Valkyria Squadron

Ch135: Day Off

Day Off

The bathroom in our house was unusually busy today. Today there were three of us trying to use it at the same time, for no particular reason really. First, there was me, I was still sick, so I had taken the day off today and didn't go to class, so this time it was Tamamo alone, she already knows how the world works nowadays so I don't think she will have any problems. In front of me, I had Charlotte, who was sitting while I was trying to wash her head with soap, while Tifa the fairy was sitting on the shelf where the soaps were, waiting for the bathtub to be filled.

"Dad, I'm a robot, I can't get sick, it's a waste of time to bathe me"

"No buts!"
"Remember that you promised to behave like a human, that includes baths too!"
"For a supposedly personality-less robot, you're putting up quite a fight against bathing."

"Mom! Help me!"
"Dad won't let me leave!"

"You heard your father"
"Promises are meant to be kept"
"Besides, even if you can't get sick, it doesn't mean that people around you won't get sick because of you"
"Besides hot water feels so good, why are you against it?"  Tifa said as she washed entirely with a single drop of soap.

"Wow, you're getting better at being a mother"
"And to know that you were so afraid of your own daughters" I said as I heard the little girl's voice.

"Not really, I'm still afraid of them"
"It's just that I know they won't hurt me, so I try to endure it"

"But what are they afraid of her?"
"Just look at her, she looks like an innocent giant doll"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm afraid of!"
"Just look at her face! She really looks like she's not alive"

"Oh come on you are exaggera...."
"Oh my God, Charlotte! please close your eyes before the soap gets in."
"Doesn't that irritate you?"

"But this is the best way to clean my eye sensors"
"They are also protected by a thick protective layer, a little soap will not damage them"

"Wait a moment while I wash that off with water"
"And please close your eyes next time, you can't believe how scary they look like this"
"It's like looking at a statue crying blood"

After we finished bathing Charlotte we switched places. This time she was washing my head while I was washing my tail. Tifa while she was waiting for us sat on a rubber duck.

"You know"
"It's ironic, but it's more believable to see Charlotte as your older sister than for you to be her father"
"She's bigger than you"

"You are right"
"If only his mother who says that wasn't the size of my hand"
"We have to face it, she's bigger than both of us, and this competition is disappointing"

"Why does your tail soap have a dog picture on it?"
"You should use human shampoo right?"

"Soap is soap!"
"This one is much cheaper and has strong flea protection"
"Also my mother hit me when she noticed when I used her special shampoo"

"Anti flea?"
"Have you had fleas before?"


"And how did that happen!"
"How did you get rid of them?"

"I was in a war"
"So didn't see the bathroom for months"
"By accident, I set myself on fire with jet fuel"
"I never had hair again after that"
"I do not recommend that technique to anyone"

When the three of us finally finished, we finally got into the bathtub, which was big enough for the 2.10 people and a foxtail that was using it.

"Levia is really lucky to be able to sleep here"
"The hot water is so relaxing, I never want to leave"

"That's easy to fix, just fill that cup there with water and you're done"
"I can leave it on your shelf every night"
"However, the water will get cold over time"
"And if the cup falls over and the water gets watered my mother will scold you to death"

"Does the water here get cold?"

"Even when Levia fills it with hot water to sleep, by the next day it will be quite cold"

"And how does she manage to endure so much cold and not get sick, unlike you yesterday?"

"She is a mermaid, besides she lived in the depths of the sea"
"Where the sun was never even seen"
"Her body is quite resistant to low temperatures."
"Charlotte it's been more than 5 minutes"
"Take your head out of the water now, an ordinary person would have drowned by now!"

"You're going to attack me again with that sponge!"

"Ordinary people don't talk underwater without problems either"
"And the sponge is to finish washing your joints"
"With your behavior today I no longer trust that you are washing well"
"What if something gets stuck in there? We can't trust momo to always have the tools she needs to fix you"

"Of course, we wash well!"
"Kazumi always takes care of the joints!"

