Valkyria Squadron

Ch132: Second Council Meeting

Second Council Meeting

  Adelis POV

"I want to talk to the manager of this place!"

"Ma'am, I told you, I am the owner of this place"

"Don't lie, you are a Mexican immigrant! I want to talk to your superior!"

"I can't do anything else, I'm sorry but I don't know who you want me to call"
"I am the boss, I am paying to have this store here, the papers are in my name."
"The title deed is there on the wall, it says my name on it"

"That's in Japanese, I can't read what it says there!"
"Don't fool me!"

"Ma'am, this is Japan, Japanese is the official language here and yet my name is in Latin letters, you can read that, can't you?"

"I don't speak Taco Taco!"

"Ma'am, please, it is closing time, I just want to go home."
"If you want, you can file a complaint with the Ministry of Health or the Consumer Ombudsman's Office"

"This is disrespectful!"
"You are appropriating foreign culture by selling Mexican food in this restaurant!"
"It is racist for you to charge for food stolen from oppressed minorities!"
"I am going to review this place on social media! This is not a safe place for minorities!"

"Ma'am, the food we sell is mostly desserts"
"The new additions to the menu are foods from my native country, it is optional and it is to fit even more with the fantasy theme of the restaurant"
"You are also calling me Mexican, which I am not, as well as racist against Mexicans, foods that are not from there"
"Besides calling me an immigrant when you come from the United States."

"The immigrants are the Taco Taco natives, my people are tourists!"
"We pay your salary! "
"Call the manager of this place! I have to complain to him for selling minority food here"

Sometimes I understand Lisa's position of wanting to kill someone by nailing them to the wall just because you don't like them.

You know what! Screw it!
I'm tired of her!

"Lisa come here for a moment"

"A damned good time, stupid Mexican"
"It was so hard to understand that I want to talk to someone in power"

"Yes Adelis"
"Do you need anything?"

"The lady here is having trouble finding her way out"
"Would you be so kind as to escort her out of the store?"
"Don't worry about the method, you have permission today"
"Make her remember properly"


Lisa grabbed the annoyed lady's hand and started to push her towards the exit. As expected this made her angry, which made Lisa angry too. Seeing that the lady didn't want to collaborate Lisa grabbed her by one hand and lifted her up in the air, taking her to the exit. The lady was thickly hitting her and yelling at her in response. Until Lisa had enough and transformed her body into a real horrible monster, deformed, dark, with many eyes. The lady now with a cardiac arrest in progress ran out herself and out the door as fast as she could. Lisa returned to her usual form after finishing her mission. That lady has a lot to learn about the mysteries of this world. After seeing Lisa that way at night several times every time I go to the bathroom I saw it as normal. I have no idea what will happen to the poor thief that tried to rob my house.

"What the hell did that girl want?" asked Lisa, while she was still transformed to her usual form.

"I have no idea"
"Maybe she was looking to make someone more miserable than her?"
"How is it that you can transform into that horrible thing but not into a normal human?"
"Isn't it essential for a succubus to appear human to their victims?"

"I don't know"
"I have tried but I can't"
"The process must be different, but I don't know how to do it."
"I could spend a lot more time with Darling if I was able to do it."
"I could even go to school with him!"
"And then walk with him every morning, back and forth."
"And at recess eat lunch together"
"And do homework together"
"And hang out on the roof together"
"And play sports together"
"And go to karaoke together"

"I got it, thanks Lisa" I interrupted her before continuing to speak for the rest of the week.

"Adelis, I've finished doing today's closing"
"I will leave the documents on the table in the staff room for you to review"
"Also thank you for closing earlier today"
"My son will be happy to go to the baseball game tonight"

"It's nothing"
"It's quite useful for me too, I have a lot of work to make up from the office."
"Good night Saeko, thank you for your hard work as always"

Just as my friend left the store Tamamo appeared, next to her was a small bag, which I didn't have to see to know what was in it. It was Tifa who was inside, she had come to help me with my paperwork and also to participate in the meeting. What meeting? Well, the meeting of the girls who are with Cesar. There are now two new members so the group decided to bring them up to speed by holding their second summit. Since today was going to close early they decided to do it here since Cesar was left alone in the house playing video games on the computer.

Each of the girls took a chair and sat near the aquarium where the mermaid is and took turns speaking into the microphone. The truth is that their conversations seemed more like a stand-up comedy than a girls' meeting. I really enjoy listening to them talk, to know what they think about my son. It makes the massive list of documents I have to review much more bearable. Even the fairy has trouble with the weight of the folders.

Hell, there's no end to this thing! To make matters worse, they are already making security preparations for the coming of President John. After the attack in New York they are not going to calm down with the usual. The other members of the Alliance have even asked me to take care of the security check personally. I accepted as the pay is very generous and will help me to continue my coffee shop even if Levia fails to attract more customers. Although it is still too early to tell if it was a good idea, at least the customers are very excited about her.

