Valkyria Squadron

Ch107: What Mothers Keep Silent

What Mothers Keep Silent

Family Home, Sumida City, Tokyo

  Adelis POV

Today has been quite busy, the Japanese defense ministry has been in a panic after the New York attack, it seems that after thinking about it a lot seeing what happened in New York, they are in a panic thinking that something at that level can happen in such little time. They seem more willing to join the Alliance, but they still won't accept our current agreement. Honestly, what the hell do these people want, they're going to drive me crazy, I didn't think it would take so long trying to negotiate the damn deal.  I had been starting to work in the home office because there were times when I had to make calls late at night to be able to talk to someone on the other side of the world.  I honestly didn't think I would ever use this room because I don't think I'd allow visits from important people since entering this house is the same as going to Wonderland.  But not everything is bad today, because my son Leon had called today to give me the news that he had risen again in the company. 

"I'm very happy for you, congratulations"
"You really worked hard to get it" I told him with all the sincerity and pride that a mother could give her son

"Yes, finally it seems that I will start early next week"
"The CEO really expects a lot from me, so I can't let him down."

"That is good"
"Hey, and how is your family? All good there?"
"How is little Holly?"
"I can't believe you haven't sent me pictures of my own granddaughter yet"
"Please send them to me when you have time"
"I want to put them in the fireplace of the house along with everything else"

"Everyone is pretty good thank God"
"Holly already said her first words"
"Daisy already feels completely recovered and she is eager to get back to work again"
"Most likely she will go back to her old job at the law firm"

"Leon, wait a minute!"
"But your daughter is not even a two years old yet, it is not yet time to leave her alone!"

"We will hire a professional caregiver or leave her in a nursery"
"They are going to help her to learn everything as fast as possible and she can develop her intelligence quite soon"
"With Daisy's salary back again we can pay for her to get into a good school and with it a good university."
"She will be able to get a good professional career if she settles in an area where there are very few people available."

"Leon, my son, you do know that that's about 15 years away, right?"
"Many things can happen, life can take many turns and you never know what lies ahead"
"I don't think a child is very amused by having such absent parents in his life, especially at such early ages"
"Why don't you think better of it, I think she would like to have a life with her parents and in seven years they will be able to see if she will like school and start growing from there"
"But the early years are when they need her parents the most"

"She's going to a good place, it's a center to develop gifted children early"
"If she goes there she can learn many things, so we want her to enter from the age of 4"
"So we want to make sure that she can have what it takes to be one of the top graders"
"We already have a list of the best private tutors who are willing to teach her"

"It is necessary!"
"Just because you did that to us doesn't mean the right way to raise a child!"
"Don't start preaching about how a father raises his daughter!"
"In this world, if you are not a successful person you are nobody!"
"The easiest way to succeed is to be smarter than anyone else and I'll do that with her"
"Oh, do you want me to treat her like you did with Cesar?"
"Do you want her to end up just like him?"
"With no money, poorly paid jobs and dying in an alley just for a measly salary as a soldier because he didn't know how to do anything better with her life"
"I want her to be successful in her life, just like her parents or her grandmother did"

"By the way speaking about your brother...."
".... you know ... better ... forget it ..."
"It was nothing"

"Are you going to tell me that you already received his farewell letter?"
"Good time, he has been underground for a long time and still comes to torment you?"
"You just burns it, leaves everything of him in the past, there is nothing that can be done for him"
"The bastard just wants to keep messing around even though he's dead"
"Don't hurt yourself anymore and just forget it, it's better for everyone"
"At least you try to save Maria you still have time"
"No one wants anything bad to happen to her after everyone put so much money into her"

"You can't talk like that about your brothers!"
"You have no idea what they've been through!"
"Not everyone can be successful even with everything in their favor!"

