Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 914 The Man Rivera Would Allow

Chapter 914 The Man Rivera Would Allow

[Disclaimer: The first part of the chapter contains Yuri. Skip it if you dislike it.]


After careful consideration and a lot of thinking, Duchess Rivera said calmly, "Well… That man…"

"That man…?" Vanessa asked.

Rivera rubbed on Vanessa's pussy lips with her middle and ring finger and continued, "See… There's only one man who I could think of. It's His Highness, the Vampire Prince."

"He's the only man in the world who could do it, because you know… If the talk is about him, I don't particularly have a choice."

"What do you mean?" Vanessa was confused and asked.

Rivera's lewd fingers stopped rubbing Vanessa and slid inside her dripping warm hole. Fingering her, she replied, "The Prince is an authority. I, along with the rest of the Vampires belong to him. So technically, if he wants to, he could fuck me anytime and I could never say no. So yeah, he's the only man in the world."

"Oh?" Vanessa was amused. "Even lesbians don't have a say?"

"Lesbians? Pfft…" Rivera laughed. "If the Prince wants to, he could even fuck the straightest of men."

"Alright, I did not need to know that." Vanessa had black lines form on her forehead. "Anyway, so you're saying that…"

Vanessa extended her hand out and caressed Rivera's pussy lips with her fingers. She then inserted her middle finger inside and continued, "…this thing is indeed capable of getting stuffed, if the cock belongs to your Prince, yes?"

Rivera, nibbling on Vanessa's clit, said, "Yes. But I doubt the Prince would want me, so things are fine."

"Hmm… You may never know…" Vanessa said while caressing Rivera's g-spot deep inside.

"Nghh… Try not to finger intensely and break my hymen…" Rivera commented.

Vanessa chuckled. "Still a virgin?"

"Has its benefits." Rivera replied instantly.

"Benefits? Isn't it simply a gift for your Prince?" Vanessa let out an evil chortle.

"None of your business." Rivera said, annoyed, and bit onto Vanessa's clit.

"Ahhhh… Don't bite, damnit!"


Royal Castle, Nightingale.

"Sigh… How do I explain this to Master?" The petite and cute butler, Fei, said with a tired tone.

She shut the laptop down and rubbed her temples. "I'm in for punishment, but oh well… At least Duchess Rivera is delaying things and not going all out. Hm. Hm. I think I'm doing a good job. And I'm sure that pervert Master would like these lesbian clips."

Lith's reputation in front of Fei was at rock-bottom. Thinking that he may like these scenes was a natural thought that occurred to her.

Shaking her head, Fei said, "Anyway, I should go do some work he gave me."

Saying so, Fei left the place.

Meanwhile, in a different courtyard of the inner ring, two redheads sat on a levelled grassy patch, surrounded by many colorful tulips.

One looked like a seductive mature beauty while the other was a beautiful young lady.

This was the mother-daughter pair, Keith and Fanny.

Fanny lay her head on her mother's lap while Keith caressed her hair and talked.

In the midst of their talks, Fanny said, "Mom… Everything is so peaceful, isn't it?"

"Hmm." Keith hummed in affirmation.

Fanny looked at her mother's gentle red eyes and continued, "Is it a new experience for you, or have you experienced such peace before?"

Fanny asked an indirect question to Keith.

Keith had always been in trouble with there being no peace whatsoever. Many did show her some goodwill, but all those had a hidden agenda to it.

Thus, Fanny really wanted to know whether her whole life was a tragedy or did she have at least some peace somewhere.

Keith knew what her daughter was asking. She wasn't stupid enough to not decipher it.

Caressing Fanny's hair and not taking offense at the question, Keith answered, "I've had a few experiences, but those were all a carrot and stick situation."

A carrot and stick situation was an infamous method of manipulating someone.

Carrot meant reward while stick meant punishment.

Some gave rewards first to make someone happy, then used them and gave them the stick.

Some gave the stick first and then gave the carrot, making the punished be really grateful for the carrot.

These were all forms of manipulation and Keith was well-versed with it.

Fanny felt a bit sad hearing that, but still, she had to ask this one last question regarding this.

"So… What do you think of the current situation, mom? Is it the carrot and stick one too?"

