Urban Sims

v8 Chapter 9 - Can win?

How to do?

What should I do now?

In the mind of the God of Light, a lot of thoughts suddenly appeared.

In his subconscious mind, the first idea that came up was to escape!

Hurry to escape, the farther the better!

Because someone can solve his hundreds of millions of high-level light warriors in just five days, what does that mean?

The opponent is very strong.

At least the strength is comparable to him, not much weaker than him!

Once the two sides are up against each other, the victory or defeat should be a trick of five or five.

But there is another point, the army of the past sent by the **** of light lost, the whole army was annihilated, none of them could escape, and failed to return any high-value intelligence.

The powerful hand who defeated him, by defeating the Legion of Light, learned a lot of information and materials about the Legion of Light, and came into contact with the essence of the “Holy Light”.

The **** of light, but basically know nothing about the strong hand.

Know yourself but not others.

This undoubtedly reduces the chance of winning the 20% of the **** of light.

In case the strong enemy leads the legion and fights back against his **** of light, it also shows a problem-the opponent has enough confidence to defeat himself.

Therefore, once the legion led by the strong hand appeared in the field of vision of the peripheral defense force of the Temple of Light.

The **** of light, the most wise choice that should be made at this moment is not to take out all the hardships, but to escape immediately!

Only in this way, the God of Light can protect his own safety and will not lose everything.

In the tens of billions of years of life experience of the God of Light, he made a total of three similar escape choices, each time proved completely correct, it is really wise!

Therefore, if you follow your own unconscious thoughts, running away the first time is the **** of light, the most choice you should make.


Run away?

He is the **** of light, the supreme, the **** of light that dominates all things in the world, the infinite power, and the rule of hundreds of millions of universes. In the face of an unknown strong hand, he has to choose to escape shamefully?

You know, he is the supreme ruler of 18 planes.

You must know that he is the only true **** he believes in.

You know, in his hands, there is a legion of high-level light soldiers with a scale of 100 billion.

In addition, it is necessary to know that in order to build the “Temple of Light” in which he lives, the God of Light has spent countless physical and energy resources, and it took a full 100 million years to complete the construction of this defense. The power is almost invincible, inhabited by countless holy spirits, and countless fanatical believers in the “Light Kingdom”.

These things above.

Now, the subconscious mind in the mind of the light **** actually told him to abandon all, give up the precious supreme throne, abandon the countless believers who believed in him, abandon the resources and wealth he has spent billions of years on, Then it was extremely embarrassing, the farther the better.

The thought of here.

The face of the **** of light suddenly turned red with shame.

Then it was annoyed and angry, and became extremely excited and terrible!

He clenched his fists hard.

With a tone of teeth, he roared and said, “Lose, my **** of light, how could I lose?”

“I have trillions of believers, I have infinite power, and I have hundreds of billions of high-level light warriors!”

“I have such a powerful force in my hand, I actually thought of running away, thinking of it, and discarding everything that was hard to come by!”

“Shame! This is the most shameful and saddening moment I have felt in billions of years. I was so cowardly that I wanted to divide my soul into two and completely discard those shameful things! “

“My opponent was just lucky to win it once, and it took a full five days. This shows that they are not so strong, but have more staff.”

“It’s even possible that they did their best, called all the legions, and with extremely heavy losses, they completely wiped out my bright legion, and they won by chance.”

“Not so strong, they can’t be so strong, they who never charge the power of faith, what money do they use to fight my bright god?”

“Even if they really have a few brushes, in terms of power, they have some advantages and have the strength to defeat hundreds of millions of light warriors, but do they have the ability to defeat the hundreds of billions of light legions in my hand?”

“I can’t lose, my **** of light, I can’t lose!”

Don’t run away.

The **** of light decided not to run.

He planned to stay where he was, waiting for the strong hand, to come to him for trouble, to see if his opponent had that ability, and to kill his 100 billion light legion!

the other side.

“Boom ~”

In the light of light, the tens of billions of legions led by Zhou Ming took only half a day to cross the distance of hundreds of light years and reached the periphery of the defensive circle of the Temple of Light.

Encountered a patrol unit composed of bright soldiers.

“Boom Boom ~”

Zhou Ming sent only one hundred God-destroying warriors to completely destroy this patrol team.

And through the rope of faith, the **** of light, I watched this battle all the way.

I first saw the strength of his opponent.

The God of Light was very surprised: “A legion made of pure matter? An attack without any trace of power? Probably about 10 billion.”

“With such strength, dare to come to death?”


“Stupid and ignorant provocateur, do you think you can win if you come? I think you are here to die!”

“Light warriors, attack!”

The God of Light showed no signs of weakness. He immediately communicated his oracles and dispatched 300 million high-level light warriors to engage in fierce battle with the enemy.

“Boom ~”

“Bang Bang ~”

The people on both sides were entangled fiercely.

In the endless void, the fire is blazing, the explosion is frequent, and the small black holes that are blown out by the black hole bombs are like fixed death traps. Once accidentally stepped in, they will die without corpses.

This battle lasted for three days.

The **** of light was surprised by the fact that ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ on the battlefield, the fighting power of those pure material legions brought by the opponent far exceeded his imagination.

For example, black hole bombs, each of which explodes in the middle of a light warrior, the resulting black hole can absorb at least 1o high-level light warriors. Once it is sucked in, it is basically mortal and can not be pulled. come out.

There are also gravity bombs, anti-matter bombs, hydrogen bombs, etc. The killing effect produced by the explosion makes the **** of light slightly shocked and horrified.

“Material weapons actually have such a powerful destructive power?”

The **** of light was frightened, but … not to the point of intimidating the urine pants.

Moreover, his 3oo billion light warriors are three times the strength of the other party, plus the destructive power of the light holy power.

The war went on to the third day.

The 3oo billion light warriors invested by the **** of light basically wiped out the other 10 billion **** destroyers at the cost of falling 2.7 billion.

The remaining 300 million remaining light warriors surrounded Zhou Ming Tuan in the middle.


The **** of light laughed, and immediately took another 100 million bright warriors into the battlefield, his face very proud.

He sent out a powerful wave of spiritual thoughts, and said to Zhou Ming: “Be defeated! Daring weak, you dare to fight against the great **** of light. I want to give you a less deadly way of death, in a slower way, Devour everything you have! Hahaha! “

“Oh, is it?”

Zhou Ming shook his head at him and said lightly, “Dark god, did you laugh too early?”

After that, he waved his right hand.

Over the top of the head, a 100 billion army of Goddess Warriors suddenly appeared.

Boom ~

The smile of the **** of light suddenly froze and his face changed wildly!

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