"You two are the same artificial intelligence in reality"
"Don't think I've forgotten that!"
"If you don't like bathing then neither does your sister"

"You remember that but not the subjects for your exam"
"Must be early signs of dementia"

"If I had dementia right now, I would be in jail, to begin with"

"Scientifically speaking, you are just one step away to have dementia"
"Ordinary people don't wake up crying in the middle of the night or paranoid fear of the dark"
"You haven't been caught that's all"

"Ok, so today you want to play rough?"
"All right, I'll play, I'm very good at it."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
"Dad, I'm sorry!"
"Not the screwdriver please!"

When we finished bathing the three of us went to my room. Since I was cold because of my cold I simply lay down on my bed. Tifa worried about me and put a wet cloth on my forehead. Soon after came Momo, which was successful in going to the mini-supermarket to buy our lunch. Charlotte put on the TV an old DVD that I had been wanting to watch and we all started watching it. Who knew that the only thing I needed to have a quiet day was just not going to school. But if Cesar doesn't look for problems, problems look for Cesar.

Suddenly without warning the door of my room opened wide, while we were all lying on the bed under a blanket. It was Haru, the one who just came in, followed by Tamamo, who had a sad face for not being able to stop her in time. Both were still wearing their school uniforms.

"Hello, Elise!"
"Since you didn't go to school today, I came to visit you today"
"Here I brought you Dutch Orange ice cream with chocolate and almonds"

"Fine and expensive ice cream!"
"I want to try it" Said the angel next to me under the blanket.

"What are you doing here?"
"Shouldn't your grandfather have come to pick you up today?"

"Oh come on, there's nothing wrong with that"
"A friend of mine was sick and I came to visit you"
"Grandpa was sad about the news and he was the one who asked me to bring you the ice cream"

"Well, thank you very much for your gesture"

"I'm going to the kitchen to make you some hot tea" Said Tamamo running away from what she knew would be a long series of questions.

"Which movie are you watching?"
"The Barbie in the nutcracker?"
"Wow, I thought you were watching a different kind of movie"
"You know, you act like a tomboy all the time, so I thought you'd be more into action movies"

"No, I was actually watching the Max Steel one"
"But the DVD comes with two movies and I was just too lazy to switch"

Besides, I was watching the movie with Momo and Tifa who were right under my blanket.

"By the way, what language is it in?"
"Their voices seem pretty weird to me"
"I don't know what they are saying"

"Well, it is in Spanish after all"

"Why are you watching a movie in another language?"

"Exactly! I'm not!"
"I'm not watching the movie in another language, that's you!"

"Ah, yes, you are a foreigner"
"So it is in Spanish, isn't it?"

"Well, yes"
"But could you ask me while talking to my face and not while looking through my closet?"

"Why do you have a Dakimakura with your image in the closet?"

"That's not mine"
"It's Lisa's"
"It's what she bought on internet when she got her first paycheck"

"And this game console?"

"That's mine this time"
"Did you just come to check my house again?"

"There are many mysteries in this house and I intend to uncover them all!"
"For example, why do you look like you're in bed with someone else?"

"It is the sculpture of the angel"
"I slept with her because I was lonely"

I don't care anymore, there is no lie that works in this situation or with her. It's easier to just tell her the truth and let her lie to herself..

"But what are your detours with that angel?"
"That's a pretty weird fetish you have"
"How does Tamamo support this side of you?"

"Well, things happened"

"Why are you always keeping secrets from me!"
"I am your friend! You can trust me!"
"I won't tell anyone!"

"And why do you say that while going through my desk!?"

"You're the kind of person who gets into trouble all the time"
"I'm sure you've got something hidden in case any trouble comes up"

"Or many troubles"

"Oh shit!"
"Put that down! Don't touch it!"
"Damn, that's dangerous you know!"
"It's a weapon, not a toy."
"These things are made to take lives" I said, jumping out of bed to push the girl away.

"How did you get those things?"

"I didn't buy them"
"I just got them"
"Damn, this was locked"
"How did you get it open?"

"These are much more modern than the one my grandfather has"
"He just uses an old revolver"

"Your grandfather use a 460 Smith & Wesson nicknamed the big iron in America"
"That thing could take down a plane"
"The mine is a toy compared to that."

