Vagabond’s Ambition

06: The Adventurer’s Guild

Rolling onto the ground and face planting, Kaitlyn laid there in pain, continuing the conversation, “I’ve been training too, not to the point where I’m constantly bleeding and covered in cuts, just lightly. But life is quite monotonous at times now to be honest... Though I met some friends recently...”

Basking in the comfort of his office, Dexter hiked his legs up on the low table between the two couches in front of his desk, asking with interest clear in his voice, “Friends you say? Tell me more, I haven’t heard you call anyone but our old adventuring party your friends. This one is curious...”

“Don’t pry into my social life, old geezer, bug off,” Kaitlyn retorted, covering her ears in mock anger, “I’ll have you know I have plenty of friends...”

“Sure, sure,” Dexter agreed, relaxing against the couch while gazing at the high soaring ceiling, “Let’s talk about your sword skills then, any improvements you want to tell me about? I may be a brawler and fight with a pair of gauntlets, but I still understand swords.”

Rolling over to face the ceiling while laying on the ground, Kaitlyn explained, “Well you know how my crest gives me a much, much easier time learning the combo spell in addition to dual wielding swords? I made another breakthrough, but sadly I haven’t fought anything hard enough recently where I have to use the spell...”

“Kinda boring to be honest,” Kaitlyn lamented, crossing her arms on the ground, “I just use some basic swordsmanship and they all die or give up...”

“Well that spell is quite unfair, you know?” Dexter remarked, forcing himself off the couch and back to his desk, “By now you’re probably the strongest person in our party, you have a lot more time to improve compared to Sasha, Jayce, and me, and you’re a natural counter to Chelsea...”

Getting into a sitting position on the ground and crossing her legs, Kaitlyn leaned against the couch complaining, “I don’t careeee, it’s boring dueling you all anyway.”

Stars beginning to appear in her eyes, Kaitlyn added, “I want to like... fight a dragon, yes... That’d be fun! One on one... who’d win...”

Facepalming, Dexter muttered, letting out a long sigh, “Where did we all mess up... If the situation wasn’t so dire that we had to take a 12 year old on the battlefield maybe this would’ve turned out differently...”

“You know, most people dream about becoming friends with dragons, you know?” Dexter raised an eyebrow, drumming his hands on the desk, “Anyway, so the spell, Combo, any differences following the breakthrough? Or just the same as usual?”

“Just the usual,” Kaitlyn answered with a bored expression, “So you know how it’s like, with the spell active, everytime I hit, the next ones get faster and more powerful, blah blah, and my crest makes it so it’s much less exerting and a viable spell blah blah? Well this breakthrough was like the others, I just got a longer amount of time before the combo resets if I don’t hit anything, nothing special...”

“Do you know how long it is then? Time wise?” Dexter asked, sorting through some of the paper work on his desk, “Also I have to say it again, your crest that lets you have this proficiency with this spell along with your natural sword ability? Really broken I must say...”

Plopping back onto the ground while yawning, Kaitlyn shook her head, “I don’t know how long it is, I kind of just... feel it you get me?”

“Also,” Kaitlyn continued, sticking out her tongue, “You can’t say anything old geezer, you’re the one with a body that has a body with a strength ceiling similar to a magical beasts.”

Laughing, Dexter flexed again, causing his shirt to stretch from the immense forces being exerted on it, “Who knows, who knows, you could always make an argument about Jayce being the one with a super broken ability.”

“I know right?!” Kaitlyn agreed, bolting back up into a sitting position, “Being able to see the flaws of people? Like... c’mon, that’s a little unfair if you ask me.”

Taking a moment to enjoy talking to Dexter again, Kaitlyn caught up with Dexter before continuing to talk about whatever came to her mind, jumping from one topic to another. Having laid on the carpet in front of the couch for a while, Kaitlyn propped herself up, apologizing, “Well I have another appointment now, I agreed to meet my friends in the main area of the Adventurer’s guild, so I have to get going now.”

Standing up and stretching while taking a break from the paperwork he was working on, Dexter laughed, “Let me come with you then, I want to take a look at these new friends of yours!”

Holding open the door for Dexter, Kaitlyn looked at the door and inquired, “Is this door even big enough for you? You’re like... really tall...”

Moving through the doorway with only a slight bend, Dexter answered, “Nope, not really. Shall we get going then?”

“Wait a moment,” Kaitlyn murmured, holding up a finger, “I got to make sure the coast is clear. It’d be bad if Marie was waiting right around the corner now wouldn’t it be?”

Peeking around the corner, Kaitlyn ran ahead, seeing the coast clear, waving Dexter over after her, “I think we’re good, I think Marie is busy with something...”

“I think so too,” Dexter nodded, giving off a serious air while playing along, “Let’s go then!”

Running to the side of the second floor where it looked over the first floor, Dexter elected to avoid the stairs and jump over the railing, landing onto the first floor.

Drawing the attention of every adventurer that was on the first floor, from the ones at the front desk, to the ones at the desk handing in their completed quests, to the ones at the quest boards, even to the rowdy ones sitting at the tables eating lunch at the food area.

Jumping down after Dexter, Kaitlyn looked around the room before waving and getting the attention of Rachel, Oliver, Josephine, and Damien who were sitting at a table having some drinks while now having shocked expressions plastered on their faces. 

I'm so tired while scheduling this... I was on a call for 6 hours straight with some friendos...

Idk about expecting another chapter right after this one, I kinda didn't write that much today...

Thanks for reading though!!
Please leave a comment yes!

i don't know what else to say... take care take care

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