"So I don't know how this should work out"
"Well, Elise is a pretty nice person to me."
"But she's a big person, and I'm a fairy."
"Isn't that a lot of difference with our sizes?"
"Is she okay with me? Even though I'm smaller than her?" it was the little fairy turn to speak.

"Elise is already the smallest, apart from you"
"Literally everyone else is taller than her"
"I don't think she cares about the size of the others if you think about it"

"She only reaches up to my hips"

"Her tail was taller than she that time she came from hunting ghostbusting"

"I once saw her sitting motionless in the bed and I swear I thought she was a doll"

"Answer me Tifa, in spite of what happened, you didn't seem to be against the slavery magic either"
"Were you waiting for it to happen to you too?"
"You've been hiding it all this time, haven't you?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"
"The reason I am so calm is because my situation hasn't really changed from what it was before, if she hadn't found me I would have been dead already"
"I didn't expect this to happen, but if it should, I am happy that she is my Owner."
"I know she loves me, so it's easier to just accept it and move on"

"He probably sees you as one of the figures he used to collect in his old bedroom"
"Seeing you thinks you are the girl from his favorite anime is real" as always it was his sister who made the most devastating statements.

"She's in love with you"
"Why don't you just leave it at that and accept her love"

"But we are both girls!"

"You still don't know?"
"No one has told you yet?"
"How did you go so long without noticing?"
"Haven't you noticed how they call him Cesar in the house?"

"Cesar is a name?"
"Isn't it the Roman title of Emperor?"
"According to the internet, that means right?"
"I thought it was the same as saying King, a title of nobility"

"It is both!"
"Although in my son's case, it's his first name"
"I named him that because he was born during the hurricane Cesar that hit the country before he was born"
"Not very original I know, at that time I couldn't think of anything and I thought it was a nice name"

"But I've already seen him naked when we took a bath together and he doesn't have his..."

"We already know!"

"Is he a man?"
"Why didn't anyone tell me!"
"How does that work!"
"His body is a girl's, what happened to him?"

"And that's all"
"Thank you very much Tifa for joining us today, but there are more people who also need to talk."
"Okasan also needs your help"
"Ok, next on the list is Lisa"
"Do you need us to bring you the TV again?"

Said Tamamo, interrupting the shock that the fairy was suffering, who was flying near the microphone but without moving at all.

"Don't worry, today is a much shorter topic"

"What a joy, I'm not good with numbers"

"Maria, if math is so hard for you, why don't you stay with the twins so they can teach you?"
"If in the next exam you fail, I will punish you by not leaving the house until you improve"

"But I can finally go to school!"
"I have to make the most of my youth while I can!"

"Ok, here I go"
"Hello everyone my name is Lisa"
"I've known Cesar since before everyone, but I'm the third one to marry him due to some reasons I don't want to....."

"You don't have to introduce yourself as if it were your first time at a meeting"

"Okay, so here I go"
"I need help with my date with Darling!"
"I don't know what to do"
"I'm happy with almost anything, but I want it to be the best date possible for Cesar!"
"I thought about taking him to a doll store and making him lots of cute outfits, but then I thought about maybe taking him to a candy store and buying him lots of candy that he likes, or I could take him to this colorful superhero show that is so popular with the kids, the other day a kid was super excited with his mom to meet the one in red."
"There was also this super huggable stuffed animal store that I saw the other day on TV, I want a giant bear that smells like Caesar, I'm going to make it white and put it on my bed and sleep with it every night and hand wash it with a brush and a soft brush and then I'm going to put it on my bed."

"Mission Control to Demon one"
"Earth to Demon one, please respond"
"We have an unauthorized takeoff"
"I Repeat, unauthorized takeoff."
"Turn around and come back before you leave orbit"

"And then we will get married in that church in Italy"
"With his salary in the office it will be difficult for the first years, but we will save up"
"When we finally get our house we will be able to plan how many children to have"
"I already got the list of the 500 names I want for my children"
"I chose the best ones from around the world"
"I will also learn to sew to make their clothes and diapers"
"I was thinking about going on vacation to Disneyland when they are all at least 10 years old, so they will remember them"
"We will rent out the whole park that day"
"Then I will come home and take a picture of me and Darling that we will put by the fireplace and it will be our special memory"

"Hey! Wait a minute! Who are these people!"
"That picture is completely distorted!"
"At what point in that history did he become a man again?"
"And why do you look human? And where did the horns or the blue skin go?"

"If my brother ever wears a necktie, it will be to hang himself from the ceiling"

"Oh my goodness"
"She's already planned every day for the next twenty years"

"Thank you Lisa for your time here with us"
"Your fantasy novel was beautiful"
"I hope someday you can publish it and make a movie out of it"
"We will all pray for your success"
"Next on the list please try to summarize it a bit"

"Well, if you want to go fast, why don't you take your turn now?"
"Surely you can talk a little, can't you?"

