Valkyria Squadron

Ch96: Heroine Of Another World

Heroine Of Another World

When the sun finally reached the city of Florin, people began to leave their houses and clean everywhere, they were quickly decorating the main roads, and musicians brought their instruments. It seems that today there was a big celebration of some kind, but from the speed of the preparation, it does not seem that it was something that was commonly done on this date.  Some military victory maybe? 

Tifa, the little fairy that accompanied me got quite nervous because of the large number of people in the streets, so she hid again in my bag. For my part, I put on the hood and hid my ears and my tail well with them, so at first glance, it looked like another human, the only thing I had to avoid was that it fell off. I found a lonely alley to get off the roofs and walk normally. Once down I went to what seemed to be the main square of the city where the market was also located and I began to listen to the conversations of others to try to gather information. And boy was the news important, it seemed that the hero would come to town to celebrate his most recent victory and make a very important announcement. I had no money for anything, but I decided to have breakfast by stealing a couple of meat skewers from a street stall while I continued to gather information, for the fairy I put a small portion of meat inside the bag, although I don't know if the fairies are vegetarian or not. But seeing as she didn't complain, I think she liked it.

A great noise began to be heard near the entrance of the city, then guards appeared making room in the street to let a group of knights pass. They all wore large armor, quite decorated with their weapons, but despite the fact that the men of the unit looked quite tired they did their best to celebrate together with the villagers. People mentioned that they were the royal guard, returning from the battlefield with a great victory behind them. Some mentioned that with a great victory humanity would be only one step away from defeating the Demon Lord, and with that, the end of the war was near.  At the end of the horse training came the commander of the unit, an older man, maybe fifty years old, greeting the others. And then when the person next to him took off his helmet, everyone shouted for joy, was the hero of another world who had come to save the world from destruction. 

I also wanted to scream, but in panic, because of all the people who could have that position, of all possibilities it had to be her. In front of me was Sakura Izumi, riding a white horse and wearing her golden armor, highly ornamented but worn by combat. Her blonde hair matched her outfit perfectlyNext to her waist was a katana that contrasted with all the European atmosphere that was in the place. I couldn't believe that of all the people who could end up playing the chosen hero, they had to give it to her, twice. Just seeing her happily greeting the audience made me want to vomit. Without a doubt, she must feel on top of the world again now that everyone thinks that she is the best thing that could happen to the universe. But the worst of all is that surely she had gained power again, surely again she is strong now, and knowing what she is capable, I am probably seeing the strongest person in the world right now. An unstoppable army in the shape of a human. A person is so strong that the Atlanteans dedicated a mural to her recounting her great deeds. 
Sakura is an incredibly strong and lucky person. As she is a descendant of Beowulf genes make her combat potential high, but even so, she is so special that she is capable of taking this to the maximum, she is in theory perhaps the pinnacle of humanity. And that is exactly what I hated about her, she is theoretically perfect, with a perfect life, with enormous luck, and who has never suffered need or a setback in her life. Probably being victorious in a battle without breaking a sweat is the normal thing in her life, unlike all the mortal beings around unworthy of her presence. And if that were not enough, her personality marked by competitiveness and perfectionism has made her a diamond in the rough. There was no mountain that she could not overcome, and in case of resistance, she would not rest until she had destroyed her path, crushing with a devastating force.  If there was someone better than her in any area, that would be her next goal to beat and crush. If she got a B on an exam and you got an A, she would not rest until she had a minimum SS +, to reaffirm that she is superior to you. She also plays the card of the power of friendship and that together everything can be achieved, that a group of friends giving each other stupid support with stupid phrases will make the world a better place without difficulty or setback.
And that's why the dragons almost beat us. We lost countless groups of soldiers supporting their crazy and senseless plans. More than once she jumped to the front of a battle without backup and caused more casualties, on her side she usually said that we had to end the war as soon as possible. And her reluctance to make logical decisions about leaving behind someone important to be able to fulfill an objective or that she mentioned the power of friendship to rescue her fellow dragon hunters doing great losses of ours in her place. Because of course, launching himself to rescue his friend from school who was ambushed by dragons was 3 times more important than escorting the group of blacksmiths. And then it was our fault for losing several when she was not with us. But of course, saving her friend's life was a great victory worthy of the mural, not the 400 normal soldiers who also died helping her, they were just nameless losers.  Just an NPCIt wasn't until she lost her sister that she went from winning to receive applause to fighting to win a war. 

