Various heavens big shot chatroom

chapter 22

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Pirate World.

In the New World, a big ship with the Crescent Beard Pirate Flag is moving fast at sea.

And the owner of this ship search is the white beard who is said to have the power to destroy the world and is known as the “world’s strongest man”!

At this time, the white beard pirate group, the atmosphere on the ship was extremely lively. All the captains, crew members, and even the white beard father were all laughing, as if they were holding a grand banquet.

While sitting in the corner of the banquet, seeing Chen Changsheng’s black beard who didn’t know what he said, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground in fright.


As the second protagonist at the banquet, the sound of a broken glass in his hand naturally attracted the attention of other people, and it drew everyone’s attention.


A rough voice suddenly rang in Blackbeard’s ears: “Koohahaha, what? Titch, didn’t you have a good time at the banquet? Today is an important day for Ace to be the captain of the second team, why? Do you regret it, Shouldn’t you give the opportunity to Ace? Cohahaha, if so, tell my father, I don’t mind if you play fair again!”

The person who said this was the captain of the black beard, the old white beard, with a bold smile on his face, and the white beard laughed.

“Huh? So Big Brother Titch still wants to be the captain of the second team?”

Beside White Beard, Ace stood up directly from the floor after hearing White Beard’s words, helped him to blow the cowboy hat crooked in the sea breeze, and unabashedly showed excitement in front of everyone:

“Since Big Brother Titch intends to be the captain of the second team! Just right, father! Then let’s not compare.”

“I think I have been in the White Beard Pirates for a short time, but Big Brother Titch is old enough. This time I just quit!”

“However, although I withdrew this time, don’t think I’m afraid of Big Brother Titch! When I feel that I have enough qualifications, I will challenge Big Brother Titch again! At that time, I will be the No. 1 of the White Beard Pirates. Captain of the second team!”


Baibeard took a sip of wine, and with his free and easy laughter, the atmosphere that had been somewhat reduced in heat was revived again!

“Okay! As expected of my white-bearded son! Ace, you did a good job! How is it? Titch, Ace made way for you.”

“Yes, yes, Big Brother Titch, compared to Ace, I really think Big Brother Titch is more qualified!”

“Hahaha, now it must be Big Brother Tiqi qualified, but you heard that Big Brother, but Ace said that he will challenge you in the future, and he will be the captain of the second team dignified.

If you think that you will be taken lightly as the captain, and I was really defeated by Ace, then don’t expect our men to be merciful at that time, I will definitely laugh at you for three days and three nights, hahahaha! ”

“That’s right! Hahaha…”

The members of the White Beard Pirates group immediately followed, but subconsciously, all of them recognized that Black Beard was the captain of the second team.

Blackbeard was in the Whitebeard Pirates. He used to be accustomed to observing his words and behaviors. He was generous, open-minded and frank in his usual style. Therefore, he was very popular in the Whitebeard Pirates!

Although Ace has a good affinity with the Whitebeard Pirates, after all, the time to join is still short, how can he compare to the Blackbeard at the moment!

It can even be said that even Ace himself was convinced that Blackbeard became the captain of the second team.

As he said, I gave it this time, and it’s a big deal to grab it again next time!

“Thief hahaha!”

“Papa Whitebeard, Captain Ace!”

Faced with the enthusiasm of the crowd, Black Beard took a deep breath, and without changing his face, he lifted Ace, who was in his mid-teens and twenties, to the height of the captain. In his words, people could not realize the slightest unwillingness:

“You misunderstood, I’m not interested in being a captain…”

Blackbeard’s face changed, and he put on another “good old man” look of compassion for others.

“Captain Ace is a natural fruit, capable of burning fruit, strong, younger than me, and full of hope in the future!”

“Although it has been a short time to join the White Beard Pirates, I believe that everyone has recognized Captain Ace in their hearts!”

“This is the personality charm of the captain! Compared to me, Captain Ace is more suitable to be the captain of the second team!”

“Thief hahaha…”

“Papa Whitebeard, Captain Ace, and everyone, what is the purpose of today’s banquet? Isn’t it just to celebrate Captain Ace being the captain?”

“As for me, you guys don’t mention it anymore, or you’ll be against me, Tiqi, and the entire second team of the White Beard Pirates!”

Titch also took a sip of wine, obviously the captain was right in front of him, but he directly rejected everyone’s proposal.

Under the rough appearance of his big black bear, there is a witty head hidden.

“Cohahaha, good!”

White Beard laughed boldly. This scene, or the scene where his sons were enjoying themselves, made him very satisfied.

That’s good…

After all, if one day, his white beard died.

As long as the sons are still as united as they are now, then, at sea, it is also an extremely terrifying force.

“Koohahaha! Ace, it looks like you have to be the captain of the second team.”

Ace nodded, then smiled at Blackbeard: “Anyway, Titch, thank you for your kindness.”

Faced with Ace’s heartfelt thanks, Blackbeard just patted Ace on the shoulder with a big smile.

“Thief hahaha…”

“Captain Ace, you are too far off to say that.”

“We are deadly friendship!”



the other side.

In the chat group of the heavens.

At this moment, it is also very lively.

Xiao Yan: “Hi, the host of the group seems to be very unfriendly, have you seen it? This is called the future of the guy with the black beard?”

Yakumo Zi: “Allah~ It seems that newcomers are not easy. This is the first time we have seen such a group leader.”

Saitama: “…I’m really curious, what exactly did the newcomer do so that the group leader can’t keep calm. Aiming, this is obviously aimed at?!!!”

Kosaka Honoka: “Well, but, I, I think Mr. Blackbeard is a good person, that… he was very polite when he asked me to introduce the group, and he would say thank you after reading it.”

Tang Hao: “…A person’s statement is often invisible, just like the Wuhun Temple, on the surface it is open and upright, secretly, I don’t know what it is doing, I believe in the judgment of Senior Chen Changsheng.”

Chen Changsheng squinted his eyes, glanced back and forth between Thanos and Blackbeard, his thoughts flickering in his mind.

This time joining is different from the first time. Looking at these two people, Chen Changsheng’s expression is extremely solemn.

After taking a deep breath, he returned to the chat interface this time and explained:

Chen Changsheng: “@All members, everyone, sorry, here, I must remind you one thing, so as not to trust others in the future, honestly, not all of the chat groups are good people.”

Chen Changsheng: “For example, if Dimiugos and even the big tomb of Nazarick where he is located, if placed in the world of one punch, then it is destined to be an evil force to be destroyed by Saitama.”

Chen Changsheng: “However, if we have to pick a list of the most dangerous people in the group, Thanos, who does not bubbling, can be ranked first, and Blackbeard… can be ranked second!”

black beard:”???”

Blackbeard, who has just solved the pirate world, is back online.

Seeing that during the time he was diving, the chat group owner had defined himself at the height of the second evil party, and suddenly felt his scalp numb.

So what, what the hell, what is the situation?

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