Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 80 - gift

When the envoy sent by the court handed an edict to Elsa.

Facing Elsa, she closed her eyes slightly and dared not read the words on it.

She was worried about the results, as she expected: the court did not allow the Lucis family to return to the court.

After all, there are too many people who oppose and hate the Lucis family.

But even with little hope, Elsa took up the edict, opened her eyes wide, and read it carefully word by word.

Unsurprisingly, the first half of the edict is mainly criticism, stating the various sins of the Lucis family, such as “persecuting the emperor”, “strong force”, “too impatient”, “do not understand compromise”, etc., anyway There are many disadvantages.


The tone of the edict changed, and then came back first, then began to state the merits of the Lucis family.

For example, in the process of the establishment of the empire, the Lucis family made outstanding achievements, and the credits were difficult to erase.

For example, in the course of more than three hundred years of governance of the empire, the Lucis family made many contributions to the prosperity and stability of the empire.

In short, in terms of credit, the Lucis family has made great contributions and no one can replace them.

So at the end of the edict, the emperor said: If the Lucis family can reflect on the mistakes, correct the mistakes, and ensure that they will not make similar mistakes in the future, they will be willing to give the Lucis family a chance to return to the court and participate in the government.

It is just that the position the court can give is an ordinary “noble congressman”, whose status is greatly reduced compared to before, and its voice is similar to that of an ordinary earl. The position it stands in the church hall is not forward, and the starting point is much lower than before.

I wonder if it can be accepted?

“Acceptable, we can accept!”

Elsa was overjoyed and was about to jump up with joy!


“This is really great!”

In other words, where is this good?

The benefits are much more.

First, the court reaccepted the Lucis family, indicating that for the Lucis family, the court was indeed not to blame, and no longer suppress and contain.

After avoiding several years, Noktis revenge, or the next emperor will not continue to implement the suppression policy of the Lucis family, or even direct genocide.

Now that the Lucis family is allowed to return, on behalf of the emperor, they forgave the Lucis family and basically lifted it. The future crisis that the Lucis family may face.

Let the lingering heart of the Lucis family go back.

Secondly, after the court re-accepted the Lucis family, the Lucis family should be able to share a piece of soup about the imperial soaring plan being implemented by the court.

The Lucius family may not believe it, including Elsa himself.

There is a Earl’s Land, which is located to the west of the lord of Lucius, and is very remote from the capital. Last year’s territory earned more than the Lucis family!

The reason is that the Earl ’s leader participated in the “Empire Shipbuilding Project”, and provided a large amount of light and tough wood for the manufacture of “floating boats”. The result is that by selling wood frantically, he made 10 million gold a year. Tower shield!

What about the Lucis family?

Last year’s income was only 8 million gold tower shields.

As for the earnings of the Empire State Treasury for one year, due to the increase in the foreign trade caravan, it is conservatively estimated that it has exceeded at least 5 billion golden tower shields!

In this comparison, the sense of crisis of the Lucis family came out, thinking about no longer easing the relationship with the court, and no longer catching the last train of the “Empire Takeoff” plan. Hit the Lucis family.

At that time, the Lucis family is probably a piece of fat. Everyone hopes that the Lucis family will make a mistake and swallow it again!

In short, the current Lucis family, even if it is not troublesome, is a low-key person, and it is impossible to live their lives honestly and honestly.

It was precisely because of this that Elsa and they were fighting for it, hoping that the court would accept the Lucis family again.

As for the third, fourth, and fifth benefits, I wo n’t go into details here. Anyway, as long as they can return to the court, it is definitely a great thing for the Lucis family!

It’s worth three days!

However, as the 20th birthday of His Majesty the Emperor was approaching, it took a few days to prepare gifts for His Majesty the Emperor’s birthday. The Lucis family only celebrated for half a day, and then invested in the preparation of gifts.

What gift should be given to His Majesty the Emperor, to make him happy and satisfied, has become the most intense and most troublesome issue within the Lucis family.

Elsa was completely undecided.

Sending gold and silver treasures is too tacky, and it will consume the kingdom’s not many bottoms. The emperor, who is rich in the world, will not feel rare, let alone satisfied … This gift is excluded.

Give some rare treasures or weird things?

Such things are difficult to find and say, and for His Majesty the Emperor who likes to invent and create, there is nothing that is rarer and more interesting than what he has made.

So this item is also excluded.

So what should I give?

A courtier gritted his teeth and made a suggestion:

“Your Highness, the minister proposed to send the emperor’s beauty!”

“In the Kingdom of Lucy Rotes (the official name of Lord Lucis), there are many empires known for their beauty, and recently there are a large number of foreign ministers and nobles who came to our kingdom to engage in beauty contests ~ www. mtlnovel.com ~ Select a peerless beauty as a gift for His Majesty the Emperor. “

“Chen believes that the fertile water does not flow out of the field. Instead of letting the beauty resources in the kingdom be bought by other forces, we should engage in a beauty contest and select 10 top beauties to give to your majesty. I believe that your majesty must like it!

The servant’s words came out.

The scene was suddenly quiet and dead!

Elsa on the throne can already see the displeasure and ugliness on her face.

The other courtiers looked at the courtier as if they were looking at the dead.

“The guard, take off his mantle, drag it down, and hit 100 iron whips!”

Elsa pointed at him with fire in his eyes.

“Ah ~!”

The courtier was startled, then knelt and shouted, “Your Highness, spare your life, spare your life!”

But the trouble came from the mouth. This time, no one could save him.

Not only that.

Elsa ordered: From now on, ban all beauty contests in the kingdom, expel all ministers ’representatives, businessmen and nobles from other countries, send troops, rescue the“ beauties ”who will be abducted and sold abroad, and send them back to their parents !

At this moment, Elsa, who had issued multiple orders in a row, did not understand at all, why did he suddenly become so angry?

The officials were also silent, not daring to talk.

Only the old man, stroking his beard, nodded and smiled.

On May 27th.

There are only 10 days left to celebrate the ceremony of the 20th birthday of His Majesty the Emperor.

Elsa, who did not have so much time to choose gifts, had to pick a few gifts according to her own ideas, and then explained some things, so she took a group of officials and elite guards and boarded a floating boat , Embarked on the itinerary of the capital.

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