I doubt very much that she remembers those times now, for her she is surely having the best day of her life, she is saving the world and everyone praises her. and when she gets back to earth she will look at others as insects that she could destroy at any moment if she wanted to, but since she is "the chosen one" she will pretend to hold back until something goes wrong and will start again to be the heroine.

I had been so distracted remembering why I hated her that I didn't realize they had put up a platform from which Sakura and the commander planned to speak to their cheerful audience. And great was the news because the invoked heroine announced the end of the human war against the demons. The Demon Lord had died in combat with Sakura yesterday in her castle. Mentioning the account of what happened, they said that a second hero was summoned to help the war effort, but because he did not show up, it made everyone nervous. One theory was suggested by one of the real magicians, and it is that perhaps there was a possibility that the demons had interfered with the rite and had kidnapped the invoked hero. When Sakura heard this she immediately ran to the main castle of the demons despite the fact that in theory, she was not yet ready to rescue her compatriot and return the two of them together to earth. But despite the fact that she could not find the achievement to end the enemy king by herself. And now is when I thank the angels who left me in the forest instead because I could not bear to have to speak to Sakura again. In the end, the population was urged to inform immediately if they found a lost human with strange clothes or who spoke a strange language. But people selfish to their own interests only heard the death of their enemy and celebrated the news, even more, I was sure that no one would search for this missing person. Although Sakura does not know me right now, it would be better if I avoid crossing paths with her by any means, because apart from the fact that I do not want to along with remorse for what happened to his sister, it could be a big problem when I return, because surely she will see me as a threat if she realizes that there is a Fox girl and coming from Earth, she could lose a screw. She will see me as a threat to his reign as the most important person in history.

