Urban Sims

v7 Chapter 87 - Complicated

“Lost …”

“I actually lost?”

On the ring-shaped platform, Wilmot stared blankly at his hands, his face unbelievable.

Level 6 Magic Webwalker loses to Level 5 Magic Webwalker.

Moreover, it was relatively easy to lose to the other party in about 200 rounds.

Wilmot is simply unacceptable, but it is indeed a fact.

Shute explained: “Wilmotte, if it was before, I didn’t have the possibility to win you, even if you and I are all level 5 magic net walkers, your chances of winning are higher, but now, you are hard to beat me . “

“I have 58 free spell slots, which allows me to release 58 spells of all levels at no cost every day. Every spell you release needs to consume mana.”

“There are more magic reserves in my magic warehouse than you. I deposit about 110 units of magic every day. The magic net will not deduct one third, and there is basically no place to consume the reserve magic. Deposit more than 100 units of magic power. And you may deposit more magic power every day than me, but the net stock is definitely not as much as mine. “

“Also, every spell I release is an improved and enhanced version of the system, and the consumption is unchanged, but it has significant advantages in power, destructive power, and casting speed!”

“Finally, during the battle, the combat support system provided me with many references and gave me the best response strategy. With the help of the combat support system, my strength was 120% exerted.”

Therefore, based on the above advantages, this victory over Dou Xiu Te, defeating Wilmot, who is one order higher than him, is entirely reasonable.

These explanations from Shout gave Wilmot a great shock!

He had to look at it solemnly and re-examine how powerful this guild named “Blue Light” really is.

And how much potential?

The importance of power to the warlocks is beyond doubt.

Wilmot said he is more eager for freedom and does not want to be restricted, so he would rather give up power.

But it really makes him lose most of his power and become an ordinary warrior, is he really willing?

If there is a “higher degree of freedom” and a “more powerful force”, these two things are at the same time, Wilmot can get them at the same time, will he stick to his previous position?

Seemingly seeing his thoughts, Shute said:

“Wilmott, your cultivation behavior has not improved in almost ten years? You have been stuck at level 6 after the golden age of 30-year-old cultivation, right?”

“Actually, with your talent, Wilmot, level 6 should not be your limit, you can at least step into the legend.”

“But in the hands of the blue, you do n’t get enough resources, the guild will focus on training you, but the higher your strength, the more tasks you are assigned, so you do n’t have time to practice, wait for the age , You are stuck at that bottleneck. “

“Wilmote, you believe me, I feel that I have a sign of breakthrough recently, I guess I can quickly enter the level 6 field … But I am 45, 6 years old, there is still hope for a breakthrough. “

“So, Wilmot, as long as you join the blue light, I believe you will have hope to step into the legend.”

“And you want to take revenge on your brother, but if you want to take revenge, you have to be strong enough, right?”

Shut said in his ear.

Wilmot moved.

He finally relaxed: “I, promise to join you.”

Not bad.

Wilmot no longer struggled and nodded.

On the one hand, he is willing to gamble and lose, so he has to talk.

On the other hand, after various explanations by Suter, he also had a strong curiosity about the so-called “blue light” guild.

Ask yourself from time to time: Is there really such a guild in this world, not only can you freely choose the task, or even not accept the task very much, or allow you to retire, you can get protection when you are old.

In addition, in terms of power, you can buy a large number of free spell slots, the magic warehouse does not deduct taxes, the spells are improved, and the combat support system is also very powerful … Such a system really exists in the world?

Wilmot has a strong skepticism.

But the life of the Shute family is happy and comfortable. On the ring, Shute really did beat him over the top … these two are facts.

In addition, he wants to avenge his younger brother, he needs more powerful force.

Wilmot can only choose to believe Shut, and with the idea of ​​giving it a try, join the so-called “blue light.”

This makes Shut overjoyed!

“Great, Wilmot, you will never regret your choice today!”

Afterwards, Shute immediately sent a small Zhi system in the past to develop Wilmot into his own offline, and received a reward of 500,000 points.

Then during the five-day free trial period, Wilmot only experienced two days before finding Shute and expressing his little dissatisfaction.

“Shute, why do you make simple things so complicated?”

“Ah? What do you mean by that?” Xiute puzzled.

“That day you just send me an installation link for the Xiaozhi system. Why did you invite me to dinner, take me to your house to visit, and still discuss with me on the ring … these things could have been avoided, Why are you so complicated? “

“I’m not complicated, my brother, I understand your character. Under normal circumstances, you can’t easily betray the guild.” Shut explained.

“But in our relationship, you send me a Xiaozhi system, how can I refuse? When I realize the convenience and benefits brought by the Xiaozhi system, I still need you to talk so much nonsense? Besides, even if I join “Blue light”, there is no need to immediately wash away the identity of the original guild, is this not a choice? “

“Eh, Brother Wilmot, don’t you get cheap and sell well, I have scrapped such a big lip, you actually said that all I said is nonsense, you are too hurtful, you can’t be like this. “

“Shute, I think you are really not doing anything. Obviously a very simple task, but you brought me to your house to visit, show your house, show off your son, and beat me on the ring … Shute, You can’t be like this. “Wilmot shook his head frowning.

“Wilmott, if you say that again, I’m really angry!”

Shute was annoyed. His kindness was actually regarded as a donkey liver and lungs.


Wilmot suddenly laughed and patted him on the shoulder and said, “Just kidding, Xiut, don’t take it seriously.”

“This kind of joke can’t be opened casually!” Xiute is still quite annoyed ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~, this is my little revenge, I came to you this time, I want you to do a favor, end In the status of my free trial period, I became an official member of the Xiaozhi system early, and took some tasks in the task panel to earn a lot of points. “

Although it only took two days to contact the Xiaozhi system, Wilmot already knew the importance of points, and even wanted to skip the free trial period and quickly do the task.

Seeing Wilmot being so active, Shut asked in surprise: “I’m going to do the task in such a hurry? Wilmot, aren’t you the most annoying of various guild tasks, don’t you want to make tools?” Can’t help but ridicule.

“What is it?”

Wilmot thumped him on the shoulder: “I used to do tasks for others, now I do tasks for points, for myself. Can the two properties be the same?”

“Okay, I will take you to see your majesty, let him help you skip the trial period, and directly become ready for the task.”

Xiu nodded and took him into the palace.

After seeing Zhou Ming and hearing Wilmot’s request, Zhou Ming nodded and directly upgraded Wilmot’s status from a regular member to an ultimate member.

In addition, the connection point of the magic net at the end of Wilmot’s soul string was transferred to his “territory”.

In this way, after taking those constructive tasks, Wilmot can also use the tool skills indefinitely.

However, after becoming the ultimate member (that is, the official member), Wilmot’s first task was to develop the off-line and help the guild to attract people.

The target population for his development is the same group of people who are with him to perform tasks, and are still locked in the dungeons. There are about 80 people left.

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