Urban Sims

v8 Chapter 7 - Go, follow me to kill God!

The plane of “Magic Burst” at this moment was suddenly hit by tens of millions of high-level light warriors. In the face of their fierce means of killing everything, it suddenly became a pot of porridge.

A prosperous city.


“Run quickly, a lot of demons have come in!”

“Hide, hurry up, don’t show up, don’t be seen by those demons.”

“Hurry ahead, don’t block my way! Dudu ~!” The traffic on the road was so congested that it couldn’t move forward.

Not bad.

Since Zhou Ming’s clearance of this copy, after thousands of years of development, the “Magic Burst” plane has entered the golden age of highly developed technology and prosperity in the field of practice. The number of masters and swordsmen is extremely large. One tenth of the population base.

Furthermore, due to the development of science and technology, the most advanced magic warships are already terrifying, coupled with large-scale equipment such as high-precision missiles, mechas, and finally humanoid magic weapons.

As well as the rapid development of network communication technology, the news of “the invasion of powerful enemies outside the plane” through magic TV and magic broadcast spread throughout the entire Azeroth continent within half an hour.

After confirming that the news is true.

All the countries and races of Azeroth have entered an emergency mobilization state, and they have organized their forces. They have abandoned their internal contradictions and consciously joined the war to defend the right to collective survival.

Because of the large-scale construction of the space transmission array.

Through the rapid transmission of the teleportation array, the world’s top masters have rushed to the place where the war broke out, and jointly resisted the aggression of foreign invaders.

In the battlefield where the war is flying and chaotic.

Holding the “ball of power” in his hand, he absorbs and eliminates the invading light and divine power; while providing spiritual force and power particles for his own powerful arms, and releasing the “rule of law” Zhou Ming, seeing in the plane , The performance of those local magicians and swordsmen.

He suddenly felt his eyes light up.

Can’t help but comment: “After I left this copy, after thousands of years of development, his development level has far exceeded my imagination!”

“First of all, the number of magi swordsmen who bravely fight against high-level light warriors is much smaller than the number of light warriors. In any direction, the number of light warriors is theirs. More than ten times; their average strength is also more than two ranks lower than that of the higher-ranking light fighters; weapons and equipment also have their own advantages and disadvantages, but they cannot occupy obvious advantages. “

“Actually, in this case, those mage swordsmen, it is impossible to resist the attack of the Legion of Light.”

“But in fact, even if it was extremely difficult, the local mage swordsmen miraculously blocked the attack of the Legion of Light and greatly slowed their pace.”

“In addition, the support forces of all countries in the world have also rushed from all directions, constantly joining the resistance team, and working together to kill the bright soldiers.”


There are many remarkable things about the performance of your masters and swordsmen.

“Local magicians, almost all of the magic they release is an improved version. They are the options that consume the least and have the highest utility. In addition, in the combat strategy, the cooperation of the wizards, the combination of spells used, and even the The anti-enemy strategy is all remarkable, and it’s amazing! “

“As for the swordsmen who use fighting spirit, they have reached the peak level in fighting skills. The various tricks used are dazzling, and the attack power is huge. They even face at least two or three levels higher than themselves. Bright warriors can also use smart sword skills to frequently achieve ‘leapfrog killing’! “

“I can completely conclude that the plane of” Magic Burst “not only stands on the shoulders of giants, but all fields have developed into a form of higher civilization. On the basis of the shoulders of giants, we continue to develop forward and create Out of the brilliant brilliance! “


Zhou Ming also came to a conclusion that even he was a little unbelievable:

This wave of attacks launched by the God of Light, even if he did not provide support, with the war potential of Azerothia itself, could also repel this wave of attacks and win the final victory.

However, this kind of victory requires a very heavy price, and the entire continent of Azeroth will be completely destroyed by half.

And even if it is difficult to survive this wave of shock, if the **** of light increases the chips and sends another wave, the whole “Magic Burst” plane can only hit GG, and it is completely fell.


In order to reduce the loss and avoid the injury caused by injuries, Zhou Ming did not hesitate, immediately took reinforcements, could not wait to play, and joined the fierce fighting.

This fierce battle, a dozen, is five days long.

In the end, it ended in an all-round victory for one’s own side, basically without leaking, and annihilated the light legion of over 100 million, all invaded.

Recounted your own losses.

Destroyer warriors have lost more than 6 million in total.

Five powerful arms, such as Venerable Sword Artillery and Great Magician, lost 101 units in total.

In the Azeroth continent, personnel losses exceeded 10 billion. After a military disaster, nearly 15% of the land on the main continent needs to be rebuilt.

The comprehensive damage degree of the “Magic Burst” plane is between “slight” and “moderate loss”.

There were no injuries, but Zhou Ming was slightly distressed and annoyed.

Fortunately, in the process of the war launched by the God of Light, due to the large amount of “Holy Light of Light”, the system successfully locked a position through this trajectory of transmission of light of Holy Light ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~.

What position?

The location of the “Light Temple” where the God of Light lives in the void.

In layman’s terms, through this invasion, the **** of light succeeded in exposing his location coordinates.

What happens when the coordinates are exposed?

Hey, anyone who has a good understanding of the “Dark Forest Law” should probably know how serious the consequences of exposing coordinates are.

In this world, the forces of all parties are competing with each other, and the rules they observe are the “Dark Forest Law”, that is, each force is a hunter with a shotgun. Everyone must be careful to avoid making too much movement and After discovering other hunters, without absolute certainty, you must not shoot!

Now, the God of Light shot himself.

But on the strength level, it seems that I want to be more powerful. I have more than a thousand ways to defeat the God of Light.

As far as possible, what does Zhou Ming plan to do next?

“Oh, **** of light?”

Endless void.

Zhou Ming smiled coldly at a certain position.

He again waved his hand at the “ball of matter” in his hand, dissatisfied with black spots on the surface.

Zhou Ming’s head and heads are densely packed, and countless **** destroyers have appeared, the number of which is as much as 10 billion.

“Meet the God of Supreme Sovereignty!”

The tens of billions of God-destroying warriors all sent their salutes and sent loyal greetings to Zhou Ming.

In front of his finger, Zhou Ming faced his army, and Haomai said: “Go, powerful soldiers, go with me to kill God!”

“Boom ~”

“Boom ~”

Tens of billions of God of Destruction warriors also started the war engine of the warlord Mecha’s curvature.

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