"But when Ivania was there, success mattered, right?"
"Surely if your "favorite daughter" were the one doing it, you would surely support her completely with her decisions"
"She, after all, is important thanks to her work, more than me, I guess"

"What I did at that time was completely wrong and I accept it"
"It was my fault and I never should have done it, during that time I was blinded by wanting you to be the same as her"
"It was a mistake"
"But remember that everyone will make mistakes and you are not an exception"

"That apology has come 15 years late"
"The damage is already done"
"The only thing I regret is that my brother is not alive to hear it too"
"Maybe if they had done it before things would have been different"
"Maybe even my brother would have been saved"

*Hang up*


I really screwed up, right

Damn, I had the perfect opportunity to talk to him and I had to throw it away. Why the hell did I take the conversation in that direction, I needed it to be a happy conversation. Why did he let him talk to me like that? Why did I lose my nerve? Why did I behave so stupid at that time?  If I want to fix this and help Cesar reintegrate with the others, I need Leon's help, not antagonize him. But how can I deal with it despite the resentment he has towards me? 
Suddenly the door of the room opened wide, but surprisingly it did not make any noise. The fact of seeing it directly only scared me even more. But then I relaxed to see that it was Cesar who was responsible, he's still wearing his school uniform so he must have just returned from class. . I look both ways quickly as if looking for something, just when I was about to ask him if he had lost something he made a sign, he wanted me to be silent. Then, despite his size, he climbed the wall with incredible ease until he was in one of the upper corners of the room and began to try to remove one of the ceiling tiles.  What the hell was he doing? But just when she was about to speak again, Kazumi came running, she looked both ways around the room too but she didn't seem to find what she was looking for. Cesar was finished entering the roof and moved the sheet to cover almost all the holes he had created. 
"Did you see Dad come in here a moment ago?"
"He was here right?"
"What the hell are you two doing?"
"Playing hide and seek"
"He stated that if we managed to find him in the first 10 minutes, he would buy us an ice cream"
"I saw him come in here but how did he hide in no time?"
"I'm sorry but I can't interfere then it wouldn't be fair"
"Couldn't you watch the security cameras to see where he is?"
"I'm doing it, but he came into this room which is a blind spot and I lost sight of it"
"He knew that, that's why he came so I could lose track of him"
"ok that was a good move"
"What do you plan to do about it?"
"You still have time left to find it"
"He came here to lose the trail, probably to increase his advantage"
"The window is open so he could get out of the house and jump into the neighbor's house"
"Surely he will try to avoid places where there may be security cameras!"
"I already saw it!"
"He's entering the convenience store right now!"
"I'm going to change my clothes and I'm going to chase him"
"If I catch him right there, he'll have to buy us both ice cream!" She said before running off as fast as she came.
As soon as she left, Cesar himself was the one who came down from the roof as silently as he went up and left everything in its place as if nothing had happened.
"Wait a minute!"
"Didn't your daughter just say that she just saw you at the convenience store?"
"But you are here! How did you do it?"
"I told her that she pretended to be me and if her twins found her I would just reveal to them that it was her"
"By the time they come back time will have passed"
"I'm a fucking genius!"
"Isn't that playing dirty?"
"They are your own daughters"
"They will be disappointed that you cheated on them"
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
"They can use security cameras to see and find me! on the other hand, I don't have superpowers!"
"I'm not the one cheating, at best I'm just balancing the scales to make it fairer even!"
"In addition, this will surely teach them not to trust technology so much, it will be a lesson that they will remember without a doubt."
"Because, you can't always trust that you will always have technology around you, so I would like them to learn to do things for themselves without the help of anything"
"Once they have learned the lesson I will buy them the ice cream"
"In the end, it will be a win-win right?"

