Valkyria Squadron

Ch137: Classes And Games

Classes And Games

Ok, here I go again, just take it easy, just don't kill anyone no matter how much you want to, it's just going to be a stupid 8 hours locked up in here with these people. That's what I said to myself in my mind before I opened the classroom door. I had already had a couple of days off due to a cold, but unfortunately, that was over and it was time to go back. When I walked in no one paid any attention to me, which was a good step, the girls were gathered around talking about makeup while others were talking about which guy was the best looking. The men instead were spread out in smaller groups, the typical anime protagonist near the window, his idiot friend in the front seat, the titan of the group who is good at sports but not the smartest, the weirdos playing cards in the background, the smart guy with glasses carrying a book alone and in silence. While Haru had not yet arrived, even so, I was disgusted to know that in reality, the one who was strange in the classroom was me, because even Tama who was usually next to me sometimes separates and starts talking to other students about girls things, I, on the other hand, I am not attracted to any of those things, I am so white that wearing any makeup makes me look like a clown, I do not like men so I pass to talk about which I find more beautiful, and I hate the karaoke, why the hell are they so popular here?

"The dwarf came again"
"At least it's good to see that you can still walk"

"Kyouko, you're still alive!"
"It's good to see that you weren't mugged and raped in some alley in the middle of the night, but for that to happen you would first have to be appealing"
"Have you managed to find your father or has he already established a family that he really wants to be with?"





I was already tired of the daily routine of this place, I was running out of polite insults I could use with that annoying girl, but before I continued to phase two Tamamo stopped me and took me to our places. And speaking of routine, when Haru arrived again by car she caused a commotion again because this time it wasn't her grandfather who came to drop her off, but a limousine, I have no idea why but she didn't say anything about it either so surely it was nothing important. After all, I think she trusts me enough to tell me the problems she has, I mean, after all, she already knows almost everything about my family now.

Classes continued as normal for the rest of the day. Social Studies was pretty easy and I've improved a lot in history lately. Chemistry class on the other hand was crazy, as some idiot somehow almost managed to make a dirty bomb, it was Tama who managed to warn the teacher in time to stop the experiment. Biology was quite curious as the teacher focus the class by saying why mermaids could not exist according to science to make it interesting. After all that it was time for lunch, as usual, Tama and I brought food, since Kyouko and most of the annoying girls went to eat in the cafeteria I decided to stay by eating in the classroom because I was a little nostalgic about how I used to do it the first time I went to school. Haru needed to go to the bathroom so she asked Tamamo to go together, why do women always go in groups of two to the bathroom? Even I don't know yet.

"Quickly now!"
"Use the powder kegs!"
"That should distract him long enough to set the electric trap!"

"I can't!"
"I have no more stones left to ignite the gunpowder!"
"Use the attack potion instead and wait for him to stumble to attack!"

"The monster has a very tough skin, my katana bounces back with every attack"
"Your hammer is the one that should be doing the damage! I'll take care of support!"

The conversation between the two guys was starting to attract my attention. One of the guys was Nobusawa Takehide, the typical video game-loving guy, the truth is he had been calling my attention to what he was playing, but it wasn't until now that I noticed what he had been playing all this time. The other guy, I think, is Muranaka Yasunobu, actually, I don't know what he really is, I think he's a man because he wears a male uniform, for now, because even that I think I've seen him change, there's nothing in him that says that, even his voice sounds like a woman's voice, this guy has long and mushroom-shaped hair, he wears a huge suit and seems to be always one step away from crying or being upset about his identity, he really seems to be a Trap or femboy or whatever it's called this year, this person really bothered me, because in a way he reminded me of myself and my current situation, however, he seems to be good at video games too. They both seem very focused on the video game, the one that came out at the beginning of the year, the one about hunting huge monsters, but just listening you can tell that both of them are real rookies with no solution, not to brag but I had about twenty years of experience hunting monsters on both sides of the screen so I was a bit of an expert myself. Their conversation was quite agitated but their strategies were so bad that it got to the point of irritating, it was surprising how little they knew about the mechanics of the game, I felt the need to intervene, I had to do it or else I would have nightmares.

