Valkyria Squadron

Ch120: No Loose Ends Part 1

No Loose Ends Part 1

Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

  Adelis POV

I had to do something, I couldn't let whatever happened to Maria continue. I immediately went back to the hotel and picked up the phone in the room, I called Japan, while here it was 1 in the afternoon, there it must have been around 4 in the morning, I called my son Cesar because he was the only one I imagine capable of having any idea of what had happened. Maybe this was something that involved him, something inside me was certain of that.

"Cesar, I think I have a big problem, your kind of problem"
"Maria got lost yesterday morning, I saw her again the same day in the afternoon"
"But she was wearing a school swimsuit in the middle of Jaco"
"She was talking to the British Minister, she seemed to be trying to seduce him, but when I tried to intervene, the police appeared and she fled the place, I have not seen her since."
"Maria had never acted this way before! Something must have happened to him"
"You have to help us!"

"Where are you right now?"

"At the hotel in Jaco"

"Get out of there, go to a random restaurant and ask for the phone call me back after that"


"Because they are listening to you"

The cold ran all over my back, Cesar had said it calmly, short, and concisely. He wasn't kidding, he was sure the threat was real and it was big. I had to do what he told me to do, I didn't know why, but I did know the consequences of not doing it. I Hang up the phone immediately, I searched among my luggage for a small suitcase with a padlock, I took out my key and opened it with fear, inside there was a pistol along with two ammunition chargers, unlike my son I am not a warrior, this was all I could do to defend myself in an emergency, and by the way, Cesar acted, it seemed like one. I take only the most essential things and leave the hotel immediately without saying anything to anyone.

The town I was in was Jaco, a tourist destination southwest of the capital San Jose, where our real home is, about two hours from our house. It is a very popular destination for tourists, so it is easy to meet people from all over the world in this small place, ecological and at the same time modern, a perfect place to meet diplomats without raising suspicions from the media, because you simply have to pretend that the two of them happened to go to the same place to spend their vacation. The place is famous for its first-class beach for surfing, where world championships have taken place here. And as if that were not enough, near here in the mountains there is a national wildlife park. But even so, this is only one of the hundreds of coastal towns that Costa Rica had, no matter which way you choose, you will almost always end up on a tropical beach and jungle.

I had come to this place to meet with the British Prime Minister at his request, he was on vacation with his family but when he found out that I was in the country he called me to talk a little. Since it was at hand I agreed, we met yesterday morning, when Maria stayed in the room while I talked to him, after that we were both supposed to go to the beach to have some fun. That's when this nightmare started. I went to the main street of Jaco and then to a secondary street, I entered a small old fried chicken restaurant, I told them to take the phone, it was an emergency and the employee kindly gave it to me immediately.

"It's me, now, what's going on? What else do I have to do now?"

"Okay, listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you, stay calm"
"First I need you to forget about Maria"
"Worry only about yourself right now"
"Maybe right now they could be following you, pay attention to your surroundings"
"Go back to the hotel room and don't come out until we get there."
"Order the food to the room and have them leave before you pick it up"
"And if Maria shows up again, for God's sake, ignore everything she says and don't answer her, don't go near her."
"Also make arrangements for my trip, right now we are all going to the USA military base in Tokyo"
"I want a direct flight to Costa Rica"
"And  won't talk to anyone"

"Is it so dangerous!?"



" Yes"

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

He hung up as soon as he finished speaking. I could feel the anger he had as he spoke, he was furious at whatever was going on, I'm sure he had red eyes on the other end of the phone. What was happening was really serious, because I immediately followed the instructions he gave me. Leaving the restaurant I go back to the hotel in fearFor Cesar to realize what happened, it is very likely that he has seen it before with his own eyes, but what has he not seen? Was this related to dragons, gods, a ghost, a virus maybe?

I took the phone again and called the military base to give the green light to the flight that my son asked me for. They accepted without much problem, would arrive today at sunset, a 6-hour flight in a military plane at maximum speed, which normally last 12 hours. He would most likely arrive tomorrow morning if he has to make another stopover in Los Angles. And even so, I don't think it's such an emergency because I'm sure Cesar would have found a way to get there sooner if it was an emergency in which time was essential.

The rest of the day was spent enthusiastically locked inside the room as requested. I was in one of the highest rooms in the hotel, from where I could see the whole town perfectly. I spent it near the window looking carefully at everything that was happening, somewhere my daughter was, being the victim of something she did not know. What was happening, why so much mystery? The night was not better either, since being a tourist destination means that there are parties in bars until late at night, a place full of people from all over the world, and I spent the whole night in fear, that maybe Maria was in one of them doing something unwanted. When the sun came out again a call broke the silence of the place, at the reception someone had arrived looking for me, after hearing the voice of a girl introducing herself as Cesar I felt much more relieved and let them pass, he had arrived. No doubt it was much less time than she thought it would take, he really was in a hurry. Everyone came, Tamamo, Momo, and the twins, and when they finished entering the house, Lisa came out of his shadow. But no one was excited to. They came with several large suitcases, I could recognize two of them at a glance, they were military, stolen from the empire, and they were the android combat kit, the same one that Kazumi used in new york. It was easy to feel that Cesar was angry and did not want distractions, the color of her eyes said it all.  When everyone settled down a bit he immediately started speaking with strong authority.

