Vagabond’s Ambition

21: Ass-Clapped Ogres

Blood splattering, heads falling. As the battle progressed, the ogres experienced what could only be called a one-sided beating. Even as they held the height advantage, the strength advantage, and the number advantage, the ogres got smacked left and right, similar to a child getting rebuked by an adult. 

Throughout the battle, although the newly-formed ass clappers were effective, holding their own throughout the battle and killing several of the ogres, the true cause of the one-sided ass clapping was Kaitlyn. 


“She’s so coooool~”

“Why is she so good at fighting!! Literal goddess~!!”

Although to Rachel she could hear this chanting, showering praise onto the nearby fighting Kaitlyn, in reality, there were no fans around. Perhaps what Rachel heard was a spell or just an auditory hallucination...

“Get your gay ass out of the panic zone,” Josephine murmured, jabbing Rachel in the side seeing that she had become unfocused, “I can see it on your face, you’re absolutely crushing over a pretty girl aren’t you?”

Snapping out of her ‘mysterious auditory hallucinations’, Rachel ran forward once more, back into the thick of the fray. 

Wielding her katana with a well-practiced poise, Rachel shifted to the side, letting a club slam into the ground beside her, then letting out an unending stream of slices, working her way through the ogre’s thick hide and well-built body. 

Before long however, the ogre was back in position to continue its own attacks, pushing Rachel to back off, allowing Oliver to engage with the ogre while Josephine rotated onto Oliver’s ogre. 

Rotating onto the ogre, Oliver ran forward, feeling his blessing take hold. Similar to how Kaitlyn was blessed with a stacking combo spell, Oliver felt a subtle force, guiding him, informing him, teaching him how to defeat any opponent in front of him. 

Block. Sidestep. Slice. Redirect. Counter.

As the battle progressed, Oliver could feel his proficiency with defeating ogres increase, bit by bit. Defeating the one in front of him, Oliver ran over to the side, kiting one from the pack that Kaitlyn had gathered, bringing it back to Josephine and Rachel. 

On Josephine’s end, with a pair of gauntlets, shin guards and tougher boots, she was dismantling the ogres one by one. 

Having taken a moment to push Rachel out of her gay induced stupor, Josephine refocused, her eyes sharpening and fists clenching as she was faced with an ogre in front of her. 

Recasting her body enhancement spells, <Haste>, <Strength>, among others, she rushed forward once more, coating her limbs with a coating of magic. 

With a flurry of blows, Josephine, although tired, worked in tandem with Rachel, Damien and Oliver to kill an impressive number of ogres, all the way until they stopped streaming out of the cave that the original ogres had been patrolling around. 

However, in contrast to the A.C.A which was now dead on their feet, taking a breather now that there were no more ogres in the vicinity, Kaitlyn let out one long exhale, standing back up straight, her two swords back in their sheaths. 

A cold expression coating her face, Kaitlyn took a moment to calm down, extricating herself from her fighting mindset, before turning back and walking towards the resting associates. Walking over, Kaitlyn came to a stop before them, doing a mental count of the ogres they killed, asking, “How was it? I hope it wasn’t too tiring or dangerous... maybe a light workout where you all could get some improvement?”

Nodding while laying on the ground like a starfish, Damien gave a weak thumbs-up, surmising, “It was tiring as hell, but not too dangerous, easy for us to improve... almost a little too easy though.”

“I see I see,” Kaitlyn hummed, helping Rachel sit up from being splattered on the ground, “You all did well though, there were many more than expected, you all ended up killing what... eighteen? If I counted right.”

Now sitting up, Rachel raised an eyebrow looking over at the pile over by where Kaitlyn had been fighting, questioning, “I-... I don’t even know if we can take that praise... you killed like... two times more than us? Three times more than us? All alone too...”

With a thousand-meter stare, Josephine agreed, “It’s hard to feel proud when we watched you decimate all the ogres in one hit without them coming even close to hurting you...”

A little embarrassed, Kaitlyn, with a few flustery hand motions, could only reassure them, “That... That took a lot of years of work... Just think of that like a goal! I’m not really a good person to compare yourselves to...”


An awkward silence descending onto the group, Kaitlyn let them catch their breath before asking, “So I’ll go into the cave to do some clean-up, while you all can... cut off all their right ears? That doesn’t sound fun but it's the only way you all are going to get any income...”

“Yeah, that does sound painful,” Oliver muttered, his equipment scattered on the ground around him, voicing the feelings visible on everyone’s face, “It is necessary though, we don’t have super stable finances to live forever in luxury without doing some quests.”

Looking off to the pile of ogres piled up on top of each other, each carcass oozing blood and letting off nasty smells, Kaitlyn scrunched her face up as the wind blew another wave of odor into her face, “Well, I’m quite... well-off one could say, so feel free to take the ogres I killed, I’m not in need of any extra money right now.”

Seeing their faces light up and their voices of appreciation, Kaitlyn nodded, walking off towards the cave, “I’ll see you then... then? I’ll sweep through the cave quickly while you all clean things up out here. Make sure to stay alert though, just in case there are any roaming monsters.”


“Sounds good”

“Clapppp them asses!”

“Sounds good, yep”

Watching her back disappear into the darkness of the cave, Rachel, wiping some dirt off of her face, leaned over to an already knowing Josephine, whispering, “She’s so cooooolll!! Did you see her fight??? Damn... whew...”

Patting the hopeless Rachel with a resigned expression, Josephine, gazing off at the pile of ogres they were about to dismantle, could only sigh, “You’re down atrocious, Rachel... I can only... uh... wish you good luck really...”

omg somehow i be maintaining an update schedule... who is this...
Thanks for reading though~!!!
please leave a comment~!!
take care everyone...
I don't know uhm yea... take care of yourselves!!
... i'm really tired-...

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