Valkyria Squadron

Ch55: The Monster In The Dark

The Monster In The Dark

Kanagawa hydropower plant complex, Gunma Prefecture, Japan.
February 19

  Akane POV

We just finished dividing our hostages into smaller groups, which will make them more nervous and prevent them from doing something stupid. After the guards were assigned, the rest were given their assigned tasks. Those who are acting as backup are next to me in the generator room, waiting in case a messenger from the other groups comes asking for reinforcements.

What we have done here is due to the mission Mr. Brandon has given me. Because of the defeats and failures of the previous assault groups, the I.S.C.'s position in the country is very delicate, because although the government trusts us, what the police can find would cause a scandal that would end both the project and the reputation of the government as well as our company. The idea of what we are doing here is to try to create a big national news story that will cause panic and get the attention of the media. With the destruction of this power plant, the most important producer of materials for the I.S.C. medical sector will not be able to meet the demand of our company, and with this we will make an announcement of great losses due to this disaster and the failure of the police. With this, Mr. Brandon announces the arrival of more security agents to take care of the I.S.C., and with them we will be able to treat more people to get Mrs. Adelis and her damn team out of our way.

Since the idea was to cause as much panic as possible, I investigated the place as best I could, and I was lucky enough to find out that a school trip was scheduled to visit this place today, so I took advantage of the fact that we were passing through and kidnapped them to make this as spectacular as possible.

"Ms. Akane!
"What do we do with this girl, the app says she is Haru Yamamoto?"

"Don't say my name again or I'll kill you!"

"As for her, take her to a room near the tunnel 1 exit"
"We can get a big advantage if we take her with us for later"
"For you means a bigger pay"
"Tell me which room you put her in when you return"
"Wait a minute!"
"Who are you?"
"I don't remember having an extra man in Group Bravo," I ask a man who looks like he came out of nowhere.

"Well, you never told me exactly what to do, so I just followed the main group," the lost man replies.

"Okay, I didn't have much time to plan everything right now in detail either."
"I think your part was to help the patrol outside."
"Go and help the other two to lock up the girl and then reinforce the outside of the tunnel."

What I did not expect was that the group of students we kidnapped had Inspector Yamamoto's granddaughter with them. This will cause us to change our plans a bit when we get out of here, so I decided to separate her from the rest of the school group. When I get out of here, I will have to pick her up and take her with me. Also, now that I think about it, I forgot to ask the other man's code name so that I could better remember what his mission plan was. But how strange, I thought that everyone's position had been clear before this began.

"Madam, the explosives in tunnel 2 are prepared and ready, Wolf 4 will stay there to watch the place in case the police act in an unexpected way".

"Okay, so start placing the generator bombs now."

We will stay here until we can confirm that the police are in the area, which should be in at least 35 minutes. As soon as they appear, we will fake an escape through tunnel 2 and destroy the generator at the same time. This will cause panic and surprise for the police, who will not be able to react. If they come through tunnel two or use both at the same time, we will use the bombs to get rid of them and make our way through tunnel one. If we have to fight, we will undoubtedly have casualties, but even that does not matter this time because Brandon has indicated from the beginning that it is not necessary for the others to come out alive, so they would rather do me a favor if the police kill them than have me do it afterwards. The same will happen to the hostages if they get caught in the explosion of the generators, more deaths, more tragedy, more interest from the news, the more it wins for us.

"Hell, Wolf 2 should have installed the communication relay long ago, otherwise we can't communicate with each other down here. I just need you to tell me where the cops are coming from."
"You two go and see what he's doing."
"Finish the installation now."


There are now 20 minutes until the police arrive in the area, we should actually be finished by now. One of my men appeared running through one of the tunnels, he comes at full speed worried, it seems there is more bad news.
"Madam, we found two bodies near the one in Tunnel 1, they were in front of the room you used to lock up the girl, now it is empty.
"They were burned like charcoal."
"We could not find Wolf 2 either, he does not appear anywhere".

"Only two bodies in front of Haru's cell?"
"That there weren't three guards?"
"Where is the other one? the lost one?"

"We do not know"

Something is out of place. Something is happening that I am not aware of. Are the police here yet? No, they have no way to get to this area faster than helicopters. But what if another police team was nearby and I managed to get in, they would probably think about rescuing the hostages while reinforcements arrived. Anyway, the situation is wrong now, there is no other way, we will make our plans ahead of time and get out of here.

"You six check the hostages.
"The people over there finish setting the explosives"
"The rest come with me"
"We will leave when they finish assembling the explosives."

After that, they followed my orders without question. These people are originally from one of the most dangerous drug cartels in Mexico, but the I.S.C. contacted their leaders and reached an agreement to send us some of their men for this mission, in exchange for their leaders receiving some kind of reward. Those who accompany me have no idea that their bosses expect them to be murdered here, but that does not mean I can kill them yet, first I must ensure my own safety, then I will take care of those who are left alive.

Several minutes had passed, but there was no news of the people who had been sent to search the area. There was only silence in the tunnel. Something was wrong, there was no doubt about it. We have to get out of here ...


A loud explosion could be heard everywhere, the sound was enormous, almost deafening despite the headphones we had. The sight that came from the tunnel was so strong that it threw us to the ground and the shaking was so brutal that many things fell as well as the lights began to fail.

"What the hell just happened?"

