Vagabond’s Ambition

27: Awkwardness

“Well... I can see that for you, like when you dated a girl in junior year when we were all freshmen,” Damien relented, hiding behind Oliver to shield himself from Josephine’s devastating physical blows, “For me though, you were one of my two relationships, and in all honesty, the other one was just like... we drifted apart, so of course I’m more embarrassed at all the antics we both got up to in our relationship.”

“...Fine.” Josephine agreed, giving up on that line of discussion and turning back towards a more quiet than usual Oliver, “I can guess what you're embarrassed about. It wasn’t even a relationship though, it was just something you did with your ex.”

Eating his food in silence, unwilling to admit it, Oliver ignored Josephine’s words, trying to make some light conversation with Damien. However, although Damien was Damien, the one always willing to talk about random topics, he was more interested in talking about this ‘phase’ that Oliver went through near the beginning of university. 

With a long sigh after swallowing a bite of food, Oliver muttered, “Yeah, yeah, I’m embarrassed about when I used to do drag, not the drag itself just... the actions during those times, like dancing on top of cars. I would never, these days.”

High-fiving Josephine, Damien mouthed a “good job” before moving onto the next conversation topic, happy now that everyone finished spitting out their embarrassing past. 

Following that, the three had a merry time dining with each other into the later hours of the night, talking about random topics, ranging from their times in uni, to their times in the now-collapsed empire, to their current times, living free while adventuring day-to-day. 

In the end, having finished their meal out, they returned to their inn, still missing Rachel. Returning to the inn, they walked by several staggering groups of drunk men and women, helping one drunk woman reunite safely with her friend group. 

Opening their room door with a creak, being greeted with the now welcoming and comforting sight of their own inn room, Josephine, Damien, and Oliver all decided to sit on Rachel’s bed, playing cards while talking about some future plans. 

“Suck my dick, Damien,” Josephine cackled while ruining his chances at winning, “But yeah, I think we’re going to need to do some crazy amounts of adventuring if we’re going to buy our own residences in the town...”

“Josephine, I don’t think you have a dick to be sucked,” Damien sighed, lamenting his now bleak chances of getting any points in the round, “Honestly though, it’d be a lot easier if we could just be awarded or given residences... I feel like paying for an inn room week by week isn’t very good for our long-term finances.”

Placing his card, Oliver, in the midst of calculating how he could upset Josephine passed the turn while only commenting, “Still though... somehow it still hasn’t registered that we’re... free. Literally, we could go walk out, leave everyone, and live in the wilderness if we wanted. Like, we never have to talk to our dean again, or that stupid bullshitting priest.” 

“Yeah...” Damien agreed, deciding to begin helping Oliver and sabotage Josephine, “We really need to start figuring out our future now that we have relocated a second time and started over... again. At least we have a butt-ton of money this time...”



The gentle glow of lamps. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, at a secluded park in the town, one hidden away and not frequented at this time of night, were Kaitlyn and Rachel. Sitting on a bench together, having decided to take a walk to help digest their food after dinner, they sat side by side, hands close together, but not quite touching. 

Sitting in silence having exhausted their conversation topics, leaning back, looking at the stars under the moon murmured, “I guess... we should get going, shouldn’t we? I’m assuming that tomorrow you all are going to take a rest day, do a little training, sort out some personal affairs before another quest?”

“... Seems like it,” Rachel nodded, marveling as always at the sea of stars that stretched out above head, one of the largest differences from the night sky she used to see before she was summoned, “If you have some time, could you drop by again? Give me or the others some pointers on how to improve? We all enjoy your presence and help, after all.”

Speechless, Kaitlyn sat there, a little unsure on how to respond, having not been in such a position before. Even then however, although quite flustered and honored in her head, a slight pink tinge appearing on her cheeks and ears, invisible under the moonlight, she only managed to choke out a slight agreement, nodding while promising to drop by if she could the next day. 

Having finished their brief conversation, Kaitlyn walked Rachel back to her inn, their footsteps echoing against the stone streets, being one of the last people still out late at night. 

“Goodnight... uhm... today was really fun... so thanks for asking me to help you.”

“I’m glad that you enjoyed it! I guess... prepare to be bothered then for many more days! Getting dinner with you was really enjoyable~ I hope that we can get another meal sometime!”

“O-Of course... I... I’ll look forward to it then...”

Pausing for a second in front of the inn door, having finished saying their goodnights and farewells, Kaitlyn and Rachel shared an embrace, squeezing each other as if to connect their hearts just a little more before letting go, splitting up for the night. 

“Sleep well! Don’t bother your friends too much... I hope I didn’t keep you out too late.” 

“No worries, at all! I’m sure they don’t mind! You take care, though! Stay safe... a lone girl out late at night isn’t a good recipe for safety...” 

“I-... I mean... not to sound pretentious, but if there’s something that can overpower me hiding in this city... I’d be worried about the safety of the country to be honest...” 

“... Yeah, that’s true, still! Stay safe, have a nice night!”

Damn.. i be writing this at 2 am as always...
but Take care you reader peopleeee~!!
uhm... yeah
thanks for reading~!! please leave a commenttttt

.. i should sleep more... 11 hrs a day is not enough over the summer...

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