Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 861 Demons Discuss

Chapter 861 Demons Discuss

In a sinister throne room, quite a bit of demons were sitting together and discussing things with great seriousness.

The demons ranged from short to tall and ugly to handsome, all within the same room.

Their seating position towards the throne described their power in the room and the ones sitting at the far ends were silent for now and it was only the ones in the middle areas who were discussing.

"We need to go to war!" A tall ugly demon stated. "It is of utmost importance right now."

The person opposite him shook his head and said, "No we do not need to. Our internals matter much more. His Majesty is not here, we all have to worry about that more."

"Wasn't it His Majesty's idea to conquer the worlds in our plane and then commence an attack at the higher plane? Have you all forgotten that?" A person from the warring faction spoke up.

"That's right! Weren't we supposed to dominate all the worlds!?"

"We must do the attack!"

"We must make His Majesty's wishes come true!"

The people from the war faction went wild with their comments and seemed really noisy to the powerhouses in the room.

When the Demon King was absent, such a situation would ensue every single time. The powerhouses hated it, but they could do nothing about it as the King had strictly warned them to be present in the court at all times in his absence.

The powerhouses could only let everyone discuss and curse at the first half of the meeting. It was so that the King wouldn't think that they were abusing their powers and suppressing others in the court.

The Demon King, although really cruel, actually gave proper opportunities to even the weak ones.

He believed that there were things that could only be seen by the weak and there were certain pieces of advice that only a weak person would be able to think of and give.

Everyone was valued in his court depending on their usefulness and the ones who brought nothing to the table were immediately kicked out.

The many people in the room, mattered not weak or strong, were the ones that had brought value to the King and the Kingdom.

It was due to this that the powerhouses could not blast out their strength and force everybody to listen to their orders.

This place was more democratic rather than a dictatorship. The strong were forced to listen to the weak and the majority made the decisions come to fruition.

The room was quite noisy for a while with the discussion being whether to attack the world they were planning to or not.

It was pointless for the most part until…

"Pause for a while." A good looking demon sitting a few seats away from the throne stated, his tone haughty and deep.

The room fell silent in response and everyone turned to look at him.

The man kept his calm and continued, "Instead of wondering whether you should attack or not, tell me… Why are we even planning to attack other worlds?"

There was an instant response to this. Someone said:

"Because His Majesty wants us to!"

Many nodded their heads in unison. Wasn't this reason good enough already?

The man shook his head in response. "Think about things thoroughly and try to understand the reasons why His Majesty had asked us to attack other worlds. If you can't do it, let me modify the question."

"Tell me, what's the predicament our world is facing as of now?"

The room fell silent once again as something suddenly clicked them.

The ones closer to the thrones, the strong powerhouses, it was them who nodded this time.

A minute of silence later, a person said, "The resources in our world have been depleted. We need to migrate to a better place soon."

"Exactly!" The good looking man replied. "It's all about the resources and the reason why we're attacking everyone else. We are at such a point that we have nothing to lose, so we are going all in."

Mods could be seen occurring once again.

The man then said, "All we need are resources but in big amounts. We don't need to plunder them, we can obtain it via trades as well. His Majesty is not here yet and attacking isn't the right choice. Instead…"

All attention was on this man now and everyone seemed interested in what he wanted to say.

The man took out an artifact and was about to show everyone something when,

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Footsteps could be heard coming from a certain direction and everyone's head was turned into that place.

They all wondered who it was that had dared to come so late.

The figure, a tall and lean man wearing majestic black robes and possessing lush, long green hair walked from the entrance of the throne room.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock as they saw the man and immediately stood up and bowed deeply in response.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Everyone said in unison.

Just a while ago, they were all cussing and yelling, but now, they had all turned into obedient kittens with the arrival of one single person.

The green-haired tall figure didn't respond to the greetings of the people in the room and haughtily walked towards the throne and took his seat.

Crossing his legs and staring at everybody with slanted eyes, the man said, "Sit down."

Everyone sat down as ordered.

The man then gazed around the room with his calm eyes and asked, "Why has the attack not commenced yet?"

The voice contained so much power within it that the demons cowered in fear and lowered their heads.

Nobody spoke up and this made the figure say, "I asked, why has the attack not commenced yet?"

Fear rose within the hearts of the demons present. They could never guess that they would end up in such a dire situation so suddenly.

The Demon King's wrath was well known everywhere. They had all heard stories of how cruelly he killed the ones who didn't obey him properly.

This very fear was what caused them to calculate each and every step and not make any mistakes.

The attack had been put on hold because they were unsure whether the King wanted them to attack the world or not.

However, it was only now did they realize that the King indeed wanted them to attack and not sit quietly.

They not doing it was a disrespect to him and this meant that they deserved severe punishment, which may as well be death.

The Demon Society was really cruel in such regards.

The powerhouses present at the front, they knew they had to speak up now or things would be really troublesome.

An extremely handsome and tall demon, standing really close to the throne, bowed slightly and said while keeping his palms on his chest,

"Your Majesty, we were awaiting your orders."

The Demon King turned to look at him and asked, "Did I not give you the orders?"

The man got up and said while looking at the Demon King, "With all due respect Your Majesty, you never mentioned anything regarding war."

The Demon King stared at him with his serious eyes and made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable and shiver.

The handsome man was unbothered by it though as this thing had happened many times before.

After staring for a few seconds, the Demon King said, "Okay. Now I'm ordering you, bring me the worlds."

The man bowed and said with a happy smile, "As His Majesty wishes."



Lith was still in a meeting and the chubby kid, who had fallen asleep on his lap, suddenly sneezed and jolted awake.

Lith was surprised to turn to look at him. "You okay?" He asked.

The kid frowned at first, but then scrunched his nose and rubbed it on Lith's clothes and went back to sleep.

Lith felt amused by this interaction, but chuckling, shook his head and went back to the war briefing.

Meanwhile, the chubby kid, who pretended to go back to sleep, wasn't actually sleeping but thinking,

'I suddenly had a dream of sheeps jumping over a fence. Hmm… Why…'

The chubby kid felt groggy while thinking so, but retaining his consciousness and not sleeping again, his thoughts continued, 'I only get sheeps jumping over a fence when something bad is going to happen. What bad could even happen to me right now?'

The chubby kid was then lost in his own thoughts while pretending to sleep in Lith's lap.

'Is something going to happen to big bro? Or is something going to happen to me? No. That shouldn't be the case. I retain my powers so nobody could touch me. Then what? Are the demons finally starting to attack?'

The kid went into some deep thinking and almost fell asleep due to that.

Waking up again, the kid's thoughts continued, 'Hmm… Maybe I think it's the demons commencing their attack. But… They should not be doing it unless I commanded them. Then how can they…'

The kid felt really confused as to what was happening or what could be the reason for his sheep dreams.

He kept pondering over it and eventually made his little brain tired out, succumbing to deep slumber on Lith's lap once again, gaining little to no insights over things.

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