Valkyria Squadron

Ch94: Little Big Problem

Little Big Problem

An endless meadow, a refreshing wind that hid the intense sun that there was and only me walking in the middle of nowhere was all there was. What kind of place is this? I've been walking all day without stopping and it doesn't even seem that there are traces of civilization on this planet. Just walking in a straight line towards the direction that Stela told me, I hope she has not made a mistake or else I will be finished. When the landscape began to change to a more mountainous one, I ran into the first people of this world. But it seems that it would not be the kind welcome that I expected. 

At the base of a small mountain was what appeared to be a cave and in front of it were what appeared to be two demons quite similar to Lisa who killed a man right in front of me. They stabbed him a couple of times and then left him lying on the ground, then they went to a wagon that was only a couple of steps away and began to lower the wooden boxes that he had. I thought it best not to get involved and go on my way, but then one of the demons put his hand in one of the boxes and I saw something that caught my attention. The demon took out a small bottle which contained a small girl, about the size of the anime figure, the demon began to laugh and dance, it seemed that what they had found was what they were looking for. The miniature girl trembled with fear and began to cry, it seemed that what awaited her would not be pleasant.  Before I knew it I had already blown the head of one of them with my pistol, the other turned to see me scared by the enormous noise that made even the birds fly out of fear. The demon tried to jump to start flying as well but fired my second shot at the end of the fight if it could be called that way. I put the bottle together and I saw that the girl was fine, which despite her enormous fear seemed to be. Looking at her more closely I could see that she had small wings on her back, it seemed that she was a fairy, quite a pretty one actually. She wore a rather ornate white dress, blond hair long enough for her height, had peculiar long ears similar to those of an elf, and blue eyes full of tears. Seeing that the girl was shaking too much, I thought I'd better finish at once, I opened the bottle and put it on the floor. Then I walked away and started checking the demons for something of value, clearly giving the poor fairy a chance to escape. The truth is that there was almost nothing of value in the place, almost everything was farm tools and seeds. It seemed that the dead man was a rather poor merchant, the demons had nothing important besides the clothes they wore. None of all that served me, when I turned around the bottle was empty, the fairy had left, so I decided to continue my way to the city 

Almost at the end of the day, I came across a forest, with which I entered to spend the night, as I preferred to sleep on top of a tree than in the middle of a plain in the open. Using Avalon as a knife I managed to create a spear with a stick and with it I hunted something that I call a bull rabbit because it had two horns and was quite aggressive. Returning to using a bullet as a lighter, I managed to light a fire to prepare my dinner, which turned out to be richer than I expected to be only meat with nothing else. But suddenly my ears picked up some noise, I turned my head to try to look in that direction but something hit me, it was not a strong blow but rather like something was thrown at me. I looked around and was surprised to see what had happened, the same fairy that I had rescued before was back on the ground, she had a small wound on her abdomen, it seemed to be only a small cut, but for her size, I did not know if it was serious. Another time I heard more noise, this time I heard the sounds of metal being hit, they were coming in my direction, that could not be good. Connecting the dots quickly I thought that they must be behind the fairy again, so I hid it between the fur of my tail quickly.  Out of the darkness came a group of young people, about 5 of them, one had a fairly large shield and a mace, another a fairly large two-handed sword, a girl had few clothes but had large metal gloves and behind themthere was a boy with a bow next to another girl had a cane and a big hat. There was no way they weren't a group of adventurers, they even seemed to be divided into roles just by looking at their equipment. As soon as they saw me, despite me still eating my rabbit bull with their hands they raised their weapons ready to fight. One of them started giving orders to the others and when I listened to them I could see that they speak German, so I tried to explain to them that I was not a threat and that I was just eating without disturbing anyone. But they didn't listen to me, without saying anything they attacked me with their sword, I told them to stop or that I would be forced to defend myself, but they didn't listen to me either, they all prepared their weapons to attack me all at once. In the end, seeing that diplomacy was not useful, I used that technique that Indiana Jones taught me. Poor of them bringing knives to a shootout. The five went from being they are a group to they were a group. 

