Valkyria Squadron

Ch66: The Alliance Office Part 1

The Alliance Office Part 1

Temporary Office of the Alliance in Japan, Akasaka Press Center, Minato, Tokyo.
March 1st

It was not yet time for lunch and I was already bored with my work here. Because unlike the fantasy world that my home became, here I was only surrounded by mundane things and tasks. Currently one of the office workers in the United States Army is talking to me, his name is William and he comes from Detroit. He seems like he joined the army to put his past as a gang member there behind. He is currently replacing Xian who she will return tomorrow from her vacation. He seems to be a good person who does his job, but I need someone I can trust and with whom I can discuss confidential matters. He has been working here for so little time that no one has yet told him that he can wear private clothing instead of the standard army camouflage uniform.

"The delivery of the new Nas server that you ordered has already been delivered to your home, along with the high-speed hard drives recommended by the manufacturer" said the secretary while checking his clipboard

"Speaking of which, have you finished installing the new high-speed internet in my house?"
"Did you make sure it delivers the 2 Gigabits per second that you promised?"

"They will also end for tomorrow"
"They have been working hard to make the necessary arrangements for you to connect to the alliance system with this new internet provider"

"Madam, if I may, would I like to comment on why are you trying to get the latest in communications technology for your house?"
"If it is something related to work, you can simply ask technical support for what you need"

"I can't do that as the gadgets I'm trying to get are for my family's personal use"
"My granddaughters are passionate gamers, they are the ones who have asked me for these things, so I am not going to use something owned by the government so that they can download video games"
"But that does not concern you"

"Well you are right, but more than a gamer computer set it seems that you are trying to install an internet server base"

"I also have this job, I can not cut expenses for important things" I replied

"Very well I think that will be all for now, tomorrow Mrs. Xian will return to work as your secretary"
"May I know where I should present myself tomorrow from now on?"

"Don't worry about that, she is a person that I need to do things in the field frequently"
"So you will be her assistant and help me when she is not here."
"You can retire now"

He immediately turned and left. For my part, since I had nothing to do until they gave me a report with the results of the investigation of the underground facility in Vienna, I decided to think about how to talk to Leon about Cesar. How am I going to present the news to him in a way that he believes me?

I think the first step to introduce Cesar back to the family is trying to get as many allies as possible, so that in this way he presents Cesar's new way and as a return, he is fairly accepted. But for that, the first test is to talk to Leon myself about the subject because I already know that the impression he had on his brother was not good. When I gave him the news of his brother's death, he didn't get mad at me, but at him. Well, according to his eyes, Cesar was just a loser who could never find a way in his life and who used joining the army as an excuse to leave Maria and me abandoned. Leon in that same call made it clear to me that he would not attend the funeral of his brother because he had more important things to do like earn money to support his family and pay for Maria's treatment. Now that we know what Cesar was actually doing and we know that Leon is wrong about his brother I want to make them reconcile. But that will certainly be difficult with the appearance that Cesar has now.  If only he had been asleep when the castle event happened in Aria's world, perhaps he would have a slight degree of understanding of the situation. But since he was awake working while the events were happening, he was never transported to the party. 

My cell phone began to ring, from the sound it seems that it was Cesar calling me, surely it was to inform me about some unforeseen event that he came across before continuing to monitor that journalist.

"What happened now?"
"Again the police think you are lost?"

"I believe"
"I have a.."

"Did your tail again throw something else to the ground?"
"If it's something embarrassing, just say it once, it's easier that way"


"If you don't speak in the next 3 seconds I'll hang up and you'll have to wait for me to come back to the house"

"The pants, it broke"
"The last pair of pants I was wearing fell apart as I tried to put it on"
"I no longer fit in my pants and it broke when I tried to put it on by force"

"Do you try to hide your tail inside your pants again?"

"It broke before it finished climbing to my thighs"


"Please say something, that silence is worse than me having to say that my hips grew even more"

"Currently those pants were the widest they sold in the store"
"If you are telling me that even with those you still do not fit, it means that you either wear a skirt or that you will have to send them to order made-to-measure"
"And what do you think people will respond when I tell them that these measurements are for a girl of about ten years?"
"They will send the police to investigate"

" You think that I'm happy to call to report this?"
"I would have been groping in the store looking for something that would fit me despite my tail so as not to have to say this"
"But currently I don't have time, I have to keep an eye on this girl, I can't let the demon get ahead of us again"

"Ok I'll see what I can do but don't expect those pants to arrive quickly"

"Will they at least get along with the platform shoes?"

