Valkyria Squadron

Ch103: Finally Here

Finally Here

White Moon Cafeteria, Sumida City, Tokyo

  Adelis POV

One more day I came back from my work in Alliance to dedicate myself to what really interested me, my little cafeteria. Today was just as calm as the previous ones, although there was tension in the air and we all knew it but we didn't want to mention it. It had been several days since Cesar last contacted us and mentioned that he would be making his return trip but he still hadn't shown up, so we were getting a little nervous. The one most affected by this has been Lisa, which she begins to see in her face as she is more irritated by the situation and is beginning to confuse the orders as well.

Inspector Yamamoto is with me right now, he's been talking to me about how it went with our little deception. We managed to coordinate everything fairly well and Xian was in charge of leaving the scene of the crime making it look as if Lisa was the one who did that, the Inspector managed to lead the police to the scene in a credible way and yesterday the news came out of how the police managed to stop the serial killer. Today it was the Inspector's turn to talk to the journalists to give more details about what happened, everything seemed to go on smoothly until that annoying girl from the newspaper appeared.

"It was that girl, Nozomi Yasuda, she's already given me several headaches before, so it's nothing new"
"As always, there was a big investigation of her newspaper, so she is very well informed on the subject"
"She didn't seem to entirely agree that this person was to blame for what happened, but she didn't seem to be entirely sure either"
"But she asked about Jiro Iwasaki and about his ex-girlfriend and if they were related to this case" The old man mentions while drinking his coffee.

"Jirou Iwasaki?"

"His ex-girlfriend appeared destroyed on a public park near her house, it seemed as if a monster had attacked her, but in the middle of Tokyo at rush hour?"
"Investigating a little about her, her parents mentioned that perhaps the culprit could have been her ex-boyfriend, with whom she had problems due to economic problems and they separated on bad terms"
"I wanted to talk to him but he's been missing ever since"
"Not a single clue to his whereabouts, as if he had vanished into thin air"
"There is an arrest warrant but nothing has happened yet"
"Yasuda believes that this man could also be related to the serial killer"

"What if we ask herself directly?"
"Hey Lisa, do you know anything about a certain Jiro Iwasaki?"
"Have you met him by chance?"

"Jirou Iwasaki?"
"No, I don't remember him being one of the people I removed"
"But I remember hearing that name somewhere else"
"I'm sorry right now I don't see anything came to mind, I'm quite worried about other things as you can imagine."

"Are you really sure that she didn't do it and just forgot?"
"She looks exactly like the kind of person who doesn't know what she's doing most of the time"
"Maybe he just ran into it and added it to the list as an extra?"
"Something like the type of one more or one less won't make a difference?"

"I highly doubt it, because although I do not deny that she is quite impulsive and her sanity is just a myth"
"All of her goals before we met were very specific"
"Most of them already had serious criminal records, and the others were discovered later when the police investigated their deaths"
"In a way, she was trying to act more like batman, a night watchman"

"Try to say the same thing again while looking into her eyes."
"Just looks at her, she even looks familiar with the joker."

"Well, wasn't he the hero in one of the stories?"
"Or was it one of the movies?"
"Not that I pay much attention to it."

"Even so, you seem to be much more informed about it than I thought."
"I thought you only had eyes for soap operas, now it turns out that you like those stories?"

"Well, Tamamo really likes those movies and lately I've been reading more books with magical creatures"
"For some reason, I feel like I need to start getting more familiar with fantasy stories"

"Let me guess, to improve the cafeteria right?"

"To improve what?"
"Ah! yes and that too!"
"Yes that can work"


The cafeteria door opened, a new customer entered the cafeteria. I turned to see to say hello, but from where I was I could only see the door closing. Was it a strong wind? Didn't the other customers start mumbling quite a bit among themselves?

"Is it some kind of event?"

"A new worker here?"

I leaned on the counter to get a better look at the other side, and with it, I took great joy. It was Cesar, he had finally returned home. You could see from her face that she was tired, but the hardest thing to see was her clothes. She was wearing quite little truth, most of the things she had on seemed to be black leather belts and white ribbons in various parts of her body, what covered her the most were her armor and the hood that she had on her back. She also had several large bags around her, it seemed to be her luggage, it seemed that she had quite a few things with her. She dropped almost all of her luggage on the floor except for a bag that she placed on the counter rather carefully and then sat down right next to me and the inspector. 

"I am glad to see that you have returned safely"
"Thank you very much for your hard work"
"But if you are very tired, you would have better-gone home directly"

"I also had the same idea, but when I arrived I realized that I don't have the keys to enter, I yelled at the door but it seemed like no one was home, so I came here instead."
"I'm starving, can you give me something to eat?"
"something that really fill"
"Oh, and you can also give me half of that milk cake in a super small plate and a glass of water, the glass as small as possible too"

A rather rare petition, but I imagine she has her reasons and being tired I better pay attention to what he asks. When she got all of it, she put the small cake and the water into the bag that was up on the counter.

