Valkyria Squadron

Ch84: Try To Grab The Big Apple

Try To Grab The Big Apple

New york port, Brooklyn, New York
March 5st
4:40 PM

In front of me, I had a girl with white and blue armor, she had an inquisitive face checking her tablet and looking towards Tama and me. It seems that she is trying to confirm that the data she had was correct, when she finished she addressed her word to us:

"Are you Elise and Tamamo?"
"Are they the ones with the Adelis team?"
It's right? she said with a tone of authority but excited 

"With whom I have the pleasure?" I answered

"My name is Shelby Logan, captain of the Arksuits Cyclone Squadron, callsing Cyclone one"
"We have been sent by Adelis to help you in the taking of the port in case of the appearance of more of those androids"
"She told me to be hooked on weird girls and only intervene if necessary"
"At first I undoubtedly thought she was crazy, how could I let two girls take care of that, but I must say that you have blown me away."
"You are certainly a force to be reckoned with Mrs. Tamamo"
"No doubt I already see why Adelis has chosen you as a person of confidence"
"Everyone on my team could certainly learn a lot from you!"
"Don't you want to be the vice-captain of my team?"
"But first I would like to know how you created such a strong fire"
"If you allow me, I would like to ask you Tamamo to send your soldiers a little more to the note to secure the ground so we can talk a little more"

Wait a moment! Is it me or is she leaving me by my side?

"That doesn't matter right now"
"I imagine you've been communicating with central command, do you know what's next on the list?" I screamed for her to notice me

She stood where she was looking at me immediately and made a face of contempt when she saw me.

"May I ask what that brat is doing here?"
"get outta here before I shoot stupid girl"
"This is not a playground, go bother your mother"
"The time to play soldiers is long over"
"Mrs. Tamamo, I can't believe you agreed to bring a little girl to a place like this!"
"Please reflect greatly on what you do and think better of your actions"
"If she bothers the wrong person, like me, I cannot ensure her safety"

"Are you finished talking?" Tamamo answered simply.

"What do you mean?"
"Tell that girl to be large! she is a hindrance to you right?"
"Wouldn't you be better off if you're alone and not with that girl preventing you from being able to fulfill your potential?"

Tamamo put her naginata on Shelby's neck and there was even a slight gash from which a small amount of blood was coming out. Nobody noticed when she did that, not even me.

"You certainly have the courage to say so much shit together about her in my presence"
"You better treat her with the utmost respect if you want that head to remain attached"
"That little girl over there is the only thing keeping me from turning this stupid country into ashes if it is full of sacks meat like the stupid one in front of me"
"We agree, bitch?"

Tamamo had an extremely terrifying face, her eyes seemed to glow brightly in blue, and for some reason, she seemed to be bigger than she actually was. I've never really seen her this angry, I think since we met. And although I was happy that she stood up for me. I had to do something before my wife turns into a giant fox and eats her.  But without a doubt, she must have had special merit to get Tama out of her mind. 

"Come on, relax a little"
"Everyone can always make mistakes"
"She had no way of knowing who is important here "
"If I were in her place I would also make that mistake if I saw a girl like me"

"Don't try to feel sorry for her"
"You don't have to lower yourself down to the level of trash like her "
"You are nothing like her, She is exactly the kind of scum I met every day in the palace"

"Ok, okay, you already made it clear"
"Anyway we still occupy her alive"
"She continues to work under Adelis, so we are on the same team, okay"
"Can you lower your spear so she can explain what we should do now?"

"Commit a single lack of respect again and I will bury you under the sea"  Tama said before withdrawing her weapon from the poor girl.

When Miss Shelby got rid of the threat her legs trembled and she fell to the ground almost crying. I had never seen Tama angry before and the truth is I have no idea what she did will have repercussions on mere mortals, but I am sure that her presence must have been several times more terrifying for her poor victim.


After a couple of minutes of waiting for the captain of the Arksuits group to recover and confirming that we had the port under our control. We searched every part of the port for anything the Empire might have left behind. Among the things they left behind were a large number of supplies that it seems they were unable to send to the front troops, as well as the missile launchers with which the day began. We also found some maintenance equipment that appeared to be from the androids, as well as what looked like a short take-off platform for them. But regarding the possible existence of the portal that the Empire could possess, I failed to find anything. After cleaning the place, all the officers gathered at a table with the map to decide what our next step was. In one of the improvised monitors, we could also communicate with the people in the bunker and with my mother.

