Valkyria Squadron

Ch80: Operation Desert Jewel Part 2

Operation Desert Jewel Part 2

John F. Kennedy International Airport, Queens, New York
March 5st
1:00 PM

Alpha team was the first to enter combat as planned, they were currently gaining ground in their assigned position. Bravo followed later, Cedric could be heard on the radio giving orders the best he could, but still, because his troops were basically rookies and policemen you could hear that they were having a hard time. After a couple of minutes when Lieutenant Dale gave us the order, we began to advance at full speed along the highway towards the interior of the complex, where the airport terminals were. Our vehicles were divided as indicated before. The teams that had red cards went to Terminal 7, the one that was farthest north and east. The black cards went to Terminal 4, the largest in the place and it was just to the south. I was with them because they were the ones who need more men. 

When finally arrived at JFK airport and were immediately greeted with gunfire from all directions. Gunshots can be heard ricocheting off the walls of the vehicle. The gunner immediately began to respond with the vehicle's machine gun. I was praying that no one with a rocket launcher was targeting us. 

"Ok ladies, we have arrived"
"Sword team use the main entrance, the departures on the level 4"  I started giving orders 
"The place is quite high and open, we need to have the high ground"
"We will attract attention"
"Clubs team use the entrance in the service area in level 2"
"We will attract attention, you will flank them through the side entrance of the first floor"
"Try to be as quiet as possible to have a better chance of surprising them"
"Please don't screw it up, we depend on you to win this and stay alive"

"They're marking us with infrared"

"Activate the trophy system now!"

"Missile launched detected, get ready"

Everyone inside the vehicle screamed at the same time because we were at the mercy of the system being able to destroy the rocket before hitting us.

"Missile successfully intercepted"

"Gunner shoot towards the position where that thing came from now" I point out.
"Does anyone have a grenade launcher?"

"I got a small one mounted on the rifle"

"Okay, you take care of shooting on the first floor"
"Your glasses have a thermal vision right?"

"Wait a minute we can't leave yet!"
"They are shooting us with everything!"
"As soon as we get out of the vehicle they will kill us!"

"Driver, force entry into the building"
"Don't worry about the doors"
"Once inside, throw smoke everywhere"
"Even numbers to the left, odd numbers to the right."
"What I'm going to use is the equal ballistic shield, keep it behind if you want to live"
"Moon take care of those who come from outside, use fire if you want "
"Everyone as soon as you can disperse and look for cover!"
"OK let's go!"

I walked to the door and summoned Avalon. Then I opened the door and immediately felt how several bullets hit the sword. It took me a bit by surprise, but it came back right after. The soldiers accompanying me did as I asked and threw smoke grenades at the sides. Tamamo also threw a pair of talismans towards the doors of the airport terminal, which made a relentless wall of fire.  Everyone who saw that froze for a second.

"What the fuck are you doing!"
"Get Moving, NOW!"

Once the smoke curtains were lifted we started running to the sides of the rooms. Those who were next to me trusted what I told them and stood behind my shield. The truck kept firing from its position trying to cover us. It was a harsh welcome but we managed to survive. Already once with a place to start shooting the thing was a little easier.  The resistance we found inside was moderate, mainly because the place had been prepared prior to our arrival. There were defensive lines as well as places to ambush us.  As we settled, little by little, we had to divide again to better clean the place.  The main rooms were without civilians but the place was full of packages and bags thrown everywhere. My plan seemed to work because after what seemed like an eternity of a couple of minutes the Clubs team caught up with us. They created heavy casualties surprised by the second group who were using silenced weapons unlike us. 

"White, here Idol 1!" a voice broke my communicator, it was that of one of my daughters, but I didn't know which one.
"I've managed to find where the hostages are being held"
"They're in the gate lounges corridor on level 3"
"I have also found a group entrenched in the control tower, they have rocket launchers and snipers"
"They are a great threat to the Bravo group"
"It must be eliminated as soon as possible"

"Roger Idol 1"
"I'll take care"
"Swords follow me we'll try to save the hostages"
"Clubs take the control tower"
"Stryker exited the building and fired at the tower from outside, obviously stop when Clubs are about to enter"
"Beware of more RPG"

"Here Bravo team"
"We have secured several hangars"
"We are beginning to review those that are further east near the terminals"

"Here White, we have confirmed the press of heavily armed units preparing to attack the west, directly towards you Bravo."
"Wait until we manage to take care of them"

"Here ace Diamond"
"The reds have managed to secure terminal 7"
"There was not much enemy presence"
"Unfortunately I can't say the same for civilians"
"We have a lot of civilians inherited due to the battle"

"Here White"
"Leave them behind, we don't have time right now"
"Go to Terminal 8, capture the place, and from there lend support to the Bravo team"
"I need Bravo's help if we want to capture all the terminals before three in the afternoon"

"But miss!"

"It's a fucking order soldier!"
"Complete it even if it is the last thing you do!"


Damn it, I don't want to be the bad guy here but like I said before the mission takes precedence over the rest. We are not only against our enemies, we are also against time. We have to check many places and maintain our positions before help arrives.  What a bad day I have today.