Keith had a neutral expression on her face. She continued to caress Fanny's red hair and after some thinking, answered, "No, it's not."

Fanny let out a relieved sigh.

Keith continued, "This is the first time I've encountered someone showing goodwill without expecting anything in return. This is the closest form of peace you could ever have. Not just you and me… No one in this castle is forced to do anything. They all do things on their own…"

Fanny nodded. "That's true. It's also my first time looking at something like this."

Keith nodded as well. "Mine too. People are genuinely happy in this place. Their attitude of serving and submission is natural. It is not easy to achieve such a thing. In my two lifetimes, there were only a handful who genuinely had such people. You know what this means?"

Fanny shook her head.

"This means that these Masters are extremely talented and powerful." Keith continued. "Anyone can have subordinates but not everyone can achieve a level of loyalty like this. Have you also noticed how our own attitude has become?"

"Our attitude? Aren't we normal and the same as before?" Fanny questioned.

Keith shook her head. "We are not. If you haven't noticed, we are both changing, ever so slightly. We do not hate the man who forced us to sign a contract and enslaved us for ten thousand years."

Fanny knitted her brows upon hearing that. "We don't? But we are enslaved…"

"Yes. We don't." Keith emphasized. "Because we were never enslaved. We were simply forced into going to a safer environment. If we wouldn't have, I'm sure we both would still be struggling somewhere."

Fanny was shook by the sudden reality. She got up from Keith's lap and began pondering over it deeply.

Keith let out a soft smile and patted Fanny's head.

"No need to think so deeply about things. It took me a while to understand this, but I can tell you with absolute assurance that…"

Keith's gaze turned towards a certain place.

"…we are in safe hands."


In an Adventurer's Tavern, Neutral Continent.

Clinging clanging sounds of utensils reverberated in the humid room as the aroma of many spices breezed around.

The room was illuminated by oil lamps, bringing forth an orange tinge to the whole ambiance.

Amidst this lighting and environment worked four people, three men and a woman.

The four wore an apron, a chef's hat, and were continuously moving their bodies to prepare a wide variety of dishes despite having a lot of sweat trickle down their bodies.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I messed up the peking duck! The skin is not at all crispy and the meat isn't tender!" The black-haired Dennis exclaimed while slicing duck meat.

"Hand it out anyway with a discount! Those fucking adventurers will eat just about anything!" The short brown-

haired Miwa, who was tossing things in a wok bigger than her whole body, shouted.

"No! We cannot afford that! This is the fourth dish in a row with a discount!" The pink-haired Ralph stated while stirring a big pot of soup with one hand and throwing some marinated chicken in hot oil for deep frying with the other one.

"Tsk! It'll take some time to cook duck meat again! These suckers have such a small time frame. If you fry them even a second later, it'll come out as rubber. If you take them out even a second earlier, it'll be uncooked. Fucking hate this!!" Dennis said, really annoyed.

"Did you score the skin, cook it low and slow, then baste it?" It was Lith who asked the important question while chopping vegetables with one hand and rolling out pasta sheets with the other.

"Yes—No! Shit! I didn't score the skin before…" Dennis yelled.

"Do it then. Don't send the dish out anymore." Lith suggested and went back to working.

"Aaaahhhh! I hate myself! I shouldn't fucking have travelled that day and ate at a place without money! Fuck! Fuck!" Dennis regretted that day when he was caught by the ramen shop owner.

"You fucking shouldn't have! Now I'm stuck with you idiots in this! I don't even want to be a cook!" Miwa yelled while tossing the ingredients angrily in the wok.

The adrenaline was at an all time high among the four and it had been more than a decade with no breaks in their training.

They were seriously tired of this damn training and wondered just what the fuck was even the point of it?

If they wanted to cook to survive, they could already do it easily by grilling some beast meat and eating some berries. What was the need to learn a thousand different ways of cooking!?

"Shut up and work, idiot. You do not know that in every adversity lies a reward." It was Ralph who yelled out.

"Tsk. I'll beat you dumb bitches to a pulp once this training is over. Just you three wait!" Miwa yelled and got back to working.

Just like that, amidst the happy and loud partying noises of the adventurers of the tavern, were four annoyed voices that took care of their food needs and became a source of their happiness.

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