"Weakness disgusts me"
"It's just pathetic"
"How you have managed to get so far by being so bad"
"You are doing everything wrong"
"For starters, the Katana is the broken weapon of the game."
"The Hammer must be hitting the head consistently to create an opportunity for the katana"
"Their weapons bounce because you must use weapons of fire to break through the hardness"

"And what would a girl like you know about this?"
"Your plans to ridicule me won't work on me!"
"Go back to trying to be pretty like all the other girls!"

"She is Elise"
"Remember we promised Haru not to make fun of her!"

"You could try to talk more like a man Yasunobu"
"It's because of things like that that everyone makes fun of you"
"I had enough misunderstandings with my family because of the way you behave"

"Come on, I was just trying to help two idiots who clearly need help"
"Instead of carrying rocks, use your weapon to hit him and ignite the powder"
"If you lure the monster to where the river is, he'll run into his natural rival and they'll start fighting"
"You can take advantage of this to cause damage while he is distracted"
"Also in the same area there is a huge branch about to fall, if you manage to hit it so that it falls on the monster it will be unconscious for a while"
"Also you already upgraded your armor? it's much cheaper than making a new one all the time"

"What a joy, this armor enchanted me as it looks so I didn't want to change it yet."
"By the way, do you think that hammer matches my armor?"

"Behave yourself!"
"You're bothering her, you're not seeing it!?"

"If you're taking out weapons and armor to look pretty, you're going to be in trouble"
"You have to be changing equipment depending on the monster so you're going to be changing it quite a bit"
"The best thing to do is to get through the game and unlock the tailor"
"He will make costumes that go over your armor, so you can look the way you want while wearing armor with good stats"

"You are lying!"
"Our villages are at maximum!"
"We have spent hours farming to improve them!"
"Prove that it can be unlocked!"

"Okay, I can do it"
"But please keep your manners when you see what true power means" I said as I pulled out my handheld console with the same game.
"Admire a true professional"

"Is that your village?"
"It looks pretty strange"
"You're also wearing that Maid armor, but it's one of the lowest in the game"
"And to top it off, you're using the giant sword! That weapon is super slow!"

"You, wait and listen little padawan!"
"I will educate you quickly"
"This is not a rare village, it's the third one you unlock."
"You don't know this because you are still stuck in the first one, as you said yourself, reaching the maximum"
"But it was much easier to keep going and with the materials, before the harder levels you could improve the first one"
"Maid's armor is just a cosmetic, the real armor I use is this one, these are her real stats, for now, it's the most powerful armor in the game"
"I use the maid cosmetic to annoy online so that newbies like you will be surprised when I kill a monster with two hits"
"And the giant sword is THE WEAPON of the game, it teaches you how to measure your attacks, and defense and rewards you with the most damage for really knowing the monster you face!"

"It's really amazing!"
"The sword even has a pretty cute color"
"I want one just like it, I think it would look better with my armor than my hammer!"

"Hey, do you think you can help us with this monster then?"
"I need to defeat it so I can unlock the next village you say exists."

"Sure, no problem"
"I just need five minutes to finish him off"
"I'll even capture it for you so you have a trophy to decorate the house!"

Since they accepted my help we made a group of 3 and started hunting together. I was helping them as much as possible but also giving them space to try things out. The monster that had given them so many problems was not a problem once they put into practice everything I mentioned. In a short time, I managed to form them from victims to warriors, so I hope that with this they will at least survive the long and tortuous road that awaited them in the videogame.

We were still playing, taking advantage of the fact that there was still time to spare when someone appeared by surprise in our classroom. It was another student, from his uniform you could see that he was from a higher year, with his hands still in his bags and walking like a bully he approached us until he stood next to the one called Nobu , the trapboy. 

