Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 174 I Volunteer!

A week passed without a problem. There was no interdimensional invasion contrary to everyone's expectations, but that didn't mean they had the leeway to relax.

Once the new portal was done Sam gathered the Valkyries to announce his plans. A small team would be going to the Nephilim's world to investigate what happened there. The objective is to learn as much as possible about the new enemy and prepare for future encounters with them.

"Eh!?" Zero Three exclaimed. "You're going as well!?"

"Of course I am," Sam replied. "This isn't just another one of your patrols. And we still haven't figured out interdimensional communication."

The Bifrost works by punching a hole through the dimensional borders between worlds. Said border repairs itself almost immediately which means keeping the portal open requires a tremendous amount of energy, not to mention the possible effects of messing with the natural laws of the multiverse.

The only way to communicate between worlds is to send messengers when the portals are open. That means Sam couldn't just command his troops safely from a different world. He has to be there with them to make sure he's aware of everything so he can make the best decisions.

"Now, I'll be choosing those who will take part in this mi-."

"Here! I volunteer!" The first to raise her hand was Nine.

"M-Me too!" The second one was Miku. "As Doctor's personal Valkyrie, I have to be there to ensure your safety!"

Sam glanced their way and the next second his face twisted in a grimace.


That single syllable poured a bucket of cold water on both Valkyries. Blond hair wasn't the only thing Nine and Miku had in common; their feelings and dedication to the Doctor bordered on obsession and because of that his being mad at them was quite a painful experience.

"But… Doctor!" Miku tried to argue, tears in her eyes. "I know I made a mistake, but… I can't make up for it if you don't give me the chance!"

"I said no. You're sitting this one out."

"Doctor…" Nine was looking at him with puppy eyes. "You can't do this to me, Doctor. You know I can't stand being away from you."

She was forbidden from leaving her room ever since she destroyed half of the base in her rampage, with someone else taking over her guard duty. That meant she had gone several days without getting as much as a kiss from her beloved doctor, and seeing that he was still mad at her her chest was filled with nothing but pain.

"Exactly," Sam said as he turned away. "It won't be much of a punishment if you don't hate it. Make sure to reflect on your actions while we're gone."

"... understood…"

As Nine hung her head in defeat, same as Miku, Sam turned to his other personal Valkyries.

"Three, Five, you two will come with me."

"Understood!" The two said in unison as they saluted.

Nodding once, Sam turned to the next candidate prompting her to step forward.

"CS. You'll be our vanguard."

"Roger!" The gray-haired Valkyrie saluted with a grin on her face.

"Let's see…" As he looked around, Sam's eyes met Ichigo's. "Your ability proved to be crucial in the last battle. Ichigo, you'll be coming with us."


The pink-haired Valkyrie beamed the moment she was chosen. Seeing that put a smile on B3's face.

"Good for you, Ichigo." She said. "You'll get to spend more time with Doctor."

"B3!" Ichigo's face flushed at her comment. "That wasn't my intention!"

"Yes yes, you just want to be of help to him, right?"

As she continued teasing her fellow Valkyrie, the redhead was taken off guard when her name was called next.

"B3. You as well." Sam said.

"Eh? Me!?"

"What are you so surprised about? You'll be leading your own team while we're there."


"Show some discipline."

"... Understood…"

Though she appears as nothing more than an energetic little brat, Sam knew very well that B3 was a naturally gifted leader. On top of being able to take care of those around her, she was good at observing her surroundings and capable of making split-second reactions. He was hoping he could rely on her output if things got too hectic.

"Let's see… who else…"

"Excuse me, Doctor! I would like to participate as well."

The one to step forward with a raised hand was none other than Nino. Her expression was unusually serious and she seemed determined on joining no matter what.

"Hmm… I don't know about that…"

Sam was informed that the Japanese doll has been acting strangely as of late. It started with her using her powers unconsciously, but unlike that one time with Zero Three she had been fully awake when it happened.

It doesn't take a genius to know that the intruders from the other day had something to do with it, but when he asked her about it she denied that it was the root cause, though she admitted that it has been on her mind.

Seeing how unstable she is Sam felt that it would be a bad idea to bring her along, however at the same time he couldn't help wanting to find out what might happen if she's with them.

"... Alright. But on one condition." He said, scratching the back of his head. "You'll remain by my side the entire time."

"Eh? Um… understood!"

"As for the rest…"

Sam wanted to keep their numbers under twelve, but now that he was picking them he realized he wasn't that familiar with the other Valkyries. As he went through the profiles on his tablet he began to hear some whispers and muffled voices.

When he looked up he found most of the Valkyries around Nino talking among themselves with excited looks. The Japanese doll was silent with a red color on her cheeks, but when she noticed that he was looking at her her blushing intensified and the excited whispers became louder.

'Hm? Did they perhaps misunderstand?'

Sam instantly realized that his words could be taken in a different way which explained their reaction, but what surprised him the most was that they're able to read into things now after being completely oblivious to romance and man-to-woman relationships just a few months ago.

'I guess they're changing as well…'

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