Valkyria Squadron

Ch78: The First Step to Revenge

The First Step to Revenge

Subway tunnel A-Line, Brooklyn, New York.
March 5st
11:10 AM

Going through the lines of the subway in the dark is not a pleasant experience, but it is much better than being on the surface where there are enemies flying overhead. On the good side, the trains are not working on the subway, the bad side, the trains are not working so we have to keep walking. The SWAT team is walking about 20 meters ahead of us, looking for possible threats as we move. They are talking to each other thinking that I cannot hear them from this distance. 

"Are you sure playing along with them will work?"
"Her leader is smaller than my daughter"

"I know it's stupid but look, they did have a plan to get out of Manhattan and it worked"
"When we surface again we will part and leave them behind"

"I think that if they could help us to retake the city"
"If we force them to cooperate, we could do great harm to those bastards!"
"And you know they blew up a damn tank!"

"Don't you hear yourself?"
"They destroyed that tank, how are you going to force them to help you?"
"Also the little girl has more aim with a rifle than you"

"We can tell them that their parents are locked up in the enemy base and that they help us take it."
"Maybe in this way we can destroy our enemies!"

"Well that could work"
"We can try later to see how it works"
"In any case, we can also deceive them and simply take them with us without saying anything"

Hell, I thought their captain was the idiot but now I realize it's only a matter of time before these guys are dead.

"What do you think of what they said dad?"

"Don't worry about that, the only thing I need from them is that they simply attract enemy shots"
"Those idiots are the perfect cannon fodder"
"When Momo finishes fixing the M-COM we will go up to the surface to use it"

"Well this would not be that difficult to repair if someone did prevent them from leaving this thing as a grater"
"The regular SWAT assault truck has 5.0mm thick level 6 armor"
"More than enough to completely stop 7.62 NATO ammunition used by regular soldiers, so I don't understand how they did to leave it in this state"

"Well it wasn't like they stopped chasing us right away after we blew up a bridge"
"But you can do it right?"

"Don't worry, I'm almost done, I just need to connect it to a battery"
"Regarding the software, I have no idea what will happen because I had to replace a couple of pieces with one of the computers that we found on the way"

"If you're done then can I stop carrying this huge and heavy box on my back?"
"I can't take it anymore, I shouldn't be doing things that require a lot of physical effort!"
"Tamamo could handle this better than me!"

"Sister, Tama, and I are busy right now trying to defend you and that box so we can't help you."
"Also everyone here is contributing to something, even my girls are right now testing that the box works well."
"The only one who is not really doing anything is you"

"The system appears to be operational, but until we get close to the surface we cannot communicate"
"The Franklin avenue station should be about 300 meters from here, since the station is several stories high, we can continue to be protected while we turn on the M-COM"

Taking into account what Charlotte said, we went to the station, but it was not as big as I thought, so we crossed the street and to go to the front building that was much higher to be able to take a look at the city and see better what it was going on. Unfortunately, the sight was familiar to me. Once again he was facing a city in chaos and flames. Columns of smoke could be seen everywhere, people running everywhere, cars still lit abandoned in the middle of the street. A helicopter trying to get out of the place with injured people. In the background, he could see the New York skyscrapers still rising up from everything else. A city that only yesterday was a joyful place full of life that we enjoy doing tourism. 

Although I would have liked to avoid it, I did not have the time to worry about small details, so I let the SWAT members even help me prepare everything for my daughters. Their faces were completely incredulous when they saw the robot girls but when they heard a relatively close scan they put that aside and started helping me. We turned on the communication box and the twins connected to it. A moment later they asked for television so I quickly checked the floor to get one. Momo quickly made the necessary adjustments and managed to connect it to the box as well. 

"We have managed to connect to the defense network of the army"
"It seems that Adelis was already anticipating our entry and prepared a secure access for us"
"The access code is Maria's birthday"
"Adelis wants to contact us immediately"
"I will pass it to the screen"
"I be the camera and microphone" Kazumi said as she sat right next to the box and the TV.

"Leave that call is safe, I was waiting for it, turn the video to monitor 4!"
"It's already on !?"
"Oh thank god you are safe"
"Are you all there?"

I could see my mother in a room with several men in military clothing. The place was not very illuminated and there were people screaming and running everywhere.

"We are all good with me"
"I even have Luna's core in my backpack and you should be watching the video from Kazumi's point of view, her sister is next to her"
"We are currently at Franklin avenue station in Brooklyn"
"On our way, we met up with the Echo team from the New York Police Department SWAT"
"Their captain was killed in action while trying to cross the Brooklyn Bridge under enemy control"
"A boy who I think is called Benny is the one who is now in charge"

"They did manage to fix the box for real !?"
"We already have communication with the central command!"
"Girl get out of here this is important, we have to talk to them first!"
"Let the adults take care of the serious stuff!"

"Hey don't push me!"

"Here is First Lieutenant Benny Rodriguez, currently in command of Team Swat reporting" The idiot a military salute with my sister still on the ground behind how he had pushed her

"Yes, goddammit raise the level to DEFCON 2"
"No, do not launch the ICBM, is DEFCON 2 "
"Who the hell are you going to send them to? We don't have anyone to threaten them for now!"
"Vienna is under our control right now!"
"I will not use atomic bombs where we have our own troops!"
"If you don't know that, why the hell are you using the defense minister's phone?"
"Ahh, so you are his wife!"
"Being his wife does not give you the authority to decide that!"
"Who am I !?"
"I'm the fucking president of the fucking United States of fucking America!"
"And with God as my witness, I swear to you if i survive this your dear husband is going to be on the street tomorrow looking for a new job"  I heard the man next to my mother and then he threw the phone against a wall 

"Very well Benny, I am Adelis and you are the current general coordinator of the Alliance High Command"
"Currently I am giving my help to the current emergency due to being one of the people with the highest rank currently present in the city together with the President who by the way is here next to me"
"You are currently relieved of your position on Team Echo with immediate effect"
"Miss Elise will assume command of your unit."
"She is the white girl that is behind you in case you do not know her"

"Wait what !?"
"What are you talking about? She is just a little girl!"
"She is a civilian! She does not have the ability to take over!"
"In fact we should send her to a shelter right away!"