The first thing is that we had managed to deal with the majority of the Empire's troops deployed outside of Manhattan. In addition, the governor of New Jersey has managed to concentrate the national guard in Hoboken and they are preparing to launch an attack to the west to distract the enemy forces,  which will force them to disperse. The second thing would be that the USS Essex strike teams will join us as reinforcements, so they now make up an army of considerable size. The main group along with Cedric will go to the north to help evacuate the UN building, as well as replace the troops there that have been in combat all day. 
The first was the report of how the electricity was cut throughout the city, It seems that groups from the Empire took control of two of the most important power plants, resulting in an event that would change our plans a bit. This is because all the C-Rams have batteries to continue working in the event of an event like this, this was even logical that they have that. The problem was that these same stations entered lockout mode during the power failure, which means that their function parameters cannot be remotely modified. which means that without the electricity working we could not regain control of the defense system and we would have to go to each and every one of the potions in the city to have them on our side again. Which was obviously not feasible. We would have to take back the power plants first. We were still thinking about what to do when suddenly I heard a voice:
"I think I can help with that and speed up the process" It was Idol, but this time I did not hear it through the radio but from my back.
Scared I turned to look immediately and there I saw my daughters with Maria and Momo, all of them with an armband indicating that they were on the side of the Alliance.  The whole group was accompanied by Cedric who seemed to come from a boxing match, as the underdog. Shelby looked scared at the twins, but before she tried anything, Tama put her naginata on her neck again, inviting her to reflect deeply on what she was thinking of doing.
"But what are you doing here!"
"It is dangerous!"
"Especially for you two!"
"Right now there are at least a dozen others that look the same as like you"
"The girl next to me even thought of attacking you!"
"If this was your idea Cedric I'm going to kill you!"
Although the clothes that the twins wore could make them pass as human, they would not fool someone like the members of the Cyclone Squadron who are used to fighting against them.

"No high wait!"
"I was the one who invited them!" But to my surprise, it was my mother who spoke.

"The what!?"

"Momo told me that she had knowledge of this strange machine and that she is used to providing military support and logistics"
"So I asked if she could come over so she could check if there were at least traces of the machine"
"The others simply decided to follow her, I sent Cedric personally to take care of them and avoid any misunderstandings"

"Regarding the machine, it is not here, but there are traces of its activation for a prolonged period in the area" The angel answered still wearing her peculiar disguise.

Everyone looked at her nervously and their faces clearly indicated what they wanted to ask. But Momo ignored them and since my mother gave witness that she knew her, no one said anything.

"All right"
"Now Idol explains your idea to others" said my mother.

"We can regain control of the city's anti-aircraft system, but it will be a two-step process" Kazumi sat down at the table and began to explain the plan that she had created with her sister.
"The first will be to regain control of the power plants."
"The main group can go for the northernmost one on their way to rescue the UN building"
"The second is going to be much more difficult, since it is located in Manhattan, although you are relatively alone, the nature of the place makes it easy to defend"
"My idea is that White and Moon accompany the Cyclone Squadron to take this place"
"In this way, even a small group can achieve it"
"The second part will be Operation Thunderdome"
"In it, we will use all the available ships to fly over Manhattan"
"They will fly very high out of the range of the anti-aircraft machine guns"
"The planes will carry everything they can and once they reach their goal they will drop everything"
"The antiaircraft system has a target limit it can track, so throwing a lot of things into the air will create an opportunity"
"If this failure occurs we can deploy assault teams doing a HALO jump hidden among all the scrap in the air and they can land successfully"
"The mission of these ground teams is to capture and maintain the command center of the anti-aircraft system"
"Which is located on the 65th floor of the Empire State Building"
"With the system on our side, we will immediately be able to establish air superiority so that the planes and helicopters can launch a devastating attack on the Empire's troops"
"With this, we believe we can recover the entire city by more or less 3 in the morning"

Everyone at the meeting was surprised by the plan, both how well explained by Kazumi and how crazy Thunderdome was.

"Why is the control room in the old Empire State Building?" asked one of the officers

"Precisely because of its age, the construction of the building is incredible and its durability was taken into account at all times"
"The materials and its construction process basically turn it into a huge indestructible fortress"
"This fact that almost no one knows together with its antiquity makes it a perfect place to put such a critical system"  My mother replied that she seemed to be aware of this.


After the meeting, we started getting ready for the next battle of the day. Cedric set about preparing his team for the assault. Shelby did the same with her group because her outfits were more difficult to maintain. We had to attack before dark. I was still loading more ammunition when there was something that caught my attention almost immediately, setting off an alarm in me.


"Kazumi Valkyria Vindas Barboza Mora Jimenez Ambrosio Petronila Clemencia de la Santísima Trinidad del Corazon de Jesus del Niñito Dios de la Cruz del Perpetuo Soccoro , (inhale air), what do you think you're doing up there!"
"Get off there right now before something happens"

"Why do you use that too long long name, I don't remember that we set that to be my full name?"

"Is a Latin way of saying the weight of the punishment your parents are going to give you for something you committed"
"You have no idea how much trouble you just got into"

"But I was getting ready to fly dad"

"To fly!?"
"Fly where !?"
"Where the hell did you get that from !?"
"Just look at you, you're not even wearing clothes!"
"Get out of there and dress up before!"
"They're going to make them attack you if you keep up with it!"

