Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 179 - Big reversal

Chapter 179

Faced with the threats of these bigwigs, these policemen were not moved at all and escorted them towards the police car.

“Yes, the devil can really do it, even we dare to catch, don’t let me out!”

A policeman said fiercely: “Wait until you can get out, hurry up, get in the car!”

At the same time, many provinces across China started to take action. All those who slandered cancer drugs were arrested. Media people with ignorant conscience were also warned. Even some of the main writers failed to escape being arrested. destiny.

This night can be described as a sudden change of circumstances, this night is destined to be uneven, and this night also indicates that many people will fall from the pyramid to the mortal world.

Of course, for the big men who were caught, naturally they didn’t know what was happening outside, and if they knew it, their entire complexion would turn pale.

Hu Nan Province:

“What the **** is going on, so many companies have received notices to suspend business operations. This is what they want to do. It won’t be possible if we don’t put our Li family in their eyes.”

“Father, our people didn’t get any news, it was an order from above.”

“Check, check it out for me immediately, what the **** is going on, can someone target our Li family.”


The Land of Abundance:

“Who can tell me why so many family children have been arrested, and it is surprisingly tough to let people go on bail, and it doesn’t give face at all!”

“These arrested people have more or less criminal background, but who gave them the courage to arrest our family members, what is the situation now?”

“I heard that not only one of our family suffered assaults, but even the nearby forces were the same, and they were not spared.”

“Oh, is it so?”

There was a glimmer of light in many people’s eyes, as if they were thinking about something.

Such a scene did not only occur in these two provinces, but in most of China, all of which targeted cancer drugs, one counted as one, and all were hit.

Against the country, relying on you, you are really not qualified.

Now it’s just the early pressure, which makes them busy. If they really start to suppress it, I don’t know how long they can last.

Silent overnight!

The next day, the wind direction of the entire news media changed, completely changed.

Yesterday, they continued to attack sci-fi companies, and media that regarded cancer drugs as poisons began to apologize publicly.

Yes, it is a public apology and a deep remorse for irresponsible remarks.

The so-called dizziness and vomiting are people who are directly accused of false accusations and are now in the police station as suspects.

As for the incident of eating dead people, it is even more ridiculous. They do have cancer, but they didn’t even go to the provincial capital. How could they take drugs? As for the so-called evidence documents, they were artificially produced to confuse the audience. .

Some people were arrested on the spot. As for the reposts, they were required to be deleted immediately, otherwise they would be arrested.

This time, most of Huaxia moved, and the personnel involved were even more numerous.

One night, one night and everything is done, proving the innocence of the science fiction company.

“What kind of operation is this? Yesterday, one by one, one by one, he condemned the black-hearted company with outrage. This early morning actually came to a big reversal.”

“Will this news be false? With so many people with different symptoms, it’s impossible for them all to be lying, right?”

“Upstairs, the U.S. also used washing powder as a poison. Which one do you think is right at first.”

“My brother is amazing. Those who framed me are really shameless. In order to achieve their goals, they have to make this country panic and must be severely punished!”

“The benefits are touching. The benefits of cancer treatment are so great that it will inevitably make some people think about it. What’s more, there are still several times, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times the profit. Naturally, they dare to fight for their lives. .”

At this moment, the entire Internet is full of turmoil, constantly discussing the causes and consequences of this matter. After all, this is related to cancer, which is directly related to life and death, so who can not pay attention.

As netizens came out to testify, it turns out that what is currently hanging on the Internet is true.

“I’ve said it a long time ago. Yesterday, I posted a picture of a person’s death. He was a patient in our hospital. He hadn’t left the city for a day. He hadn’t even been out of the hospital. How could he take that kind of medicine? If anyone has any questions. , You can go to our morgue to find out the authenticity.”

“I am a cancer patient. I went to the magic city with a fluke. Because it was the first batch, I have recovered. I am very grateful to the science fiction company for its life-saving grace. As for some of the symptoms mentioned yesterday, at least I have treated them. I didn’t see them together during the period.”

“I am also a patient, but now I have a healthy body like everyone else, and I very much agree with what the upstairs said.”

Countless people came out to testify, and even they did not hesitate to put the cases on it, so that everyone could understand everything more intuitively.

What kind of black company is a science fiction company? The drugs used to treat cancer are not poisons. They are indeed life-saving.

Some people with advanced cancer or acute cancer can live for up to a few months and become healthy directly after taking the medicine. Isn’t this a life-saving medicine?

Yesterday there were so many people condemning, won’t your conscience hurt?

Who can guarantee that they will not suffer from cancer in their lifetime? The nearly 2% probability of Huaxia is not just for fun. About two out of 100 people have cancer. These are people who need treatment, or even people who need life-saving.

Immediately afterwards, the major news media reported who was the real mastermind behind it.

This time, there is no mercy, no matter how much power you have behind, you dare to struggle with the country, or even obey orders, then you don’t think about where you will be better.

With one group of companies, the consortium was unspeakable, and once again aroused a strong response from netizens, and even an upsurge of boycotts.

Why do you harm other people for your own benefit? You even want the people to be your accomplices, and you almost let the cancer treatment drugs die again.

Some people have remembered that when the drug was first released, the death-eating incident occurred immediately afterwards. Thinking about it now, this was completely premeditated.

If this group of people succeed again this time, will the formula flow directly abroad, and eventually foreigners will make their money?

At that time, it will not be 200,000 Chinese coins at home, but 200,000 US dollars abroad, and the price will be about the same in reverse.

Many of the family powers that were named slumped directly on the chair behind them.

How could they not understand what it means to be named.

In the future, some good policies may not have anything to do with them, and they may even receive some special “entertainment”. This is completely the rhythm of death.

“No, admit your mistake immediately!”

It turns out that in order to **** this drug, this step was actually unexpected.

It’s just that it’s too late to regret now. It’s too late to make up for something. Don’t be suppressed. It’s really overwhelming at that time.

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