Since everyone was reunited in the square, I decided I'd better get out of there and take the opportunity to join the adventurers' guild, which surely should have few people for now. I hope to get the adventurer ID to enter the dungeon without much trouble or trouble. Since I did not know exactly where to go, I had to ask a couple of people about where the guild was, but in the end, I did it without being discovered.  When I entered the place it was almost completely empty, only one girl was at the reception, because of her clothes I imagined that she must be the employee of the place, so I went to talk to her.
"Why do I have to be here today?"
"Everyone is out partying, just because I'm the new one doesn't mean they can leave me behind!" Said the girl complaining at her desk
"I come to register with the guild"
"I can do it right?"
"Or hell and did someone really come?"
"Will I really have to work?"
"Hey, it's not my fault, I just want to join"
"There is a problem with that?"
"There is no problem"
"I welcome you to the adventurer's guild" Said the girl trying to be friendly now
"Before starting I will explain the bases of the guild"
"First of all the adventurers are ranked ..."
"Yes, yes, they are sorted by rank"
"From letter g to sss or lead to adamantium or something like that"
"blah blah blah"
"Level up, classes, magic, skills"
"All that shit"
"And the missions panel that is there with papers"
"I already know all that, can I register now?"
"Come on, it is just a formality to teach everyone how the union works, because you must consider there are people who do not know all that."
"But why so worried about skipping the information?"
"Is there any particular reason for wanting to rush me? Something together with which you are here and not celebrating like the others"
"That there isn't any, it's just that I know all that"
"I've heard it hundreds of times already"
"Can we go to the registry?"
I was so tired of listening to those conversations so many times that I was tired. Although that if the last question from her made me so nervous that I had to concentrate enough to pretend.
"Your eyes have just changed color!"
"What the hell was that!"
Oh shit, it happened again. And it couldn't be at a better timeI think it would be better to play it safe and go fastI took out the short sword that I had and pointed it at the receptionist because I think it was much easier to obtain it quickly. 
"A beast girl!"
"Shut up if you want to keep your head on your shoulders"
"I just came for the stupid permission to enter the dungeon that's all"
"You give me the document and I will go"
"Simple right, there is no need for you to do anything unnecessary?"
"But there is a problem, the identification is linked with magic"
"There is data that cannot be hidden from the document"
"The race and class section cannot be altered!"
Why everything in my life has a "but"  in every step?
"Okay, it doesn't matter, it's just to get through the door"
"You just do the document as you have to and you give it to me"
"So each one returns home alive"
"What do you think? 
The receptionist shook her head in agreement, she immediately put a paper on the table and began to fill it out as fast as she could.
"All right"
"What is your name then?"
"Put only Elise Valkyria, that will be enough"
"All right, and what race are you?"
"What? They ask that too? And how do I do with those who are not human?"
"The adventurer's guild accepts people of all kinds, so we work with all kinds of races, although when the war started there were problems as you can imagine."
"Great, so the idiot is me out of sheer coincidence again."
"Write dragon"
"What? Dragon? Are you sure?"
"It is that with those ears and the tail I thought you were an Arctic Kitsune"
"So what are you asking for?"
"Isn't it obvious? "
"Sorry, I tell you what I said"
"Finally, what class do you use?"
"Like, should I come with one?"
"could not be selected here?
"All people are born with a class in which they are most proficient, nothing prevents a farmer from working as an adventurer, but he will never be as good as someone who has a class as a warrior."
"That is why the document must have this information"
"That's super stupid"
"It is cruel to put that in plain sight!"
"Although it has given several disputes, this is how the information is handled and I can not do anything about it"
"What class are you?"
"Write Valkyrie also have if it sneaks"
"That should work according to what I heard"
"What class is that?"
"I have never heard of that class?"
"That is not a type of angel from some legend of the past?"
"Wait, does the machine let me register it?"
"What's going on?"
"Something good for the first time."
"Ready, that was what you were occupying, right?"
"Can you give me the damn document?"
"Yes of course"
"Here is your guild ID, if you present this at the entrance they will let you go to the dungeon."
"Although I would advise you not to go alone and form a group with someone with more experience because the place is dangerous for people who are not prepared"
The girl from the guild said those phrases with such monotony of doing it so many times that it seemed that she had forgotten that I had been threatening her with a weapon. I picked up the document and headed for the door to get out at once. But just when I reached out my hand the door moved in my direction and it hit me in the face with great force, enough to knock me to the ground.  I recovered quickly and got up even more, but I also realized that my hood was on the ground, so the ears and the tail, along with the bag where Tifa is hiding, could be seen. I quickly picked up the hood and put it back on, I drew my sword to deal with the person who had hit me. But curiously the other person was not as surprised as I thought she would be. Well, it turns out that she was the adventurer that I had helped the day before by killing the basilisk. When she saw me, she was surprised, but not because she met an enemy, but because she wanted to thank me that I had saved her life.  She mentioned that her name is Karen and that she was a silver rank adventurer, but that yesterday's mission despite being gold rank they had to accept it as an emergency because there was no one else. She came to claim the reward to pay the families of the adventurers who died yesterday trying to defend the city.

Karen was extremely grateful that he had saved her and killed the monster who even told the receptionist that I was a good person despite being a beast girl, and even gave me information about the cityI thought she was being grateful, but the truth is that I think she was complimenting me like I was a superhero, the receptionist even laughed and said that if Karen said that she voted in my favor then that I must be a good person.  When I left she continues to accompany me introducing me to other people, which helped me to avoid looking too suspicious, but at one point she even saved me when a child raised my hood and my tail was partially seen. Karen began to say out loud that I should hunt foxes and take them under the hood because people would think badly of me, others did not trust me, but it seems that with Karen by my side they preferred to think that. 
Karen said she even knew of a place where I could spend the night for a good price and where they didn't ask questions. Even though she had no money, she paid me three nights in advance so that I could give myself time to get more money.  She also told me that the next day she would teach me how to work in the dungeon. I liked that she was helping me because I had done the same, but the truth was that I felt quite uncomfortable how she was treating me so well, I even thought that maybe she trusted other people too easily. 

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