"Hey, how are you?"
"Dude today you have to give me money again"
"I lost a bet yesterday and I need to take my girlfriend to the movies"
"You know how it is, do you think you can give me your wallet once and for all, I'll give it back tomorrow if I remember"

"Fuck, I think that's the worst personification of a bully I've ever seen" I said without fear because it was usually guys like this that ended up getting robbed at the school I used to go to.

"Eli-chan, don't make him angry!"

"Hey, hey wait a minute!"
"Who gave you permission to call me that?"
"Also show that you have balls when you have to, otherwise you'll keep getting mugged"
"Well no offense, really, can you decide what you are? It's getting on my nerves not knowing if you're a boy or a girl"

"hey brat!"
"I'm talking to him!"
"If you have any problems we can solve them easily!"
"I have no problem receiving money from two kids!"

I was planning to scare him away by showing him the knife I had in one of my bags, but someone else intervened instead. Through the same door through which the thug entered another guy approached, this one was a real titan, muscular, huge and so wide that I think I could sit on one of his shoulders, he seemed to be older than he really is, a real machine, the poor guy who was annoyed looked like a broom next to him.

"Is there a problem here?"
"Can you stop so I can get through the door without hurting anyone?" Spoke the man with a voice of thunder.

The bully was about to tell him to get lost but when he finished turning around and had to look up to see his opponent's face he realized he would lose his teeth. Umesaka Kojiro was a man of few words, for it was those few words that people would not see as a threat coming from someone like him. I was about to ask him if he had gone to visit Egypt after his mother got sick or if he had killed any vampires with his fists lately.

"It's nothing, I was just leaving!" Said the idiot.

"Yare yare daze"
"People like him should dedicate themselves to trying not to flunk better"

I KNEW it, I'm convinced it's him!

"Thank you very much Kojiro"
"Things would have gotten ugly if you hadn't intervened" I said congratulating him while patting him on the back.

"Stop it, Eli-Chan!"
"Don't bother Kojiro, he could send you to the hospital with one hand if you make him angry!"

"I told you not to call me like that!"
"Use my full name!"
"I'm disgusted by the sound of the way you say it!"
"You could learn a thing or two from him you know!"
"Look, even though he didn't say it, he just saved your ass!"

The big guy was surprised that I had noticed his gesture, but still, he just went on his way and sat back down in his seat, where he pulled out a book and a calculator to continue writing whatever he was calculating. He had gotten bad grades on his last exams so it looked like he was pretty busy making up for his studies as soon as possible.

"Look Yasunobu"
"I'm not saying stop cross-dressing or whatever it is you're doing"
"I don't really care about that"
"What I'm saying is that you should learn to stand up for yourself and start standing up for yourself."
"If you keep this up you will be the victim of people like the idiot before you all your life"
"You don't want the money that your parents work so hard to get to end up in the hands of people like him, do you?"
"You have to learn to be able to say no to him"

"I have told him but he never listens to me" Said Takehide, his friend.

"You are crazy!"
"I'm not strong"
"I hate fighting, he'll tear me apart if I don't give him the money"

"And who said you had to confront him head on?"
"You can report him to a teacher, talk to your parents about the problem."
"Pay another bully for him to take a beating."
"Poison his food or make it look like an accident."
"The options are many"

"Why do you say scary things like that?"

I couldn't answer him because just then the bell rang, signaling the end of recess and back to class, so everyone went back to their seats. The next class was English, so no problem either. By the time the classes were over I was completely tired, we had no club activity on the day of doy so I was thinking of going straight home and finishing building the battleship model. But once again Haru appreciated saying that once again his grandfather would be working late, so he accompanied us back to the cafeteria. Where at least being together with the other girls he would leave me alone to finish my ship. But still, how much was his grandfather doing, because it seemed that he was really on something very important to be working hard like this.

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