"Since we are still alive, it must have been the explosives from Tunnel 2!"
"But I haven't given the order to use them yet!"
"Did the police activate them?"

"Idiot, the police wouldn't do something so stupid!"

"Whatever caused it doesn't matter, this just went to hell"
"We have to get out of here"

"He's right, now that the second tunnel has been destroyed, we need to get out of here right away."
"You have the detonator of the generators at hand"
"We will force our way out through Tunnel 1"
"We will activate the explosives when we are halfway out."

My team and I started walking towards the exit, there were 8 of us left. Seven heavily armed men with me and my arksuit, we could still win against a police assault team. As for the escape, not everything went as well as we wanted, because now the tunnels were difficult to walk through due to some debris, in addition to how much they failed, it made seeing the road quite difficult. We made enough progress through one of the connecting tunnels to reach exit tunnel 1. But as the first man passed by, something brutal happened.

In one of the beams of light from the bulbs, we saw how Tunnel 1 was guarded by a little girl who, when she saw us, ran towards us, the event happening so quickly that it was impossible to see where she had gone. When the light came back half a second later, the girl was now on the head of the man who had the detonator, and with her arms she tore off the head with almost no effort with her big claws, at the end of raising the man's head the body fell. We were all paralyzed to see such a display of cruelty, which the little creature took advantage of, drawing a gun and firing repeatedly at another man. Then the lights went out for just a second, and in that second she was out of sight.

Without saying anything, the six of us who were left approached and formed a circle, all of us facing in one direction so that we would not be surprised by its next attack. But once again, that thing like a dragon of death jumped to us attacked in a strange way that we did not expect. A huge sword fell from the roof of the tunnel, huge and heavy, and it landed on one of us. That person was cut in two in a bloody manner. In the darkness, for a split second, we could see some traces of light, they were our shots in the direction of where we thought the creature was. It was just chaos and noise, we thought we had hit her. But when the light came back for a few seconds, there were only three more bodies on the ground. They were shattered, one had his arms cut off, another was impaled on one of the pipes coming out of the tunnel, and the last one was missing his head as well. That thing had somehow managed to kill three more men in the dark, right in front of us, but we couldn't see it. This was not the work of the police or the Alliance. What was here was a monster, one that used the darkness as an extension of itself, a predator that hunted for fun. The violence of the deaths was completely unnecessary, but whoever this thing was had made his position on violence clear.

The light went out again and with it came another series of attacks from the monster. There was only me and another man left, so we went back into the small tunnel from before. But suddenly my energy shield was activated and I could see how the shield had blocked several shots coming from above, just above me. Without wasting a second, I shot up without looking, but nothing happened, then I saw two small red trails fall just below me, the creature was looking into my eyes. The lights came back on and I could see that I had a little white girl in front of me, but even though I knew her, my mind refused to see her as she really was. What I saw was a monster hunting for her next victim. This time she had two long knives and she came at me. One of them was thrown so absurdly fast that my shield recognized as a bullet it and stopped it, the other one tried to cut me with it a little bit more slowly, but I managed to dodge it. Seeing that she had failed in her attempt at light, the hunter took a few steps back into an area of darkness until only her red eyes were visible. Then she closed them and the lights of the whole place went out beside her. There was only darkness around me and that thing was taking advantage of it.

Suddenly I heard a scream of agony and death behind me, the next thing I saw when I turned around was the giant sword falling from the ceiling right above me as if from nowhere. The shield of my arksuit returned to protect me even though it was about to shatter, I could barely see the silhouette of the monster holding the sword, who, seeing that it had failed again, retreated to a deeper part of the tunnel. I waited for his next attack, which could come at any time, anywhere. But after a few minutes nothing happened. I thought this was my chance to escape, so I turned around to get out of there.

The monster was already there, I didn't know how long it had been watching me from there. But I was in complete panic, that monster would undoubtedly kill me, the question was how violent my death would be. I used the last of my will and fired my weapon, but I saw that it was in vain, it was useless. The monster dodged it easily and I was out of bullets. The stalker put her hands on my neck and squeezed me. The air began to leave me, she was trying to strangle me. I lacked the strength to do anything about it. And the face that the white monster made was a smile, she smiled when she saw my panicked face while I was drowning.

I was already at my limit, I was losing consciousness, it was going to be my end unless a miracle happened. And as if my plea had been heard by some God, another flash of lightning struck the white monster, sending it flying a few feet. I turned to see who my savior was, but I did not see an angel, for there was none. What stood in its place was another monster. It was a girl with a suit that I had never seen before and her skin seemed a bit as if it was formed by something dark like a demon, her shape seemed to be as cruel as mad like the monster of before, and half of her face that was covered by her black hair could only be seen a smile just as disturbed as that of the white monster, she seemed to have wings and also horns, like a dark summond just to make things worse.

"Finally I can find you again, Elise"
"Now you will finally surrender to me!"
"I'm going to make you pay for what you did," the blue monster said.

Then she pounced on the thing that tried to kill me and began to fight each other. I didn't know what the hell was going on, and I didn't want to know. The arksuit was not that damaged and its engines had more than enough power to spare. It was almost suicide to try to fly something like that at full power in a confined space like a tunnel, but it was either that or certain death at the hands of one of those two demons. So I began to pray, started the engines, and began to fly through the darkness of the tunnel, leaving all that hell behind.

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