"Momo, pick up the phone, call the angels, I want them to bring me a combat armor with underwater combat capacity and Stella"
"Tamamo begin to lower the moon against the earth, don't stop until the angels comply with what I asked of her"

"Are you sure Darling?"
"It's not a bit excessive" Said the goddess impressed by what she just heard.

"It's a fucking Order!" He said pointing to his wife.

The girl's neck began to light up, it was her slave sign that she had. He was surprised to see how he had used it for the first time against her, and without hesitation in the slightest. Tamamo was surprised too, but she complied with what was asked of her, she took her fan and shook it, it was done, with such a simple gesture the fate of the earth was sealed if she didn't do anything about it.

"But what the hell are you doing?"
"You're going to kill us all!"


The door of the room rang, my son, ignored me and went to the entrance of the house. I followed him to see if his plan had been successful, by my god he was. Stella was outside the room, naked, prostrate on the floor, her face was against the ground, she was trembling, with a white suitcase in front of her.

"Oh great Lord of Violence, I have brought what you have asked to my Master, complying with what is stipulated in our covenant."
"I beg you to please make a gesture of compassion for the people who live in this world so that you do not vent your anger against them."
"I am here on behalf of all my race to vent their anger against me if with this act I can save a single innocent life" Said the angel, in her voice you could hear the fear she had, she was in tears.

"Come in, you're going to disturb the others"
"Tama, cancel the fall and return everything to normal" He said monotonously, but still angry, showing no mercy.

Momo took the briefcase without saying anything and began to review the content, it seemed that she knew exactly what it contained. Stella walked into the room,but she fell back on the floor still naked. without raising her head for a single second. Even Lisa looked with pity on the angel at this scene.

"What the hell happened Stella?"
"Didn't we have a deal?"
"It was something simple, you inform me and I did the rest"
"So why if it was so easy, you still manage to screw it up?"
"Do I have to take this to mean that the word of Heaven is not to be trusted?"
"Is this an insult towards me? Is your Master making fun of me?"
"I thought we were friends, I don't destroy you the first time we meet, does it?"
"I even let you talk to me back"
"I  let all your nonsense pass until now"
"And you pay me this way?"

"Forgive me for everything caused so far great Lord"
"What we did was a huge foul against your great legacy"
"I apologize on behalf of our insignificant race, we deeply regret not being able to satisfy the righteous standard that you expect from us".

"Stop talking shit!" Cesar kicked the girl.
"There is one person missing in this room!"
"Who is?"
"Raise your head and tell me who's missing!" He grabbed the angel's head and slammed it on the ground, before lifting her himself.

The angel was scared, she quickly looked around trying to figure out what point Cesar wanted to get to so as not to make him angry anymore.

"Your sister"
"Miss Maria is not here with us"
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize it sooner"

Cesar hit her head against the ground again.

"The pact was simple"
"No loose ends"
"If it was something so simple, how could you still screw it up"
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me? in my own territory"
"Why the hell have you guys been quiet!?"
"Why did you hide it?"

"What the hell is all this!"
"What's going on!" I asked, I couldn't take it anymore.

Cesar looked at me angrily but didn't say anything, instead, he took the big phone from the room and threw it at Stella's body with force.

"Start making calls!"
"I want information, I want to know where they are!"
"Where can I get information on where they can be?"
"I want it now!" he indicated to the poor girl.

"I have finished verifying the integrity of the armor"
"It is in excellent condition" Momo intervened.

Without saying anything else, she and Lisa took pieces from the suitcase and began to place them on Cesar, who sat in a chair to be more comfortable. First the boots and the legs, it was an armor quite similar to an Arksuit, but much lighter and whiter.

"What is happening?"
"How dangerous is it?"
"Against what are you preparing so much?"

Cesar looked me in the eyes, calmed down a bit, and tried to explain to me.

"Maria was attacked by the sirens"
"Mermaids that I assumed were dead"
"I thought they no longer existed due to the piece of garbage on the ground never mentioning anything"
"Their victims are not random, every move they make is cold-headed down to the smallest detail"
"If they went for Maria, it means they are going for you, Miss Alliance Super Coordinator"

"Are they so dangerous?"

She raised her arms and Momo along with Lisa put the gloves on her.