"You almost seem like a bad person if you say it with that smile"
"Speaking of bad people, what do you think of your cousin Ivania?"
"Wasn't she undertaking her resort on the beach? Or was it the five-star hotel on the Arenal volcano? She was doing fine right?"
"Why? Did something happen to her?"
"Do you think I was heavy comparing the three of you to her?"
"Do you hate her for what I did? or to me?"
"You talked to Leon again right?"
"I have already told you that he only sees what he wants to see"
"If he thinks you spent so much time messing around with it, then it doesn't matter what actually happened, for him, you did exactly that"
"I don't have any problem with Ivania, at most the problem is with how stubborn Leon can be"
"And if you are still not convinced ask Maria also to see what she thinks"
"Do you really think then that I did nothing wrong? Or that I was really annoying?"
"Damn, I think I just heard that she's coming back!"
"I can't let her catch me! If they catch me they won't learn the lesson!"
"Sorry, I have to go now!"
This time Cesar did go out the window and instead of going down, he went up to the roof, but with how silent he was I couldn't hear what he did next.
Not even a minute had passed when, right after the open door, a super tiny girl entered this time, it was Tifa. She came flying along with a small,  really not so small for her size,  watering can, she went to the large plant that I had for decoration and began to water it. 
"Hello again Mrs. Adelis"
"It's a pretty nice afternoon, right?"
"Sorry for my interruption"
"This plant told me that she wanted more water so I came to help her with that"
Quickly change your way of acting! This girl can't see you sad, she still has little time here, she won't be amused to see me lose her nerves in front of her!
"Tifa, I already told you that you are basically my stepdaughter now"
"You don't have to be so formal, you can talk to me as casually as you want"
"I'm not going to bother, in fact, I would like to talk more with you"
"Well, in that case, I would like to comment on how impressed I am with the large number of plants here"
"I haven't seen any of them before, they are all new to me"
"There are some more interesting than others but I have fun investigating any of them"
"I am also quite impressed by this invention here, the greenhouse"
"This was exactly the application to the problem that I was investigating"
"With it, you can have any type of plant regardless of the weather outside"
"And its implementation is so simple that I'm surprised we hadn't thought of it before"
"I like to hear that"
"And what about your life here? Have you gotten used to living with the others?"
"Are you no longer afraid of the television?"
"To be honest, you are not the first to be scared when someone saw it turned on for the first time"
"He ,he ,he"
"Well, at least I'm not in permanent panic anymore."
"But although I know they won't hurt me when they see me, it's not so easy to leave behind the desire to hide"
"Already at this point, it is something that I think brings our race by default"
"But it's not his fault, it's just me who gets nervous around big people"
"Maria and the others have been taking care of me so I know they won't hurt me"
"Although on the other hand, Lisa continues to terrify me completely"
"Her race belonged to the Demon Lord's army in the world I came from"
"So seeing her calmly with the rest of her only gives me the feeling that something is wrong and that everything will become very violent from one moment to another"
"Also, every time she laughs when she sees me, it gets on my nerves, why does she do it?"
"Well, I agree that the way Lisa behaves does not help much to trust her"
"But at the moment she has been living with us for some time and we have not had any problems with her."
"Well sometimes has the crazy episodes of her but she does not try to harm anyone with them"
"It's just that... it's hard for her to behave normally?"
"Do you really not feel completely safe with anyone yet?"
"Well when I'm with Elise it's different"
"When I'm around her really safe and calm, so I try to be around her as long as possible"
"I think it's because I've already seen her defend me several times before even though I didn't gain anything from it, so I already know completely that she won't hurt me"
"Maybe with her, I can get used to getting along better with others"
"Besides, she doesn't treat me like someone small all the time, she treats me as if we were the same height"
The fairy began to look away a little trying to hide it, but I could see it clearly. That way of speaking was slower and happier than hers just a moment ago, she was clearly enjoying talking about the topic but she didn't know exactly what to say or why she had a hard time. Her look, a little lost in relation to what she was doing, was something I had seen before, it was the look of a person in love. She felt better being close to Cesar but she didn't even know why it was happening. But the cutest of all is that she still does not know who Elise was before she met her, she does not know that the girl she is calm with is Cesar, because due to the great change of environment that she is taking we wanted to confuse it even more with extra things. So we tried to keep Elise's secret hidden for a while until Tifa was better settled in this house.  I wonder how she will react.
"Well it's not like she's too big to start with" I said joking.
I was still talking to her when my cell phone started ringing again. From the ringtone that was ringing, I knew it was a very important call, so I answered as soon as possible and went back to my computer to get ready.
"Ma'am, this is Major Zero, the meeting just concluded"
"Almost everything was as expected, nothing to report on it"
"The most relevant thing has been that the president plans to give the legion of merit medal to White, despite the fact that they have not yet confirmed her identity"
"He plans to make a trip to Japan with the excuse of improving relations regarding the alliance, but the main reason for the old man will be the delivery of the medal from John himself at the embassy"
"Okay that's interesting, can you give me more details?"

