Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 804 Date With Mayzin

Chapter 804 Date With Mayzin

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

There were so many places in the castle where one could be, yet the most favourite and comfortable spot for Lilith was the courtyard.

This favourite courtyard of hers had a small pond, a small flower garden, a patch of well trimmed grass, and a pavilion at the side where there was a round table and few chairs.

This place was good for multiple reasons. The very first being that it was really convenient. Any maid could come up to her here and that wouldn't be possible if it was her bedroom.

In the bedroom, only Luna, Qingyue, and Bella could come and go without permission.

The next reason was that it was in the middle of the inner ring, a spot really easy to access by anyone. This would help her two babies have an easier time finding her.

There were many more such reasons, but all in all, it was quite comfortable and she spent most of her time here.

Currently, Lilith was sitting on a patch of grass by the pond and working on a few papers.

There were many exotic fishes swimming happily in the pond, all of them being either dark or red in colors, due to the Vampire Continent's atmosphere.

Lilith would stare at the pond periodically to check what her babies were doing.

As of now, Lucy had managed to reach the middle ranks in the world she was in. It was a dramatic growth and if this continued on, maybe in a few decades, she would reach the peak of that world and dominate everybody.

Lilith was proud of her and her growth made her heart be at ease. Despite knowing her child grew in battles, watching it and getting an assurance made her feel calmer.

Next, her baby Lith was suffering at the hands of Mayzin. She had brought him on the verge of death many times, but it was never to the point where he would actually die. It was all controlled, so Lilith wasn't really worried.

Her baby's growth and his capabilities made Lilith happy. He was standing out from the crowd and was really a genius.

Words weren't enough to explain how proud Lilith was to see him and Lucy do their things. She had made those two and watching them brought a satisfaction which could never be felt by another means.

Being a parent was really the greatest feeling ever, she believed.

As Lilith stared at the pond, she saw that Lith was finished training with Mayzin and the two were now conversing.

After a while of staying silent, the two began conversing and Lith finally asked:

"You surely haven't forgotten about the date, have you?"

"Oh! It's happening!" Lilith smiled happily as she watched the two's conversation.

Mayzin was by far the toughest nut to crack, but her baby had finally played his cards right and got a date with her.

Though, part of the reason Mayzin accepted the date proposal was because she lost a bet and had to go on a date anywho.

Whatever the case, Lilith was happy to see this development and smiled gleefully.

After Lith and Mayzin finished their conversation, they went to get ready for their date.

"It should be fun to watch, fufufu." Lilith said out loud.

"Though… it won't be fun to watch alone. I should invite those two—no, those three."

Saying so, Lilith took out her phone and dialed three people's number, taking them all in a conference call.

While she did that, far away from her place, back in the Dragon Continent, Lith was currently sitting and waiting for his aunt Mayzin to come.

Lith was dressed in a sports outfit and not something fancy like a formal shirt or something. The reason was, he was not taking his aunt out on a romantic date.

Yes, this may be risky to do so as first dates were meant to be somewhat romantic to develop interest in each other and get to know each other better, but Lith had some other ideas.

As far as he knew his aunt, she wouldn't like romantic things. She was too reserved and would unconsciously reject this idea. She had to be opened up slowly.

After a few minutes of waiting, Mayzin appeared in front of Lith in black leggings and a sports bra. Her purple hair was tied in a ponytail and her flat abdomen was visible clearly.

Lith whistled as he looked at her and said with a smirk, "Look at you, aunt. This is our first date and you're already trying to seduce me."

Mayzin rolled her eyes. "You asked me to be in a sports outfit, didn't you?"

Lith nodded. "That's right. Let's go then."

Lith extended his elbow out for Mayzin to lock arms with him.

Mayzin didn't do so and stared at him.

Lith raised an eyebrow and reminded, "You're my date today, aunt. There's no going back on it now."

Mayzin sighed. "Fine."

Lith chuckled as she locked her arms with him. This was their first touch on this date and slowly, more were to come.

The two took a few steps forwards and Mayzin teleported both of them to their date's destination.

Lith's vision darkened for a second, but then as it returned, he found himself around a lush green forest. There was the sound of a waterfall coming from beside him and turning to the source, Lith could see a narrow water stream flow down.

The two were currently at the peak of a tall mountain.

The density of the Water elemental energy was high and a big puddle was formed. From this puddle, the waterfall arised and then turned into a narrow stream.

Lith was in this location for one sole reason which was:


"Heh, let's see who builds their kayak the fastest, aunt," said Lith as he let go of her hand and stretched.

Adventure sports was what Lith chose as a first date idea. Anything else just didn't feel right when it came to his prideful dragon aunt.

Mayzin calmly replied to Lith's comment, "You do know that you'll lose, right?"

Mayzin was a Supreme Rank and Lith was a Half King, there was no competition between the two.

Lith, picking up a log, said, "We won't know until we try, aunt. We are anyway suppressing ourselves to the same realm, so it shouldn't be a problem."

There won't be a challenge or thrill if the two were in the immortal realms. They were far too strong to try out something like this and get a kick.

Suppressing their senses, perception, prowess, and everything else was what was needed to be done to get a kick.

Mayzin wasn't sure why Lith sounded so confident, but well, it didn't matter. The end result was decided and there was no changing this.

She and Lith both wore an armband that suppressed them. This artifact was designed by Lilith herself to spice things up and she gave quite many of it to Lith.

The two then stretched together and on the count of three, they wished each other good luck and ran to the woods to build their wooden kayak and paddle.


Royal Castle, Nightingale.

"That bitch sure has a lot of pride!"

In the courtyard, Lilith and the three invitees were sitting on the ground in a circle. In the middle of them was a screen from which Lith and Mayzin's figures were projected out.

It looked as if Lith and Mayzin had turned into mini sizes and were running in a miniature forest.

The one to curse while watching the footage was none other than Lucifer, who was munching on some popcorn while watching the two.

The other two people Lilith had invited were Agalea and Arya.

Arya was closely related to Mayzin as well as Lith. She had been rooting for them since day one and it would be an offense to not call her here.

Arya had her black blindfold on and was staring at the projection as if she could see through her blindfold.

Her blindfold contained magic spells that blocked her vision totally. Let alone her, no other Supreme Rank could see through this even if they tried.

Her sense of vision was always blocked, but this didn't cause any inconvenience, rather, it was quite beneficial for her as the rest of her senses had heightened to a great degree.

For example, she could hear, smell, and feel every small detail around her. She was really sensitive to them and these heightened senses had been strengthened to such a strong degree that her mind formed an image of what was around her, even without having her to look at them directly.

Arya didn't even need to extend her spiritual sense out to see what was happening around her.

When in battles, Arya's biggest trump card was her eyes. If she could do pretty much everything without them, then it was almost unimaginable as to what she could do with them.

Watching the live stream, Arya smiled and replied to Lucifer, "Zinzin had always been like that. Heh heh, it would be great to watch her fall just like the rest of us."

Lucifer nodded. "It sure would be fun. I am praying for her downfall."

Lucifer clasped her hands together and prayed after saying so.

Arya and Lilith laughed softly at this while Agalea scrunched her nose and said, "You shouldn't do something like that, Lucifer. Cursing your bestfriend like that isn't good."

"Bestfriend who!?"

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