Valkyria Squadron

Ch98: Council Meeting

Council Meeting

Family Home, Sumida City, Tokyo

Today the atmosphere at home was a little different than usual. Right now there was a meeting of great importance for the participants. Everyone was gathered in the room, in the center of it was the TV on, projecting various graphs on percentages and numbers. The person who was exposing the information was dressed very formally, very similar to how Adelis dresses when she has an important meeting with a diplomat. All of her audience was staring in disbelief at what their eyes were seeing. Because in front of them they were observing how Lisa was presenting her topic in a highly professional and calculated way.

"And in this way, we can calculate that the average affection per minute or AAPM is 25.3 "
"Now, although we know that Cesar does not have the same time to spend with all of us the same amount of time together with the large number of problems in which he is involved makes the number lower."
"But even adding the average time spent with some of us and the shows of affection, the number is much lower. "
"How low? "
"Well, Cesar's AAPM is 5.4, that's how bad we are"
"We can't meet our quota if we continue at this low rate, so we need to increase AAPM to at least an acceptable level."
"I would love to raise it by a lot more than the average, but for now we must propose a realistic goal "
"According to graph 4, the AAPM that we must achieve by the end of next month should be at least 12.6 "
"So each one should get a 2.5 AAPM for herself"
"Yes, Lady Tamamo?"

"The division is wrong"
"12.6 divided by 3 is 4.2, not 2.5"

"Well that's because moving on to the next chart I prepared, this one, chart number 5"
"Seeing Cesar's record so far this year"
"It is clear that someone else will join our harem with a probability of 86.7%"
"I just go ahead and prepare in case that scenario occurs"

"But even then the division would be 3.5"

"Well that's because of a slight hint I got from one of the propositions that will come later"
"For my part, that would be all, thank you very much for listening to my talk on love shared in time"
"I hope that with this everyone can reflect a little more on how to carry out this relationship in the best possible way according to what I think Cesar will like"

The public began to applaud, everyone was surprised by the seriousness that Lisa had put into her talk. Because although they didn't know, the succubus had been spending the last 2 days preparing all the material and research without sleeping. She even consults with the twins to get the mathematical equations correct and integrate them into an interactive graph. The most surprised was undoubtedly Adelis when the demon asked her if she could lend her a formal outfit for today's meeting. 

"Well, thanks to Lisa for sharing her thoughts on the topic of our meeting today" 
"As you may have noticed, this meeting is for that, as wives, we have to find ways to improve our relationship with Cesar" Tamamo spoke 

"Wait a moment!"
"If this meeting is for harem members, what is Maria doing here?" Momo asked

"Well, at the moment she is the one who knows Cesar best since they have lived together for a long time, so I thought that maybe she could give us more information about him"
"Something like an external consultant"
"Any other question?"


"Okay, staying on topic, just like Lisa says I think we're not having time to do loving things"
"We already know that he is someone who is a very busy person involuntarily"
"But I think it was just bad luck, a very bad streak"
"The important thing is that we will do it from now on!"
"And that is why I propose that each of us should be entitled to at least one day off from the influence of others!"
"For example, the next time Cesar has a day off, we will go see a movie at the cinema"
"That day will be for the two of us only"
"After that, the next date will be he together with Momo"
"And the next after that it will be Lisa's turn"
"In this way, each one will have their time alone with him to do loving things with darling and the others stay out of what happens"
"What do you think? do you accept this agreement?"

"I agree, it's fair game" the angel said

"If stupid angels like you hadn't interfered with my love for him, right now I'd have him all to myself"
"But I am aware that he loves you too, so now I can't do anything about it but accept it and move on"
"I can't make Cesar feel bad because now he has me by his side"
"I have to support him in everything I can if I want him to love me back"
"So ok I accept your proposal " the demon answered

"Okay then, then we must agree to schedule the days for the other members and not to exhaust Cesar either"
"The next exhibit is Momo with her new invention..."
"The shoes with lights?..."
"What the hell?"

"Yes, right here I have the prototype!"
"It's not so much a great original invention, but during a party Rafael had me walk by a couple of floor lights and that made me shine like a light bulb"
"So I thought that if I wore shoes with lights and that they changed color I could maybe...."

"We have finished analyzing the internet history  of  Dad and we have managed to organize them according to their level of interest in him!"
"Do you want to see the results?" The sisters suddenly appeared with what seemed to be relevant news on some topic.  


The prototype that Momo had in her hands was destroyed while she was still tuning it, all due to a distraction caused by the conversation.