I need that Club to at least gets into combat there in the control tower or else the soldiers there will have it easy to shoot us. Where the hostages were was a straight line with windows on all sides, it was very easy to see what was happening from any other side of the terminal. Preparing to get into position when we're ambushed by a group that came out of nowhere beside us. Sword five and six died in combat, one was killed immediately and the other from his injuries a couple of minutes later. Tamamo threw the spear at him with such force that he smashed the place where the empire's soldiers were. 

When Club gave us he indicated that they finally entered into combat, my group ran like a stampede through the long corridor of the terminal. They shot me with everything they had, but once again, thanks to my great sword, our casualties were no more. When we got to the rooms again, our group divided even more to clean the rooms. The interior of the place became hell when both we and the soldiers of the empire engaged in combat room by room, meter by meter, with the place full of people screaming and crying on the floor.  You could see how some bad shots easily ended up in someone who had nothing to do with this conflict, but there was no time to stop, we had to continue whatever it took. 

We had a very bad time, when we finished I had lost 3 other men. One was the ace of spades, king of spades as well as spade 8. The first was directing the assault on the room that I was not in. He was wounded in combat, sword 8 tried to rescue him but he was also wounded while carrying his captain. King was with me, when an enemy soldier threw a grenade without caring the least about the hostages, he threw himself on the grenade to stop it. His heroic action managed to save the lives of dozens of people. 

We managed to take the area shortly before the Club tells us that they had also secured the control tower. They had also suffered several casualties, it seems 3 with four fighting for their life together with the doctor. On the radio, I indicated to Cedric that the threat from the control tower had been eliminated. They immediately began to move their vehicles between the runways. Our stryker also helped them eliminate several enemies that came out trying to intercept them. 

Everything was going relatively well until suddenly the vehicles that carried our C-Ram batteries that protected us began to shoot into the sky. looking out the window towards the sky I saw three Dolls flying towards us. They clearly came to try to help the soldiers of the empire. Two of them were successfully intercepted, but the third managed to descend at high speed avoiding the shots. When she was level with the ground, she continued to fly about a meter above the ground and attacked a couple of trucks from the Bravo group.  Our stryker managed to damage it but failed to destroy it. She took revenge on her and with her sword of light, she split the vehicle in two.

"Sword 2 and 4 go down and try to see if you can rescue those who were inside the vehicle"
"Moon with me, we have to take care of her"
"The others continue to support Bravo"

"All right"

Tamamo smashed a window and she jumped with me in her arms, since the height was quite great. The Doll, seeming to see that we would be a problem for her, decided to fly at full speed to where we were. Tamamo threw the naginata once more, but the Doll made a sudden turn at the last moment and avoided her. A purple light came out of one of his arms, it was her sword preparing to attackI summoned Avalon, I held him tight and Tamamo put my back next to hers. The Doll's sword didn't hurt mine in the least. And since it seemed like her weapon was malfunctioning, the purple light was only half as long as it was before attacking. I could see the shocked look of the android on her face when I saw that. But Tamamo did not waste the moment and stepped a paper on her arm when she passed by us.  A pillar of fire began to spread through the arm, but the robot did not hesitate for a second, and with her own sword she cut it. With the remaining arm, she took the sword and prepared to launch another attack. Without saying anything we got behind Avalon again. But this time Tamamo warned me not to do anything since we had already won. Believing her words, I just held the sword again to take the impact. But I did not arrive, in his place the Doll realizing that a frontal attack would not work, used my blind angle and approached from the side. And as incredible as Avalon was, it did not offer any lateral defense in case of small attacks, like the ones a Doll could give. I thought it would be my end, but then at the last possible moment, Tamamo's naginata appeared and impaled the at-doll all the way down. Leaving her lifeless pinned to the ground. 

The spear that Tamamo uses is how it could not be otherwise for a goddess, it was a magical naginata. The spear could be moved at the will of the user of it. But Tama preferred not to use it if possible. The reason? Well, because she took her enemies by complete surprise when the spear began to move by itself and fly through the air. As has just been demonstrated. 
The Bravo team managed to get closer to our position and began to go to the other terminals, where it seemed that the enemy presence was less. The Alpha team was still busy with their area, they had run into several points of resistance but continued to progress, slowly but surely. The red cards were still battling for control of Terminal 8, but when the brave group arrived they were able to continue without further problems.  Although at the moment the capture of the airport was almost finished, we could not claim victory yet. Well, we did not know that he could plan the empire in a counterattack. 
Suddenly the sound of several propelled turbines could be heard in the air. Everyone at the airport got on high alert and started looking at the sky. But the air defenses we brought in did not fire. In almost seconds we saw a dozen C-17 Globalmasters fly over us and hundreds of parachutes began to open in the air. 
It was the guys from the 82nd airborne division, who arrived earlier than planned to rescue us. Which heroically ventured alone and without an escort in the middle of enemy territory in order to help. And with his arrival, we could feel a great relief in our hearts. because we were no longer alone, the army had arrived with the warriors of profession seeking revenge. Our chance had finally come.

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