Valkyria Squadron

Ch76: The Game of Demons and Politicians

The Game of Demons and Politicians

United Nations Secretariat Building, Manhattan, New York.
March 5st
8:30 AM

  Adelis POV

In the room was one of the most important people on the planet, United States President John Smith, who despite his busy schedule today, agreed to meet with me at my request. It was not just the two of us, in the same room the president's bodyguards were always present, there were also a couple of heads of key areas such as the Department of State and the Department of the Treasury, who are here to give their opinions on the subject. I also have my assistant Xian close to me, but her role here is just to stand there without saying anything.  There is also a hidden demon crazy with the need to see blood present and that no one apart from me can hear it. Hell, if at the beginning of the year someone had told me about what I'm doing now, I would have locked him up in a psychiatric hospital. 

"I understand your point of view on the subject"
"But you must also take into account the other members of the Alliance since several of them are still waiting for their compensation for the damages caused by the Continental war."
"Germany especially will be against this"
"They hope that the original clauses will prevent them from returning to their pre-war economic state" Said the president seriously

"With all due respect sir, both you and I know that this is nothing different from the Treaty of Versailles, and will bring about the same consequences of that"
"This now that the inhabitants of the Empire only think that they really should have won" I responded to his argument

"Also, if I am the one who proposes this, several of my collaborators will withdraw their support for the tax reform that I want them to approve"
"And without the reform, I cannot ensure my re-election for my second term" he argued again.

"Kill them all!"
"You have to destroy their throats"
"Drown them in their own blood!"
"Then I impaled them on that wooden wall as an example"
"Death to all men!" I heard a voice come from under me.

(Damn  Lisa shut up!)
(I can't concentrate and try to keep a straight face if you don't stop yelling as you intend to butcher the person in front of me)
(You're going to drive me crazy too!) I thought to myself as I hit the ground hard with my heels, thinking that maybe that would stop the demon.

"Hey, are you okay?"
"You look quite nervous compared to how you usually are"

"Don't worry Mr. President"
"I was just wondering if it was a good idea to drop my daughter off at the hotel with access to room service"
"Back on the subject, I am afraid that if you cannot cooperate with me I will be forced not to help you in your political campaign for your reelection"
"And who knows, most likely the opposition will contact me offering these same terms on a silver platter in order to have my support"
"What I am offering you is the opportunity to please me well before your rivals"

"Hey stop there!"
"No one said anything about refusing to do that"
"What I wanted to say is that even with my cooperation there are still more people who can oppose it"

"Well, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of Russia have already formed their cooperation with me"
"Together with you, we will have a great weight to be able to make them reconsider your proposal"
"Then it will only be to find a way to talk to the European Union"
"We do not need Germany to give the approval"
"Surely places like France will accept in order to receive financial aid to rebuild their territory"
"Then the Germans will follow them so as not to be left behind"

"But the important part is missing!"
"Kill them now!"
"You have them close!"
"Come on it will be fast! maybe in about 5 minutes, we will finish!"
"It is easy! just let me do it!"
"When all these bastard men are hanging with their guts we can go back to Cesar!"
"This way I can sleep with him and we will start to produce children"
"I want to have two soccer teams with them, one with my last name and the other with Cesar's!"

(Lisa stop!)
(Right now you shouldn't say anything to that!)
(We are having a talk that could affect the future of the world!)
(Please be more serious and control yourself!)
(Also she now has the body of a ten-year-old girl, giving birth to a child could kill her!)

"No one mentioned that she would be the one to give birth."
"Please I'm not that crazy, please think better of what you say"

(Damn demon,  you can hear my thoughts!)
(And you don't listen to me when I ask you to shut up!)

"Hey, Mrs. Adelis, are you sure you're okay?"
"Now you look pretty angry and I haven't said anything this time"

"Sorry, maybe really was a bad idea to have left my daughter without supervision"
"She will surely make the hotel manager find a life-size chocolate sculpture of her"

"Come on don't worry so much about it."
"In any case, if the invoice is excessive, just send the invoice to the foreign office and say that they are diplomatic expenses"

I was back to continue talking to President John, but suddenly one of his guards leaned over to him and whispered something in his ear. It seemed to be quite important as the face of the change completely.

"What the fuck!"
"There is someone attacking the fucking city!"
"Then the meeting at the UN went to hell !?"
"What the hell are you doing standing there like idiots!"
"Are you a lot of pussys?"
"Someone call the defense minister and tell him I want him to do something violent"
"Let's send those motherfuckers to hell!"

"Mr. President, your vocabulary"
"Remember you are no longer a Marine Sergeant"

"Ok, I like that bastard"
"I will kill him last" said the demon.

"Mr. President, I cannot accept that"
"My daughters are still in the hotel, I can't just leave them"

"Don't worry about that, we'll send someone to pick them up right away"
"You bastard, you heard the lady"
"Do something useful for the first time in your life and put those ugly feet of yours to run"

"Yes, Mr. President!"
"Please follow us, we will immediately take you to the helicopter to get out of here"

I didn't have time to refuse again, as several of the bodyguards pushed me to get us out of the place. My greatest fear was not the attack itself, but to think that Cesar was out there loose and he is not going to be left with crossed arms. The question will be what weird thing will happen to him now shortly. if this was something simple that the police could solve, he would probably not act, but if it is something serious, well I hope that what he does at least does not end up on the front page of the news. 