Once again I remembered what Stella told me at the beginning. It seemed that here the beastmen were considered enemies for humans because these adventurers had not the slightest doubt to attack me. And what was worse, I had to find a way to enter a human city and try to interact with them to access the dungeon. I would have to register with the guild where these guys probably came from. I would have to find a way to expose myself as little as possible in that society. So I started looking for clothes to hide the usual troubled parts. The most useful thing was the armor of one of them because although I could not use all of them, there were several parts that served me, as protectors for the arms, chest, and finally a pair of good boots with metal protection. But I prefer not to use many pieces of metal because my greatest priority is mobility, all my fighting strategy has been based on this, so it is the most important thing if I want to stay alive.
The little girl started to move, it seemed like she was regaining her consciousness, so I went to help her. But the small size of her made her not easy, so in the end, all I could do was tie some cloth around her abdomen and hope that would help. Which seemed to work, as it seemed to be improving rapidly. It seemed that she was cold, so I laid her on my tail and used a handkerchief as if it were her blanket. I continued to finish my meal which they did not let me finish. In what was in that the fairy completely woke up and began to look around, when she noticed where she was she was quite scared. Looking for a way to calm her down a bit, I remembered that I was still the chocolate bar that started this stupid journey, so I gave her a part by inviting her to eat a little. At first, she showed doubt, but after I showed her that was not poisoned by eating a little she tried it. And boy did she like her because she didn't stop until she finished the portion that I had given her. Seeing hows she behaved I laughed a little when I saw how much her guard had dropped just for food.
"I can't believe you really fell for just a piece of chocolate" I mentioned myself.
"Well, the same could tell you about you,"
"Why do you have me loose?"
"Won't you put me in a bottle?"
I was surprised to hear the fairy answer me.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm just helping a person who seemed to be in trouble"
"It's not a big deal"
The girl for some reason was surprised that I just said. She began to fly swishing her wings at a fairly high height but she kept looking at me. 
"Are you sure?"
"Could it be that you don't know the rumors?"
"If so, what would happen if I told you that if you sacrifice a fairy, you can fulfill a wish that you want?" The little girl said cautiously.
"Well, I already had my chance, and still look at me how I am"
"Do I  look like  someone who made a wish and it came true?"
"Do I  look like a winner?"
"What the hell is wrong with that apathetic reaction?"
"Are you not excited to hear those words?"
"If you sacrifice a fairy you can fulfill your wish, no matter what it is!" Now she said surprised.
"Girl, just look at the sky for a moment"
"Do you see the sky on fire?"
"Or the face of a narcissist covering the sun?"
"An empire that took over the whole of the earth?"
"What? No"
"If this world is not in chaos despite how easy it is to make wishes then it means that it is a lie"
"If there was a way to get rich so easily, everyone would already be"
"I have seen people waste their empires for them, moving valleys and mountains of existence just out of a miserable hope that it was possible."
"So that method will surely have already been tried and failed hundreds of times at least."
"You are a very strange person"
"Are you really not interested in anything?"
"Whatever is?"
"The only thing that I would like, you can't give it to me"
"And what I'm looking for now  is to go home with my family again"
"I can't believe it, a big person who is not interested in capturing fairies!"
"This has never been seen before!" The little girl began to approach me until she was level with my face.
"Don't think you're the big deal"
"You should know the people I live with, each one is weirder than the last"
"By the way, you don't have a place to go back to?"
"Your family must be worried, go back to them."
"For me, it's too late for that"
"I already spent a long time locked up" she said discouraged.
"What do you mean by that?"
"What does it mean?"
"As you can imagine, fairies have been hunted by huge people."
"So we've been looking for ways to hide"
"The kingdom of the Fairies does not stay long in one place"
"Change places constantly so tall people can't find us "
"In this way, it is also avoided that the captured fairies can reveal the information of where that place is. "
"So if a Fairy like me spends a lot of time captured when I return to where I remember the Kingdom of the fairies was, it will no longer be there"
"That is why straggling fairies are considered dead."
"There's no way I can get back to my family "
"So this is the end of my way "
"There is nothing I can do to avoid my fate from being found and sacrificed."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, I must have been more sensitive to the subject"
"Although if you have nowhere to go, how about coming with me?"
"I'm trying to go home and I don't know almost anything about this place, so your help would do me pretty good."
"What do you think?"
"Do you want to team up with me and go home together?"
"Okay, suppose I accept"
"What would we have to do to go there?"
"Where do you live?"
"And what about your family? Do you think they accept me with you?"
"Well it's not an easy answer, because the most likely thing is that you think I'm crazy"
"But I swear to you that what I'm going to say is true"
"...." The fairy stared at me with wide eyes of curiosity.
"I come from another world very far from here"
"One where fairies don't exist, only in fantasy tales"
"And I live with my family, where we have a demon living with an angel, along with my sister who is a human"
"A fairy like you will not look so out of place next to them"
"What do you think of that?"
"That you are lying" she said immediately.
"If you really come from another world, how did you come here and how do you even think about going back to it!?"  she said angrily puffing up her cheeks.
"It seems that someone in the Etria kingdom tried to summon a hero from another world and I ended up here."
"In how to return, I only have to get to the 25th floor of Florin's Dungeon and I can return to my home."
"I do not intend to spend more than two weeks in this world"
"Wait, are you serious?" she brought her hand to her mouth 
"Because you're talking like you're not really kidding!"
"Come on, wouldn't you like to leave this world behind and go live in a place where people think fairies are just a myth?"
"No one will believe even when you see you, they will think that they are going crazy, and rather they will be scared"
"Except my sister, she will probably try to see if you can teach her to fly like in the movie "
"So, what do you say? Yes or no?"
"...." the little fairy stopped to think silently.
"All right"
"Okay, I will accompany you and help you"
"In any case, if it is a trap, nothing will change, I will be dead on my own, so what else can I lose."
"But you should also do the same with me"
"People consider me a coveted object unlike you, so I will need you to protect me because they will try to rob me"
"My name is Tifa and you?"
"Well I have several, but for now to avoid problems call me Elise"
"Nice to meet you"
I stretched one of my fingers that she took with both hands to shake it and accept the deal that we both proposed. After that, I prepared to sleep on top of one of the trees. I had already done it a couple of times so it wasn't that much of a problem. Tifa for her part told me that due to their stature fairies have a lot of natural enemies, for example, they were the favorite food of snakes or large spiders. So fairies are by nature very cautious and seek safe places to sleep.  So finally after a talk of the same thing of almost 20 minutes she ended up sleeping using my fox tail as a bed. The same one that I was also using as a blanket because I had nothing else to warm myself with.

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