"But I have nothing to talk about"
"At most I'm upset that Darling didn't want to be with anyone today"
"I mean, he's not banned from coming and listening to us talk at our harem meeting."
"Is it really okay for him to be alone in the house while everyone else is here?"

"I think you are worrying too much Tamamo"  felt the need to intervene this time.
"Cesar may not look like that, well Cesar doesn't look like a lot of things."
"He is originally antisocial by nature, has been this way since I was a child"
"He really doesn't like to be around people all the time"
"Sometimes, some days, he needs time to himself, alone, and do what he likes to do like playing video games all night long"
"It is as if he has a social battery, and as he is with more people it drains until it is empty"
"When this happens he just wants to be alone to recharge it"
"It's nothing bad, he's just tired of people, for now, he'll get back to his old self, it's not like he's tired of being with all of you."
"Just think about it, how many times has he been alone these last few months?"

"Ah, is that so?"
"What a relief"
"I thought it was a sign of something worse"
"You are right, there are times when men like to go alone to the mountain and come back with a deer on their backs, hunted by themselves"

"That analogy sounds a thousand years out of date"

"Next on the list is Momo"
"With her topic...."
"The colored light shoes..."
"We haven't had this conversation before?"

"Yes about that, I wanted to announce that by mistake I dropped and damaged them on the way so I won't be able to show them to you today"
"Instead I wanted to announce that I'm almost done with my costume 2.0!"
"This time I based it on a lot of people who cosplay"
"There are a lot of anime characters that wear pretty big clothes or wear masks"
"So I thought I'd make a similar one, so that if I go with someone holding a camera I can pass as a relatively ordinary person"
"The costume will be pretty similar to the ones Levia wears, but I thought about colors like black with white"
"It's big enough to hide the ruffles on my arms, as the sleeves will be much longer and will cover my hands"
"For the head I thought of using a cofia headpiece all over except for the face, almost all black except with white borders"
"I will also wear a metal mask but with space to see but no one will be able to see my face"
"Something like this image"

"That's a nun"


"Nun with extra steps"

"A penguin"

"I thought it was pretty!"
"Maybe with them I could hide better that the light can pass through me."
"Does  really look like a nun?"

"Well, it kind of goes with you, doesn't it?"
"I mean, if a real nun saw you, wouldn't she pray to you?"
"Although is it illegal to impersonate a religious organization to commit a crime?"

"Why would I commit a crime?"

"Lisa, Cesar, Adelis' work, Lisa"
"Kazumi, Charlotte, Lisa"
"Lisa, Xi'an, Lisa"
"Cesar gets in trouble most of the time, Lisa"
"But in particular Lisa"

"You are right"
"What if I reverse the colors?"
"Or should I use light pink and brown?"

"Thank you very much Momo"
"I am glad to see that you have improved your presentation even more."
"Last but not least I am glad that our newest member also had the opportunity to speak as well"

Said the lady of the moon, handing the microphone to the mermaid who was still swimming in the gigantic fish tank of the store.

"Who me?"
"But I don't know what to talk about"
"In fact, this meeting caught me by surprise."
"I have nothing prepared"

"Don't worry, this is more like girl talk"
"Just say something you want to say or ask"
"I don't know, something good happened to you recently, a memory you'd like to share? A question about Darling that you'd like the rest of us to answer?"

"Well if so...."
"How much pain is Darling capable of causing someone?"
"Did it hurt you a lot? Did it make you want to faint in the middle of it?"



No one even blinked.
Even I stopped what I was doing when I heard the question.



"Just, why?"

"Well, I wanted to know if he waits to get excited before hitting someone"
"It's been almost a week since we met but he still hasn't tortured me again so I thought maybe he was looking to do something special?"
"Or was my punishment not to receive punishment? Do I have to earn it?"
"How do I get him to punish me again?"




"That are you not going to help me?"
"Tell me what I have to do to be punished?"
"When will he hit me again? I'm getting impatient"




"Tell me, Tamamo"
"Should we help her in the first place?"
"Personally I think it's wrong not to help someone in need, but I also think it's wrong to help her with that as well" asked the confused angel.

"I don't know."
"I've never seen anyone behave like this before"
"Is it a new trend that emerged while I was a rock?"

"I can beat you!"
"I am creating new metal spikes that I want to test."
"They should be able to create 20% more pain compared to the previous model"
"I call it the X25-A men-killer"

"I think Levia is similar to the guys who visit Lisa every day"
"But she's on the higher level"
"Although she doesn't know the term I'm sure she's a real masochist"


"You know he won't do it again, don't you?"
"She promised you herself"

"She really won't do it again?"
"I really don't care if she does it again"
"I thought it was part of the deal of being a slave"
"I was even thinking about how to work without an arm"
"Well then I'll ask another question."
"How did you all end up loving a breeder?"
"Sorry! I didn't mean that!"
"I mean how come you're dating her in spite of what she really is, you know, her body?"
"As a legitimate curiosity, no offense intended"
"I just wanted to know"


"What is that? "
"Is there something wrong with her body?"
"Is it dangerous?"

