Valkyria Squadron

Ch82: Operation Trident Hammer

Operation Trident Hammer

New york port, Brooklyn, New york
March 5st
4:20 PM

The road to the port has been hard and difficultAfter attacking the airport it was obvious that they would reinforce their positions and prepare to defend.  Right now we have to fight through every street to reach the enemy base and destroy it.  The progress has been quite slow and costly in our lives. Now the houses are nests for machine guns, snipers on rooftops, underground stations bunkers, and trenches. At all times we are receiving an ambush from some new direction.  I never thought that I would see this city in this state in my life, especially after yesterday it was a calm and happy place, now it is the same hell that hit Europe so many times.

Right now I was inside a building just about 5 blocks from the port, I was taking a break with my team, those who survived the combat at the airport. The shots sound dangerously close, a block away, maybe someone on the street is shooting right now.  Inside we were sitting anywhere and without any order, we had not stopped fighting since the day began, and when the order came to attack the port we immediately set off.  We are taking advantage of a couple of minutes to regain our strength and eat something because I had not eaten all day since I woke up. Where we were, it seemed to be an apartment building, its inhabitants had been evacuated but they left everything behind, so we took advantage of it and searched the kitchens to steal food. 

With these minutes of rest, some took advantage and let out their hidden emotions, others began to pray. And then there were those who like me already cared about nothing and we settled down to talk any nonsense in order to improve morale. Someone was talking about how he planned to go fishing in a lake with his son next month. Another about how he met a girl in a bar near here.  In one of those, they asked me why now my skin was much redder than this morning.  Well, that was because now I am an albino, so like them, I am a little weak in the light of the sun. Normally nothing happens to me, but on days like today that I have been outside almost all day, I get sunburned more easily than an ordinary person. But it is nothing serious, it is the same as when a person goes to the beach and tans, but it is nothing serious, only that can happen to me more easily.  Tamamo tried to cook something using the "borrowed" kitchen room, but we ended up using a fire extinguisher.

Once the 82 had radioed us that they had managed to reach the edge of the port, so they occupied everyone for the final assault. I got up and went over the plan to give advice to the men under my command. 

First of all our attack had been divided into three. The Bravo Group, now made up mainly of the 82nd, was still under Cedric's command and would take over the Naval Yard. They were accompanied by the majority of armored vehicles, as it was the largest base, with more enemies and the place was quite open, so it was more effective for tanks.  The Alpha group was divided into two, the first, the main group would break through to arrive and attack the port as soon as possible, forcing the enemy to focus on defending the base. The second, where I was,  would try to assault the south and reach the tunnel that connects with Manhattan, closing the path of enemies, then it will continue upwards to assault the port. Now, the empire for its part after the first defeat has formed several defensive lines, they knew that we would come from the airport, so they knew where to put their defenses quite well.  As a result, the main group of Alpha had been delayed and they were still far from the port.  The superiors changed the orders and now it is the turn of the second group to start the attack on the port alone and they hope that with that the defensive line that holds the first group is weak and they can arrive as reinforcements. Basically putting my team in the center of the stage again, the one we could win would depend on the secondary team being able to do enough damage, if we lost the naval port it would remain under the control of the Empire. 
"Alright girls listen to me"
"Our break is over, we have to go back to the game"
"I can assure you that fighting in the harbor is the biggest hell you could have asked for"
"Narrow corridors, different height levels, short range of vision"
"This fucking place is a fucking maze full of deadly traps"
"There are certainly a lot of booby trap advance slowly and with great care"
"Think that absolutely everything has a bomb attached"
"As soon as we arrive we have to secure any high ground"
"The harbor cranes are perfect for snipers, both for them and for us"
"Our main objective is to destroy the tunnel, cut off the transit of enemy reinforcements to Manhattan"
"After that, we will draw attention as much as we can"
"We need to pretend that we are a larger group than we really are"
"I would like you to find good places to shoot and then switch to or another quickly to continue"
"If you can use windows, shoot from all of them"
"I do not need you to kill as many as you can, what I need is to make them think that we are a lot and that they bring all the soldiers that they can to attack us"
"With this, I hope, that the main group can finally move forward and arrive at our party"
"We will leave the real work of taking the port to those slow ones"
"If they fail, well then we will have to run away"
"But we will have fulfilled our real objective of destroying the tunnel"
"Did you understand? Did anyone take notes? Come on, it's not quantum physics, it's easy right"
There were even more things to consider, but that they did not need to know. According to Idol, which I still don't know which of my daughters is, the USS Essex continues to approach New York. The same aircraft carrier that I served on.  It has the ability to launch amphibious attacks and deploy its soldiers for rapid operation. The people in the bunker together with my mother are arguing right now about asking them to help us or whether to wait so they can save us from some new unforeseen event.  There was also the fact that this was where the missiles and Dolls came from, so it is very likely that they appear, it seems that Tama can take care of them relatively easilybut if a swarm of them attacks us, it will be the end of my soldiers.  But telling them this will only make them unnecessarily more nervous. It is easier not to tell them and there we will see what we do when the time comes.

The combat in the port was just as we thought it would be. It became a horror to advance a couple of meters. The metal containers sometimes bounced the bullets, so you had to shoot very well not to hurt yourself in a stupid way. Those who accompanied me, the black cards, seeing already witnessed what my sword was capable of supporting, no longer hesitated to stand behind him to protect themselves. There was one who even claimed to me that I would always wear it or give it to him.