"Thanks for the interruption, they just saved us" someone said in the background.

"What? Who? Why? When? How?" Said Tamamo stunned.

Even Maria raised an eyebrow that until now she had only been acting neutral to what she believed was stand-up comedy.

Lisa no, Lisa was fine.

"Mom Lisa asked us to search for information about dad's past and with it, we have created what we believe to be his main preferences in girls."
"Using his past internet searches and history when he was young or when he was in the military, the information he was looking for has changed slightly, but the main themes remain the same"
"So we have a certainty of 97% of which is according to dad the ideal type of girl for him "
"And with it, we have made a classification of who is the person that most closely matches his preferences."




"There are so many buts to this that I don't even know where to start"
"I already understand the confusion Cesar felt when I proposed to him" Tamamo said, narrowing her eyes a little as a sign that she was thinking deeply about what she just heard.

"And well, what are the results?" Maria said excitedly

"What! stop no!"
"Hadn't he said that he didn't want you two to do those things?!"
"That's information he doesn't want to reveal, we can't do this!" Said the angel trying to do the voice of the conscience.

"Come on,That perhaps you do not want to know what are the tastes of your "darling"?"
"Are you afraid of being in last place?"
"You don't think you have enough assets?" Said Lisa striking a pose to further reveal her huge cleavage.

"Okay, okay"
"if that's how you want to play"
"I'm gonna play your damn game demon"
"I don't gonna lose to a cow" Momo said rather offended, as she covered the parts she had never done before, seeming to indicate that it did affect her.

"Well, who is in the first place!? Said Tamamo being the most excited of the group

"According to dad's list of preferences, and leaving out a slime girl because no one here is a slime girl."
"Fifth place goes to..."

"I already lost?" Momo said surprised.

"This is difficult to categorize, because even if he indeed look for things about angels..."

"They weren't transparent right!?"
"It's because I'm made of glass!"
"Is that it, just saying it directly!"
"I know I'm the problem, I've always known it!"
"AAAAAHHH!!!!!"  the girl ran into the room, from where the big bang was heard when closing.



"And that's why the other angels turned away from her "
"But don't worry, she's probably happy after having his date with darling."
Lisa said, seeming to know that it wasn't the first time she had seen her behave like this.

"In fourth place is Lisa"
"Well, the next topic that he looked for the most was succubus"
"Besides that, he bought the figure of one about a series that he watched during his time at school"

"Wait a minute, the fourth position!?"
"We are not so many people, against whom I lost!"
"Why did I lose!? Is it because of the horns? is the blue?"
"What color was the figure, where is it stored? Which character!?"
"I need to know it!"

"Come on, leave it, it's clear that it is your way of behaving "
"You still don't know how to change your appearance but even if you knew how to do it, nothing would change"
"Also it's not that you're bad, you have the body that any girl would kill to have"

"Actually, Dad seems to like the archetypal character that Lisa is."
"Two other figures that he got were of characters that..."
"Well we could say they were mentally broken for love"

"Okay but that doesn't answer my question, who did I lose to!"

"The next one on the list, I think it's a little difficult for you to understand me"
"Kazumi and I would be in the third position"
"Dad really likes technology and robots"
"Androids precisely"
"He liked the series of fighting robots and androids"
"Its main video games are racing or contain robots"
"His favorite game is a fantasy game with various races, including robots."
"Of which he has 5 characters of this race at maximum level"
"He had recently bought a buildable model on the internet about Nonoa, the battle android girl and her enemy the slime girl"
"In theory, the package should arrive tomorrow"

"These girls are really terrifying"
"If my brother was here he probably would have jumped on train lines by now."  Maria said she was really surprised by the sisters' ability because she also knew this side of him. 

"But even so the mystery continues, if only I was left, who else could be in the first place!?"
"Who could beat me?"

"All right!"
"jumping to first place, the person in the first place would be..."
"Cesar himself"




"I think we've been at this all day, but what the hell happened?"
"Why?" said the lady of the moon.

"The greatest amount of searches that dad has made, as well as downloaded material, is undoubtedly the kitsunes by a large margin"
"It is no secret to anyone that he likes nekomimi o animal ears"

"So why am I in second place!?"
"I am  the real Tamamo-no-mae!  The goddess! I am the original kitsune!"
"Everyone else is basically copying me!"
"How can I lose against him!?"