"It's frightening how much you know about it, Elise"

"Well, you didn't say you were a locksmith either"

"if I want to be a detective like my grandfather I have to learn the necessary skills"
"I have a locksmith kit in my house and I spend some time practicing from time to time"

"The only ones who learn that are the thieves"
"A cop will first get a warrant, then take things into evidence, and once at the station call a locksmith and film the process"

"I repeat"
"It's frightening how much you know about the subject Elise"
"In a past life, were you a police officer by chance?"

"Maybe a pilot, maybe a king"
"Which answer would keep you quiet?"

"See, there you go again keeping secrets!"
"I have no idea what to believe when you speak"
"With you, I don't know what can be a lie and what is true!"

"With you, I can't have a quiet day either so it's a draw"

"Come on, a couple of answers at least!"
"Yesterday I went to the coffee shop and met Levia, so now I have a lot more questions"
"How many girls are you dating? From what I've been told You're creating a real harem"
"Are all the staff at the store your girlfriends?"
"How did you manage to talk them into dating all at once?"

"How annoying you are, seriously"
"I don't hang out with the whole store....."
"Just most of them."
"Besides, I was very clear with them from the beginning but they were the ones who decided to create a harem anyway"

"Wow, quite a playboy or playgirl in your case"
"And how many are they? Tell me the number?"


"Is it below the five girls?"

"Nine my whole family"

"Even counting your sister, your mother and you, it doesn't balance out"
"Who are you hiding!"

"I did not count them"

"Tamamo, Lisa,Levia"
"The robot girls too right?"
"Three are missing!"
"Where are they?"

"No comments"

"None of them are human, right!"
"Where are they, what race are they!"
"Where are you hiding them!"
"I won't leave until I find them!"

"You won't believe me anyway"
"Besides, why so much enthusiasm?"

"I will solve this mystery!"
"I will not rest until I solve it!"
"You're counting the glass statue, aren't you?"
"There's another one, isn't there?"

"What if I told you she is really an angel and also alive?"

"Apologize of course"

"Do you swear to me that you will remain calm?"

"Oh my God, are you serious?"

"Haru, meet Momo, one of the girls" I said as I lifted the blanket.
"Momo this is Haru, a nuisance"

"We've met before ha ha ha ....."
"Why did you do this? She believed the lie perfectly the first time."

"I am so sorry!"
"I didn't know you were a real person"
"I'm so sorry for bothering you, besides what happened the first time I was here" She said, striking an apologetic pose.

"You don't have to be so formal"
"I'm not that good with manners anyway."
"Besides, no one believes me that I'm alive the first time either"
"I'm used to it"

"Not really, but let's leave that for another day"

"Who else do you have hidden!"
"A dragon, a lamia, a centaur..."
"A cat girl!"

"She is very shy and nervous so please keep your distance at all times?"


"It's on the shelf"
"It's the fairy"

"Elise!!" shouted Tifa.

"The figure moved!!!"
"Wait it really is a fairy!
"She looks so innocent"
"Come here I want to hug you!"

"Why did you do it!"
"TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Said the fairy flying to my hands seeking protection.

"Oh come on Tifa"
"It's just shock therapy"
"If you face your fears head-on you will overcome them!"

"But you can't be killed with a single clap!"

"Can I borrow her?"
"I can hold her in my arms for a moment"
"I want to take a picture of her!"

"Tifa suffers from trust issues with humans"
"She will have to be the one who wants to approach you instead"
"Find a way to gain her trust"

"How many species live in this house?"
"I thought the other world was the cafeteria, but the real mystery is here."
"Almost everything can be a clue!"
"Like this pillow here, for example"
"Why do you sleep with two separate pairs of pillows?"

"Elise likes to rest on her face down"
"But she has such big boobs that she puts some pillows under them so she can be comfortable"


"We are hand in hand, aren't we?"

Today Haru was so excited that she really didn't want to leave until she talked to all of us together. And to make matters worse she got her wish when her grandfather called and said he would come later to pick her up, so she stayed until the evening when the store closed and everyone came. We still didn't reveal much to her, like the fact that I was a man or Nanami. Haru sure was super happy to ask so many questions in one day. I just hope she'll leave me alone now, I've had enough of this girl. The only good thing is that now the risk of creating misunderstandings must have gone down to zero.

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