"Actually there is not much more to add, he wants to do it as a token of appreciation for the help that his team provided during the battle of New York."
"On the other hand, they talked about that, and they also discussed what to do to start with the reconstruction of the city, but it seems that apart from the budget, they still haven't decided what to start with."

"Zero wait!"
"I think I have an idea regarding reconstruction, first that we can completely remove some of the new buildings to..."
"Please wait a moment for more details."
"Tifa, I need you to find me a blue folder in that file there"
"It's in the first cabinet"
"Quickly, please!"

The fairy was flying quickly exactly where I told her and she got into the cabinet to start looking, a moment later I could see how she brought me the folder with several pages to my dough and gently left it close to my hands. And with that I was able to go into more detail regarding the reconstruction plan, my plan as why I was bothering to take time for it was that I would use it as an opportunity to help John to improve his image to the public even more, as well as install a new defense system better prepared for attacks because it does not help me that the UN headquarters is attacked frequently. For her part, Tifa did not leave, because she seemed curious about the conversation I was having, and despite the fact that I was busy talking on the phone, I took a couple of moments to answer the questions that she asked me about my work.

"Okay ma'am, I'll pass this information on to the president as soon as I can."
"Finally, as a problem, there was a certain inconvenience with one of the attendees"
"One of the advisors present, Mr. Jones, appears to have made "inappropriate" comments towards you and your team."
"Mr. John was smart and quickly dismissed him, but it's still very likely that he can make plans on his own I'm afraid."
"So I would like to ask you how you want me to handle it"
"Shall I do the usual, ma'am?"

"What? No, not the usual"
"We cannot take care of someone so important in the Pentagon in that way."
"They are going to contact the CIA, they will investigate thoroughly and all that stuff"
"But I won't let someone talk bad about my team either"
"I'm going to call The Wolf so he can handle it. "
"Tifa can you help me again and can you bring me that red notebook up there?"

"Here you are, Mrs. Adelis"
"But may I know what's here this time?"

"I already told you that you don't have to be so formal with me, as for the notebook there are only numbers and names of some contacts of people I know"
"They are the problem solvers"

I put the call with Major Zero on hold and dialed The Wolf's number right away.

"Hello, it's me again"
"Mr. Jones, Out the Back Door, Dinner for Four"

"Do you want it with national television or with the Department of Homeland Security?"

"Television, I want him so flashy I don't want him going out again without a bag over his head."
"In fact, also add sexual abuse to the list to be completely sure that no one wants to help him."
"Those idiots sometimes help each other until they start to look like things like that and suddenly all your friends hate you even though they know you're innocent in order to save their skin"

"Okay, I'll have your order ready in two days"
"I hope you enjoy it "

*Hang up*

After hanging up I came back with Major zero.

"Ok that's it, you carry on with the same old and let me know again if anyone else is "wrong thinking" please" 

"All right ma'am"
"I'll tell the others so they keep their distance and don't get splashed"

He also hung up.

Well, it seems that now I am going to have more work now that I know that the president will come to the country, I have to inform the government about this and also prepare the embassy to be able to receive the visit that he plans to pay us. I hope you don't mind the news that will come out shortly, but you must as much as I need to make myself respected if I don't want people like him to look down on me in this line of work. I also have to see what I do with Cesar with this news, will he like it or does he try his best not to go? 

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