"Well, if the competition had been before he enlisted in the army, you would have won"
"But when he started there his internet searches changed quite a bit."
"He even paid a couple of commissions for various artists to draw a girl with fox ears and tail."
"And well between the descriptions of what he wanted are the same way of describing his current form "
"Right now Cesar with his girl's body is the one who most resembles the ideal girl according to his tastes "
"The size, the large bust, her big hips, the enormous foxtail, the type of hairstyle."

"So my brother, apart from being trans, is he a narcissist?"
"No" Tamamo said firmly while thinking.
"On the contrary, it would make a lot of sense"
"The hair color of these drawings of hers were black?"
"She always had red eyes?"
"Correct, but how did you find out?"
"It can't be!"
"Yes, it has to be Nanami"
"The first one that was with him"
"We have already seen that he never got over it, so it is normal that she was first"
"But commissioning artists to draw someone like Nanami?"
"That is legal?"
"Have you ever seen that he has a picture of Nanami?"
"Doesn't it seem strange to you that despite how much we know he loved her, he doesn't have any pictures of her?"
"With these "smartphones" that everyone uses now, taking a picture is super easy"
"But still Cesar does not have a single picture of her"
"We know Nanami looks like because Cesar is using his body now and he himself has informed us "
"But after that is how the war against the dragons ends, he had no way of seeing her again except the day he died"
"Maybe he was looking for a way to remember her"
"This was his way of trying not to forget her"
"At least when he was still a man"
"I can't believe how much my brother goes through with this"
"It's amazing how he still endures it"
"Even though no one knows where she might be"
"It seems cool to me, he like despite what has happened he clearly still has not given up"
"Despite all the time that has passed, he is still looking for her"
"It gives me hope to know that if one day something happened to me he will not rest until he found me again"
"Just like he do with her"
"It seems to me the clearest sign of love that someone could do"
The door of the house was flung openthrough it you could see Adelis, she was coming back from working in the cafeteria.  In her face you could see that something was bothering her, she carried on her back the weight of bad newsShe looked at those present in the room and with her authoritative voice, she sent for the missing angel.  The meeting had stopped dead in its tracks to move on to much more serious business, the way the mother was behaving reflected that. 
"Okay girls, I have serious news to give so I need you to listen to me well"
"We are in the red numbers, possibly close to bankruptcy"
"We have to do something immediately starting now if we want to correct it"
"What? How did that happen?"
"Well, it was nice while it lasted" Maria said, seeming used to hearing these words.
"Today I made the balance of this month of the premiere of my coffee shop"
"And the result was a complete disaster"
"Currently I had losses almost every day"
"And well I knew that something like this was very likely to happen, after all my store was completely new and unknown to the residents here"
"So I had money saved in case this happened so I could still move on easily"
"What I did not count on was that I would have to feed seven people more in less than a month"
"That along with the weapons, the vests, the bullets, the plane rental"
"I just have a monetary hemorrhage right now"
"I know that Cesar already feels guilty for not having income on his own or a job, with pay at least."
"So I don't want him to find out about this."
"We will have to change things if we want to move forward"
"I know Cesar said about making my coffee shop fantasy-themed trying to scare Haru away, but I think maybe it could work and attract more customers"
"So now we will make the following rule"
"With the exception of Cesar, the one who doesn't work in the cafeteria doesn't eat"
"If we all work hard we could grow our revenue and our customers to something where it's easier to run"
"Momo could help in the kitchen, the twins can be cashiers, and the others can dress up as maids to act as waitresses"
"With this, we will gain frequent clients in the blink of an eye"
"Wait a minute, Mom, aren't you rushing a bit?"  Maria said realizing what that would imply 
"I'm still recovering from my illness, I can't work yet, not dressed as a Maid!"
"The boys at school will laugh at me!"
"We can talk this democratically"
"Girl, under this roof we do not have a democracy, there is a dictatorship and here I rule"
"That you didn't want to be considered an adult? well, an adult takes responsibility for herself"
"Your brother wasn't embarrassed about working as a janitor at the school he attended when he was young or having to wear ridiculous costumes to earn money to help you"
"Are you going to let him beat you?"
"So you're going to help too"
"Come, I'm going to take your measurements right away to make your dress, I can still make one more with the material left over from Tamamo's dress!
"Cesar fought against dragons alone, as far as I'm concerned he already beat me!"
"I can't compete against that!"
"Help!" Maria said as she scratched the ground in order to hold on to something 
No doubt by the time Cesar returns from his adventure one or two things will probably be a little different.

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