Urban: Unlimited Cashback

Chapter 44 - Butler in place

Chapter 44 The Housekeeper Is in Place

The largest manor in the magic capital was born suddenly. As the owner of this manor, Ye Xuan felt very honored.

A manor composed of six luxurious villas!

Huang Hui looked to the side with a tender look in his eyes. For this beauty, Ye Xuan was going to let her be the housekeeper.

This is not aimless. Huang Hui is a graduate of 211 prestigious university management department, and also has a very strong language talent. Several mainstream languages ​​in the world can be used, which is just a preparation for entering the world in the future.

And I also took a number of elective courses, all related to diplomatic etiquette.

One or two may be nothing, but all together, it can be said that a person like Huang Hui is definitely a fighter among the hens.

What’s more, the other party is already his own, so it is safe to manage this manor by his own people.

Now that there is a manor, it also needs a large number of people to run it.

It needs everything like chefs, bodyguards, drivers, gardeners, etc.

By the way, there is also a maid, a lovely maid in a maid costume, thinking about it, Ye Xuan’s eyes lit up, showing a faint smile, this can’t be less!

The house is there, and the housekeeper is in place. After a few days, the arrival of Li Xueting, the personal secretary, can truly begin the life of this perfect landlord.

As for recruiting personnel, this matter is not in a hurry, and Ye Xuan does not plan to do it personally. He is ready to let Huang Hui handle it alone and exercise her abilities by the way, while he himself is the owner of his manor with peace of mind. make money.

Looking at Huang Hui, who was still a little unwell, the corners of Ye Xuan’s mouth rose slightly.

Don’t let her do things now, I’m afraid it’s difficult to even walk, and if you want to recruit people, you still have to raise your body.

And now it’s getting late, and it just so happens that the villa has also been bought, so…

Now that everything in Yunshan Villa is ready, the furniture is also ready, and you can move in without having to carry anything.

With a place to live, then there is no need to go back to his hotel.

No matter how good the hotel is, it is not as good as home. What’s more, the super five-star hotel is not necessarily better than his manor. Comparing the two, each has its own advantages.

Because this place belongs to him now, he can drive in directly instead of taking the sightseeing bus.

Take Huang Hui to the Lamborghini, get in the car and drive directly in.

Stepping into this place again, it is already famous, and looking at everything in front of you, it looks very cordial.

This may be the so-called psychological effect.

At first, I thought it was not his own psychologically, so I didn’t have such a cordial feeling.

Ye Xuan chose the middle villa and stopped. This will be where he lives in the future.

Naturally, there is not much room to choose. The largest master bedroom in the middle is naturally Ye Xuan’s. As for Huang Hui, she chooses any of the other rooms, even if she sleeps with Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan didn’t care about this, unless the other party could withstand his attack.

If it’s too late today, it’s time to prepare for dinner.

Because the villa has just been bought, there is no chef yet, so I have to go out to eat or make it myself.

Originally, Ye Xuan wanted to go out to eat, although he would make some homemade stuff, but at best it was only edible, undead, and delicious, so don’t be embarrassed at this level.

However, Huang Hui volunteered to cook. Although she still had some discomfort, she was fine as long as she didn’t do too vigorous exercise, and cooking was fine.

Ye Xuan agreed, just to taste the cooking skills of his butler.

Fortunately, the manager just prepared it well, and even bought a lot of ingredients, and they were all fresh, and they were placed in the refrigerator right now.

There are basically any dishes you want, and there is no need to go out to buy them.

Wearing an apron, looking at Huang Hui’s appearance, she did indeed look a little bit.

Ye Xuan stood by to help out, giving the other an ambiguous action from time to time, making the whole kitchen full of warmth.

Huang Hui rolled her eyes during the whole process, trying to calm Ye Xuan.

But how could he obey, and still go his own way.

Huang Hui was already flushed after a meal. If it hadn’t been for her physical discomfort, she would have rectified the Fa on the spot.

Soon, three dishes and one soup were ready.

Huang Hui blushed and sat on the opposite side. Looking at Ye Xuan with fiery eyes, she bowed her head shyly.

Especially thinking of what the kitchen did to her just now, I can’t wait to find a place to sew in.


Ye Xuan said with a smile, picking up the chopsticks and taking a sip, the cooking is not bad, but compared to He Yue, it is far worse, after all, she has learned it specifically.

But a girl can do this, it is already very good, better than most people.

After eating, the two embraced and slept in teasing.

Nothing happened at night. After all, Ye Xuan was originally strong enough, and after genetic medicine fortification, it was not something that ordinary women could bear. Moreover, it was the first time for Huang Hui, let alone an opponent.

If there really is a fight, I’m really afraid of fainting the opponent.

Early the next morning, Ye Xuan woke up from his sleep. Looking at the person in his arms, he is now firmly leaning on his arms.

That exquisite face made people couldn’t help stepping forward and stroking it.

At this moment, the damaging Huang Hui wrinkled her cute little nose slightly, changed her posture a bit, and continued to sleep.

Looking at the other’s trembling eyelashes, Ye Xuan already knew that she was awake.


She slapped Huang Hui’s body severely, and she was caught off guard pretending to be asleep, and she jumped up screaming.

Because of wearing transparent pajamas, Ye Xuan happened to be able to take that perfect figure clearly into his eyes.

Huang Hui looked at Ye Xuan with a faint look, and the place where she had been hit just turned red.

“Husband, what are you doing?”

Mouth pouted in dissatisfaction, early in the morning, can you sleep peacefully?

Ye Xuan saw that the other party looked like a little resentful woman, and he smiled, “I woke up just now, and I was still pretending to sleep there. This is a punishment for you.”

“Okay, get up, I’m all hungry.”

The two of them started to get up and put on clothes without saying anything. Only then did Huang Hui discover that all the clothes last night had been washed, and they must have not dried yet.

She glanced at her semi-transparent pajamas, she wouldn’t let her wear this for a while.

Thinking of this, his whole face flushed.

Although the two of them have the reality of being a husband and wife, they are also embarrassed.

But apart from those pajamas, there are no other clothes, and the one on her is the most conservative inside.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Huang Hui stunned there, Ye Xuan asked curiously.

“No, nothing!”

Huang Hui shook her head, her body was already seen, so what can she do with this? Once she gritted her teeth, she went straight out and started making breakfast.

Looking at the other person’s back, Ye Xuan showed a faint smile, with an unidentified expression in his eyes.

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