"The plan to retake the southern power plant and the control center requires us to be physically in the areas"
"Momo use the pieces of the destroyed Doll and modify them to be able to attach them to me"
"With this, we can fly and maneuver, in addition to being able to use the lightsaber"
"With this, I will not be a "dead weight" in your next battle"

"And who the hell came up with an idea so stupidly deeply retarded !?"

"It was mine"
"By we were arguing with our grandmother and we arrived that this is the best way to proceed"

"I myself tried to hold them back, but she was the one who insisted, they wanted to help you more" Momo appeared behind me.

"No way!"
"You even have any idea how dangerous it is out there!"
"There are people dying right now!"
"I am not going to lose anyone close to me!"

"Dad, my sisters and I were built to do things just like this!"
"I am excited to think that I will be able to do what was planned in me despite what happened!"
"It is the second time that I feel so excited and alive since I was created" Said the girl with a clear face excited.

"You may have been made for this kind of thing, but you're still my daughter"
"You have no idea how devastated we will be if something happens to you?"
"I could never bear to lose you"
"Please reconsider!"

"If you are so afraid that something will happen to her why don't you accompany her too?"
"You can do it right?"
"for someone like you, everything that happened today is only Thursday normal for you"
"I mean, your list of things you've done before is ridiculous compared to all of this"
"I'm sure that protecting them will only be an extra effort for you"
"After all, you used to protect Nanami from dragons, right?"
"How different would that be from this?"

"Momo please don't talk anymore"

"Let's go, dad!"
"Nothing would thrill me more than fighting alongside my father proving that I can be better than those mass-produced versions"

"My love, if the girls want to go then let them"
"After all, they also have to learn in some way or another"

"You too Tama?"

"I'm just saying that I agree that they go"
"Maybe in this way they can learn some important lesson that is not seen in the books they read"
"It is important to know your own limitations and faults in order to correct them, so this is a good opportunity for that"

"Okay, I agree"
"But don't even think you'll be alone for a damn second!"
"Tama you better take care of her completely!"
"I don't want to see even a scratch on her paint"
"And do not even think that you are going to stay there, as soon as we finish this we will return to the airport immediately"

"Well that was part of the plan"
"After all, I will also accompany the team that will make the jump over New York in Operation Thunderdome"

"What that too?"

"There is no one who could overwrite the operating system as I could"
"It is easier for me to do it and for that, I will need to be in the control center"

"Fuck, anything else?"

"It is impossible for you to accompany me to the Empire State because there is no way you can get to the airport in time before the planes take off"

"I've heard enough, stop there"
"I'm not Batman to be everywhere when they need me"
"And alone you will not go anywhere"

"Then the plan to retake the city will be a failure"
"Millions could die if we don't regain air control"

"Wait a second I'm thinking what I can do about it"
"Is there anything you can do Tama?"

"Even if I turn into a giant fox, it will take a long time to run through these streets full of things"

"Damn, and how do you plan to get to the airport?" I looked at my daughter for an idea

"Using the modified drone on my back I can fly quite fast, it will only take a few minutes to get there"

"Shit, if only I could fly again too"
"Wait for a second! That's it!"
"If I use one of those Arksuits it could fly too!"
"Momo, can you use the two damaged armor from there to be able to make a suit for me?"
"It doesn't have to be perfect, just functional"

"Well if I can do it, it's not difficult at all"
"But there are many more details more important than that"
"Your body is not made to fly, you do not have the necessary physical condition"
"Your butt is literally so big that blood could accumulate in your legs and you might lose consciousness in one quick maneuver"
"Also the frontal armor does not fit your chest so the center of gravity will be unbalanced"
"The weight distribution would be wrong and if you use the main weapon maybe your arm will not resist it and it will break"
"Your foxtail is too long, it could get caught in the thruster, or catch fire if it reaches the hot air outlet"
"And that without going into details yet that you do not know how to use the armor at all"

"Minor details unimportant"
"I'm sure you'll come up with something to fix it, after all, you were in favor of the girls accompanying me"
"Also I already know how to fly, how different could use one of those from a combat fighter?"

"OK I will do it"
"But I will also prepare the medical kit for when you return"
"Intact you will not return, that's for sure"

With this, we got down to work to create the suit for me before the fight to prepare the final battle for the city. Momo and I prepared what we thought which parts were necessary and which parts were not worth wasting time repairing. Tama by her side was with her with the twins talking to her about what they should do. As the timer continued, the decisions of what to do and what we're not more important. It was worth spending time repairing the main battery or better to spend it on increasing the armor. It was a good idea to use an energy weapon or better not to save energy. When time is up I think we managed to create something that would at least get me from the electric shovel to the airport in time to catch the plane from which I would return to the city. 

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