Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 185 What's the rush?

Chapter 185  What's the rush?

"What…?" B3 was motionless for a moment.

Juni who was focused on her own task pointed the bat she created in the direction the attack came then took a striking pose. A bluish white ball began to form in front of her, and once it stabilized the short haired Valkyrie twisted her body and swung the glowing neon blue bat with every ounce of power she had.


Light flashed through the forest followed by a deafening roar that shook the ground. The ball of light Juni had struck turned into a brilliant beam drawing a line as it made its way to the target, and less than a second later another explosion resounded as it collided with an invisible barrier.

"Whoa! They actually caught my homerun!" Juni exclaimed, her expression showing more excitement than surprise.

"Ichigo! Keep trying!" B3 instructed. "Look for a way to overcome the jamming if it doesn't work!"

"H-how do I do it!!?" Ichigo yelled back. "I'm not a communication engineer!!!"

"Ask the AI or send a drone or something! Just hurry!"

As Valkyries each of the girls had a limited amount of skills. Telecommunications are usually handled by human soldiers, and since cleansing is her only specialty Ichigo found herself in quite a predicament.

"Brace yourselves." Sitta said, sounding awfully calm about their situation. "Another one is coming."

Just then another laser beam collided with her barrier. The barrier might be almost impenetrable, but the energy from the impact had to go somewhere so the result was a violent earthquake that shook the forest for miles.

Birds took off to the sky and animals went into a frenzy trying to escape the looming danger. The scattered beam ignited several patches of the woods and the fire began spreading in no time. A few more attacks like that and the whole area would become an inferno.

"Hope they realize their beams can't do anything." Sitta said with a sigh.

"And go back the way they came, right?" Venti said. "Cause if they don't, this will turn into a close quarters fight, and I really don't want that!"

"Seriously, what kind of Valkyrie doesn't want to fight?" Triska commented.

"Not me." Sitta sighed. "I would rather things end without me doing anything."

"What are you saying!?" Juni joined in, her voice full of excitement. "We can finally use our real powers! This is the best thing ever!!!"

Once the Valkyries had undergone the procedure to modify their hearts they gained access to a new set of abilities. One of them came in the form of the first halo which allowed each one to create weapons from materials drawn from other dimensions.

Though it was the first time they were using it, all of them reported that it felt more natural than using their standard equipment. Each one was able to create a weapon unique to herself and they all knew how to use them from the get go. At first it was believed that the training they had in Asgard played a role in that, but after Sam had that one conversation with Hela they learned that there might be more to it than what they know.

Juni was a special one even among her peers. While most manifested normal weapons like swords and spears, although with a lot more destructive power, her weapon came out as a normal baseball bat, but that was only the surface appearance. While it's in her hand, Juni's whole body is enhanced giving her hundreds of times her normal strength, which already far surpasses that of a human thanks to her synthetic body.

The fist sized balls she has been shooting at the enemy were made out of Balder's light. There was no need for her to bother creating them however she enjoyed swinging her new weapons too much to the point that she took it as a new fighting style.

"Sitta! Are you ready!" The tomboy prepared for another strike.

"Yeah yeah, you don't need to remind me."

Sitta brushed her orange hair back, still in her seat despite the current situation. She was always laid back to the point of laziness, but that only got worse when she gained the ability to create barriers out of her force field. Now all she does is sit around and guard the others, barely moving as she turns her barriers on and off depending on the situation.

Juni took a wide stance and twisted her body swinging her neon blue bat with everything she got. The moment it struck the glowing ball of yellow light the barrier surrounding the camp opened up and a beam shot out toward the approaching target.

Everyone expected it to collide with a force field and shatter just like the previous ones, however this time it it bounced back, taking a different trajectory as it returned to the Valkyries.

"Is this a challenge!?" Juni's excitement only grew when she saw the ball flying back toward her and she prepared to strike it once more. "You asked for it!!!"

Sadly Sitta had another idea and put closed her barrier causing the ball to explode the moment it collided with the invisible wall.


"It would've shattered the moment you tried to strike it." Letting out another sigh, Sitta ignored the protesting Juni and turned her gaze to B3. "So, what's the plan, leader? Force fields won't stop them if they used the same trick as before. Shouldn't we go to them instead of waiting?"

"Sitta is suggesting that we take action? Now that's new." B3 replied, her smile showing a hint of nervousness.

The attack on the forty sixth base showed them that the Olympians have ways to overcome the Valkyries' iconic ability, the force field, without needing to use excessive measures. That meant the longer they wait the more likely the enemy will come to fight them in person, but taking the initiative didn't there would be any less danger.

"Well, let's wait and see." As she spoke, red runes began to form over B3's head. "The war is just getting started, there is no need for us to go all out right from the beginning."

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