"What do you have there?" I asked because curiosity had won me over.

"A canary"
"A canary of a Breed Familiar to Momo"

Ho no, I already knew what she meant. In there was something that probably shouldn't exist on earth, a fantasy creature, again. But even so the curiosity was killing me, would you like to know what it could be so that it could fit in such a small bag? a baby hippogriff perhaps? Or a phoenix? I imagine it must be like sweets because of what she ordered.

"Leaving that aside"
"I think this is the first time we've met face to face with you, Inspector Yamamoto."
"Excuse my beggar appearance today, as you can imagine I had a little adventure that turned out to be longer than originally planned"
" Ces...Elise Valkyria, at your service"
"Nice to meet you"

"Don't worry, the pleasure is mine."
"I can't believe someone like me would have the pleasure of meeting the girl from the rumors"
"You have no idea the thousands of stories that have circulated about you"
"I can't wait to hear from you yourself what you did in New York"
"I want to hear all the details"
"But I see that right now what you want is to rest in peace, so I won't bother you anymore for today"
"I was already leaving anyway"
"Of course, before saying goodbye, let me give you my most sincere and profound thanks"
"Thanks to you my granddaughter is still safe, for which I am indebted to you"
"She is everything to me, so in a certain part you have also saved me too"
"Although I know I have already asked too much, I hope you can continue to protect me as you have done up to now"
"Thank you very much from the heart" Said the man, bowing his head greatly, as a sign of respect to whoever was in front of him.

"DARLING HUG ME! IT'S BEEN SO LONG WITHOUT YOU!" yelled the demoness from the other side of the store as she ran towards

Due to certain things that happened later I had to close the store much earlier than usual. We all returned home and sat in the living room around Cesar, everyone wanted to know what was in the bag.

"Okay, I met her during my trip"
"She had nowhere to go and the people of that place spend their time hunting her race"
"So I decided to bring her here with me to save her"
"Please treat her well because she is quite delicate" my son said.

"Yeah but it already shows what's in there! Stop prolonging this!" answered his sister.

He opened the bag with great care not to damage its contents. A girl came out of it, quite small, and beautiful, it was like seeing, no wait! She is A FAIRY!. Seeing us all look at her so attentively, she got scared and flew to the old shelf that I brought from our previous house and looked at us with great attention. My inner mother's power yelled at me with all its might that I had to protect this beauty. I took a couple of fruits from a nearby plant and approached them trying to imply that I wanted me to be friendly.

"But look how beautiful she is, I want to adopt her immediately!"
"She is a Fairy! I always wanted them to be real!"
"I knew that it was possible!"
"Since you came back I always had the faith that sooner or later I would have to see one."

"Okay, looks like we just found out that Okaasan likes fairies"

"Well we all have our favorite things when we were young"
"And if have always liked fairies"
"We can't let this cuteness sleep anywhere"
"Hi, Xian! I need you to get me a set of dolls, No! not the androids, I already have two of those, the ones they sell in toy stores, the plastic ones, something that has a room with a bed and something that is a kitchen with cutlery and glasses"
"You have 2 hours to get them or else I'll fire you"
"No discussions!"
"Bring them to my house"

"Okay, I never thought I'd see my mother like that!"
"This is your fault brother!"
"But I also agree that she is pretty cute"
"One question, do you know how to teach people to fly?"
"Do you happen to know the story of Peter Pan?"

"My... my name is..."
"P...please...don't hurt me..."
"I'm going to... maybe live here... if you let me..."

"Well, in the end, it turns out that Lisa's prediction came true, but I'm glad this time it's not someone who doesn't eat much."
"She is also a fairy, she is always welcome in this house 

"Come on, I already told you that no one here will hurt you"
"I will introduce you to them"
"The other girl with ears is Tamamo, the goddess of the moon"
"The one with the horns Lisa, a demon"
"The one that is hard to see is Momo, an angel"
"The two identical girls are Kazumi and Charlotte"
"This is my mother Adelis, a human"
"And the one next to her is her daughter Maria, who has an incredible ability to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide"

"We are going to make this even clearer so that you do not fear"
"She is under my direct protection"
"The first bastard who thinks of hurting him will have to deal with the sandal at full charge"
"Did you hear right, Lisa!?"
"I'm going to keep an eye on you"

But even with that, the fairy didn't seem to let her guard down for a second, but we kept trying to make her feel safe. At the moment she only passes by Elise but I am sure that over time she will feel calmer with the rest of her. I'm waiting for that moment to take pictures with my phone. Maybe even re-sew a bit to create more dresses for her. What caught the attention of the little girl the most was our patio and the plants in the house. According to what Cesar told me, she claims to be a botany student, so I already have a clue on how to make her trust us more. But it will have to be later because classes are about to start and I have to prepare all the paperwork for this year's school year. 

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