Thinking that maybe would cause trouble again later, I put the sword down and told him that he could take it if he wanted.  He tried with all his might to lift her up, but couldn't move her in the slightest, just as I knew would happen.  That sword had been prepared to counter whatever was thrown at it. So he also had a way to counteract a robbery, as simple as that Avalon would use any means to not let himself be picked up by anyone other than his owner, that means me, It basically worked the same as Thor's hammer. Although the sword was quite heavy even for me, it was possible to use it with great effort. That is separate from his ability to be summoned.

Returning to the battle, we felt like a great explosion occurred near us, then the 82nd demolition team reported that they had managed to destroy the entrance to the tunnel. So we continue to advance a little more to put pressure on the enemy. At one point later someone yelled that we lookup. And with that we saw how several traces could be seen in the sky, it seemed that they were missiles launched from some cruiser or destroyer, they were a lot, maybe a hundred. The anti-aircraft defense of the city was activated and began to shoot but they were too many and at least twenty managed to continue.  They flew over us and not long after they exploded near us. Without even waiting for me to ask, Idol replied that those missiles were from the USS Essex carrier group, their target was the Naval Yard to lighten the advance of the Bravo group.  But it seems that my mother was behind that because it seems that speaking with the twins she happened to launch as many missiles as possible to test the defenses of the city and until it limits they were effective. It seems that she plans to do something with it later, but that does not concern me for now.  But seeing those missiles fly near the statue of liberty is curious, to say the least. 

After that, the main Alpha group finally warned us that they managed to break the defensive line and were making their way to the port. Counting on his approval, I decided to stop pressing and try to take it a little lighter. I just planned to stay in the places we have now and just keep shooting until the other group finishes their part. But then once again came another move from the enemy, This time it was coming from the city, a group of Dolls was flying towards our position, at least a dozen. No matter how good we were fighting against them, as soon as they arrive it will be a massacre.  Fearing for the lives of my men, I immediately gave the order to retreat. Tama and I were left trying to kill the ones we could in an attempt to save as many soldiers as possible. 

Tama lifted me back into her arms and we got on top of one of the cranes in the harbor, hiding. As soon as the first one touched the ground, Tama threw a pair of fire talismans and her naginata. But despite this, she only managed to destroy 2 of the group. I also threw myself holding my sword and putting my feet on his blade-like I'm doing a trick with a skateboard and fell directly on another one. Avalon could also protect me from mortal falls, but only that from a height that would kill me, a fall that would not kill me if it would hurt enough because it would not do anything to alleviate the impact. But there are still nine more Dolls. Tamamo got behind me and her spear flew back to herand without telling us anything I used Avalon as a shield again and forced my march forward, protecting us both from their attacks.  My wife on her side with her spear takes the opportunity and used her spear between the gaps to attack.  As we were surrounded by the containers, this technique turned out to be quite effective because they could not surround us. The first few minutes, then the damn ones spread their wings and just flew to the other side, behind us. Tamamo did what she could but there were still about 6 left. And now the situation was desperate. I was still thinking of ideas on how to get out of this one when suddenly a laser beam hit the last one that caused her to explode immediately.

Following the origin of the lightning, I could see in the sky a group of girls also with wings, but this time they were human, with those combat suits that were used to hunt down the Dolls. It was a squad of Arksuits.  Two of the Dolls that were attacking us jumped and began to fly to face the new group that just appeared in the air. Taking advantage of the moment Tamamo placed talismans on two of the robots she was fighting with, she took me and jumped to the other side of Avalon with me, She kicked the last Doll that pushed her back several feet until she hit a container. Then the pillars of blue fire rose just a couple of centimeters from where we were, but Avalon protecting us as always made us not feel the infernal heat on the other side of his blade.  The Doll that hit the metal box looked like it had a couple of system glitches, but without wasting the opportunity to hit her and put my pistol on, shooting at her at full blast. 

We looked to the sky to see how the Arksuit squad was doing, and the truth was fatal. Two were dead on the ground, a third had been hit against the containers like the Doll from before and had broken her legs.  Although there were still several left, they were struggling with difficulties against only two of the androids. Although one of them was doing much better than the rest, she had dark hair with a little blue and was wearing glasses. She alone could handle one of the Dolls, she probably could beat him, but she was leaving the rest of her squad to the mercy of the other robot. I asked Tama to help with that other Doll. She took her naginata from the ground, took a little momentum, and threw it into the sky with such precision that she managed to split the Doll that was causing trouble in two. That last thing I  could have said if it weren't for the fact that that spear made such a tight turn in the air that it almost looked like a homing missile. 

With only one remaining, the group of Arksuits were finally able to do something and end the last of the Dolls. I did not want to be very critical of them, because they had saved me. But our score was 10-2 and they were supposed to specialize in fighting the Dolls.
They landed after that and approached me, but carefully as if they were looking at two monsters. They were impressed by the large amount that we managed to destroy in such a short time. So impressed that they actually raised their weapons against us, thinking we might be a threat.  Although not very smart of you to threaten someone who just saved you and who could handle 10 of the same things that you could with effort handle one at a time. I  raise my hands and told them I was with the United States Army, I even showed them my armband, some of my soldiers even came out of hiding to help me. But they didn't want to believe me until the girl who was good at fighting from before came down, she took out her tablet and gave them the order to lower their weapons. It seemed that she was the captain of the group and he wanted to talk to us. 

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