"What is a breeder?"

"Are you sure you should say that?"
"Doesn't that sound like an insult?"

"How, don't you know?"
"A breeder"
"The girls who create the low-ranking people"
"The labor force, the lower warriors, the builders?"

"I'm sorry but humans don't use the same caste system as mermaids."
"Up here things work differently"

"It's just that since Elise is a breeder I thought things were the same"
"But if there are no casts then why is Elise a breeder?"

"What is this breeder?"
"What does it mean?"
"It has something to do with her body, doesn't it?"
"Is it dangerous?"

"No, it is not dangerous"
"Instead uncomfortable would be the correct word."
"If you think my body is difficult to move, well, then you have no idea what Elise will become"

"Can you explain further?"

The mermaid started to explain what a breeder means. Tamamo was listening attentively to every letter Levia said, memorizing every detail. Lisa just had a strange smile on her face, was it anger? Was it lust? Joy? with her for sure all of them at the same time. I also stopped to listen to the explanation. How the mermaids had several of them to try to grow fast in numbers. How unhuman their destiny was, how they were treated as objects. How when they reached a certain age their bodies simply exploded  the size of their breasts. The terror of being trapped in their own bodies. But most disturbing of all. Elise knew all this and said nothing? She was hiding it so as not to bother the rest of us. That wouldn't be strange coming from him. Nanami then must have been one of them too, she must have told him at some point, and my son still loved her, the person inside, not the body.

"I guess it wouldn't be strange if she had been truly designed as a breeder, by her father's request"
"Her father's idea was that she would be a primordial and fertility goddess to give birth to the rest of the gods of the mythology he wanted to create"
"Maybe that was the part that destroyed the rest of her body design and caused the failure" reasoned the angel.

"Even if tomorrow his body would explode I would still love him as always"
"He is my savior, my love, my husband, whatever her body size may be" Said Tamamo, with the resolve of a lady clan leader ready for war, Even on her metal fan the kanji word "loyalty" was written.

"I will continue to love Cesar even if it is a single cell" Said the demon looking at her own hand.

"But still, it is quite strange"
"Nanami's body was abandoned for millennia if not millions of years"
"If it could explode, it would have happened a long time ago" The glass girl spoke again.

"You're right."
"But Darling's body  also has really been growing"
"Sideways as usual"
"Plus he tends to eat a lot, not the kind he eats for 4 people but way more than his body size should require"
"Now that I think about it, it actually makes sense"
"Darling eats a lot, but if we look at it from the point of view of him"
"A tragic warrior who has been starving most of his life"
"Who doesn't know if every meal will be his last"
"In Costa Rica, he could eat all he wanted, but of the four days he was there he only ate on the last one, basically the day he was on the beach"

"So yes or no? she's going to burst out in boobs?" asked Maria to Tamamo

"I don't know"
"Only time will tell"

"Another thing about Cesar that nobody knows again"
"Is there anything we really know about him?"
"How strong is he even?" Said the annoyed sister.
"Tamamo is a goddess, Lisa a demon, Stella an angel"
"All of them have been beaten by Caesar, but at the same time their fights have never been important.
"How strong he is when he really fights hard"

"I really have no idea"
"Avalon is a formidable sword, but incapable of delivering victory on its own"
"So his victories must come from elsewhere" said the goddess.

"I've seen Cesar fight hard"
"But not at the level needed to defeat Overlord"
"But I did see his corpse at Elise's feet minutes after his defeat"
"What I do know is that when Cesar speaks, even the mountains obey his command"
"The only reason he doesn't dominate the world it is because he doesn't want to" Said Lisa.

"All the angels in the Celestial Security Section have orders to obey Cesar without any chain of command, but we don't know the reason for that either."
"I haven't really seen why everyone is afraid of him in Heaven either" Added Momo.

"Well, it's not like an accountant's daughter has seen the front lines of the battlefield" Lisade said again, but her voice did not reflect malice, but advice. 

"No one has seen him fight but still agrees that he is strong?"
"How does that work?"

"Do you think you can beat a battle tank?" Said the demon explaining.

"Of course not"

"Level 5 dragons opened the armor of a tank with their claws"
"Level 6 dragons used them as their minions"
"Level 7 saw them as food"
"What chance do you think they had against a True Dragon?"


"Well, your brother defeated 6 and fucked the Overlord, their leader"
"Something so fucking dangerous that the gods was afraid of him"
"Where do you think that puts him on the food chain?"

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