"No, I can't do two things at the same time, it's either one or the other"

"But  it's still cold outside, I hate having cold legs"

"Then the pants will be"

"No, stop, wait!" I think I heard while hanging up the phone.

What the hell is wrong with her? Does she have some secret diet that allows her to have the most lustful body possible? Someone who looks like a young girl shouldn't have those dimensions! It seems that everything she eats only goes to two specific places, instead to grow upwards grow sideways.  Damn, life is unfair, when I was 15 I was skinnier than Maria. If I had something like that, Rafael would have fallen in love with me much sooner than it originally took. 

While I was trapped in my thoughts someone came and knocked on the door. Then he opened it and Cedric came out. He waved at me and then spoke.

"Good morning Adelis, how are you today?"
"Are you planning to eat out for lunch?"
"I need to know in order to organize the escorts that will accompany you"

"You look exactly like a pervert who would have problems with the police"
"Do you know of a place where I can get clothes for a young girl but with a wider body than a supermodel?"

"I think that in the store two blocks from here on the way to the train station they might have something that works for you"

"The speed with which you answered that question is disturbing"

"It's for the white girl right?"
"I thought that something like this could happen after seeing how much she has put on weight compared to the first time I saw her"
"Well that has an easy explanation because I'm sure that if we were all locked in a box to go out just to fight and never be able to eat, anyone would lose weight"
"It is good that she gains weight, it means that she is being well-fed and has a healthy body"
"Although it is a problem if she does not grow more"

Well, according to Cesar, that body hasn't grown in like 10,000 years, so I don't think it will now.

"Do you have anything else to add so I can call the police to arrest you now?"

"Wait Adelis!"
"Do not misunderstand!"
"What I was referring to is that I am glad that she is in a place that is much better compared to where she was before!"
"You may not know it but I worked with her a couple of times during the war"
"She was always distant and cold to everyone, so much so that we thought she was just a machine"
"But then one day, the day of the robbery in Tunisia, something she did differently than usual, although only for a moment I could see that there were traces of a person inside her"
"When her rebellion happened in Vienna I was perhaps the person most concerned about how that could have ended"
"Well, although I wanted her to escape from her and be free from her, I am also aware of how dangerous she is"
"But there was something that surprised me even more"
"She had passion in her eyes, he could see how she was trying to be free with every part of her body, despite the threats and danger"
"That is why when we were scolded for our failure, I did not feel bad knowing that this way she would have at least one chance"
"Hell, if you had asked me for help or had known that this was all part of your plan to save her, I would not have made any complaint."

I love how he came to this conclusion by himself because the truth is I had no way to explain it and I simply chose not to tell him anything.

"it was something that I thought I had to do"
"Since my son died trying to protect her, the least I could do was that his sacrifice had not been in vain" I said trying to play along

"Do not even say it"
"Unfortunately I think I am partly responsible for what happened"
"If I had done my job better, Cesar might not have died trying to protect her from her"
"Maybe he was only the pilot of our team's helicopter, but I also considered him as one of our companions"
"Hell, if it hadn't been for him, I would have died in that accident in Germany"

"That reminds me of wondering what you do back here"
"The war is over and you have already fulfilled your military service"
"Why did you decide to go back?"

"Well, it has to do with precisely that"
"I think that because of the men I lost to my command like Cesar for example they deserve to see that what they did made the world a better place"
"So I thought that I should continue working to make this peace last and not be repeated"
"And the best way to do this is to help you with your work"
"I know how hard you have worked to end the war and after losing someone important because of it I would do the same to keep the peace with your work"
"That, the pay is pretty good and it's almost an office job if I'm honest"
"I don't think I would have found a better job back in the United States"

"And you decided to accept the job despite being Commander Phillips who offered it to you?"

"I am aware of what he is really up to and personally I also think that the guy is an idiot"
"But is it not better that you have me as your ally"
"In this way, you can protect the days of peace that you now enjoy with your family and the white girl"
"You should be a good mother to her and teach her what it is to live in peace, how to be an ordinary person "

"It's nice to have calm days, but I really wonder if they will last, or are we just on the verge of something worse"

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

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