked Sarosa to bring 300 magic net walkers to Wangdu to provide support.

In fact, based on Robert’s virtue and character, it is very easy and easy for Atlam to think about him, or to delay the aid time and make him suffer more.

But Atlam didn’t do it.

On the one hand, he looked at Sarosa’s face, ignoring Robert’s previous rudeness.

On the other hand, compared to Robert, what King Hautice did is more excessive and more irritating … He heard that there was much gold in the Aulun Empire, but he did not control his ideas. Above the head of the Orunian Empire.

For such kings, if they are not severely punished, I am afraid that more small countries will learn to imitate in the future, and they will form an expeditionary fleet to go to the Aulun Empire to take risks.

Therefore, as the first clown to pop out, King Hortis must pay for his ambition.

So, when Sarosa took 300 magic net walkers, joined the army of the siege of the king.

The situation immediately reversed.

Facing the tall capital city wall in front of him, Salosa and other magic net walkers, under the advice of the combat support system, 50 fourth-level magic net walkers stood in a row and released a powerful 4th-level spell [Cang Blue Storm ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ a [blue storm] also acts on the tall city wall in front of it.

“Boom ~”

“Boom ~”

In a huge energy storm with local winds exceeding 18, the city walls of Wangdu were like paper paste, and a huge gap of 100 meters was blown open at once.



“Kill in!”

The army outside the city suddenly shook its morale, roared, and rushed towards the giant gap together, killing the king!

In this way, this king capital, which has been under siege for nearly 20 days, was completely won today in only about half a day!

King Hattis, disguised as Yi Rong who wanted to escape, was also recognized and found, and was brought before Robert by the soldiers.

At the sight of Robert, Hortis was completely unconcerned, and scolded: “You traitor! The widow treats you well, why do you betray the widow?”

“Why do I betray you?”

Robert slowly pulled out a knife: “When you robbed my woman, you should know that there will be this day.”

Hao Tisi opened his eyes wide: “For a humble woman, you have to treat me like this? Kill me again? I will return that woman to you, Robert, you were the best brother of the widow!”

“I don’t have you brother!” Robert stabbed.

“Don’t kill me! My three daughters married three kings and killed widows. Tomorrow three kingdoms will beat you at the same time!”

But Robert turned a deaf ear and kept the speed of the knife in his hand, splitting him in half with a single knife.


In a scream, Robert was splashed with blood.

Robert laughed heartily: “How about all three of your daughters marrying the king? They add up, not as good as my son Sarosa!”


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