"Maybe they look like the fairy tales"
"But those scumbags are no better than demons"
"The only good mermaid is a dead mermaid"
"Those bastards were in charge of protecting the water channels of Atlantis"
"They allied themselves with the Dragoons during the war"
"Their methods go way beyond fighting underwater"
"Mermaids are able to amaze ordinary humans with their songs"
"They drag them into the water to drown them"
"And that's just for the common people"
"I don't know how but I know that some of them are capable of brainwashing some people to carry out acts of sabotage"
"They try to get control of the surface from the bottom of the sea"
"But still that's not the worst"

"Isn't it the worst!?"

"How many underage girls have been reported missing on the Pacific side of Costa Rica?" he asked one of his daughters.

"In the last 6 months there has been a huge increase in missing persons, about 100 people, an increase of 200%, 25 of them underage girls, Maria would be number 26" Charlotte replied.

"Oh my God"

"Mermaids tend to kidnap young girls to turn them into mermaid maidens"
"Their shock infantry, people without a will who follow orders just like a DOLL"
"And just like these they also have special abilities"
"They are capable of going through walls as if they were ghosts, they always attack their victims in packs"
"Completely unkillable, they are capable of fully regenerating from any attack"
"But only live as long as they  superiors keep them alive"
"They are only the first link in the ranks of the sirens"
"The expendables"

"Do you think Maria is one of them!? She turned into a mermaid maiden!?"

"Although they look human, they need to be in contact with the water on a regular basis to remain under control, in this case returning to the sea"
"So they will almost always be in a bathing suit"
"Also to recognize their own troops they usually wear similar outfits, hence the school swimsuit so out of place here"

"What are we going to do!? We have to rescue Maria! We can't hurt her!"

"Don't worry, when I kill the current leader and the siren recruiter, the people under control should be freed"
"Being in the lower ranks they are still not considered real mermaids"
"They will return to being normal humans with no memory of what happened"
"I'm going to kill every one of them so that this never happens again"
"As it was supposed to have happened"

Cesar got up from his chair and went to Stella, which he kicked, in which now I also understood the anger he had.

"You piece of shit, your time is up"
"What information do you have for me?"

Momo lifted the armor vest from the briefcase and carefully placed it on Cesar. Lisa did the same with her helmet and placed it on her head with great delicacy as if she were crowning a king.

"As you say, Great Emperor, I am not worthy of your words"
"But if I could fix the horrible sin of bothering him with my presence, it would be the fact that I managed to get him some..."

"Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that comes out of your mouth?"
"For today, damn it!" Said Cesar kicking his victim in the face again.

"Vatican hunters are also alert to recent movements"
"They sent a couple to get information"
"Looks like this morning as we speak they managed to capture a Mermaid Princess near here, in at Herradura beach"
"Right now they are going to Quepos, they plan to go to the airport to return to San Jose and take her to Rome to interrogate her there."
"It could also be that during the fall of Atlantis, before your victory the  Ariandel Crypt Castle broke away from the mainland and impacted the pacific ocean"
"Maybe that's where they came from, It was the negligence of our pact, I am very sorry on behalf of all"

"Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job"
"Get the fuck out of here"

Cesar said really angry, Stella ran out of the room and closed the door, I don't know where she went next.

"Mom, call Dago and to his children, tell them I need them to make a blockade in Parrita"
"We need to intercept the hunters' vehicle before it reaches its destination"
"I want the car stolen and hidden in the palm plantation, I'm on my way immediately to pick up the vehicle"

"He is your father's uncle, I haven't spoken to him for like 5 years"
"I don't even know if he's still alive"

"Well start now if you want to save Maria"
"That siren is our only clue"
"Tell them to do the typical combo of road work and road salesman"
"It's easy, I'm sure they've done it before anyway"
"The rest of the plan is easy, we will divide into two teams"
"Me and the rest of you"
"Kazumi, Charlotte, you are not organic, Mermaids have no effect on you"
"Wear the combat gear and fly over the place"
"Try to stop any attack the maidens can make"
"Don't be afraid to hurt them, even if it's Maria"
"Tamamo, I need you to patrol the beach and prevent more kidnappings, by any means necessary, I don't care"
"Lisa you stay with Adelis and protect her from everything"
"Mom, don't leave here for nothing"
"I'm sure the sirens plan to capture you so they can have a strong grip on the world and resume their reign of terror"
"You are a vital part of their plan, do not let them capture you"

"And what are you going to do?"

"That's obvious, search and destroy"
"I'm going to interview the mermaid first and get the information where the crypt castle is."
"Then I'll destroy them all"

Cesar did not seem the same as always, right now he was the hunter looking for his next prey. A quest, a battle, where the prize was the future of my daughter Maria, where two opposing factions would meet and fight until there was only one clear winner. Maybe I was witnessing how legends are born.

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