"Give the order of the information blackout at the country level."
"Also tell the air force to force all the planes to land."
"Any bird that doesn't have our damn stars and stripes I want it dead"
"Tell Franklin I want to see his Girls Scouts landing with their parachutes"
"And tell Harold to get the tractors out, I wanna see they're taxes well spent"
"Finally, look for the ship with the largest USS initials you can find and tell him that he has minutes to show up to the party"

Oh my goodness, Is he calling the army? is the problem so big? I have to contact the twins now. I took out my phone to make the call before something happened with the communications, but the government had been faster. Then I heard something like Humming and how explosions sounded from the side of the building. 

"That was the anti-aircraft batteries?"
"We can't take the helicopter if there are enemies flying"
"What other options do we have?"

"We have a secure bunker prepared for you in the basement of the building, Mr. President"
"The room is separated from the rest of the UN representatives"
"You can coordinate the armed response from there"

I continued accompanying the group, more because they pushed me than because of my desire. We went downstairs and waited through the lobby when something unforeseen happened. A girl came out of one of the windows, she was an android who looked just like my granddaughters. In fact, she was so looked like that for a moment I really thought it was them, but then I remembered that no one in our family has lightsabers for now and I saw that that one over there was actually an enemy.  The bodyguards didn't think twice and started shooting at her immediately. But the pistols that they had did not do any harm to the girl, who backed up and cut a man in two with her sword.  The president's group continued running nonstop, but mine stopped to face her. I was still processing what was happening when someone pushed me from behind again. 

"Don't stop Mrs. Adelis!"
"Keep running!" Xian yelled at me, reminding me of what I had to do.

Without looking back, I listened to him and continued on my way where the president had passed before. We went through the door and went back down several stairs. Then we reached a long corridor where there were even more guards, one of them yelled at us. 

"Mrs. Adelis, this way please!" he said, opening one of the doors that led to an elevator. 

It seemed strange to me that it indicates to use an elevator in case of emergency but I did not think too much and I got on. He also got on but just as Xian was also going to enter he touched a button and the doors closed immediately, leaving her outside. 

"Wait she's my guard!"

He didn't answer anything, that's when I noticed. That person in front of me was not from the secret service, he did not have the lapel pin that indicated that he was from that agency. I had made a mistake.

"Who sent you?" I asked him.

"Who cares"

He right after grabbed his gun and pointed it at my face. But almost instantly an iron stake went through his head, driving him into the door. I looked down and could see Lisa's upper torso emerging from my own shadow on the ground. She finished off the ground and started to nail it even more.

"That's just what I've been waiting for someone to do today!" She said making a mess with what was left of him. 
"I'm going to take it out on you as a thank you for giving me the opportunity"

"Lisa leave him, now there's no time to be distracted by him"
"Someone wants to kill me, we have to get out of here and find a safe place"

Lisa seemed not to hear me and kept playing with her metal stakes. When the elevator bell rang indicating the end of the trip, the demon stopped quickly. When the elevator bell rang indicating the end of the trip, the demon quickly got up quickly, pushed me to one end of the elevator, took the nails from the dead man, and threw them just as the door opened. I heard a couple of shots but none seemed to come our way.  Lisa continued walking and pulled from the floor as if it had been there from the beginning a huge scythe bigger than herself.  In the corridor there were about seven dead men all on the ground, it was clear who had killed them. From the ceiling above us, there was an explosion and it seemed again the DOLL that was attacking the building. Without saying anything, it lunged towards our direction, but the demon threw its scythe violently in front and its blade split the robot into several pieces, rendering it useless. 

"What should we do now?"
"If we go to that secret room we can meet again with that lot of men that we can kill quickly"
"But Cesar told me I must keep you safe"
"What are you planning to do mother-in-law?"

"First of all, you are forbidden to kill anyone unless it is for our defense"
"If I'm with the president, I might know what the hell is going on, but whoever wants to kill me will notice"
"That there is no other place where we can communicate with the outside?"

"I do not know, if you have not noticed I have been with you all this time so I do not know more than you"

"There is no other way then, we will return to the president"
"Xian is heading there anyway, I will find a way to notify her so that she tries to find the person responsible"
"Help me find that bunker and return to my shadow"
"Maybe I can plan how to recover the city and help Cesar from here"

Lisa continued to protect me until she found the way to the safe place that the guards talked so much, Lisa did exactly what I told her. President John gave permission to let me pass since he also sought my help thanks to my experience in the Alliance to get out of this.

But the situation was really grim, enemy airships and drones flew over the city without problems. Several DOLLS had also been identified flying over, guarding, and destroying all kinds of resistance. The nearest military base was also under attack. Enemy troops were slowly surrounding the building. Although the troops guarding the UN were holding them for now, enemy reinforcements were still arriving from the south of the city. The New York defense system is under enemy control. Enemy assault teams were taking over the city's power plants. The national guard has been deployed but its active agents are too dispersed to do anything for now. Reinforcements troops would take at least seven hours to arrive here until hours to appear. The 82nd Airborne Division that will be the fastest to arrive would take five hours, from gathering its troops and equipping them, plus the journey, and they would only be foot soldiers who could not do much if we did not find a place where they could disembark assault vehicles that would bringWe could not deal with the air force either as our own anti-aircraft turrets will shoot them down. That was supposed to be impossible for it to happen because the C-Rams work autonomously, they can distinguish allied ships by their count without external factors, but after meeting Kazumi and Charlotte I cannot rule out that they have managed to remotely reprogram them. We still don't know where all these enemies came from. And the list went on and on endlessly. We really are completely screwed.

Only a miracle would get us out of this.

Right now I was praying to God and Tamamo that whatever Cesar did to save the world before he can repeat it today. We are going to need it.

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