"I think you are not understanding what you just said"
"If she is a civilian and you care so much about her why is she with you right now?"
"Again if she is just a civilian because she then she was able to contact me first and not you in her place"
"Third, Mrs. Elise is currently under my command, which makes her superior to you in rank and you have just insulted her"
"Currently you have already shown incompetence with no time in a situation like this"
"Do you still want me to continue?"

"This is not fair!" The very fag left the room crying

He certainly didn't have the ability to lead a team, the real question was how the hell had he gotten so high in the first place.

"Hey, are you really going to leave me in charge of these people?"
"I don't remember signing for a second trip in the army"

"It's just for the emergency that ..."

Suddenly an explosion could be heard from Adelis's side, the camera shook a bit, a little dust fell from the ceiling and my mother clung to a table with force, but it did not happen more and the image continued.

"What was that!?"
"Everything is fine there !?" I Ask worried.

"It seems that we received an impact on one of the upper floors"
"Integrity of the building still intact" Shouted one of the soldiers next to my mother

"The city's air defense system is under enemy control"
"The UN has several that were independent of the system but they are not enough to face what they are throwing at us"
"I am currently in the vault under the building, so I am not at risk at the moment"
"I'll be fine even if the place collapses"
"But if the Empire soldiers raided the place on foot that could be different"
"The troops are still holding on but we don't know how much more we can take"
"Our biggest problem is the enemy artillery, they don't stop launching missiles towards here"

"Send the troops to use the surrounding buildings and not to stay near the street"
"Don't focus so much on suppressing the enemy by shooting a lot, save ammo"
"Stay between the targets and take precision shots at the troops, that will keep them scared and save time"
"Charlotte's sisters now have wings so being in the open is very dangerous"
"If they are separated into small groups between the floors of the skyscrapers, the survival of the troops will increase"
"If you have vehicles with heavy weapons I would put them in the lobbies of the buildings ready to ambush other vehicles or the DOLLS when they appear"
"What you have to do is buy time, not defeat them"

Adelis looked at me on the screen, as did several officers who were next to her. They were all looking at me like I was a freak.

"Where did you get that idea from?"


"Very well you heard it"
"If someone doesn't have a better idea, do what she said" she told the others to go back to work
"We are doing our best but the situation is not encouraging"

"How is the game?"
"By how much are we losing?"

"Outside of the UN surroundings I don't think we have any more allied units, almost all of Manhattan is under enemy control" As Adelis began to speak, some of my daughters put on the same screen the map of the city together with what she was saying
"Satellite images show that the Empire is using containers at the port and naval base to launch the rockets."
"They have secured the site and are currently using it as a base."
"We believe it is from here that they came out"
"Due to the DOLLS, the first units to arrive came from here"
"We also have reports of presence in the vicinity of the airport"

"Damn that's bad"
"Any good news?"

"The 82nd airborne will arrive at 3:00 pm with its troops"
"But despite the fact that they will come with all their heavy weapons, they do not have a place to unload it"
"In addition, the paratroopers do not have a safe place to make their jump"
"We will need to retake the airport before the arrival of the 82nd"
"We are directing all possible forces to the cemetery to gather them and launch an attack to try to retake it"
"Cedric is already in place preparing the details of the assault"
"The JTF Empire Shield, the police, and the National Guard are heading there right now"
"Once reunited we will make a pincer attack, the Alpha team will attack from the north and the Bravo from the west"
"Despite our efforts, we believe that we will only be able to assemble a team of 400 or 500 soldiers for the attack"
"We do not know if it will be enough to defend the place in case of a counterattack"

"Ok I got it, we are close to the meeting point"
"It will take about half an hour to arrive"
"That will leave us only minutes to prepare and launch the attack"
"We have to attack shortly before to have that place under our control for the arrival of reinforcements"

"Wait are you going to help?"
"Are you sure?"

"Well I thought that's why you were telling me all that"
"You need every person you can get"
"We will do Tamamo and me, the others will stay behind at the meeting point"
"Obviously I do not intend to risk their lives"

"Okay, I like knowing that I can count on a Deity on my side"
"I will try to invent something for how we can position you as someone with rank within the army"
"I will also tell Cedric to find you and give you something to mark my granddaughters and inform others, I don't want anyone to confuse them"
"Go with the Echo team to the rendezvous point and help them prepare for the airport assault"
"I will leave the details of the assault to you and Cedric as they are the ones with the most experience in this"

"I leave immediately"

After we finished talking we didn't even bother to collect everything, we just unplugged the twins and left the building. The group of complainers that accompanied me no longer made noise after what happened to their partner. This Benny, despite losing his position, let him accompany us to help us because he really wanted to fight against the Empire and save his city. Due to the distance, we had to hurry to arrive shortly before, because we needed to be fast, both in moving and in the attack, because every minute we lose preparing ourselves is a minute that the enemy is using to strengthen his position. 

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